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Proton cannon

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Proton cannonsare a type of weapon emplacement used to combat the threat of enemy starships. Also,Submaraudertotes one around on his submarine mode.



The Transformerscartoon

TheQuintessonshad a massive proton cannon that was used to defendQuintessafrom invaders. TheAerialbotsarrived on the Quintesson homeworld in order to rescue their fellowAutobotstrapped on it which prompted theAlliconguards into firing their proton cannon at theAutobot fleet.Whilst initially doing damage,SilverboltsentAir RaidandSkydiveto take out the cannon.Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2

DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

Inweapons mode,Seawingbecame a dual-proton cannon.Seawing'sMore than Meets the EyeprofileSubmarauder'sPretendershell was armed with a proton cannon that he could also use inrobot modeand whentransformedinto a deep sea attack submarine.Submarauder'sMore than Meets the Eyeprofile


After beingupgradedby theMini-Cons,Starscream'snull laser cannonswere replaced with proton cannons, which he used in a futile effort againstUnicron,though the blast was powerful enough to breachCybertron'satmosphere andnearlyreach the monster planet.Cramp

2005 IDW continuity

The Functionist Universe

Inan alternate timeline,Megatronand theAnti-Vocationist Leaguefound themselves defending the city ofAdapticafromLuna 2,repurposed as a giantharvester unit.When Megatron asked about defences,Nine-of-Twelveglumly informed him that they only had a few proton cannons and missile launchers. Megatron made the best of the situation by orderingAnodeto deploy the weapons where they would do most damage, and Nine-of-Twelve to lead the people underground via multiple routes.Bad Moon Rising


The Transformers

One gun, two names.
Although it is not listed amongstThe TransformersSubmarauder's accessories, hispackagingbioasserts that his submarine mode is armed with a proton cannon.


  • Submarauder's instructions label his Pretender shell's rangedweaponas a torpedo rifle, which is reiterated in his packaging bio, where it also mentions that his submarine mode is armed with a proton cannon. However hisDreamwaveMore than Meets the Eyeprofile omits any mention of his torpedo rifle, replacing it with the proton cannon entirely.
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