From Transformers Wiki
Shut-Up-Tornado-I'm-Trying-To-Thinkis the name of a planetoid in the middle of a collection ofblack holesin theUnknown Sector.Thanks to the black holes' gravity, getting there and getting out are difficult tasks, making it an excellent prison for particularly... difficult individuals.
(Tornadodecided on the name.)
Wings Universe
Somehow, in a process that involved aQuintessonbeing captured there too,Starscream's immortalsparkwas kept prisoner on the planetoid later known as Shut-Up-Tornado-I'm-Trying-To-Think. Through unknown means,Waspinatorknew the way to get to the planetoid and scribbled it on the cell where he was being kept prisoner by theCybertronian Knights.Surveillance footage of Waspinator's cell fell into the hands of theStar Seekersas they made their escape from the same prison.
Seeking the secrets of Starscream's immortality, the Star Seekers rode theTidal Waveto the planetoid, using "Electro-Magnetic Refracture"to pass by the black holes safely. Once there, they inadvertently brought Starscream on board theTidal Wavevia the Quintesson, which was long dead and only animate through Starscream's actions. AfterFlamewarand Starscream's mutiny, CaptainCannonball's spark and the crew still loyal to him were left behind on Shut-Up-Tornado-I'm-Trying-To-Think and theTidal Waveleft the region usingforestoniteto supercharge its engines.Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur