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Sandstorm (G1)

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The name or term "Sandstorm" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeSandstorm (disambiguation).
Sandstorm is anAutobotfrom theGeneration 1continuity family.
Enter Darude-Sandstorm joke here.

Sandstormgets bored easily, and has a very hard time concentrating on humdrum tasks. He craves excitement, and since theTransformersapparently don't have the X-Games (though they do haveskateboarding apes), he goes in for fighting theDecepticons.The ever-present threat of deactivation or maiming doesn't frighten him, but he does fear that the war might end any chance for him to enjoy life. For Sandstorm, war may not be heaven, but it's a hell of an adventure.



Marvel Comics continuity

MarvelThe Transformerscomics

Events from theUK-onlycomic stories are in italics.
"Think how great a first impression we'd make if I shot him in the crotch!"

Sandstorm was one of threeTriple Changersrecruited byEmirateXaaronto back up theWreckersinOperation: Volcano,replacingUltra Magnusafter he went missing. In order to make a good first impression onImpactor,their new commander, Sandstorm and his buddies beat the titanium-coated stuffing out of him, thus proving that they'd fit right in with the Wreckers. However, there were still doubts as to whether the Triple Changers were up to their task in the mission. Such concerns became null when Volcano ultimately failed to lure their targets into the intended trap. All it yielded was Impactor's death, who was felled by aDecepticon nobodywhile the rest of the forces drew back. After gunning down the assassin, Sandstorm and the others watch solemny as their commander's life force faded away.Target: 2006

As a member of the Wreckers, Sandstorm helped capture what he believed to be a Decepticon spy disguised as Autobot leaderOptimus Prime,...The Harder They Die!only to later discover the "spy" was actually the genuine article. Once Emirate Xaaron confirmed his old friend's identity, the Wreckers stood down.Distant Thunder!Along with Ultra Magnus, they fought alongside Prime againstStraxusand his forces, plundering Decepticon strongholds of theirenergonbefore Optimus returned to the Autobots ofEarth.Resurrection!

Technician wreckers legion of the lost.jpg

After Prime was transported back to Earth,Autobasewas moved toKalis.It was soon rocked by a huge explosion and, believing the explosion to be caused by an underground reactor, Sandstorm and the other Wreckers searched in vain for the chamber. Upon their return to headquarters, the Autobots were overcome by a legion ofzombies!Springer, still ill-at-ease in his role as leader, floundered when the shambling horde burst through the floor, and without anyone to coordinate them, the Wreckers were easily vanquished. They were captured by the undead horde's controller,Flame,fitted withinhibitor bands,and detained within an underground cell. Though things seemed grim, Springer regained his senses following a pep-talk from Xaaron and managed to escape.Legion of the Lost!

It's all part of a new program we like to call "Deep Hurting"!

Sandstorm and the rest of the Wreckers managed to break out of their cell as well, reacquired their weapons, and once more took up the fight against the zombies patrolling Flame's headquarters. They then bumped into a returning Springer, now accompanied by Ultra Magnus,Fizzle,Sizzle,andGuzzle.Unfortunately, any further progress towards Flame's inner sanctum was blocked off by a massive blast door. Though their weapons proved completely ineffective against it, the Autobots managed to get through whenTrypticonarrived, repaying a favor that fellow DecepticonFlywheelsowed Ultra Magnus. Unfortunately, they came to confront Flame too late; his machines had already destabilized, and the countdown to Cybertron's destruction had already begun. While Springer, Ultra Magnus, and Xaaron dealt with Flame, the rest of the group cut through the remnants of the mad scientist's zombie army, and headed back to the surface. There, Sandstorm learned that a zombifiedImpactorhad forfeited his (un)life in order to prevent the whole planet from blowing up. The Autobots stood in solemn silence to honor Impactor's heroic passing.Meltdown!

Sandstorm helped prepare the squad to jump to Earth and eliminate the threat ofGalvatronafter receiving a warning from Ultra Magnus and the Sparklers.Deadly Games!Unfortunately, their portal dropped the Wreckers on Galvatron right in the middle of a human town, while the latter was having a meeting withCyclonusandScourge.This left the risk of civilian casualties unbearably high. The Wreckers were forced to focus on clearing Galvatron out of the town and securing the safety of the humans rather than actually fighting to capture or kill the super Decepticon. Unfortunately, Sandstorm's efforts in this task were met with difficulty, as the humans couldn't tell Autobots apart from Decepticons. Springer managed to lure Scourge and Cyclonus away, allowing the rest of his crew an opportunity to gang-up on Galvatron. But they were unwilling to simply abandon their leader to the Decepticons' mercies, and the Wreckers allowed Galvatron to escape in order to help their leader. Scourge and Cyclonus also retreated upon finding themselves badly outnumbered, and the Wreckers were forced to return to Cybertron to plan anew.Wrecking Havoc

Aren't you with the Wreckers? In space?

Oppressed underGrimlock's tyrannical rule, Sandstorm and several others on board theArkpleaded forBlasterto usurp Grimlock as leader of the Autobots.Spacehikers!Later, he would join the other Autobots in watching them duel for leadership on Earth'smoon.No one knows how Sandstorm got there.Totaled!

