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Quintus Prime

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I went into space to create alien species who could act as allies to theTransformerrace! And madethese guys... whoops.

The scientist of theThirteen,Quintus Primepossesses a mind second to none. His idealism and perfectionist tendencies means that he frequently butts heads with the less imaginative members of the Thirteen. Something of a daydreamer, Quintus believes that life, in all its forms, is the most important thing in the universe, and that life should be encouraged to grow and thrive at all costs throughout the galaxy. Accordingly, he wields theEmberstone,anartifactwhich can accelerate biological processes in base elements.



Aligned continuity family

The Covenant of Primus

Quintus was the tenth Prime created byPrimusto fight againstUnicron.His artifact was theEmberstone,and he became one of the Strategists of the Thirteen, alongsideAlpha Trion,Micronus PrimeandLiege Maximo.To defeat Unicron,Optimus Primeexposed hisspark,its frequency almost identical to Primus's own, to Unicron's own Anti-Spark knocking both intostasis lock.Quintus subsequently used his Emberstone to awaken Optimus. After Unicron's defeat, Quintus drifted freely between the cliques formed in the group alongsideAlchemist Primeand Optimus Prime.

After Maximo revealed thatPrimahad been plotting how likely each member of the Thirteen was to be corrupted by Unicron's presence, it came to light that Quintus had worked alongside Maximo and Megatronus to create new robot beasts – Prima was suspicious of these beasts and ordered the three to shut down their "Farm". A conflict broke out between the Thirteen over whether or not Maximo had the right to create new life – a conflict that eventually came to a head when Optimus demanded a full vote on the matter.

The vote came to a tie untilSolus Primevoted against allowing Maximo to create new beasts. After Megatronus accidentally killed Solus, Quintus was among the members of the Thirteen that demanded that Megatronus be found and made to pay for his crime, but the group was surprised when Solus's dead body began to glow and melted an opening to the deep core of Primus, creating theWell of All Sparks.When Maximo was confronted at the Farm, Quintus refused to accept any personal responsibility for the beasts' creation. The Thirteen then proceeded to fight, their battle spilling into the caverns with the beasts.

With theAge of Primesover, Quintus went into space to seed life, hoping to create new races that might one day form peaceful alliances with Cybertron. His first stop was a metal-rich planet he namedQuintessa.There, he created the firstQuintessons,a manipulative, deceitful race which would become less than friendly with Primus's new creations. When the Quintessons arrived on Cybertron, Alpha Trion wondered what became of his brother, idly speculating that Quintus's own creations may have disposed of him when they no longer required him.The Covenant of Primus


According to legend, at the beginning of time, Unicron and Primus battled each other for eons, with neither side remaining victorious for long. Till, that is, Primus created theThirteen.These Thirteen defeated Unicron and cast him into space.One Shall Rise, Part 1

Generation 1 continuity family

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance:Transformers#47(mentioned),Till All Are One#9
Second from the right, and fashionably green.

Quintus was one of the Thirteen Primes who led theThirteen Tribesthat arose on Cybertron following the departure of theKnights of Cybertron.LagrangeLike four others he was attracted to the alliance atCrystal City,forming theThirteenPrimes. Unbeknownst to the Primes, one of their number, the bestialOnyx Prime,was in fact a time-travellingShockwavefrom twelve million years in the future, who was manipulating history to ensure the rise, and subsequent fall, of the Primes' society. Goaded on by Shockwave's machinations,MegatronusandLiege Maximoturned on the group, killingSolus Primeand starting theFirst Cybertronian Civil War.Though Megatronus managed to flee Cybertron, Quintus andNexuswere able to restrain Maximo, eventually banishing him aboardVigilem.The First Who Was Named

As the war wound down, Nexus Prime met his end at the hands ofGalvatron,prompting all the remaining Primes, exceptAlpha Trion,to flee Cybertron. Eons later, the younger Shockwave would send one hisRegenesisores,Ore-2,toGorlam Prime,The CrucibleThe First Who Was Namedthe resting place ofQuintessa,aTitansomehow affiliated with Quintus.Ceremony

In the modern day, Quintus Prime's name was remembered in theWay of Flame,the religion of Solus Prime's colonyCaminus.Lagrange

Power of the Primestoy bios

Quintus Prime'sSparkpassed into the possession of one of the twelvePrime Masters;hidden within a suit of decoy armor, they safeguarded the abilities of the Primes until the present day. By uniting with a larger Transformer, the Prime Master could channel the powers of Quintus's Spark and grant them unique abilities that varied with each new partner.Quintus Prime toy bio

For a list of every permutation of Quintus Prime's abilities, seethis link.

2019 IDW continuity

Quintus Prime was one of the Thirteen.Sea of Rust I


Quintus Prime was one of theThirteen.Dweller In The DepthsSilent StrikeThe Other One


Voice actor:Clancy Brown(English),Naofumi Ichihashi(Japanese, as theEmberstone),Yasunori Masutani(Japanese,#44,#52),Gabriel Bueno(Brazilian Portuguese),Dan Osorio(Latin-American Spanish),Augustin Jacob(French)
"Squidward, you're evenmorehandsome now! "

