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Prim is analienSpace Knightfrom theIDW portionof theGeneration 1continuity family.
ROMAnnual2017 Prim.jpg

Primis a feline member of the order of theSpace Knights.


Prim was a new recruit to theSolstar Ordermilitia who trained at the same time asRom,Livia,andFy-Laa.After doing some null gravity training underOrphionandDiavod's supervision, the four decided to clean off in the showers. Prim expressed her confusion atEloniangrooming customs and the fact that Rom and Livia seemed to always be in heat. On her first field mission, she was teamed withButinto investigate a volcano onShrinn Island.Soon afterwards, she became one of the firstSpace Knights.Cold Fire

Prim was one of fourSpace Knightswho quarantinedCybertronafterunusualDire Wraithenergy signatures had been detected coming from the planet.First Strike #2The four left after the crisis had passed.The Dead Come Home, Part 1

Prim was a part of a phalanx of Solstar Knights who confrontedUnicronwhen he began attacking Elonia. When the phalanx'sleaderignoredOptimus Prime's warning against taking the planet-eater head on, Prim opined that they should have listened just before Unicron unleashed a blast of energy that killed her and the rest of the team.Our Darkest

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