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After the mission against Galvatron failed, Sandstorm was assigned to Earth duty full-time withBroadsideandInfernoas anAdvance Surveillance Unitfor Galvatron's next move. Though they had been instructed to keep out of human affairs, Sandstorm was still itching for some action. He got more than he bargained for when he investigated a town fire; at first the situation seemed like an opportunity to safeguard life from a natural disaster. While helping the townsfolk evacuate however, Sandstorm, Inferno, and Broadside discovered that an alien life-form, aFirebug,was the source of the conflagration. Working together, the trio caught the critter and sent him off to Mercury, where he wouldn't cause further trouble.Firebug!

Later, the trio made a mess of some locals'Christmascelebration while trying to join in, leaving the town ofBorder Flatsin ruins as a result. Sandstorm and his teammates made themselves scarce, only for the AutobotPowermastersto track them down and attack, thinking they were dealing with a trio of Decepticon trouble-makers. Suitably ashamed of the damage they had caused, the Advance Surveillance Unit apologized for the misunderstanding. As the Autobots settled down, Optimus Prime joined them to impart on Sandstorm and the rest about their responsibility to the planet.Cold Comfort and Joy!

Once he reported to Cybertron about Galvatron amassing resources, Sandstorm joined a joint task force of Wreckers andMayhemsin confronting the evil Decepticon from the future. They were strong. They were numerous. They were annihilated. Galvatron'sparticle cannonended up obliterating Sandstorm while the task force was in full retreat after losing more than half their members.Time Wars

Marvel UK future timelines
Rodimus technobots wreckers peace.jpg

Sandstorm was among the Autobots defending their territory during the Decepticons' all-out assault under the command ofCyclonusandScourge.The Legacy of Unicron!

In an alternate future of2510,Sandstorm joined the Wreckers on Cybertron's northern front where they finally exterminated the last Decepticon outpost, bringing the war to an end. Later on,Rodimus Primecalled an official end to the war effort and announced his plans to pass theMatrixon to Springer. The Decepticons were not totally gone, however—a deep cover agent namedTritonlived on inside the Autobot ranks. In order to stir up discord, Triton challenged Prime's decision, declaring thatUltra Magnuswas a better choice to carry the Matrix. The situation quickly escalated into a firefight, during which Sandstorm murdered Triton. As conflict escalated further, a new Cybertronian Civil War between the Wreckers and theTechnobotsbegan.Peace


Classicscontinues from theMarvel US series,and does not include theUK storiesor any subsequently published stories.
Invasion SlapdashSandstormBroadsideInfected.jpg

Sandstorm helped rebuild theIronworks.When the evil Autobots attacked from the negative polarity universe, Sandstorm was one of the first wave assimilated by theJunkions.Invasion

Regeneration One

Regeneration Onecontinues from theMarvel US series,and does not include theUK storiesor any subsequently published stories.
Once a background character, always a background character.

In2012,twenty-one years after the apparent end of theGreat Warand reoccupation of Cybertron, Sandstorm and the other Wreckers joinedKupin going AWOL to investigate the "loose ends" of the conflict on other planets such as Earth andNebulos.

Unfortunately, they only made it as far as a devastated Earth before they were apparently blown out of the sky byMegatron.Loose Ends, Part 1The Wreckers escaped their ship in shuttles that took them to Earth's surface, where they decided to lay low while Rack'n'Ruin checked on Broadside and Topspin, as they had suffered damage during the battle. After, Sandstorm tried to draw off most of Megatron'szombiearmy withLeadfootandRoadbusterwhile Kup tried to send a distress signal to Cybertron.Loose Ends, Part 2

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Upon returning to the other Wreckers, he found them being threatened by asuper-powered humancalling himself Circuit Smasher. Topspin recognized the human as Spike Witwicky, a former ally of the Autobots, and Spike grudgingly took the toArgus Basewhere they metG.B. Blackrock.Sandstorm attended a meeting with Blackrock, Circuit Smasher, and Springer to form a plan to take down Megatron. During their meeting, they received a message from Megatron, informing them that he had Kup captive, and had infected him withScraplets!Loose Ends, Part 3Sandstorm, Springer and Whirl split off from the other Wreckers, so they could try to save Kup, and, in the process, create a distraction so the other Wreckers could deactivate theArk.They fought hard, but were quickly taken down by Megatron's forces.Loose Ends, Part 4With the arrival ofOptimus Primewith reinforcements from Cybertron and a joint Wrecker-human assault on the Ark, Megatron and his zombie army were defeated.Loose Ends, Part 5

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Sandstorm and the rest of the Autobots, sans Optimus Prime, returned to Cybertron aboard theValiantNatural Selection, Part Fivewhere he continued to serve with the Wreckers; helping to keep the peace atEugenesis PlazaDestiny, Part OneandAuto-artery RG1Destiny, Part Twoand participating in a failed attack atFort Scykto root outSoundwave's Neo-Decepticons.Destiny, Part ThreeWith the arrival ofBludgeon'sWarworldabove the planet, he formed part of a raid on the Decepticon ship but was caught unawares by the master ofMetallikatoand found himself impaled by a sword.Destiny, Part Five

Sandstorm was well enough recovered to join Rodimus Prime's assault on theHub Network,with the Wreckers operating separately from the main Autobot forces and using the Hub's interplanetary "slam rail"tube system to avoid detection while causing massive explosions to detach planets from its superstructure.The War to End All Wars, Part 4

Transformers '84

Sandstorm,Broadside,Springer,andImpactorwere led byUltra Magnusin a counterattack againstStraxus's forces as they laid siege to an Autobot fort in theBorder Regions.Following their intervention, Straxus ordered his troops to retreat but to gather as many prisoners as they could as they did so.Secrets & Lies #2

Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformerscartoon

Voice actor:Jerry Houser(English),Yoku Shioya(Japanese),Xia Zhiqing(Chinese),Bernd Simon(German, "Fight or Flee" ),Imo Heite(German, "Starscreams Ghost" ),Frank Röth(German,Generation 2dub),Georges Atlas(European French),Dani Albiac(Spain-Spanish),Lauro Fabiano(Brazilian Portuguese)
Autobot Creamsicle

Sandstorm was a native ofParadron.His Autobot ancestors fled Cybertron during what he calledthe Fourth Great Warand ventured through a strange vortex, where they discovered a habitable world. There, they founded an energon-rich, democratic colony dedicated to nonviolence.

