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From Transformers Wiki

Pitstop is anAutobotfrom theTransformers Universeportion of theAligned continuity family.

Pitstopis an Autobot.

Years of over-refinement means there isn’t anything “stock” aboutPitstop.But no matter how hard this Autobot floors it, he seems to spend more time in the pits than in pole position. Roll him out onto the battlefield though and all his special modifications come into their own. On the track he might not reach Victory Lane, but in battle he’s always at the front of the grid.

—Warrior bio from the Transformers Universe client files



Transformers Universe

Pitstop was among the Autobots who were on board theArclightwhen it was shot down overCentral City.He survived the crash and proceeded to take part in a series of battles against the Decepticons who had come toEarthaboard theLeviathan.Transformers Universe


  • He was apparently leaked after a couple of users on theTransformers Universeforums tweaked around with the generic web address for all the model images forAutobotandDecepticonWarriors.


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