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Shooting Star

From Transformers Wiki

This article is about the Autobot satellite. For the issue of the Marvel comic starring Joey Slick, seeShooting Star!
Shooting Star is anAutobotfrom theBig Looker Storybookportion of theGeneration 1continuity family.
He's looking for a bald Persis Khambatta.

Shooting Starcan't stand the intense feeling of helplessness that often assails him as he watches the Autobot-Decepticon War unfold far below his station inEarthorbit. Sometimes the sights he sees bother him so greatly he will actually abandon his watch, shifting orbit and fleeing from the events occurring below. Still, Shooting Star does not hesitate to leap into action if he sees a way he can at last be of aid to his fellow Autobots below, and his unique perspective allows him to provide priceless information onDecepticonactivities to his allies.



Big Looker Storybook

Shooting Star observed Decepticon movements from orbit, and reported to any Autobots who could receive him thatBlitzwingwas approaching a strandedoil tankertruck while the other Decepticon jets flew over the Autobot camp as a distraction. This single fuel truck was apparently a hugely important military target for the Decepticons.Decepticon Hijack


  • Shooting Star's satellite mode is clearly based on thesensor dronefrom thefirst issueof theMarvel US series.No robot mode is shown. There is some speculation that "Shooting Star" may have been an early name for the toy that becameCosmos,as there is some similarity in role/character, and a couple of otherSeason 2characters appear in the book in an "unfinished" form.

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