But this came to an end whenCyclonusandScourgestumbled through the vortex and crashed on Paradron. They had no idea where they were, but they knew it was a land ripe for the picking. They literally pushed the welcoming Paradronians around, then alertedGalvatronto the planet's existence. Sandstorm tried to rally his fellows against the two Decepticons, but no one wanted to fight. And he was proven terribly right in the middle of a speech, when Cyclonus abruptly shot him as Galvatron's invasion force descended from the sky.

Sandstorm was jailed, and the Decepticons forced the Paradronians into labor, building weapons. However, Sandstorm escaped rather easily and took an old shuttle back through the vortex. He put out a distress call and was found by theCybertronianAutobots,whom he convinced to mount a counterstrike against Galvatron.

Technically, you're not supposed to be here.

The Autobots infiltrated Paradron and took guerrilla action. They freed a group of Paradronians, and though the pacifists were still wary of Sandstorm's pleas to fight, they did finally take up arms. Despite this victory, though, the Decepticons still presented a daunting battle. Sandstorm gave little objection toRodimus Prime's order to detonate the planet's energon core, destroying the world to keep it out of Galvatron's hands. In fact, he seemed downright happy to get some use out of the planetary escape pods. The Paradronians departed thusly while Sandstorm andUltra Magnusplanted a bomb on what Magnus called the most beautiful thing in the entire galaxy.

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When it detonated five minutes later, Sandstorm and the Paradronians stood alongside the Autobots and watched their homeworld's destruction. "It's as beautiful in death as it was in life". Sandstorm eulogized simply. Rodimus openly mocked him and told him Cybertron was better.Fight or Flee

Sandstorm joined the Autobots on Earth; there, he was part of Rodimus's team investigatingTrypticon's theft of famous monuments.Thief in the NightInterestingly, it was as a result of that caper thatOctanewas excommunicated from Galvatron's army. And then Sandstorm and Octane soon started hanging out, joyriding in and aroundAutobot City.

When theCombaticonstried to assassinate Octane, he and Sandstorm fled to a space station somewhere and had lunch. There, aSkuxxoidin Galvatron's employ tried to kill Octane several times but was comically thwarted by circumstance. Believing it would be safer, Sandstorm and Octane then went to Cybertron. But while Octane was alone there, he finallywascaptured by the Decepticons.

As he was being hauled away, Sandstorm tried to rescue him. And failed.Starscream's Ghost

Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Headmasterscartoon
Hm4 Autobot Triple Changers.jpg

AlongsideSpringerandBroadside,Sandstorm was sent fromAtheniato Cybertron in order to defend against a major Decepticon assault.Four Warriors Come out of the SkyThe Triple Changers then traveled to Earth, where they helpedTwincastsneak intoTrypticonby keeping their Decepticon counterparts busy with a dogfight. Apparently, Sandstorm wasn't on friendly terms with Octane anymore.The Great Cassette Operation


In2030,Sandstorm andBroadsidewere bySpringerwhen he declared he would turn his life around.LG19 Sprung Prologue

Wings Universe

Wings Universeis based on theGeneration 1 cartoon,but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

At some point,Jhiaxuscreateda cloneof Sandstorm and sent him to Cybertron.TerminationTwo days before Jhiaxus'Cybertronianclone army arrived on Cybertron,PyrocontactedObsidianto show him that therealSandstorm was with him on Earth.A Common FoeMeanwhile, the clone acted as a sleeper agent, living the original Sandstorm's life until Jhiaxus and his clone army attacked Cybertron.Termination

St. MichaelThe TransformersSticker Book

The following summarizes one or moremultipath adventures.Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Sandstorm served on an alien spacecraft with the AutobotsHot Rod,Springer,andRatchetunder the command of Ultra Magnus. While fighting Decepticons, their spaceship took heavy damage and crash-landed on the planetBarrenikon.There, he metyou,having just emerged from the Vortex, a portal through space and time contained within the planet. Together, you went on an adventure, fighting Decepticons, braving Barrenikon's barren desert or its putrid swamp, and trying to find a way to get the Autobots space-bound once more.The Transformers Sticker Book

DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

That's not healthy...

