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Scavenger (Armada)

From Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Scavenger" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeScavenger (disambiguation).
Scavenger is anAutobotfrom theArmadaportion of theUnicron Trilogy continuity family.
"Scavenger SMASH Mini-Cons."

A grizzled old mercenary,Scavengerhas fought on both sides of the war between theAutobotsandDecepticonsacross the centuries. Said to be one of the greatestCybertronianmartial artists of all time, his wealth of hard-earned experience won over eons of conflict makes him unafraid to speak his mind, even to the likes ofMegatron.

Despite his mercenary nature, Scavenger has a strong sense of honor and loyalty, which drives him to nurture the potential he sees in others. Long ago, he trainedOptimus Primein combat, and the Autobot commander values his old mentor's counsel; in the present day, he has taken an interest in the young warriorsHot ShotandStarscream.In particular, he sees the makings of a great leader in Hot Shot, despite the youngster's cockiness and bravado... but that's nothing that can't be beaten out of him.

Scavenger'sMini-Conpartner isRollbar.



Toy pack-in comics

The Destruction Team sense a theme.
L'équipe Destruction détectent un thème.
El Equipo de Destrucción sentido un tema.

Scavenger andRollbarwere assigned the task of constructing a satellite dish that could help findMegatron.In response, Megatron sent theDestruction Mini-Con TeamandStarscreamto destroy the dish, which they succeeded at. But Scavenger retaliated, plowing Starscream into the sea and tying up the Destruction Team. In the battle's aftermath, Scavenger was saddened at the destruction of his satellite dish, but Rollbar cheered him up by reminding him that they could build another one.Armada Volume 2

Scavenger later walked around while theAir Defense Teamasked Optimus Prime if they could investigate a distress signal.Armada Volume 3He cheered on Optimus Prime's defeat ofGalvatrononCybertron.Armada Volume 4



A million years ago,Smokescreenand Scavenger were guarding the entrance to theLoopwhenHot Shotbarged in, demanding to know whereOptimus Primewas. Smokescreen informed him that Prime was in the satellite room and asked if anything was wrong. All Hot Shot would say was that wrong didn't begin to describe the situation.Armada #1What had transpired was that a group of renegade Cybertronians calling themselves "Decepticons"were attackingMini-Convillagesand capturing the inhabitants for some reason. While sifting through the rubble of Village C-52, Scavenger opined that it looks like the diminutive Mini-Cons tried to put up a fight, but didn't stand a chance. Soon afterwards,Megatron,the Decepticon leader, attackedCyber City,with his captured Mini-Cons re-engineered toPowerlinxwithBulks,providing them great power. The Autobots were beaten up and forced to retreat.Armada #2

DreamwaveArmada4 Smokescreen Scavenger.jpg

For a million years the civil war raged on, the once-proud Autobots struggling to defend themselves against the powerful, Mini-Con augmented Decepticons, who were in possession of Cybertron's only remaining Mini-Cons, the others having escaped at the beginning of the conflict. Hope came in the form of a Mini-Con Reactivation Signal sent from a distant world calledEarthand the Autobots resolved to go there and fight for Truth, Justice and Freedom. Almost immediately after arriving on Earth, Smokescreen was destroying public property and suggesting that they simply smash their way across the planet to find the Mini-Cons, a plan that Scavenger agreed to, as Cybertron was their priority. This callous attitude earned them both a sharp, furious rebuke from Optimus Prime, who refused to stoop down to the level of the Decepticons. However, he also understood their frustration, telling them to save their anger for the Decepticons. Scavenger apologised for being out of line, suggesting that his logic chip was damaged. Unfortunately for the Autobots, the Decepticons had already arrived and were chasing afterSparkplug's group of Mini-Cons and their human friends,Rad,Carlos,andAlexis.Prime and Scavenger arrived just in time to smashStarscreamandCyclonusout of the sky.Armada #4

Smokescreen sure knows how to kill a conversation.

