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S.T.A.R.S. continuity

From Transformers Wiki

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I didn't ask for his responsibility!

TheS.T.A.R.S. continuityis amicro-continuityestablished in severalmail-order flyersincluded withGeneration 1toys,as well as a direct-mail flyer and some fanclub merchandise. Its storyline was intended to encourage readers to join theS.T.A.R.S.fanclub andorder away for exclusive toysunavailable at retail.

To fully engage the reader,Hasbrotook the interesting tack of blurring the line between the fiction and its medium: Joining S.T.A.R.S. meant not just becoming a fanclub member, but becoming an active agent in theAutobotarmy. The fiction often switched to thesecond-person perspective, with Autobots likeUltra MagnusandOverdrivetellingthe readerdirectly that they needed to take action to save the day. Fanclub merchandise like theCommand Centerwas simultaneously "full-color graphic board [...] perfect for storing and displaying Transformers" and a means to "command your own Earth sector," with one storyline featuring ahumanboy using it to communicate with and monitor an Autobot squad.

For the purposes of this wiki, we consider the flyers (or at least their basic messages) to be part of their own fiction. All of the stories are understood to be presented by the Autobots to a human audience for recruitment purposes.

The term "S.T.A.R.S. continuity" is wholly fan-made; there is no official title.
S.T.A.R.S.-continuity flyers

Reinforcements from Cybertron!
The battle is far from over!
Tech-Spec Manual
Earthlings: THE S.T.A.R.S. need your help now!
Have the Decepticons defeated us once and for all?
Can one boy, alone, hold back the evil Decepticons?
The Autobots Have a Special Mission for:
You Have Been Chosen.
Rodimus Prime remembers the Transformers greatest battle on Earth.
Transformers Combat Data
The Autobots Are Under Attack!


The first message describes the wearyEarthboundAutobots near defeat, having sent an S.O.S. toCybertroneven though they're not even sure if anyone would still be there to hear it. Miraculously, a shipment ofnewAutobotsoldiersarrives, and the message details their abilities. S.T.A.R.S. is not actually mentioned at this point, though the second-person narrative does begin to creep into the story. The next message repeats the first, but with the addition of S.T.A.R.S.-recruitment material.

Humans joining S.T.A.R.S. would receive a Command Center, ID card, and a manual containing a Cybertronian history lesson, an in-depth description of part of the Autobot base, and profiles of severalTransformers.

Another message follows up on the story of the previous two, sent from Overdrive (one of the new arrivals). He acknowledges that he and his comrades have turned the tide, and he detailsOptimus Prime's plan to strike at hiddenDecepticonbases with the aid of human allies. The addition ofG.I. Joe-related content and its attendant wording suggests that this message is intended forU.S.military personnel.

The next two messages, however, are clearly aimed at children, featuring a story aboutJohnny,a young S.T.A.R.S. member whose town is attacked byThundercracker.He attempts to summon and command an Autobot squad, but the outcome is left unresolved. The reader is encouraged to help the fight.

Soon afterwards, the Autobots decide to use their human allies to promote theirnew movie.A message is sent out ordering its recipients to spread the word about the film, promising special rewards in exchange for ticket stubs.

Following that, Ultra Magnus sends a message, engaging his nominee for S.T.A.R.S. Commander in a training exercise wherein the human is meant to imagine what it would be like to be variousTransformers(who happen to be almost exactly the same lineup from the story of Johnny).

The next messages featureRodimus Primerecalling the "greatest battle on Earth."As usual, the reader is told to join S.T.A.R.S. and take part in the" action, "though the fact that the battle is happening inflashbackmakes this narratively troublesome. The final message, however, is a simple tale of fuel-starved Autobots evading a Decepticon strike, which makes the plea to help the Autobots more sensible.

Publication dates

All of the flyers have copyright dates, but those are only according to year, and some years contained multiple flyers. Where there is ambiguity, we have arranged them according to story logic.


  • As mentioned above, placing this storyline within any larger continuity is difficult at best. Taken at face value, this is a world whereThe Transformers: The Movieis an actual film promoted by the Autobots, Rodimus Prime coexisted with Optimus Prime before Autobot City was built, and Thundercracker is an awe-inspiring opponent.
  • While most of theGeneration 1toy pack-in flyers are part of this continuity, not all are. For example, "Look Inside for a Special Offer!"and"Inside...a Transformer Not Sold in Any Store!"have no story content; they simply describe the toys being offered."Start Your Own Decoy Collection"does contain a comic, but it has no apparent connection to the S.T.A.R.S. storyline.
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