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Scavenger (RID)

From Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Scavenger" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeScavenger (disambiguation).
Scavenger is anAutobotfrom theRobots in Disguise continuity family.
You are not my mother! You are a Snort!

Scavengerused to be a drill sergeant at theAutobot Military Academy.



Ask Vector Prime

InViron 102.0 Beta,Scavenger's students includedOptimus Prime,Ultra Magnus,andNightcruz.Along with the latter, he joined theElite Guard.From theLongbow,he helped face threats such as theRecyclons,Planet Xin theSkeleton Nebula,Jhiaxus'sDestructicons,and such bizarre threats as theMetabeastsofZeotopia,theIntruder Empire,and theElder Gods!Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/22


Robots in Disguise(2001)

  • Nightcruz / Mirage GT / Scavenger(Mega-level 3-pack, 2002)
Aredecoof theBeast MachinesVehiconScavenger,Scavenger transforms into a Cybertronic power-shovel-like thing. A plunger mechanism on the back of the "shovel" opens and closes the vehicle's crusher jaw. Hisspark crystalis located in the "control tower" behind a flip-down panel. Scavenger was available only in a 3-pack withMirage GTandNightcruz.
This set was released in Japan as aToys "R" Usexclusive"USA Edition",making it the first Japanese release of the mold.


  • Scavenger's characterization as a drill sergeant homagesArmadaScavenger,another non-Constructicon Scavenger.

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Scavenger(スカベンジャーSukabenjā)
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