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Scavenger (BW)

From Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Scavenger" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeScavenger (disambiguation).
Scavenger is aPredaconfrom theBeast Warsportion of theGeneration 1continuity family.
He was binned alone, unmourned, and unloved.

Scavengeris an evil, evilTransmetalPredacon. Despite previous reports of him being their infantry commander,[1]he's actually more interested in psychological warfare. He prefers to use fear to give him a tactical advantage, and nothing makes him feel better about himself than bullying others into being afraid of him. As well as a master blackmailer and a strategist, he's also created viruses to induce hallucinations in his foes.[2]

Regardless of what his primary function truly is, he likes to use his drilling third mode to ambushMaximalsfrom underground.



2006 IDWBeast Warscontinuity


Scavenger was one of theprotoformsleft behind by the crew of theAxalonon prehistoricEarth.He was activated and put in chronal phase byRazorbeastatMagmatron's request. He was sent to dispose of Razorbeast and his small band, but the attack was interrupted by a much larger force ofMaximals.The Gathering #2

During the battle, Scavenger got his teeth re-organized, courtesy ofBonecrusher's fist. After the battle, he presumably regrouped withRavageand the rest of the Predacons.The Gathering #4

He was next seen as part of a large Predacon assault on the Maximals' base-camp. When thePackarrived, Scavenger was knocked over byStampy.The Maximals and Predacons were then forced to team-up to battle theBlendtrons.It's unknown if Scavenger stayed on Earth or returned toCybertronaboard the Pack's transwarp cruiser.The Ascending #2

Beast Wars: Uprising

Scavenger[3]was on the Predacon team in the fateful final match of theGames,which was interrupted byLio Convoy's assassination ofSupersonicand call foran uprisingagainst theBuilders.Broken Windshields


Beast Wars

He's Inferno, but hornier. You know, for his queen.
  • Scavenger(Mega Transmetal, 1998)
Originally designed as a new form forInferno,Beast WarsTransmetalScavenger transforms into a robotic ant with a third "transport mode", a double-drill tank. The drills end up as his robot-mode hands, and spin using gear-wheels.
There is a variant of the toy regarding the "SCAVENGER" nametampograph.On some versions, the name is printed on his right robot-mode thigh (still visible in ant mode). The other version has the name printed on the chromed abdomen shell. It is unknown if one is more rare than the other.
Early promotional pictures show the figure with an "Inferno" name tampograph on the abdomen. Why the change was made is unknown; whileHasbromight have wanted to secure thetrademarkon "Scavenger", it is possible that since Inferno had a tendency to be ashelfwarmer,Hasbro felt a name change might help avoid that. As it happens, Scavenger was an evenworseshelfwarmer.
Following the original intent, this toy was used as the "Metals" version ofInfernofor the JapaneseBeast Wars Metalsline, with the only change being the removal of the name tampograph. The version included withDepth Chargein Takara's VS two-packs lacks both his Predacon rubsign and name tampograph.

Generations Selects

Pictured: Scavenger's goth phase.
  • Antagony(Voyager Class, 2023)
AGenerations Selectsadd on forLegacy: Evolution,Antagonyis a black and lavender redeco ofLegacyInferno,and includes an alternate robot head designed to make her or Inferno resemble Scavenger. The purple paint on the Scavenger face matches that on Inferno's shoulders and biceps, while the gunmetal paint on the sides of the head and horns matches that on Antagony's shoulders and pelvis.[5]Furthermore, sculpted details inside the ant head are made to resemble Scavenger's chest, which can be displayed in robot mode by leaving the ant head panels fully open and the mandibles folded down.


Foreign names

  • Japanese:Scavenger(スカベンジャーSukabenjā)


  1. Scavenger's originalTech Specbio
  2. Beast Wars Sourcebook#3 profile
  3. Due to being written in at the last minute, Scavenger shares a name withScavenger,in violation of theUprisingrule of characters not sharing names.Jim Sorensonstated on The Allspark Forumsthat were he able to edit "Broken Windshields", he would change Scavenger's name to "Corpse Eater".
  4. June 20,2023'sHasbro Pulse Transformers Fanstreamon YouTube, withBen MacCrae,Mark Maher,Evan Brooks,andRich Pellegrino
  5. Design notesonGenerations SelectsAntagony fromHasbrodesignerMark Maheron Instagram
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