Predacon Field Squadron
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ThePredacon Field Squadronground force are specialized for combat in water, air and on land, and they cannot cut it in any of them. They try their best, but their most admirable quality is that they are good for a laugh.[1]Each member of the team fires the Right, Left, and Center Lasers to combine into one mighty attack.
Contents |
Cartoon continuity
2001Robots in Disguisecartoon
Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The events of theRobots in Disguisecartoon occur in Japanese continuity as noted above, except that they take place in theworld of the original Generation 1 cartoonwhere the Transformer cast are time travelers from theBeast EratoTokyoin the year2000.
Shell Game continuity
Car Robots
- Goosher(Basic, 2000)
- Japanese ID number:D-004
- Accessories:Tongue-mace
- Aredecoof theBeast WarsTransmetal 2PredaconSpittor,Goosher transforms into a monstrous techno-organic toad. Hisbeast modetongue acts as a hand-held flail weapon forrobot mode.He also has a flip-up claw on his toad back.
- Guildo(Basic, 2000)
- Japanese ID number:D-003
- Accessories:Dark Sword
- Aredecoof theBeast WarsTransmetal 2MaximalNightglider,Dark Scream transforms into a techno-organic monstrous flying squirrel. His tail acts as a scabbard for his sword accessory.
- Gaskunk(Basic, 2000)
- Japanese ID number:D-002
- Arepaintof theBeast WarsTransmetal 2MaximalStinkbomb,Gas Skunk transforms into a techno-organic monstrous skunk. His tail features a separate swinging scissor-blade at the tip. He has a hiddenspark crystalin his right rear leg in beast mode (left bicep in robot mode) revealed by a simple flip-up panel. His other leg/arm also has a flip-up panel, but there's nothing special under that one.
Robots in Disguise (2001)
- Dark Scream / Gas Skunk / Slapper(Mega 3-pack, 2001)
- Accessories:Tongue-mace, Dark Sword
- For theirHasbroreleases, the members of the Predacon Field Squadron were released in a Mega-level pricepoint box all together. The toys in the 3-pack features several deco differences: Slapper features metallic green eyes rather than silver, Gas Skunk features a slightly darker yellow paint on his beast mode back, and Dark Scream features silver-colored plastic rather than dull grey, silver chrome to his back of his neck, and different paint applications on his beast mode head.
- The name "Predacon Field Squadron" was never used in theRobots in Disguisecartoon itself. The name originates from bios provided for Gas Skunk, Dark Scream, and Slapper in the English dub'sproduction bible,in which Dark Scream was said to be the group's second member and Slapper its third member (making Gas Skunk the group's unspoken first member). However, the name was written in full lowercase, as if it wasn't meant to be a proper name.[2]Publicly, the name first appeared on the (now defunct)Fox Kidswebsite in a bio for Slapper that was (like the others from that site) derived from the production bible's longer bio. It was this Fox Kids bio that uppercased the name to make it more proper.[3]
Foreign names
- Japanese:Metal Beast 3 Kyōdai(メタルビースト3 huynh đệ, "3 Metal Beast Brothers" )[4]
- ↑As stated in their R2 DVD bio
- ↑Robots in Disguise Series Bible, at TFRaw
- ↑Robots in Disguise character bios on
- ↑According to the firstCar Robotstoy catalog, Guildo, Goosher, and Gaskunk make up a parallel group to the "3 Car Robo Brothers" (asMach Alert,Speedbreaker,andWildridewere called in Japan), but this subgroup name is likewise never used in the cartoon, nor is any familial relationship implied between the three.