While Optimus Prime kept Megatron distracted by trash talking the Decepticon's failure to defeat the Autobots with all of their power, Smokescreen snuck up and demolished the cliff face Megatron was perched upon with hishead.Scavenger noted that at least Smokescreen didn't injure anything important. Eventually Megatron Powerlinxed with all of his Mini-Cons and gained the upper hand, but help came in the form ofJolt's group of Mini-Cons, who Powerlinxed with the Autobots.Rollbarlinked with Scavenger, giving him extra punching power. At a tactical disadvantage, the Decepticons were forced to flee.Armada #5

Soon after establishing their base, Optimus detected unusually high energy readings in the vicinity of Death Valley inCalifornia,and sent Smokescreen and Scavenger to investigate. After some time, they reported back that the Decepticons were readying to launch some sort of rocket. Unfortunately, the Autobots were occupied with a Mini-Con rescue operation inAlaska,soLaserbeakbrought them orders to do whatever was necessary to stop the Decepticons... about twenty minutes after the rocket had been launched.Fire & Ice

Scavenger forgets he's literally both a bulldozer and a steamroller.

After arriving back from Death Valley, Smokescreen and Scavenger found an extensively damagedOptimus PrimeinsideAutobase: Earthand rushed him to the medical bay. When the others returned from Alaska sanstheirOptimus Prime, they worked together to save this Prime's life and find out what had happened totheirOptimus Prime. Sadly, despite their best efforts, this Prime awakened only momentarily to deliver a cryptic warning about the walls of reality crumbling and the coming chaos before dying.Worlds Collide, Part 1 of 4

When the Decepticons detected the Autobots searching themultiversefor Optimus Prime,Megatronlaunched an attack on Autobase: Earth, seizing the opportunity to hit the Autobots while their biggest guns were missing. During the battle, Smokescreen and Scavenger were the front-line defense sent to buy time. Scavenger, despite being a bulldozer, swerved out of the way of the approaching tank-modeDemolishorand fell down a hill. This apparently knocked him out.

Really.Worlds Collide, Part 2 of 4

He survived the battle, but Smokescreen was seriously damaged by Megatron.Worlds Collide, Part 3 of 4Worlds Collide, Part 4 of 4Scavenger and the others took Smokescreen to the Autobase onCybertronfor extensive repairs, though there was a fear he might never recover. During the final battle againstUnicron,Scavenger, Hot Shot, and Red Alert ambushed and blasted Megatron into the Chaos Bringer's depths to avenge Smokescreen.The End


During the peaceful times that followed Unicron's defeat, Scavenger was seen driving around inCyber City.This Evil RebornThe peace didn't last, however, and Scavenger soon returned to Earth to defend it from theTerrorcons.He was either assigned toProwl's unit inTokyoorInferno's unit inMoscow.Multiplicity, Pt. 2

Cartoon continuity


"Now I'm not one to shoot from the hip...or maybe I am."

Shortly after arriving on Earth, Scavenger returned tohis shipto find theSuper Stunt TeamandSpeed Chaser Teamfighting outside. On the request ofRollbar,he Powerlinxed with the Mini-Con and joined the battle on the free Mini-Cons' side, destroying the Speed Chaser Team'sFixer Bugsand sending them fleeing. Having no use for his ship anymore, he let the Super Stunt Team have his ship on the condition they'd tell no one about him.Linkage Part 4Scavenger then drove off with Rollbar, whose decision to link up with Scavenger had activated hisServility Programand made him loyal to theBulk.Linkage Part 5


Voice actor:Ward Perry(English),Keiji Fujiwara(Japanese),Staffan Lindberg(Swedish),Raine Heiskanen(Finnish),Michel Dodane(French),Luiz Feier Motta(Brazilian Portuguese),Ole Pfennig(German),Paolo Buglioni(Italian),Rubén León(Latin-American Spanish),Jo-ho Park(Korean)

Millions of years ago,a youngOptimus Primefought with the great Decepticon warrior. So frequent were their clashes, and so familiar were they to each other, the pair eventually became friends, and Scavenger signed up with the Autobots. Seeing great potential in the youngAutobot,Scavenger taught Optimus Prime how to fight in hand-to-hand combat.Trust

Scavenger was hired byMegatronfor his skills as a mercenary and a bounty hunter forMini-Cons,due to the troubles Megatron was having with the troops under his command. Scavenger claimed that at first he did not know whether to accept the contract or not, until he saw the sorry state of the Decepticons after their defeat at the hands of Hot Shot and the Star Saber. His mocking lack of respect or fear for Megatron intimidated the other Decepticons, as well as earningStarscream'shatred.