Sandstorm served under Springer as part of the Wreckers faction during theDark Agesof Cybertron's civil war. They were primarily interested in keepingRatbatand theUltraconsfrom gaining control of theTagan Heights,the primary manufacturing region of Cybertron. During one of their missions, they came to blows againstDevastator.Springer ordered Sandstorm to evacuate the troops instead of battling the colossus, but Sandstorm quickly found out it was impossible to dissuade his fellow Wreckers from tackling their opponent. Realizing this, he charged into battle himself.EscalationDefensorthen joined the fight, though the resulting clash between the two combiners was so brutal that Sandstorm and the rest of the Wreckers were forced to retreat to avoid becoming collateral damage.Devastation

Originally only able to transform into a ground vehicle, Sandstorm received an additional flight mode after theGreat Shutdown,when Shockwave put him through Triple Changer engineering as part of the Pax Cybertronia between the Autobots and the Decepticons. He accompanied Shockwave to Earth along with several other Triple-Changers to apprehend both Optimus and Megatron's followers as war criminals. Though the Autobots escaped their clutches at first, the Decepticons were secured, and put in transit back to their home planet.New World OrderDespite serving with Shockwave's Triple Changer Strike Force, Sandstorm and his partnerBroadsidegrew uneasy about Shockwave's ultimate intentions, and allied themselves with the Autobot underground resistance. Sandstorm was killed by an assassin,Runabout,while secretly leading Optimus Prime through theOld Slave Trailsto make contact with the resistance.Cold War

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

So bored he's talking to himself.

When a number of Autobots andG.I. Joesvanished while chasingSerpent O.R.,Sandstorm andSpringerwere sent out to look for them. Unfortunately, Serpent O.R. jammed their radars, and they didn't find a thing.The Art of War #3

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance:Stormbringer#2
Getting their pre-Wrecker on.

Sandstorm wasForged,and later recalled that his birth was the last time he saw ahot spot.SalvationIn the era ofZeta Prime,Sandstorm was involved in a riot by protesters rallying against theAutobot copwho reportedly killed an unarmedDecepticon agitator.To Walk Among the ChosenHe participated in the defense ofIaconearly in the war, ruthlessly killing Decepticons alongsideSpringer.Primacy #4

During the war Sandstorm became part of the eliteWreckersunit operating underImpactor's command, replacingBlocker.Out of BulletsHe came out with the entire team for a warm Wreckers welcome on Springer's first day.Requiem of the WreckersAt one point, one of the things the Wreckers had to deal with was an anti-matter clone of Sandstorm.Zero PointSandstorm saw things that would haunt him forever during his tour as a Wrecker- war crimes not just perpetrated by Decepticons, but by his own side as well. These atrocities would greatly inform his personal sense of justice, as well as instill a deep sense of guilt and paranoia in him.Forever Is a Long Time Coming

This didn't happen, but this is what I looked like!

He participated in the final showdown between the Wreckers andSquadron XonPova,dogfighting withCrosscutandFerakin the air.Last Stand of the Wreckers #4However, after the Decepticons were defeated and imprisoned, the Wreckers were told to release them due to Pova being neutral territory. The increasingly deranged Impactor refused, and chose to personally execute every single member of Squadron X rather than let them go. Like most of the Wreckers, Sandstorm only looked away in shame and did nothing to stop him.Last Stand of the Wreckers #5

Notably, Sandstorm was the only one out of the Wreckers that participated in Povanotto attempt to persuade Springer to testify and clear them of all charges.Zero Point

In order to cover up Impactor's crime, a new story was written for the official records. In this version of the events, Squadron X broke out of their bonds and injured Sandstorm, who collapsed after limping to warn his fellow Wreckers. The Wreckers were then forced to destroy Squadron X in a grand battle.Last Stand of the Wreckers #4

Oh you wanna dance? That what this is?
Hey! I'll dance with you.

Many years later, while Sandstorm and the other aerial Wreckers were assaulting the Decepticon Siege Mode Armature onVaras Centralus,Springer was ordered by Operations-Command to pull out and return to Cybertron to deal with the resurrection ofThunderwing.Stormbringer #2Sandstorm participated in the short assault that crushedBludgeon's cult,Stormbringer #3and fought against Thunderwing himself when the creature was recalled to Cybertron. During the battle, he reported that their weapons were being shut down by Thunderwing charging the atmosphere and tried to tell Springer to get away, but he (along with several other Wreckers) were blasted away by the creature's microwave pulse.Stormbringer #4

Sandstorm and his fellow Wreckers were later dispatched toCorata-Vazto gain control of theNega-Corein place on that world, but had serious trouble getting past its watchdog, Thunderwing. They had a brief reprieve whenJetfireused the oldaxis cradleto remotely shut down the Pretender, but Jetfire was soon distracted and the battle was renewed. The Jumpstarters worked on overriding the Nega Core's programming while Sandstorm and the others held back Thunderwing. Eventually the Nega-Cores were disabled and the Transformers of theDead Universedefeated, causing Thunderwing to shut down once more.Spotlight: Sideswipe

Sandstorm'sblueBlurr period.

During the Decepticons' devastating attack against the Autobots across the galaxy, Sandstorm was one of several Autobots who had been captured byTurmoil.When the ship made a stop at a neutral alien world, two attacks on the Decepticons occurred simultaneously: the Autobot veteranKupled the remaining Wreckers to blast their way into the ship, while the factionless swordsman who called himselfDriftsnuck into the ship and helped the Autobots free their compatriots.Spotlight: Drift

Sometime later, after the defeat of the Decepticons inNew York City,Springer remarked that Sandstorm was deep behind enemy lines. Why he was there, and if it was by his own choosing, is unknown.BulletsEventually, Sandstorm was one of the many Autobots stranded on Earth in the aftermath of theSurge.AfterOptimus Primeturned himself in toSkywatch,Sandstorm decided to leave the Autobots along withHot Rod.New Arrivals, Old EncountersWhenUltra Magnushad located Hot Rod's group, Sandstorm was one of the first Autobots to welcome him.Seasons in Flight

Chekhov's Gunman.

