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The Transformers: Autocracy#6
Autocracy 6.jpg
Publisher IDW Publishing
First published March 28,2012
Story by Chris Metzen&
Flint Dille
Art by Livio Ramondelli
Letters by Robbie Robbins
Editor John Barber&
Carlos Guzman
Continuity 2005 IDW continuity
Chronology Before the war

Orion Pax makes a stand against Zeta Prime while Nyon is destroyed... by someone else.



Autocracy6 pax vs zeta.jpg

Zeta Primeand hisOmega Destructorsare wreaking havoc inNyon,usingvamparc ribbonsto drain the rebellious citizens of theirenergonand burn the city down.Orion PaxtellsHot Rodto evacuate his comrades before moving out against Zeta to buy them some time. Watching fromKolkular,Megatronis impressed by Zeta Prime's unexpected zeal, but shows more interest in seeing what Orion will do.

Acting as bait, Orion Pax andProwllure an Omega Destructor into theRust Narrows,where the rest of the team pelts it with gunfire. Once the war machine proves to be completely unharmed, Orion calls for a retreat in the hopes that Hot Rod is done evacuating. However, Hot Rod's rebels have already given up, realizing there's no way they can all make it to safety in time. They feel it's better that their people die bytheirhands than used for fuel by Zeta Prime, and Hot Rod regretfully detonates a large number ofphase-chargeshe's planted throughout Nyon.

As the city and the Omega Destructors go up in flames, Orion Pax realizes Zeta Prime had this turn of events planned all along, having purposefully forced Hot Rod's hand to make him kill his own people. Zeta suddenly appears in person, defeats his team and tells him the moral of the story: being on the "right" side isn't important as long as you're on thewinningside. Orion desperately charges him, but is swiftly taken out by his vamparc ribbon. Zeta Prime has won.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)



Other thancollections of the full series.

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