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Snapdragon (G1)

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This article is about the Decepticon Horrorcon from Generation 1. For the Decepticon fromAnimated,seeSnapdragon (Animated).
Snapdragon is aDecepticonHorrorconfrom theGeneration 1continuity family.
Surprisingly, mauling Daniel did not make him an instant fan favorite.

WhatBlotdoes through carelessness,Snapdragondoes with deliberation. He loves nothing more than caring for his unusually sensitive and delicate hide by bathing in putrid grease pits; if those aren't available, the running fuel from his victims' corpses will do. His bouts of animalistic fury and sheer love of destruction would make him an excellent warrior if not for the fact that he's lazy. His personal quarters are littered with alarm clocks shot to fragments by laser fire because Snapdragon just wasn't motivated to kill and maim that morning. His fellow Decepticons know they risk suffering a similar fate if they try to wake him, but often risk it in the hopes of channeling Snapdragon's rage towards the Autobots.

Woe to the Autobot warrior who faces Snapdragon without his beauty rest. But his laziness and appalling personal habits make him unwelcome among his fellow Decepticons too, except for the equally thuggishApeface.He isbinary bondedwithKrunk,who somehow makes him even worse.

If it doesn't get you dirty, it's not worth doing.

—Snapdragon's "G1" toy motto



The Transformerscartoon

Voice actor:Dan Gilvezan(English, Casting only),Takao Ishii(Japanese)
He was too lazy to finish the job.

Snapdragon was one of the Decepticon animals who attackedAutobot Cityas a diversion so that theDecepticon Clonescould steal the Key to thePlasma Energy Chamber.After a quick game of "kick the can" withFreeway,Snapdragon retreated and joinedScourge's unit in journeying to the Chamber, where the Sweeps leader fouled up and lost the Key to the Autobots.Galvatronsent Snapdragon and the others with Scourge, as they tracked the Autobots who recovered the Key toNebulos.While there, Snapdragon caughtArcee's hand in his jaws, promptingDaniel Witwickyto leap to her defense. Snapdragon then mauled Daniel, leaving him for dead as the Decepticons cleared out with their prisoners.The Rebirth, Part 1

"You smell, Snapdragon." "And you're annoying, Apeface." "Good point. Let's be friends."

Unfortunately, the mauling of Daniel led the remaining Autobots to developHeadmasters,and they rescued their friends from Snapdragon's Decepticons. When his leaders made a deal with the evilHiveto counter the Autobots' advantage, Snapdragon gave up his head (well, one of them) to bebinary-bondedto the Nebulan known asKrunk.The Rebirth, Part 2

After the Decepticons recovered the Key, they fled Nebulos and returned to Cybertron inScorponok,the massive battle platform created by the Hive ruler,Zarak.Although they reunited with Galvatron, the Decepticon Headmasters and Targetmasters were forced to contend with an Autobot battle platform of equal ferocity...Fortress Maximus.Eventually, Snapdragon and the Decepticons were trapped on board Scorponok when an explosion of plasma energy rocketed them out into space, leaving Cybertron behind.The Rebirth, Part 3

The Headmasterscartoon

Voice actor:Kazuo Oka(Japanese)
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Snapdragon and Apeface were loyal followers of Scorponok on the planetMaster.Before the Headmasters abandoned Master to join the Decepticons, the duo were captured and banished into the depths of space byFortressand his allies for their crimes. Sometime later, they were found and contacted byGalvatron,who brought them into the Decepticon ranks. Snapdragon and Apeface accompanied "Galvatron"toShangri-La Islandfor the peace talks withSpike Witwicky.Fighting broke out after the Autobots traveling with Spike learned Galvatron was a fake, and the Decepticons were planning to attack other energy storages in the universe.Daniel Faces His Biggest Crisis Ever!!

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Snapdragon and Apeface joined Galvatron on his trek throughout the universe for more energy and quickly became his favorite warriors. When they invaded the beehive world ofHive,Galvatron took Sixshot and the Horrorcons with him and just told the other Headmasters to keep a light on for them.Fight to the Death on Planet Hive!!They were also active on theTwin Starplanets, searching in vain for more energy onSperitywhen the Autobot Headmasters arrived.Battle for Defense of the False PlanetOnDaros,Apeface and Snapdragon were Galvatron's guests as he met with the corrupt governor, and they later joined Sixshot in a fight with the Headmasters. They were doing okay untilChromedomeand friends pulled out a 50-foot gun. It...didn't go well after that.Find MegaZarak's Weak Spot!!On thePirate Planet,the Horrorcons helped theDecepticon Clonesrecover the skull key fromFastlaneandCloudraker.Snapdragon was also involved in Galvatron's efforts to use the key and raid the pirates' pyramid.Mystery of the Space Pirate Ship