Sandstorm was among the Autobots poised to fight againstGalvatron's army onCybertron.Led bySilverbolt,he and the other Autobot fliers attackedKimia Facilityand fought with the manySweepsdefending it.NumbersAfter the war,Wheeljackmentioned that of the Autobots involved with the Turmoil affair, onlyBroadsideandBlurrwere left on Cybertron, suggesting Sandstorm had left the planet, possibly aboard theLost Lightor at the Wreckers'Debrisstation with Roadbuster and the comatose Springer.Interference Patterns

Sandstorm returned to Cybertron at some point prior to the trial ofMegatron.Along with his fellow Triple-Changer, Broadside, Sandstorm acted as bailiff escorting Megatron to his trial onLuna 2.Towards PeaceDuring the trial he helped repel an attack by a group of Decepticons attempting to free Megatron.Predestination: A Beginner's GuideHe also began frequenting bars and befriending the Decepticons attending them.Forever Is a Long Time ComingHe visitedSwerve's,the bar on board theLost Light,before the ship left Cybertron.No Guns, No Swords, No Briefcases

"I was just tired, you know? You... you ever been tired, Red?"

With the war over, and no more distractions, Sandstorm went about his next plan of action: punishment. Having been left mentally scarred by what he had seen during the war, Sandstorm was determined to see all those who had committed "unspeakable acts" killed. Sandstorm first set his sights onBrisko,Wilder,andTreadshot,murdering them for their massacre of the people ofTraujorduring the war.City of SteelSandstorm then proceeded to murderHeavy BarrelandRansackfor siphoningPseudo-energonfrom a small mechanical world, causing its inhabitants to starve, along withStratotronicfor massacring refugees under the Wreckers' protection during the early days of the war. When Optimus Prime arrived inGutcruncher's bar, a hangout Sandstorm frequented, Sandstorm was quick to rebuke any affection his old comrade in arms showed him, making it clear to Prime that he was done with the Autobot cause. Hedid,however, accompany Prime to the murder scene, but not before secretly setting the bar on fire, killing Gutcruncher, who had accompanied Stratotronic in massacring refugees. When he arrived at the scene of Heavy Barrel's murder with Prime, he found a familiar shell casing (no points for guessing why he recognized it). Before he and Prime could investigate any further, a call came in from the AutobotWindblade,informing them that Gutcruncher's bar was on fire, unaware of Sandstorm's involvement.Fight or Flee

"You hit 'em and they get back up. I hit 'em and they stay down!"

Sandstorm was quick to blame the deaths of all of his "friends" on Optimus upon seeing the fire. Optimus put paid to the notion, explaining that Gutcruncher was likely killed by someone unhappy with his illegalEngexoperations. After calming down, Sandstorm revealed to Prime that the bullet he "found" was anInfernus bullet,a weapon created by theFirecons,effectively makingthemthe prime suspects in the murders. When theDinobotslaunched an all out attack against the Firecons, Sandstorm was more than happy to join in and "avenge" his "friends". As the Dinobots beat downFlamefeatherandCindersaur,Sandstorm was prevented from executingSparkstalkerby Optimus, who was alarmed at their actions.Quest for FireAfter being denied his chance to kill Sparkstalker, Sandstorm allowed Prime to comfort him as he feigned guilt for nearly letting his emotions get the better of him. Sandstorm made sure to keep up this charade, continuing to berate himself. While he was doing this, Prime came to the conclusion that the Firecons were innocent as they did not need Infernus bullets to create fire, and departed to confront a "friend". With Prime gone, Sandstorm set his sights on new targets, this time his fellow AutobotsSkram,Fireball,Lander,andDiverfor razing entireplanetsthat had helped the Decepticons during the war. As Optimus investigated, Sandstorm listened in on an argument between Prime andSlug,learning that the Dinobots hadalsocommitted horrible atrocities during the war, and began plotting their deaths.The Killing Jar

"One batch... two batch... Penny and dime..."

Sandstorm waited until the Dinobots were alone to make his strike. Slug, angry with Optimus's rants against the Dinobots threatened to kill Optimus, and dragged the other Dinobots along with him to do the deed. Before they could, however, Sandstorm fired an Infernus bullet at them causing an explosion that sent them flying. However, to Sandstorm's surprise the Dinobots were rescued by Windblade andStarscream.Optimus arrived, revealing that he had figured out Sandstorm was the murderer, and that revealing the Dinobots' war crimes to be a ploy to lure him out. Enraged, and possibly a little bit crazed, Sandstorm fired upon Prime with an Infernus bullet, but, as soon as the bullet was fired, Sandstorm came to his senses and became ashamed. Optimus, uninjured, placed Sandstorm under arrest. Sandstorm tried to explain his actions, saying that after all he had seen during the war, he could not let the war crimes others had committed go unpunished, explaining how he had befriended the Decepticons in order to have an easier time killing them. He then asked Optimus howhecould live knowing of the atrocities committed by his Autobots during the war, before fleeing. Optimus simply knocked out Sandstorm, saying that he tries "to stay grounded." Sandstorm was then detained.Forever Is a Long Time Coming

