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Skar (IDW)

From Transformers Wiki

This article is about the Autobot Dinobot. For the Decepticon Powermaster, seeSkar (G1).
Skar is anAutobotfrom theGeneration 1continuity family.
I'm deadandI can't actually hold my weapon like Hulk hands. The universe just piles it on.

Skar(akaScarr) was the tactical medic of theDynobotsduring their time as soldiers of thePrimal Vanguard,known to be a quick thinker and improvisor.[1]Prior to joining up he was known to have researched the "dynamic alt-mode adaption"theory, a method of adapting a newalternate modeon the spot.



2005 IDW continuity

Monstrosity6 Skar.jpgMassacre-Skar.jpg
But let's not talk about him again.

While on a mission to search for subterranean terrorist bases beneath theToraxxis Plains,the Dynobots encountered powerful monsters dwelling in the caverns, creatures that almost wiped them out. In a desperate bid to survive, Skar used his research to scan the creatures and adapt his team into new alt-modes based on them, granting them the strength they needed to fight back. Unfortunately, the process also caused the Dynobots' minds to deteriorate into those of beasts, and Skar was killed by his own leader and best friend,Grimlock,during their rampage. His death caused the other Dynobots to be overcome with grief and factored into their desertion from the Primal Vanguard, and Grimlock would always feel guilty for what he had done.UnderworldMassacre

Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

Scarr was a spectator for the second week of theSpeedia 500onVelocitron.Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3


Transformers Roleplaying Game

Despite his thick-skinned alternate mode, Scarr was the most sensitive of the Dinobots, with low self-esteem and an easily bruised ego. Although he served as the team's medic, Scarr secretly yearned to work with his idol Wheeljack instead of his fellow Dinobots, who often teased him.Technorganic Secrets



Sure, pair me up with the team that killed me. That'll go well.
  • Dinobot Scarr(Core,2023)
  • 4 of 6:Volcanicus
  • TakaraTomy name:Dinobot Scowl(ダイノボットスカウル)
  • TakaraTomy ID number:TL-41
  • TakaraTomy release date:October 28,2023
  • Accessories:Tail gun/left Volcanicus fist
Known designers:Evan Brooks(Hasbro),Shuhei UmezuandShogo Hasui(TakaraTomy)[2]
Part of the third wave ofLegacy: EvolutionCore Class toys, Dinobot Scarr (renamed to avoid confusion with anotherSkar) is the first toy of the character, turning into anAnkylosaurus.His beast mode tail detaches to become a gun in robot mode. Scarr also forms one of the limbs forVolcanicus,the first combiner released within the Core Class scale. His fairly fist-like gun, as well as the fact that he's anAnkylosauruscomponent of a dinosaur combiner, brings to mindGairyu,the left arm ofDinoking.Scarr's dinosaur head is sculpted with a large central crest, which actual ankylosaurs did not have but which Gairyu does. What a coincidence!
Because of his transformation scheme, Scarr's robot arms can swing frontward, allowing him to double-wield some weapons with longer posts. While Scarr's combiner arm can attach to the right side of Volcanicus's torso, the tail gun/fist is only designed for the left hand.
The instructions do not mention the tabs on Scarr's rearAnkylosauruslegs, which can be flipped down to his robot legs' tab holes for a cleaner, less kibble-looking robot legs/gestalt forearm.
Scarr was revealed in an interview withEvan BrooksonFebruary 21,2023.


Foreign names

  • Japanese:Scowl(スカウルSukauru)


  1. "Scarr serves as the tactical medic of the Dinobots, quick to think on-the-spot and adapt to situations as they unfold." —HasbroTransformerswebsite, "Scarr"
  2. "When Shu san and I started to work on this, we also were having conversations with Hasui san on how best to implement it." —Evan Brooks, Instagram, 2022/10/02
  3. "Tân メンバー, アンキロサウルスタイプのメカ khủng long. Tả oản に変 hình し, khào vĩ には đại hình súng を trang bị. Hòa danh のスカウルはG1 bản プリテンダーモンスターからの dẫn dụng." —Transformers Generations 2023,"ダイノボットスカウル", 2023/07/20
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