Overmatch Scavengermysterious.jpg

His first appearance on Earth was during an observation of a battle between Starscream andHot Shot.Noting that Hot Shot only won because the Star Saber sensed its wielder's inexperience, Scavenger challenged the younger Autobot and soundly beat him, despite suffering a serious wound.Overmatch

Scavenger got stuck with digging duty to unearth the next Mini-Con. In exchange for doing "all the work," as Scavenger put it, Megatron promised to let him keep the Mini-Con he dug out. But his need to settle scores with Hot Shot won out, and he ditched his post when he heard the Autobots were approaching. Hot Shot used a bit more ingenuity in their next bout, and though Scavenger was defeated, he still ridiculed Hot Shot, claiming the sword was wasted in his hands.GaleOn their next bout with the Autobots, Scavenger opted to watch from a distance instead of actively participating. When Hot Shot and Sideways were warped back to the Decepticons' moonbase alongside his retreating teammates, Scavenger waited a while before warping back himself. He got there in time to see Hot Shot get beaten up after Sideways had betrayed him and handed the Star Saber to Starscream. He convinced the others to leave Hot Shot alive and dump him back at the Autobots' base, instead of executing him.Credulous


Scavenger continued to criticize Hot Shot on the battlefield whenever they encountered one another, though his words became increasingly useful tips for Hot Shot to steel himself on the battlefield... Scavenger also got himself his own Mini-Con,Rollbar,before telling Megatron that he felt he had fulfilled his contract; the Decepticons had gained the advantage over the Autobots, and so his services were no longer needed. Taking Rollbar, Scavenger left the Decepticons... and headed straight for the Autobots' headquarters. Optimus allowed him passage inside the base, and revealed to his troops that Scavenger had in fact been his spy and double agent all along.Conspiracy

Now that his true allegiance had been revealed, Scavenger took to training Hot Shot, though he seemed to nap on the job an awful lot. This didn't help instill any trust in him, especially for Smokescreen and the kids, who were worried of being betrayed as they had been with Sideways. Their suspicions were apparently confirmed when Scavenger seemed to disappear during their next mission. In truth, Scavenger was simply fighting smarter, and used a sneak attack to take Megatron out of the fight. This allowed the Autobots to secure their first Mini-Con in a long while. Smokescreen and the kids apologized for doubting Scavenger, and he accepted their apologies without making a fuss out of it.Trust

Trust-Scavenger sleeping.jpg

Scavenger and Hot Shot planned to stay behind at the base and train while Smokescreen and Red Alert took the kids on a camping trip, but they were called into action when a flash flood endangered their allies. Scavenger's alternate mode came in handy digging Red Alert out of a mudslide while Carlos anda younger boywere trapped inside him. Scavenger and Smokescreen got them to safety just as a torrent of water came bearing down on them.Vacation

Scavenger called in his old friendBlurrto help the Autobots, and though they securedIncineratorthanks to his help, Blurr had trouble fitting in a team unit. Despite being the one who had invited him in, Scavenger didn't involve himself while Blurr clashed with Hot Shot. Then, the final member of theSkyboom Shieldtrio,Downshift,activated on his own and drove away from anyone who would approach him, leaving Scavenger to deal with the Decepticons while the speedier 'bots chased him down. Due to Hot Shot and Blurr's bickering, the Autobots lost Downshift to the Decepticons.ReinforcementLater, Megatron issued a challenge to the Autobots, asking them to meet him in battle and bring an end to their conflict once and for all. Despite their enemies wielding both the Star Saber and the Skyboom Shield, the Autobots agreed to the fight. Scavenger was unable to be of much help after he was injured by Cyclonus earlier in the battle. The clash ended with the Skyboom Shield in Autobot hands, and Scavenger heaped praise onto Smokescreen for his part in their victory.Decisive Battle