After helping to establish Cybertronian culture, Quintus Prime left his homeworld on a mission to seed life on planets all across the galaxy, intending to create new races that could be allies of Cybertron in the future. Using the power of his Emberstone, he would trigger the evolution of life on a planet, then quickly move on to the next world, leaving the races he spawned to fend for themselves. His first creations, theQuintessons,desired to know the purpose of their existence, and so set off into space in search of their absent creator—but when they discovered that they were just one of many experiments Quintus had abandoned, they grew bitter and sought to destroy Quintus and all his creations, and take the power of the Emberstone for themselves. Fleeing the Quintessons, Quintus took refuge on primordial Earth, where he fused his spark with the Emberstone, and used its power one last time to create theTitanTerratronus,who would protect the stone from all who would misuse its power. Terratronus deceived the Quintessons into thinking Quintus and the stone had left Earth, then placed the stone in a subterranean cave marked with Quintus's insignia.Age of Evolution, Part 1Witwicky, Part 1

Millions of years later, when later generations of Cybertronians came to be stranded on Earth, thehumansiblingsRobbyandMo Maltofound the Emberstone beneath the town ofWitwicky.Age of Evolution, Part 1Judged worthy of its power by Quintus's spirit,Witwicky, Part 1the pair's touch activated the stone, and as Quintus's voice rang out, dubbing the children the "legacy of hope," the stone's power created two new Transformers,TwitchandThrashfrom a pool of water, and manifestedcyber-sleeveson Mo and Robby's arms that emotionally bonded them to the robots.Secret Legacy, Part 1When they later explored the cave system withBumblebee,the scout found a message in Ancient Cybertronian but failed to notice Quintus' insignia.Friends and Family

AfterOptimus Primewas informed of how theTerranshad come to life, he recognized the Emberstone and, withAlex Malto's aid, explained Quintus Prime to the younger audience. When the Maltos and Terrans were surrounded byArachnamechs,Mo beseeched Quintus for aid, and the Prime's voice responded and activated the Emberstone to createHashtag,Jawbreaker,andNightshade.Age of Evolution, Part 1

When Robbie fell ill, and Optimus theorized that only the Emberstone would be able to help him, a distressed Mo tried to use her cyber-sleeve to contact Quintus Prime. In frustration, Mo wished that she'd never touched the Emberstone at the same time thatMandroidclaimed the artifact. Bringing the Malto family to his starship, which had been orbiting Earth abandoned for millions of years, Quintus's spirit showed Mo a simulation of what her life would have been like had she never touched the stone. Mandroid then teleported aboard, hoping to crash the ship to end the Maltos, only for the Emberstone to empower Mo's cyber-sleeve enough that she managed to defeat him. Quintus then appeared to the Maltos, thanking Mo for answering his call but warning that there were still trials ahead.Prime Time


Guess theuniversal greetingdoesn't work onnasty creatureswhoonly look likeyou.

Quintus Prime and the other twelve Primes were created byPrimusat the dawn of Cybertron, and they ruled Cybertron benevolently through its Golden Age. When a war with the Quintessons threw the planet into a protracted, violent conflict, the Primes' secretary,Sentinel Prime,herded thethirteeninto a Quintesson ambush within a remote cave. Quintus would be killed during the battle, with his brothers' and sisters' bodies resting in a hidden cave for fifty cycles before being rediscovered by minersOrion Pax,D-16,Elita,andB-127.

A vision of Quintus Prime and the other Primes later appeared as Alpha Trion declared a damaged Orion Pax to be the next wielder of the Matrix of Leadership, Optimus Prime.Transformers One


Power of the Primes

Theone with tentacleswas too obvious.
  • Quintus Prime(Prime Master,2018)
Power of the PrimesQuintus Prime is aPrime MasterwithBludgeondecoy armor, visually based on the originalPretender's inner robot and shell. Quintus Prime/Bludgeon is apartial toolingofVector Prime/Metalhawk,swapping that toy's grey sprue for yellow parts with new detailing. The new weapon piece is modeled after a kanabō (a metal stick), and uniquely can be wielded as such with the alternate 3mm plug on the end.
This toy has identical features to the other Prime Masters in the line. The decoy armor has a weapon piece which can fold out to create a weapon mode, or detach and be held in the armor's 3 mm-compatible hand. TheTitan Master-like robot can store inside the decoy armor or rideLegends Classfigures in vehicle mode, and is fully compatible with toys from the previousTitans Returnline. The "Power Swap" gimmick means itssparkform can plug onto any decoy armor's weapon form (which has a5 mm postto be held by larger figures), Deluxe Class figures' chest armor, Voyager Class figures' bucklers, Leader Class figures'Matrix(in place of their Matrix core),combiners' torsos (in place of theirEnigma of Combination), or theScepter of Sparks.With the power ofyourimagination, this bestows the Prime Master'sunique poweron the larger figure.


  • Quintus Prime's name derives from, naturally, theQuintessons,his creations in various continuities.
  • TheCovenantimplies that Quintus Prime may have also inventedspace bridgetechnology; the Quintessons are said to have reverse-engineered its incredibly advanced principles from a mysterious source, but they themselves did not fully understand how the device worked.
  • Quintus Prime was inspired by Johnny Appleseed, going throughout the universe to spread new life.[1]

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Quintus Prime(クインタスプライムKuintasu Puraimu)
  • Hungarian:Quintus Fővezér( "Supreme Commander Quintus" )
  • Mandarin:Wúcháng Tiān( vô thường thiên )


  1. "I thought of him as the Johnny Appleseed character. For those of you who don't know, kind of a guy spreading apple seeds around as he walked. So this guy was spreading Cybertronian life..." —Aaron Archer, YouTube, 2024/02/24

The Thirteen
  • Quintus Prime·
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