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Ser-Ket (BWU)

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The name or term "Circuit/Ser-Ket" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeCircuit (disambiguation).
Ser-Ket is aPredaconfrom theBeast Wars: Uprisingportion of theGeneration 1 continuity family.

Proud of herDecepticonandPredaconlineage,Ser-Ketdetests living on aCybertronwhere her people are forced by theirBuildersto fight in meaninglessGames,and longs to use her razor-sharp talons to conquer foreign worlds like her ancestors.


Beast Wars: Uprising

A friend ofBuzzclaw,Ser-Ket was with him when a battle between theResistanceand the Builders erupted outside ofDipole's bar,The Proton Blaster,forcing her to abandon her plans to meet withVampand her other friends. She, Buzzclaw, and the other patrons holed up inside the bar until they hadn't heard another blast for a while. After the patrons left, Ser-Ket informed Buzzclaw that she thought he was very brave for keeping everyone calm during the chaos outside. At that point,Cybersharkapproached the duo and asked Buzzclaw, a former champion of theGames,to join the Resistance; Ser-Ket enthusiastically encouraged Buzzclaw to accept. He did, and Cybershark led Buzzclaw and Ser-Ket to the seeming middle of nowhere on Cybertron, where Resistance headquarters was located. Ser-Ket and Buzzclaw met theSupreme Commanderof the Resistance,Lio Convoy,who proceeded to assign them to a mission to infiltrate and take downFortress Maximus,a Builder city-bot who doubled as a prison for dissidents. While Buzzclaw still had some doubts about the idea of joining the rebellion, Ser-Ket wholeheartedly agreed, pointing out that her Predacon chassis was built for offworld combat, not gladiatorial matches that Lio Convoy had publicly exposed as being for endless Builder amusement. Despite his lack of heart in dissident activity, Buzzclaw openly acceded to his friend's revolutionary fervor.

I turn into a ground vehicle, somehow. (Ser-Ket is the winged and tailed one on the lower right.)

After being briefed about Fortress Maximus, Cybershark led his team, consisting of Buzzclaw, Ser-Ket,Bighorn,Survive,andCorahda,toTarn,the location of the Fortress Maximus. The team scaled the side of the immobile Builder's primary mode and entered, battling their way past numerousMicromasterpatrols and navigating Fortress Maximus's shifting interior walls. What Buzzclaw and Ser-Ket did not know, however, was that Fortress Maximus wielded formidable psychic influence over any smaller 'bots inside him and could hijack any hostile intruder's mind; the angst-filled Buzzclaw was specifically chosen as bait for the mission. After Buzzclaw was separated from the others and suddenly re-emerged, Cybershark, knowing what had happened, hurled a device into Buzzclaw's head. The device backtracked Fortress Maximus's psychic connection to Buzzclaw, neutralizing Maximus's psychic influence and killing Buzzclaw. Cybershark and the others could only darkly inform an outraged Ser-Ket that Buzzclaw had been turned and was thus beyond help. The team then proceeded to Fortress Maximus's control room, where they killed Maximus'sCyberdroidcontrollers except for the intelligence-filledGranand opened all of the prison cells inside Maximus. Back at headquarters, Lio Convoy explained the necessity of sacrificing Buzzclaw, to which Ser-Ket angrily stormed out. Lio Convoy remarked to Cybershark that Ser-Ket would have to accept the sacrifices of war or else the Maximals and Predacons would never win their freedom.Head GamesSer-Ket was disgusted by this sentiment, to the point where she abandoned the Resistance and wandered Cybertron for a period of time, fighting battles for both sides.Safe Spaces

Six years into the war, Ser-Ket had adopted a draconicbeast modeafter the Beast Upgrade became available and returned to the Resistance, although she remained internally conflicted about her role. While stationed at the Resistance haven ofProtihex,Ikardencouraged her to oversee the "Buzzclaw Memorial Games," whereMicromasterPOWs would be forced into fighting deathmatch Games themselves to entertain the troops. WhenCheetorandPreditronarrived, Ser-Ket was surprised to find that the founder of the Predacons was disgusted by her Games and the barbaric pageantry that they represented. Later that day, Preditron paid her a private visit to voice his concerns more thoroughly, noting that he recognized her as a true Predacon, but sympathized with her sentiment that there was little honor in their war. Ser-Ket confessed the truth behind the sortie into Fortress Maximus and how the Resistance used Buzzclaw as a sacrificial lamb. Unsure of her next course of action, and left confused by Preditron's comparing her toMaxima,the first Maximal, Ser-Ket planned to desert once the next day's Game had concluded and head to the newly-foundedIndependent Predacus Statesto start over.

She didn't get that far, because Cheetor confronted her after he witnessed Preditron being forced to fight in the Protihex Arena. Realizing that Ikard had betrayed all three of them, the two headed out to find the traitorous squid. They arrived to confront Ikard, but the overseer siccedGaidoraon them. The three tumbled into the arena as they fought, much to the amusement of the watching crowd. Ser-Ket found Preditron; the ex-Predacon leader was still alive, but under siege byVehicons,which had mutated from the dead Micromasters that the Resistance had taken hostage. With the Vehicon infection spreading, Ser-Ket euthanized a half-transformed Ikard as she and Preditron fought to defend the crowd from the Vehicon onslaught. For the first time in her life, Ser-Ket realized that this fight—defending the innocent in honorable combat—was what being a Predacon was all about.Safe Spaces

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  • Ser-Ket is a Generation 1 version of thePrimePredaconof the same name.Unlike herPrimecounterpart, though,Beast Wars: UprisingSer-Ket initially transformed into a wheeled vehicle rather than a mechanical beast.
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