The Autobots began building strategies around the use of the Skyboom Shield, though Scavenger lamented that they were awfully complicated. Their tactics were preempted anyways when the bulk of the Autobot forces stepped into a Decepticon trap, which left them scattered all over the globe. Worse yet, they couldn't reconvene while their communication system was being scrambled. When they finally managed to get their transmissions sorted out, Scavenger and the others surrounded Megatron, rescued Optimus Prime, and forced the Decepticon leader to abandon several of his Mini-Cons into their custody.Vow

While Scavenger and the other Autobots were away, Alexis, Carlos, and Rad traveled into a digital realm and met with anevil force.The Autobots returned to base and safely extricated the kids before said force could do them any harm though.Chase

Tactician ScavengerVehicleMode.jpg

With the Skyboom Shield in their possession, the Autobots became more and more adept at using coordinated tactics to defeat the Decepticons. Scavenger was able to retrieveProwl's Mini-Con panel easily, but he began to worry as the other Autobots grew overconfident. His concern was quickly proven to be well-founded, as Optimus was nearly slain whenThrustjoined the conflict on the Decepticons' side. Thankfully,Jetfirejoined the fight at a pivotal moment, restoring the balance of power.TacticianBut Optimus needed time to recover, and Scavenger was left to contemplate how much the Decepticons' battle prowess had improved thanks to the new addition to their ranks. As Thrust unfolded another scheme of his, this time isolating Jetfire over the ocean where the other Autobots couldn't come to his aid, Scavenger prepared to warp out and give what little support he could from a nearby island. Before he could do so, Optimus stumbled out of the medical bay, and ordered him to warp him into the warzone instead. Scavenger complied, and Optimus displayed his ability to combine with Jetfire. Together, they saved the day once more.Linkup

In a rare moment of downtime, Scavenger was supposed to help Optimus, Hot Shot, and Red Alert fix up Autobot headquarters, but not knowing what to actually do, opted to rest his optics instead. Later, the Autobots squared off against the Decepticons on a beachfrontDetectionbut Scavenger was unable to help out much onceTidal Wavearrived. He was forced to lay down cover fire for other players while they attempted to take on the colossal Decepticon.AwakeningTidal Wave, of course, shot back. Scavenger was further kept occupied by first Starscream, and then Demolishor, when Tidal Wave combined with Megatron so they could take down Optimus Prime together. The timely appearance of Space Mini-Con team, and their combination into the Requiem Blaster saved the day for the Autobots; with the weapon in Optimus's hands, the Decepticons were forced to retreat.Desperate

The Requiem Blaster was a source of argument for the Autobots, however. With this new weapon, several of them were eager to storm the Decepticon base in the hopes of ending the war. Scavenger held a neutral position in the debate. Before a decision could be reached, it was discovered that the Space Mini-Con Team had run off along with the kids. Most of the Autobots went out looking for them, though Scavenger and Jetfire stayed behind on monitor duty, since their vehicle modes stuck out too much while in public.Runaway

Regeneration ScavengerDefendsStarscream.jpg

When the Autobots were informed by a mysterious source to meet the Decepticons in battle within a forest, they opted to leave the Requiem Blaster behind. Soon, the Decepticons arrived to fight them, as promised... or rather, Starscream engaged the group alone. When it dawned on the Decepticon that he was outnumbered, as Scavenger and the others surrounded him while his back-up was nowhere to be seen, he took off. Unfortunately, Megatron had noticed the absence of the Requiem Blaster on the battlefield, and shifted his strategy accordingly. Scavenger and the others warped back to their base when they learned the Decepticons were infiltrating it in their absence. They were too late to assist Smokescreen, who had been left behind to guard the Mini-Cons. Smokescreen nearly died while Megatron retreated, Requiem Blaster in hand.Sacrifice