"I'm smack-dab in the middle of my rightPrimus-damned mind, and any scumbag, any lowlife, any maggot piece of slag that I put down, I did it... because I liked it! Hell, I loved it! "

Starscream had Sandstorm locked up in his secret prison, believing his skills could come in handy someday.You, Me, and the UniverseSwindleended up in the cell below Sandstorm's.The Possible LightStarscream eventually offered him freedom in exchange for eliminating the Dinobots without getting Starscream in trouble with Optimus Prime, and Sandstorm agreed, already considering the Dinobots and Prime his enemies. He tracked them in the wilderness and successfully killed Slug before his hunt brought him to a fresh hot spot inAlyon,where he encountered and was defeated byBludgeon.He awoke to findSwoop,but now aware of Bludgeon's plans to corrupt the hot spot'ssparks,decided to put his mission aside and offer an alliance with the Dinobots. While Swoop agreed and accompanied Sandstorm toTrypticonwhere the Dinobots were confronting Bludgeon, they found on arrival that the other Dinobots were less keen on working with Slug's killer and attacked him. Having let Sandstorm live for this purpose, Bludgeon let them fight among themselves, only to learn they were faking it when Sandstorm suddenly lobbedSnarl'senergo-swordinto hisVoid Scepter,ending his plans. Freed from Bludgeon's mind control, Trypticon settled into the depths of Cybertron to let the sparks within him grow, and Sandstorm agreed to protect these sparks together with the Dinobots.Salvation

"You know what I think of you, hero? I think you're a half-measure. I think you're a 'bot who can't finish the job. I think that you're a coward."

At some point, Sandstorm received Springer's final message before the former Wreckers leader entered theTimemaze.Requiem of the WreckersHe,Centurion,and the Dinobots were brought into confrontation with Optimus Prime,Arcee,Blackrock,and the resurrected Slug after Bludgeon covertly used the Void Scepter to stoke their hostile emotions toward one another.The Dead Come Home, Part 1Optimus commented on the oddity of Sandstorm working with the Dinobots, given his attempt to kill them, but Sandstorm was more interested in throwing down with the Autobot commander himself. Centurion broke up their fight by punching Sandstorm, much to theTriple Changer's anger, but everyone soon stopped fighting after Trypticon emerged from Cybertron's depths. Agreeing that safeguarding the youngprotoformswithin Trypticon took top priority, Optimus Prime declared them to be under his protection. Sandstorm was disgusted at what he saw as a political move on Prime's part, but ultimately stood down.The Dead Come Home, Part 2

Afterspace-bridgingto Earth aboard Trypticon, Sandstorm baby-sat the protoforms alongside Centurion during a battle between thecolonist soldiersand the Dinobots.A Sunrise DarkHe was present at a war council within Trypticon to determine how to effectively combatUnicronand was among the attack force that confronted the planet-eater above Earth.AssemblySandstorm narrowly avoided an eye-beam from Unicron during the final battle.Ceremony

Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe


Sandstorm was one of the many Autobots that pursued theAllSparkto Earth. He participated in an enormous battle against the Decepticons in a human settlement.The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

Commercial appearances

Sandstorm andBroadsidecame to the rescue ofWarpathandPowerglide,pinned down by a Decepticon attack. The Autobot triple-changers shifted quickly through their modes to keep pace with their fleeing enemies, the Decepticon triple-changersBlitzwingandAstrotrain.Sandstorm, Broadside and Octane commercial


Transformers: Battle Tactics


Sandstorm participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Rare character that could be recruited by collecting 110 units of Cybermetal, 60 units of Transmetal, and 35 hunter cores.Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers: Earth Wars

Sandstorm Earth Wars.jpg
  • Class:Triple Changer
  • Lowest Star Rating:2 star
  • Abilities: As a triple changer, Sandstorm has two abilities available to him.
    • Tar Sands Rush:Rush into combat and release toxic tar sands in a large zone on impact. Deal 61.6 damage over 10 seconds to enemies and provide 114 extra healing over 5 secs to all Autobots under the Supply Airdrop effect.
    • Supply Airdrop:Drops fuel supply from the air. Within a large area, all Autobots receive 114 healing for 10 seconds and all Decepticons buildings under the Tar Sands Rush effect receive an extra 61.6 damage over 5 seconds[-].

Sandstorm at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki


The Transformers

He's like one of those kids that wears a propeller hat.
  • Sandstorm(Triple Changer,1986)
Released in the third year of Hasbro'sThe Transformerstoyline,Triple ChangerSandstorm can transform from a robot to either a "sand rail" dune buggy or a Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion transport/search and rescue helicopter and back. Like many 1986 Transformers, there are two different versions; the initial releases use painteddie-castmetal for his front bumper/robot modefeet, while the more common later releases have orange-colored plastic.
Uncommon for aTransformerstoy, Sandstorm's side window stickers appear to depict a helmeted human driver.

  • Sandstorm(Triple Changer,1991)
  • Accessories:"Sandblaster gun"
Sandstorm was re-released in the European/AustralianClassicsreissue line in 1991. Thisversionhas his black plastic feet painted orange.
Unlike many toys withrubsignindents that were reissued in the Classics series, Sandstorm's indent wasnotretooledout; however, the rubsign itself was not included.

