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When aTransformerdesires the long-range capabilities of projectile weapons, but just can't do without the visceral cutting capabilities of a blade,shuriken( thủ lí kiếm ) are always an option! These weapons, often wielded by those trained in theninjaarts, are also sometimes referred to as throwing "stars."



Generation 1 cartoon


Transformers Animated

  • Prowldeployed his shurikens, as any self-respecting cyber-ninja should, with impressive precision.

Beast Wars: Uprising


Beast Machines

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  • Optimus Primal(Deluxe Class, 2000)
    • Accessories:Energy shuriken
The firstBeast MachinesOptimus Primal is a dark bronze and translucent blue technorganic gorilla that transforms into a technorganic robot. His main weapon is something that his in-show appearances neverportrayed him having:a sort of energy-shuriken. His right robot-mode arm is spring-loaded to throw the shuriken, and it can be stored in his left leg (the ape mode's left shoulder).
OfficialHasbrostock photography of this toy shows a differently-molded shuriken, lacking the "energy flame" effect.


Fast Action Battlers

Mov-toy Frenzy FAB.jpg
  • Disc Blast Decepticon Frenzy(Fast Action Battler, 2007)
This version ofFrenzytransforms into a two-speaker stereo CD/cassette/radio. Like other FAB toys, it features an action feature of some sort: A disk (sculpted to look like one of his bladed shuriken-things) ejects from his chest as a pressure-launchedprojectilewhen a button on his back is pressed.

Fast food kids meal toys

  • Frenzy(Red Rooster, 2007)
    • Accessories:2 discs
Frenzy transforms from a stereo to a stereo with legs! He comes with two discs, which he can launch. He can launch them mightilly! No, seriously. That little bugger sure can shoot. Which is good, because it's basically all he does.


  • Cheetor(Deluxe Class, 2008)
    • Accessories:Tail-whip, throwing blades
First available in the fourth wave ofUniverseDeluxes, this version of Cheetor is based on the originalBeast WarsCheetor. Amongst other departure from the original version of the toy depicting this character, he has been given aclub(formed from his tail) and a pair of shurikens, ortriple-bladed battle discsas his packaging calls them. These throwing stars can be stored in compartments on his legs.

Henkei! Henkei!

  • Cybertron Cheetus(December 27,2008)
    • ID number:C-12
    • Accessories:Battle Club, Triple-Bladed Battle Discs
Henkei! Henkei!Cheetus replaces some of his yellow plastic—including his arms, and stomach among other parts—with gold plastic. As with allHenkeitoys, he has vacuum-metalized plastic parts, specifically his entire head and the bodies of his throwing blades.


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  • Prowl(Deluxe Class, 2008)
    • Japanese ID number:TA-05
    • Accessories:2 bladed mecha stars, 1 traffic light "chain" weapon
Prowl transforms into a black and gold police "superbike" of made-up model. Two of his hubcaps are removable, and they both can reconfigure into three-bladed "mecha stars" which he can hold in robot mode. The mecha stars have a pseudo-automorph feature;pulling out on one blade simultaneously opens the other two.

Ani-toy Prowl Samurai.jpg
  • Samurai Prowl(Deluxe Class, 2009)
    • Japanese ID number:TA-34
    • Accessories:Sidecar/battle armor, wheel/ "sword", 2 bladed mecha stars
This heavyretoolof Prowl includes an all-new sidecar which transforms into the "samurai" armor that appeared in "A Fistful of Energon."Prowl's bladed ninja stars don't really seem to be intended to be removed from his legs, but with a bit of force, you can still pry them out of there. They have, however, been remolded so they're now fused together and no longer able to open, but they are exchangeable with the stars from the original Deluxe Prowl.

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  • Prowl Elite Guard Ver.(2010)
    • Accessories:2 bladed mecha stars, 1 street lamp "chain" weapon
AvailableexclusivelyatTokyo Toy Show2010, Prowl Elite Guard Ver. is a redeco of the original Deluxe-class Prowl toy in a color scheme based onG1 Prowl.And yup, he still comes with those nifty throwing-stars!


  • Set ID number:AM06
  • Micron ID number:M-06
  • Energon Crystal:AP Mud
Available only with his larger Deluxe-sized partnerSkywarpas part of the first wave of JapanesePrimetoys, Balo comes as an unassembled, unpainted "kit", his deco supplied by customer-applied foilstickerson a sheet shared with Skywarp. He transforms from a buffalo-like robot into a shuriken/shield. His multitude of redecos also feature the same mode. Awesome.


  • G2 Universe Road Rocket(Deluxe Class,2022)
  • TakaraTomy ID number:TL EX-03
  • TakaraTomy release date:January,2023
  • Accessories:2Energonblades, front tire/Energon blaster
Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection"G2 Universe Road Rocket" is aredecoand new-head retool of the mainlineLegacyPrime Universe Arceetoy, transforming into a '90s-style sportbike motorcycle. She includes the sameEnergonblade accessories as Arcee, but with additional paint decos in the center to show the sculped shuriken. The blaster weapon formed by splitting her front tire can also be plugged into a 5 mm port on her back, allowing her to better resemble the original Road Rocket figure with its distinctive shoulder wheels.

In order to become one with the Allspark, Prowl had to sacrifice his lithe thighs, and some of hischin.
  • Animated Universe Prowl(Deluxe Class,2023)
  • TakaraTomy ID number:TL-33
  • Cyberverse Universe Chromia(Deluxe Class,2024)
  • TakaraTomy ID number:TL-72
  • Accessories:2 Bladed Mecha Stars
TheLegacy: EvolutionDeluxe Class Prowl (and by extension, his redeco/retool Chromia) comes with two Mecha Stars which can be stored in the motorcycle wheels, and deployed by twisting the blade housing.

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