When Starscream defected to the Autobots, Scavenger argued in favor of accepting him, over Hot Shot's objections. Hot Shot argued that they couldn't trust someone who had betrayed his previous commander, but Scavenger put the younger bot in his place by pointing out that he himself had done much the same thing. Smokescreen was rebuilt into a new body, and the Autobots used data provided by Starscream to open a warp gate to the Moon in order to storm the Decepticon camp.RegenerationThe attack on the Decepticon moonbase begun with the Autobots besieging Megatron's throne room. During the conflict, Side Swipe utterly failed at taking on Tidal Wave, and Scavenger suggested the younger Autobot pick on someone more his size. The battle then spread throughout the Decepticons' base, until the Decepticon-held Mini-Cons were located. Scavenger helped cover the Mini-Cons' escape back to Autobot headquarters, and followed them shortly afterwards.Rescue

When the Autobots learned that a new Mini-Con had been detected on the planetMars,Carlos became excited over the prospect of traveling off-world, and asked Scavenger to come along with him on the mission. Scavenger responded that he wasn't going on the mission at all; as the only two flight-capable Autobots, Jetfire and Starscream were the only two who could make the trip.Mars


Scavenger helped his fellow Autobots in building a spaceship. Their labor was nearing its end when it was interrupted by a Decepticon attack on the Autobots' base. Unfortunately, as Scavengers and the others fought, Starscream snatched away both the Skyboom Shield and the Star Saber, and returned to the Decepticons.CrackSubsequently, the Autobots scrambled to come up with a plan to stop the Hydra Cannon. During their discussion, Hot Shot accused Optimus of being at fault for allowing Starscream into their ranks. Scavenger held Hot Shot back as Optimus walked off to think, telling the remorseful young 'bot to leave their leader be. Optimus and Jetfire then warped into orbit to ward off Earth's destruction. They succeeded, though it came at the cost ofOptimus Prime's life.CrisisDue to his earlier outburst, Hot Shot took this particularly hard, and so Scavenger took him to an abandoned highway to knock some sense into him. Hot Shot fled, but was intercepted by the other Autobots, who gave him a long pep talk. Scavenger eventually caught up and aimed a massive punch at Hot Shot; when Hot Shot didn't flinch, Scavenger decided he was now mature and brave enough to lead the Autobots.RemorseScavenger accompanied Hot Shot as he addressed the Mini-Cons, telling them they were allowed to choose for themselves whether or not they would return to Cybertron with the Autobots. When the Mini-Cons later protested Hot Shot's decision to disallow the children from coming with them into space, Scavenger was by his side again. Hot Shot relented after the Mini-Cons' mini-mutiny, and the Autobots, Mini-Cons, and children all journeyed into space inside the newly completedAxalon.Depart

TheAxalon's path took the Autobots through an asteroid field. As they were about to emerge from this dangerous region, the Decepticons attacked them, having turned their own ship around to crush their pursuers. Scavenger grappled with Demolishor atop an asteroid, only to be blown back by a shot of the Requiem Blaster, wielded by Megatron. The Decepticon leader was about ot finish him off when Side Swipe came to his rescue. The Decepticons retreated when Optimus, revived by the Mini-Cons through the Matrix, pushed Megatron back with the power of his super mode.MiracleNo sooner had the Autobots welcomed their leader back than their ship was pulled through a worm hole to a dead planet, where they were menaced by a twisted clone of Optimus namedNemesis Prime.While Scavenger stayed on the Axalon with most of the Autobots, Prime ended his dark doppelgänger's threat.Puppet


