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Rogue Star

From Transformers Wiki

Rogue Staris astarshipfrom theGoBotscontinuity family.
Not to be confused withhim.

Rogue Staris theRenegadeflagship.Cy-Killis often its commander.



Ask Vector Prime

RenegadeRhetoric Farewell Roguestar.jpg

InGargent 087.0 Kappa,Cy-Kill had theSpy Changershis lieutenants had rescued from theGuardiansbrought toRogue Star,where he attempted to court the Spy Changers as allies.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/30


  • Rogue Starwas referred to in theChallenge of the GoBotscartoon (rendered as "Roguestar") andAsk Vector Prime/Renegade Rhetoricwith no article adjective. This is a less common but not unprecedented grammatical usage with ship names.

External links

GBwikilogo.png GBwikihas content relating toRoguestar.
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