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Small Blessings

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Transformers: Rescue Botsep 14
SmallBlessings Shrunken Bots on can.jpg
"Small Blessings"
Season 1
No. in season 14
Production company Hasbro Studios
Airdate June 9,2012
Writer Ed Valentine
Director Nathan Chew
Animation studio Atomic Cartoons
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The Rescue Bots are accidentally shrunk and the Burns family must work without their partners.



Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

Huxley Prescottreports on a growing situation at theGriffin Rock damwhere a minivan is teetering on the edge. Though Prescott reports thatBladesandDaniare on their way,HeatwaveandKadeare also heading there as Kade has been trying to get a date with the minivan's driver,Hayley.They take a shortcut and reach the other side of the gorge. At Kade's insistence, Heatwave dangles him over the edge using the ladder and he reaches for her as the minivan starts to fall loose. Heatwave also begins to slip, but despite Dani's offer to drop a winch, Kade manages to grab Hayley and pull her from the minivan before it falls. Prescott rushes up for an interview during which Kade is dismissive of Heatwave's contribution and then takes Hayley to get coffee. They leave, not noticing that the minivan has clogged the dam's overflow pipe.

Back at thefire station,CodyandGrahaminvite the Bots to theHall of Inspirationwith them. Blades is busy getting detailed, andChasehas an enthralling afternoon of speed trap detail ahead. Heatwave is annoyed at having to clean himself and the way Kade ditched him, and Cody promises to give Kade a talk. In the end,Boulderis the only Bot who goes to the Hall. After they check out the hologram ofPresident Arthur,Graham heads to the basement to look at the wiring while Boulder and Cody watch a demonstration of some new inventions byDoc GreeneandFrankie.His demonstration of theCamera GlovesandMinimizergo down a treat, especially withEvanandMyles,a couple of local small-time criminals.

"Quick, now we must extract theHeart of Cybertronfrom Megatron's body. "

Kade is visited in his room by Cody, who talks to him about his treatment of Heatwave, but Kade is dismissive of Cody's concerns. They're interrupted by an alert—the burglar alarm in the Hall of Inspiration has gone off. The team soon arrives and surrounds the hall, but Kade decides to head inside. He encounters Myles, who fires the Minimizer at him. Heatwave jumps to protect Kade and is hit instead, shrinking out of sight. Myles fires again, but Kade jumps behind cover and calls for backup. Boulder, Blades, Dani and Graham all arrive through the front doors, only for the two bots to be hit by the Minimizer ray and disappear. Chase sneaks in the back door and grabs Evan and Myles, allowingChief Burnsto arrest them, but they refuse to say what happened to the three Rescue Bots. The damaged Minimizer sets off the sprinkler system.

"Rats... why did it have to be rats..."

The three shrunken Bots find they can't communicate with their human partners. Even Blades, trying to talk to Dani as she fixes the sprinkler, is swatted away. Unfortunately the water from the sprinklers soon washes Boulder and Heatwave into a drain, and Blades follows them by air. They land up in the sewer where Boulder's fascination at their new perspective is cut short by the appearance of some large rats. The trio jump into a nearby empty bottle and use it to bowl the rats before escaping through a break in the line. Luckily Boulder remembers he has a map of the sewer system, and they start following it.

The Burns family mopes over their lost partners. Dad reports that the two criminals are still not talking, but also that the Griffin Rock dam is sending them an error message. Kade heads there in his old truck. Meanwhile, Chase attempts to contact the rest of the team using the main comms system to no avail. He shows Cody an image of the Minimizer, and Cody recognizes it.

The three shrunken bots finally reach daylight, just in time for a flood of water to wash them out of the end of the pipe. They manage to fly to the safety of the nearby dam, which is filled to bursting point. They start to head to the fire station, but meet Kade coming the other way. He almost runs over them in his truck, but Heatwave manages to take out a tire in time. Not seeing the Bots, Kade starts climbing down to the platform on the side of the dam.

Cody has meantime taken the Minimizer to Doc Greene to get fixed. Initial tests are at least promising, if not perfect.

Small or far away?

Kade discovers the state of the dam is not good, but the platform starts to give way. As he dangles from the platform, Blades drops Heatwave off on his shoulder. Heatwave's able to use Kade's comms device to contact the rest of the team and alert them to the situation at the dam. Boulder and Blades work together to lower the fire truck's hose to Kade, allowing him to grab it and climb to safety. Graham and Dani, working from the station, spot the minivan still blocking the spillway, and Cody uses the Minimizer to shrink it, releasing the water.

With the dam fixed, they return to the fire station where Cody uses the Minimizer to de-shrink the three bots. It's immediately apparent that they need to be cleaned. As the others run off to get soap and water, there's a knock at the door, which Kade says is Hayley. Though Heatwave grumbles, it turns out Kade's invited her over to help wash the Bots.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"Don't take it personally. When human men and women get together, their brains seem to just stop working."
"Hard to tell with your brother."


"For a sanitation system, it doesn't smell very sanitary."


"And Doc said this'll work?"
"His exact words were 'it's worth a try!'"

Chief BurnsandCodydiscuss their confidence in Doc Greene'sMinimizerrepair skills.


Continuity notes

  • Wasn't Kade's old fire engine destroyed by lava back in "Under Pressure"?
  • Gadgets and powers:
    • Boulder has a GPS system with a map of the Griffin Rock sewer system in it. It doesn't appear to be particularly successful, since the bots head for the fire station and instead end up at the dam.
  • As in "The Reign of Morocco",when Chase tries to contactOptimus Prime,he can't get a response. MaybeMiko's broken the comms.

Transformers references

  • According to Blades, the Minimizer made them the size of "micro-Scraplets".
  • When the camera pans away from Heatwave after realizing they were swept away from the Hall of Records, there is a blink-and-miss it yellow Decepticon symbol (in the upper right hand of the screen) on the sewer wall.

Real-world references

  • Heatwave paraphrasesThe Wizard of Oz.
  • Boulder recalls the story of the Pied Piper.

Animation and technical errors

  • During the reaction shot to the picture Frankie took, the man on the left-hand side of the frame has changed from a white guy to a black guy.
  • The Minimizer doesn't appear to shrink anything struck as a result of Evan's missed shots.


SmallBlessings Kade's room.jpg
  • For a former high school quarterback, Kade sure has a lot of baseball stuff in his room, and not that much in the way of football paraphernalia.

Foreign localization


  • Title:"Robots miniatures"(" Micro Robots ")
  • Original airdate:?


  • Title:"Kleine Wohltaten"(" Small Benefits ")
  • Original airdate:7 March2013



  • Title:"Piccole Benedizioni"(" Small Blessings ")
  • Original airdate:12 June2017


  • Title:"Há males que vêm para bem"(" There are bad things that come for good ")
  • Original airdate:9 April2013

Home video releases

All releases listed are in English audio unless otherwise noted.

United States of America2013 —Rescue Bots— "Griffin Rock Rescue" (Shout! Factory)
Australia2014 —Rescue Bots— "Return of the Dino Bot" (Beyond Home Entertainment)
Australia2015 —Rescue Bots— "Complete Season 1" (Beyond Home Entertainment)

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