By the time the Autobots had repaired the Axalon and arrived over Cybertron, the Decepticons had managed to take over the planet. On their homeworld's surface, Scavenger and Hoist (formerly Smokescreen) fought through Decepticons tank troops and rallied the surviving Autobots to help in the resistance. Meanwhile, a black hole appeared in the sky. The Mini-Con continued to display their mysterious powers, and helped keep the black hole at bay.UprisingScavenger and the rest of Optimus's crew were forced to remain in orbit on theAxalonwhile Jetfire scouted Cybertron's surface for a safe landing zone. When Scavenger learned that Hot Shot went off on his own to meet Galvatron face-to-face, he agreed with Blurr that going after the young Autobot would be counter-productive. He was still unconvinced that Hot Shot would be able to persuade Galvatron to join his forces to the Autobots. TheAxalonthen received a transmission from Jetfire, pointing them towards a region where they could set themselves down. Thanks to the Mini-Cons providing them cover with illusory copies of their ship, the Autobots managed to bypass the Decepticons' defenses and make planetfall.DashScavenger then helped Hoist spread the word to the Autobot masses that they were being evacuated from the planet. Though they met with resistance, informing the Autobot generals that the order came directly from Optimus helped convince them to clear out.Drift

The Autobots put in action a plan to force Galvatron into a situation where Optimus would have the opportunity to reason with him. Scavenger and the other Autobots forestalled the Decepticons while Optimus drew their leader away from the battleground. The Autobots' and Decepticons' firefight was interrupted by an energy discharge from Unicron, and soon thereafter Galvatron was swayed by Starscream's death to unite his forces with Optimus's.CrampScavenger attended a formal ceremony where Prime and Galvatron shook hands, uniting the Autobots and Decepticons into an armada that struck at Unicron together.AllianceAll attempts to damage Unicron proved futile. Determining their best plan of attack laid in attacking Unicron from within, Optimus and Galvatron infiltrated their gargantuan foe's body. Meanwhile, Scavenger and the rest of the troops kept Unicron occupied with their ships, in the hopes of forestalling Cybertron's annihilation.Union

Thankfully, the team inside of Unicron succeeded in retrieving the Mini-Con weapons, de-powering the Chaos Bringer. Though Side Swipe was worried that Optimus wouldn't be able to extricate himself from the evil planet, Scavenger assured him their leader could take care of himself. The Transformers then scrambled to eliminate Unicron before he recovered, but this proved unnecessary; once Galvatron sacrificed himself, there was no longer enough hatred in the universe to sustain Unicron, and he vanished from existence. The Transformers' war now at an end, Scavenger and his fellow Cybertronians stood united as a race, and begun rebuilding their war-torn planet.Mortal Combat


While looking through theSouth Americanjungle for aMini-Con,Scavenger,Hot Shot,andSide Swipecame acrossStarscream,who was soon joined byCyclonusandDemolishor.Return

Force of Habit

With theUnicron Singularityforcing the evacuation ofCybertron,Scavenger and a number of Autobot leaders were summoned to theIron Hope,whereUltra Magnusdispatched them across the galaxy to locate the lost Autobot colony worlds. Scavenger was given command of theDieCastand sent toZeta Persei.Force of Habit



Scavenger was stationed onCybertronwhen the Decepticons were discovered onEarth'smoon.AlongsideSmokescreen,he was sent to the Moon viaspace bridge,a process which he did not enjoy. The two Autobots were greeted byCyclonusandStarscream,who outpowered them thanks to theirMini-Cons.Scavenger was forced to retreat until an Autobot probe awakenedRollbar,who Powerlinxed with him and allowed him to drive the 'cons away.Between Two Worlds!

Scavenger and Smokescreen later returned to the Moon (or maybe they were there all along) to infiltrate the Decepticons' new base. They made their way to the space bridge control room and linked the Decepticons' space bridge to the Autobot one on Earth. This allowed the Autobots to teleport two Decepticon missiles straight back into their base, which exploded behind Scavenger and Smokescreen as they drove off.Earthshaker!


Transformers: Battle Tactics

I'm essentially the only bot with First Strikes on all five of my numbers!

