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Skold's No Good, Very Bad Day

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Transformers: Beast Wars
Annual 2022
"Skold's No Good, Very Bad Day"
Publisher IDW Publishing
Published in Beast Wars Annual
First published April 20,2022
Cover date April 2022
Written by Sam Maggs
Art by Lanna Souvanny
Letters by Jake M. Wood

Skold makes a new friend and learns an important lesson in self-esteem.



In the corridors of theDarksyde,Skold's confident that today willfinallybe the day things go her way—up until she catches her foot on a corner, smashes into a wall, and falls on her face. Worse yet,Terrorsaur's on hand to laugh at her misfortune; so caught up is she in her own self-loathing that she doesn't notice him preparing to humiliate her further... at least, not until he kicks her down the stairs and into the ship's brig, where he traps her behind a force field while the other Predacons gleefully watch the bullying over the ship's surveillance cameras.

As Skold watches Terrorsaur leave, a voice catches her attention—she's in the same cell as an unfamiliarMaximal,who introduces himself asPowerhug.Despite his current predicament, Powerhug's eager for conversation and compliments Skold on her strength. So unused is Skold to actualkindnessthat the little Predacon immediately freezes up when Powerhug abruptly pulls her into a hug and asks her to tell him something good about herself. Hesitantly at first, then with increasing confidence, Skold tells him the things shedoeslike about herself: her strength, her grace, and even, sometimes, her intellect. Touched by this unexpected kindness, Skold thanks Powerhug for helping her feel better about herself... then calmly reaches up, rips his head off, and rummages through his decapitated body until she finds the bit of machinery she needs to jimmy the lock and deactivate the force field holding her prisoner. As Powerhug groans in pain and the other Predacons watch in shock, Skold cheerfully thanks her new friend for giving her boost she needed to make it a good day after all!

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"Come on. Tell me something good about you."
"Um... I have a very well-balanced torso. I like the way my hands look. I'm a pretty good tap dancer. And I can destroy almost anything! Whether I mean to or not. Sometimes I even think I'm really clever!"


"Thanks, Powerhug. You really helped me find my inner strength at the end of a hard week. It really is Skold's big day!"



Continuity notes

  • This comic is set at some point between the events of issues#9and#10,before Skold finally snapped and killed Terrorsaur in#11.
  • Where exactly Powerhug came from isn't entirely clear; given the timeframe of the comic, however, the most plausible explanation is that he emerged from one of the many downedstasis podsthat Blackarachnia sabotaged inissue #8and was subsequently taken captive by the Predacons before the Maximals found him, possibly during Issue #9 while Skold was off by herself and metRazorbeast.

Transformers references

  • Continuing the comic's trend of broadening its scope beyond the cast of the1996 cartoon,this story introduces Powerhug, a kindheartedInsectronwho debuted in the Japanese-exclusiveBeast Wars IIcartoon.

Real-world references

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