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Quickswitch is anAutobotSix Changerfrom theGeneration 1continuity family.
All the best cowboys have daddy issues.

"Chaotic" and "unpredictable" are the best words to describeQuickswitch.His rapidly alternating form is echoed by his moods changing just as wildly. Whether you find him happy or sad, angry or upset depends mostly on the occasion you happen to run into him. If you find Quickswitch during a bad mood, the best advice is to simply suffer a moment longer.

He is thesonofSixshot.Sometimes he is partnered with theTitan MasterDynamus.

It's Quickswitch, Sixshot's son! And he's on our side!Some guy,1988 commercial



The Transformerscartoon

Although Quickswitch never appears in an episode ofThe Transformers,he was verbally referenced in new live-action sequences created for the show'sfifth season.

Quickswitch was in charge ofCybertron's new security system.Optimus Primehad to cut one of his meetings withTommy Kennedyshort to aid Quickswitch with testing out the security system.Season 5: FFOD, Part 2

MarvelThe Transformerscomics

UK comics Quickswitch really wanted to beObi-Wan Kenobi.
This character appeared exclusively in the UK portion of theMarvel Comics continuity.

Quickswitch was supposed to meet an informant atMaccadam's Old Oil House,but ran afoul of a couple ofMecannibalswho had come looking for revenge onDreadwindandDarkwing.It took some showy transforming into each of his modes to stop the beasts. The two drunken ingrates, however, never even noticed.Out to Lunch!

Ladybird Books continuity

Quickswitch ladybird.jpg

Quickswitch was seen flying over the Autobot base on Nebulos.Autobot Hostage

When the Decepticons went to ground onNebulos,Quickswitch was sent withQuickmixandScoopto locate them. He was the only one able to cross theNebulos Triangle's mercury lake due to his hovercraft mode, and he managed to locate the Decepticons' secret underground city. Hearing Decepticons, he knocked over some fuel canisters and bravely fled to the surface. With Scoop and Quickmix's help, he sealed up the only exit with concrete made fromNebuliteso the Decepticons remained trapped, and the Nebulos campaign, possibly the war itself, was ended.Decepticons Underground

Kre-Oonline comic

He'd say, "I'm gonna be like you, dad
You know I'm gonna be like you. "

During Christmas Day, Quickswitch stood guard outsideAutobot City.Two Giant Bases! Everybody Getting Along, Come On, Fight!


InAxiom Nexus,Quickswitch was a contestant onCybertron's Got Talent,which his father Sixshot had previously appeared on, and had a healthy fanbase thanks to hailing from thePrimaxcluster.Andromeda - Axiom Nexus News, 2015/05/14

2005 IDW continuity


When theTalismanthreatened to end all life onCybertron,Quickswitch was recruited byWheeljack.Using his recently acquired driller mode, Quickswitch agreed to transport Wheeljack's anti-Talisman bomb to the planet's underground, where it would counteract the energies of the alien artifact before it reachedVector Sigma.Much to Quickswitch's concern, this involved installing the explosive in his chest.

The bomb primed and ready, Quickswitch and his passengers began to drill down to the core, only to be confronted by themagicalenergies of the Talisman, anathema to Transformer life. Accepting his fate, Quickswitch pushed himself as far as he could go and made it to just outside Vector Sigma's core before his body fatally crumbled to dust. The bomb survived the trip; while priming it, Wheeljack thanked Quickswitch for his efforts.Good Men

Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

Quickswitch was one of many spectators for theSpeedia 500race onVelocitron.Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 2

Commercial appearances

Who ate all the pies? Quickswitch did!

Quickswitch was Sixshot's"son",burdened with the task of making up for his "father's" mistakes. ThoughGetawaymistook him for a Decepticon upon first seeing him, Quickswitch displayed his true loyalties by making short work of bothHorri-BullandSnaptrap.Quickswitch commercial

WhenOptimus Primereturned as aPowermaster,he used Quickswitch in handgun mode against some Decepticon aggressors.Powermaster Optimus Prime commercial


The Transformers

When we were kids, we'd flip out that white nosecone bit in robot mode so he had a big flat shovel-like... yeah. We were kinda dumb.
  • Quickswitch(Six Changer, 1988)
Released in the fifth year of theoriginalTransformerstoyline,Quickswitch is the second "Six Changer" in the series. Besides his basic form as a humanoid robot, he turns into a Cybertronic jet,drill tank,laser pistol, hovercraft and a flying puma. His armament of choice is a pair of (non-firing) photon blasters, which he uses in many of his modes. Despite being relatively wellarticulateddue to his various transformations, all of his modes are kinda blocky. His robot mode suffers from odd proportions, making him look like he's wearing a full diaper.
Various sources disagree on where Quickswitch's Autobotstickershould go; it seems likely that the design intent was for it to be placed on the flat gray area on his midriff, as seen in hisstock photography,package art,and the instructions for Takara's counterpart.[1]
The same mold was used in Japan to makeSixknight.