Armada Scavenger participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Epic character who was available as a reward to20leagues in the "Armada: Episode 3: Between Two Worlds" event.Transformers: Battle Tactics



Walk like a maaan...
  • Scavenger with Rollbar(Max-Con Class, 2002)
Released in the second wave ofArmadaMax-Cons, Scavenger transforms into a large green front-end loader equipped with a rear roller drum. Unusual forTransformerstoys, Scavenger features fully-functional rubber caterpillar treads. In vehicle mode, pushing Scavenger forward will cause the large purple drum wheel at the back to rotate, making driving sounds, and as he rolls forward, his shovel blade will move up and down. He also has an opening driver's cabin designed mainly to accommodate his Mini-Con partnerRollbarin robot mode; pressing down on the Mini-Con activates engine start up and revving sounds.
In robot mode, Scavenger has no "useful" leg articulation whatsoever, as his legs are halves of the shovel blade pegged onto the purple drum wheel... but that doesn't matter. Pushing Scavenger forward in robot mode rotates the wheel, moving the leg-facades up and down in a simulation of walking. Each step is accompanied by a stomp sound effect. This isgreat.Twisting his waist activates a crashing metal sound effect.Powerlinxinga Mini-Con to the active Powerlinx plug on his right hip then pulling it back fires spring-loaded missile, as well as activating a laser firing sound.
In order to get him to stand upright when not activating the walking gimmick, one must lock one of his legs down using the flap on the armature; this brings it down far enough for the toe to touch the ground, keeping him upright instead of tilted forwards. In addition one can also unpeg the other leg from the drum and lock the flap on its armature allowing both feet to touch the ground, creating the illusion that he is standing in place. However, this results in one leg flopping around due to it not being connected.
The TakaraLegend of the Micronsrelease of "Devastor" has only one notable difference from the Hasbro release, having a "separated" Autobot symbol on his chest rather than a solid block of red.
This mold was also used to makeEnergonTreadbolt.


Super Collection Figure

He's really a big softie. No, literally.
  • Devastor(Super Collection Figure, 2003)
    • Act:10
    • Accessories:Stand
Super Collection FigureDevastor is small, non-transforming PVC figure released during Act 10 (the secondLegends of the Micronswave) of the line. Like all figures in the line, he wasblindpackedand was available in both normal colors and a metallic silver "pewter" version, at an equal ration of one each per case of twelve.
Act 10 is notable for usingmuchsofter plastic than the preceding nine Acts, which can lead to balance and peg-tearing issues. Devastor is thankfully safe from the former, having a very simple flat-feet pose and large stompers as a base. However, there is a potential peg problem pertaining to pewter parts, as the pegs may have been painted before pushed into place. And with the softer plastic of Act 10, this makes a stuck peg even easier to tear off. This is mostly only a potential issue with Devastor's arms, and a light shaving of the socket walls with a thin hobby knife should solve the issue.


  • From a design standpoint, Scavenger is essentially an homage to theGeneration 1Constructicons.His coloring is the same distinctive green and purple of the Constructicons, his name, of course, is based offone of the Constructicons(while his Japanese name is the same asDevastator's), and his alternate form is that of a bulldozer, similar toanother Constructicon.In addition, his Cybertronic robot mode, seen in the episode "Trust",uses a rifle drawn to resemble Devastator's. The biggest obvious difference is, well, he's an Autobot.
  • Scavenger's motivations, particularly as explained in the episode "Trust", are one of the most significant changes made by the English dub of theArmadacartoon. As intended by the Japanese writers, and indeed supported by basically all of the preceding episodes, Scavenger was genuinely affiliated with the Decepticons, but disliked them, and only didn't switch sides sooner because he considered it cowardly to betray his allies on the battlefield—instead, he waited until a balanced point in the conflict to cut ties with the Decepticons.[1][2]The English dub reinterpreted the character as having been working as an undercover spy for the Autobots all along, whose efficacy and enthusiasm as a Decepticon was only an act to gain Megatron's trust—which was closer to the original intention of Hasbro designerAaron Archer.Archer and theLegends of the Microns Year Book 2003concur that the more nuanced depiction in the anime was better-suited to the tastes of Japanese kids.[3]
  • Scavenger's design resemblesconcepts fora character ofthe same namefrom the abortedTranstechline. However, then-head designerAaron Archerrefutes the idea that theTransTechcharacter influenced theArmadaone.[4]
  • To compensate for his lack of any kind of firearm or built-in weapons (outside of his Powerlinx gimmick), theArmadacartoon ended up occasionally showing him spontaneously firing lasers from his fingers or random spots around them during firefights.
  • EnergonTreadboltlikely began life as a Powerlinx version ofArmadaScavenger, alongside similarEnergonreleasesUltra MagnusandRapid Run.
  • When Hasbro designerJoe Kydeset out to include a construction vehicle in theThrilling 30line, he narrowed down the choices toArmadaScavenger and Generation 1Scoop.Scavenger would've been harder to do justice as a Deluxe Class toy, and Kyde preferred the idea of an orange toy, so Scoop won out![5]
  • Scavenger made cameo appearances inIDW Publishing'sLost Light#2andValentine's Day Special.
  • According to Aaron Archer at a TFcon Toronto Panel, had the name “Scavenger” not been an available trademark, the second and third choice names they would have considered for the character were “Ironhide” and “Grimlock” respectively.[6]

