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Rhode Island

From Transformers Wiki

Rhode Islandis a state in theUnited States of America.



Cyber Key Code content

Downshiftand hislifebond partnerbegan their assimilation intoEarthlife in a small town south of Providence, Rhode Island. It was so peaceful, they opted to settle on Earth after the war.Downshift's Cyber Key Code text

2005 IDW continuity

Adventure TeammembersJoe ColtonandMike Powerwere both born in Rhode Island, in the cities ofCentral FallsandPawtucketrespectively.Hasbro Heroes Sourcebook #1

After parting ways with Rom,Earthfall, Part 4Darby Masonwent to live withher grandmotherin Rhode Island.Reinforcements, Part 2


  • Hasbro's corporate headquarters are located in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. The company is also incorporated in the state, defying the trend among publicly traded companies to incorporate inDelaware.

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