Titans Return

And as I hung up the phone, it occurred to me
He'd grown up just like me
My boy was just like me
  • Chaos on Velocitron(Multi-pack,2017)
  • Accessories:"Dynamus" Titan Master, 2 rifles
Aredecoand minorretoolofTitans ReturnSix Shot,Quickswitch is a Leader Class mold as part of theTitans Returnsubline imprint ofGenerations.He can transform between six different modes: robot, tank, car, jet, beast, andupside-down laser gunsubmarine. In robot mode, hisTitan MasterpartnerDynamusforms the inner portion of his head, fitting inside the body's attached helmet; in the other five modes, he either rides in various compartments or stands on them via the numerous tiny pegs all over Quickswitch's form.
In promotional CG renders, both his helmet and his face were retooled, but in production, only his Titan Master face was.
Unlike other Leader Class figures in this line, Quickswitch does not have an (official) base mode. However, his wings have clips on the edges that allow him to connect to other Leader Class figures' base modes when in certain modes; his instructions suggest the tank mode.
Dynamus and Quickswitch were only available in a box set named "Chaos on Velocitron" that includesRefractor&Laser Prime,Parsec&Autobot Nautica,Fastclash,and aRodimus PrimeTitan Master head. The set was officially announced by Hasbro to be aToys "R" Usexclusivein the United States, Canada, and Hasbro's Asian markets (such as Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong). Despite this, it later became available viaAmazonin the United States (but not in Canada) as well, actually sold by Amazon directly (as compared to a third-party seller).
This mold was also more extensively modified intoLegendsGreatshot.


  • Like most manga-originalKreons,Quickswitch is made up of existingKre-Oparts. He wears the ever-popularHoundhelmet and theStarscreamwing backpack.
  • Though Quickswitch had never showed up in the original IDW continuity until his truncated appearance inTransformers vs. Visionaries,bothJames RobertsandNick Rocheattempted to use the character in their comics, with each creating a wildly different origin story.
    • Nick Roche's story for Quickswitch was that he was an unaligned civilian who was critically wounded byProwl's false-flag bombing operation inCarpessa,as seen inSins of the Wreckers#3.His multi-changing body was a massive life-support machine built around his fatally wounded inner robot. A robot based on Quickswitch ultimately did make an appearance in the final scene ofRequiem of the Wreckers,but owing to the discrepancy created byVisionaries,Nick Roche later decided it was Sixknight.
    • Before "season 3" of his comic was truncated to 25 issues, James Roberts' intent was that Quickswitch would be aPhase Sixercreated by the marooned crew of theLost Lightwith scavenged supplies ofununtrium,a Point One Percenter spark, and knowledge of the process gleaned from Chromedome's foray into Overlord's mind, as the culmination of Prowl's plan to create "Autobot Phase Sixers" as seen in the earliest issues ofMore than Meets the Eye.[2]This Quickswitch would have been a pacifist.[3]
  • At one point, Hasbro had plans to redeco the original Quickswitch toy as a Decepticon in the Generation 1 toyline. This deco would eventually be revealed inLegacy: The Art of Transformers Packagingand inspire the characterKillswitch.

Foreign names

  • French:Interclic(Canada)
  • Mandarin:Biànsèlóng( biến sắc long, "Chameleon" )


  1. "But, there you have it, plain as day. Takara altered the paperwork for Sixknight to show his Autobot logo (now sticker #10) on the midriff area, not the front pontoon/crotch/diaper. I agree it looks better, and it marries up with the box artwork - and what little evidence there is of the corresponding sticker on stock photography." —Maz, Transformers Square One, "Hasbro G1 Sixchanger Quickswitch", 2018/05/28
  2. James Roberts and Nick Roche Q&A panel at TFCon 2018
  3. Transcription of 30 November 2018 James Roberts Q&A on Instagram
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