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Devastor(デバスターDebasutā)[7]
  • Hungarian:Dögevő( "Scavenger", literally "Corpse-eater" )
  • Korean:Hyena(하이에나Haiena)
  • Polish:Grabarz( "Gravedigger" )
  • Russian:Musorshchik(Мусорщик, "Garbageman" )


  1. "So I had a listen and red alert's explanation is reasonable for most of it: he's always trusted scavenger regardless of sides, and when scavenger was a deception he was putting all the energy he'd use to help his allies into fighting the autobots instead>" —@M0hairSam, Twitter, 2023/05/11
  2. "And then in Japanese he says that he'd never do something as cowardly as betray his allies on the battlefield, implying that his specific motivation was waiting until a fair and neutral point in time to switch sides" —@M0hairSam, Twitter, 2023/05/11
  3. "I remember we discussed that character being a mystery character, that looks evil—you know, he looks like an old Constructicon, right?—looks evil and dangerous and big, but ultimately is a good guy, and is going to come in mysteriously, and might be perceived as a villain... is what I remember, I don't really remember the nuance from like an American side where- I mean the undercover spy is kind of what we were going for, so I guess that was the American version, where I think the conflicted villain is a more nuanced Japanese-type character. I think we in the [West]- America anyway, I can't speak for other countries, or the whole country here- but we often have a more... a hero's a hero, a villain's a villain, and villains are villains for real. And a nuanced villain, like a Starscream, like a Dinobot, they're cool because they- Transformers gets away with it, whereas some brands don't. So in Japan that Scavenger could have definitely been more of that..." I'm a villain character and I'm aligned with these guys, but there's something changing in me, and I'm changing my motivations, or I'm willing to do different things. "That's a little too cerebral, often, for what we thought of to do, anyway. It might have been in the editing, I'm just not really sure. Good question, I wish I had deeper information, but that's definitely what we remember. And that's why he has a villain color pattern, you know, people often ask me like," Why'd you make an Autobot, you know, Devastator colors? Why wasn't he a Decepticon, or why didn't you use different colors? "Well that was again, early days, I didn't know you collectors all lived out here, and we're still paying attention but it was a callback for me, just like, oh you know, he's gonna look like the villains of the '80s but he's actually not. So the color was a big part of that mystery, right? At least in the development thought process." —Aaron Archer,The Toy Armada,"Toy Armada Friday night LIVE: Toy Talk Q&A", 2023/05/12
  4. "nope there might have been another TT construction vehicle but that had nothing to do with Trust development. / i mean scavenger" —Aaron Archer, Instagram, 2019/03/05
  5. Joe Kyde, The Allspark forums, 2014/01/30(dead link)
  6. How to Name a Transformer - Toy Trademarks with Designer Aaron Archer
  7. This is a reuse ofDevastator's Japanese name.
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