Machine Wars

He really blends in with all the foliage in the sky.
  • Sandstorm(Mega,1997)
  • Accessories:Left & right cannons, rotor blade
Aredecoof the European-lineGeneration 1Rotorstormtoy,Machine WarsSandstorm transforms into a Cybertronian helicopter with a US Air Force roundel added to his helicopter mode. Due to the small missiles of Rotorstorm failing USchoke gatetests, the turbine launchers wereretooled(well, more like "entirely gutted" ) into non-firing cannons, with no missiles included. A button on the back of the rotor housing drops down both engines/cannons for an "attack mode" feature.
In robot mode, Sandstorm has quite restricted articulation, and holds his turbine launchers in his hands. He can also hold his rotor blade as a somewhat oddsword.The original Rotorstormstickerswere not properly redecoed to match the newMachine Warscolor scheme, resulting in black stickers that are left indistinguishable on his black gauntlets.
Like all the otherMachine Warstoys, Sandstorm was soldexclusivelyatKB Toysand, later, at the related Toy Liquidator stores.
This mold was later redecoed (and given further-retooled-into-functionality launchers) to makeUniverseWhirl.This toy was alsorepurposedas theSandstorm drones.


SoMovie Sandstormgets a redeco of a G1 guy, and G1 Sandstorm gets a redeco of a Movie guy. Okayyyyy.
  • Sandstorm(Scout,2012)
GenerationsSandstorm is a redeco ofRevenge of the FallenDune Runner,transforming into a vehicle based on theSector Sevendune buggies seen in the2007Transformersfilm,which were heavily modified Chenowth Desert Patrol Vehicles (DPV) with added protective armor. This same vehicle also served as the basis for the2007 movie toyline'sLandmine.The twin gatling guns mounted on Sandstorm's roof/shoulders have multi-jointed armatures for different firing positions.
Originally developed by Hasbro Asia for release in their territories, Sandstorm was brought to the US with many other toys asToys "R" Usexclusives for the 2012 holiday season.
This mold was also used to makeRevenge of the FallenBeachcomber,andTransformers:Hunt for the DecepticonsCrankstartandRollbar.
Revenge of the Fallenmold:Dune Runner
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:

Now made of delicious cheese.
  • Sandstorm(Voyager,2013)
  • Series / Number:02 / 003
  • Accessories:rifle, missile
  • Known designers:Joe Kyde(Hasbro),Nick Roche(concept artist)
Part of the fourth wave of2012-2013GenerationsVoyager Class toys,Thrilling 30Sandstorm is aredecoand heavyretoolof VoyagerSpringer,with significant new molding based ona much older designbyNick Roche.[1][2]ATriple Changer,he can transform into a robot, VTOL aircraft, and dune buggy. He comes with a blaster which can fire itsmissilevia pressure-launch, peg via5 mm postonto his hands and back, or mount underneath his aircraft nose using specialised tabs.
Sandstorm's panels align better than on Springer, especially in hiscar mode.One notable and curious change involves the little dents inside the side-chest pieces: initially intended to hold the blade of the sword in his car mode, Springer's ones weren't able to do the job perfectly because of the asymmetrical shape of the sword, making it unable to fit inside the symmetrical dents. Sandstorm's side-chest dents, on the other hand have been modified to be asymmetrical, allowing the blade of Springer's sword to fit in better. This is, however, a pointless difference, as Sandstorm doesn't come with his own heli-sword and doesn't have the same kneecaps as Springer that allow the handle of Springer's sword to be fitted in!
The original version of this mold was also used to makeCloudHot Rodimusand it was retooled intoBotCon 2015Battletrap.It also served as the basis of the non-toyBeast Wars: Uprisingincarnations ofDynobotandGrimlock.

Version 1:

Version 2:


  • Sandstorm(Voyager,2013)
  • ID number:TG-29
  • Release date:December 28,2013
  • Accessories:rifle, missile
Part of the twelfth wave ofTakaraTomy'sGenerations,Sandstorm features much more orange in his color layout than his westernThrilling 30counterpart: his canopy/roof, wings, crotch, feet, rifle and missile are all rendered orange. There are also some other minor changes, such as a centered Autobot sigil and a painted silver bumper.

Version 1:

Version 2:


KreO-Toy SandstormKreon.jpg
  • Sandstorm(Kreon Micro-Changer,2014)
  • Bag number:33501 42
  • Accessories:stand brick, buildable pistol
  • Known designers:Ed Masiello(Hasbro)
Part of the fourth assortment ofblind-baggedKreonMicro-Changers,Sandstorm can be rebuilt from robot to helicopter mode.
If you're feeling punchy, you could probably finagle a dune buggy mode for him, just add some wheels and other parts. That's the play pattern, after all!
He reuses theSideswipehelmet.


WithHound MIA,Sandstorm was put in charge of capturing Ravage.
  • G1 Triple Changer Sandstorm(Leader Class,2024)
Released in the second wave ofLegacy: UnitedLeader Class toys, "G1 Triple Changer Sandstorm" amalgamates elements of his original toy and his animation model, though surprisingly erring on the side of the originalfaceplatedfigure as opposed to the cartoon appearance. He once again transforms into either a Baja buggy or a rescue helicopter, though the latter is decidedly less Sikorsky-like than the original toy.
LikeLegacy: EvolutionBeachcomber,the tires of his buggy mode are made of PVC plastic for smoother rolling, but retain the flexibility of a rubber tire. The buggy's roll cage separates to become a rescue stretcher with a functional winch for his helicopter mode, which he can also hold in robot mode to "capture" smaller figures. This assembly, likeSiegeAstrotrain's coal car arsenal andLegacyBlitzwing's Energon gauntlets, is meant to "fill out" his price point without making the main figure oversized. Speaking of extras, his small pistol is modeled after the soldering iron tool Sandstorm uses to cut jail cell bars while imprisoned in "Fight or Flee".
The tail rotor section of Sandstorm is packed separately, and is on a 5mm port, making it removable and able to be wielded in his hand...sort of. It has a small ridge on the peg that goes in a slot on the intended socket so that it won't turn, which means you have to force it pretty hard to get it into the hand of any figure (like Sandstorm) with a complete circle socket. It can also fit into a hexagonal 5mm socket, as long as you put the ridge in one of the six corners.
Unfortunately, Sandstorm suffers from a widespreaddesign flaw.His chest assembly tends to unpeg with minimal force. This is due to the 5mm peg locking into the chest assembly being too small, and the tabs on the chest assembly itself being too short for their connectors. Additionally, the hinge pinning his robot chest into place is too long, pushing against his windshield/belly piece from the inside and popping the chest out from its proper position. If one shaves enough orange plastic from this hinge, the pressure will be relieved and the chest will stay pegged on better.
Sandstorm was revealed by IGN onFebruary 6,2024.

Age of the Primes

  • Sandstorm vs. Slugslinger(Multi-pack,2025)

Child's Play Aron.jpg
If you build it, they will play.

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Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Specialist Sandstorm, Special Ops-Advance Guard(2019)
    • Wave 4: War for Cybertron: Siege II
    • Rarity:CT
    • Card Number:T50/T52
    • Stars:11
Specialist Sandstorm, Special Ops-Advance Guard is one of 52 character cards released as part of Wave 4 of theTransformers Trading Card Game,War for Cybertron: Siege II. In order to depict theTriple Changernature of the character, Specialist Sandstorm, Special Ops-Advance Guard is a folding card, with both Alt Modes depicted when the card is folded in half, and Bot Mode depicted when the card is unfolded.
The card features original artwork for all three modes, with line-art byDan Khannaand colors byVolta.


Not actually Sandstorm, we guess.
  • Sandstorm's animation model has a color scheme pretty blatantly based on the toy minusallof the stickers... including the windows. Oops.
  • Poor Sandstorm's history in the cartoon is...hackneyed. His model debuted in "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5"(at right) in an Autobot crowd scene on Cybertron but inFirst Aid's colors (though this does give the cartoon an out of arguably being a separate generic character). Then Sandstorm appeared under Rodimus Prime's forces on Earth in "Thief in the Night".Finally, Sandstorm would make his debut to meet the Autobots for the first time in"Fight or Flee".
  • The Italian names for Sandstorm and Springer were subject to a massive mix-up of "FIRRIB"or"Back/Forth"dimensions. WhileGiG's toy packaging, including thebios/Tech Specs,consistently called Sandstorm by the name "Bora" and Springer by the name "Ghibli", theinstructionshad their names switched. Advertising for the toys used the names featured in the instructions, as did the Italian dub of the cartoon. As a result, Italian fans generally consider the names on the toys' packaging an "error", but unless internal documentation is discovered, it's virtually impossible to tell what GiG's original intention was. Anyway, given that the dubbing agency got their directions directly from GiG, it is fairly logical to assume that GiG had established the Springer/Bora and Sandstorm/Ghibli adaptation, while the boxing process switched the names and the bios (in fact "Ghibli" is described as having the ability to perform amazing jumps).
  • Sandstorm's lone appearance inThe Ultimate Pop-Up Universeis pretty well hidden, only showing up on a paper flap behind the one featuring Inferno, Blaster, and Scrounge, on the book's third page, which itself is only viewable when a tab is pulled to unfold a display of Cybertron. On top of that, Sandstorm is only seen in alternate mode as a MH-53 Pave Low, which appears to be based directly onBlackoutfrom the2007 live actionTransformersfilm.Except completely yellow. In fact, the Pave Low Autobot had no clear identity until an entry of the Facebook edition ofAsk Vector Prime,written with input fromthe author,declared it to be anIocusversion ofPrimaxSandstorm.

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Sandstorm(サンドストームSandosutōmu)
  • French:Siroco(Canada, "Sirocco")
  • Hungarian:Homokvihar( "Sandstorm" )
  • Italian:Ghibli(toy instructions, advertising and cartoon),Bora(toy packaging)
  • Mandarin:Shābào( sa bạo, "Sandstorm" )
  • Russian:Zatvor(Затвор, "Shutter" )



  1. "Big chats about Thrilling 30 Springer and Sandstorm on this ep! To clear up: I was working with Hasbro at the time, and designed Sandstorm while I was there. That was the base design, and then those crazy sods at Hasbro managed to pull my comic Springer out of it. In that order!" —Nick Roche, Twitter, 2022/11/29
  2. Although Nick Roche implies that Sandstorm was the original use of this mold, with Springer being a pretool, a comparison of the toys themselves reveals that all the shared tooling is specific to Springer, not Sandstorm. Roche's prior Sandstorm design was merely recycled for the retool.
  3. Design notes onLegacySandstormfromHasbrodesignerMark Maheron Instagram.
  4. "Honing in on Transformers! Here's my photos of the newly revealed Legacy United Leader Sandstorm! This shoot represents my first serious Transformers dio since joining the company. Hopefully the first of more to come!" —Matthew Cohen, Instagram, 2024/02/06
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