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As the Decepticons returned to Earth, Snapdragon and Apeface began working for Sixshot on Earth. They were assembled alongside theTerrorconsandCombaticonsto attack an Autobot energy facility inMiami.The duo fought theMonsterbotnamedDoublecross,although he was almost too busy arguing with himself to notice. They later traveled to Autobot City and picked a fight withRaiden,preventing him from entering the battle between Sixshot andUltra Magnusthat led to the Autobot City Commander's death.Ultra Magnus Dies!!Sixshot continued to employ Snapdragon and Apeface's services on Earth, as the Decepticons unleashed five simultaneous attacks on Autobot outposts on the planet.The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg

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As Scorponok abandoned Earth in favor of conqueringMaster,Snapdragon was one of his many troops seen attacking the planet's fortifications. After the Autobots arrived on Master, Apeface and Snapdragon were triple-teamed by the newTargetmasters.Perhaps not considering the Horrorcons worthy of exerting their new powers,Pointblankand the Targetmasters spent the whole battle unarmed and invehicle mode,and still royally smacked the chips out of the two Decepticons.Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 2)When the Decepticons kidnappedWheelie,the Horrorcons stood guard outside theMegaZarakbase. In vehicle mode, Chromedome and Danny zoomed right past them and up the ramp into the headquarters. Considering the rescue mission continued unmolested from then on, apparently Snapdragon and Apeface decided it was just a sudden wind that knocked them on their skidplates.The Master Sword Is in Danger!!Later, while Scorponok was finishing the final touches on hisZarak Shield,Snapdragon and Apeface went with Sixshot on a diversionary patrol to keep the Autobots busy.The Zarak Shield Turns the TideThey also battled the Autobots on the asteroidPallaswhile MegaZarak was undergoing repairs.Duel on the Asteroid

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Snapdragon and Apeface returned to Earth with Scorponok for his final scheme to annihilate the planet usingDeath Towersmade ofcrysmagnetal.As the Decepticons finished preparations for their fourth tower in Egypt, the Battleship Maximus arrived to put in an appearance.Weirdwolf's trio was the first to intercept the battleship and engage the enemy, but Apeface and Snapdragon were quick to follow. Unfortunately, Weirdwolf was leading his men in a rather bizarre and unstable totem pole maneuver, which only got worse after the Horrorcons hopped on top ofMindwipe.At that point, Fortress simply hit the gas, causing the "tower of power" to topple over the side. Snapdragon was also present at the final battle between the Autobots and Decepticons at the North Pole.The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)

TV Magazinecomic continuity

The Headmasterscomic

Apeface and Snapdragon searched for a weapon of unbelievable power known as theCharge Arrow.Equipped to fire only a single shot, the Charge Arrow was still highly coveted due to its ability to harness countless amounts of energy. They located it at theTower of Omegaon a distant planet, but were opposed byChromedomeandDaniel Witwicky.Chromedome tried to wield the Charge Arrow against the Horrorcons, but to their delight he failed to make it work properly. Filled with a sense of triumph, Apeface and Snapdragon mercilessly beat the Autobot Headmaster before advancing on Daniel. Seeing his friend in trouble, Chromedome summoned theburning spiritnecessary to wield the Charge Arrow, and used it to blast Apeface between the eyes. The backwash of energy consumed the two Horrorcons, and they fell to a burning crash off the side of the tower.The Headmasters #5

Super-God Masterforcecomic

Snapdragon appeared among the united Decepticon forces underDevil Z,and threatened the Autobot Masterforce with an attack on Earth.The Battle Begins! The Earth-Space Alliance Army

MarvelThe Transformerscomics

Events from theUK-onlycomic stories are in italics.
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Snapdragon was a Triple Changer working forScorponokonCybertron.He participated in a raid on an Autobot city, leading to its incineration and the capture of several of its inhabitants. As the Decepticons marched their captives towards their doom in thesmelting poolshowever, they were ambushed by a squadron led byFortress Maximusand forced to retreat.Ring of Hate!Shortly after, the Decepticons were suitably perturbed when their chief opponents suddenly vanished off the face of the planet. They eventually found their enemies when LordZarakofNebulossent asubspacemessage to Cybertron, asking for help in ridding his world of the Autobots. Snapdragon and the others arrived on Nebulos, ready to destroy their enemies and plunder the planet for resources, taking Zarak and his band of followers prisoner in the process. In battle, Fortress Maximus and his fellow warriors drove off Scorponok's crew with their newHeadmasterpowers.Broken Glass!The Decepticons went on to rampage on Nebulos, but a group containing theTerrorconsand the Horrorcons were sent fleeing by the Autobot Headmasters and theTechnobots.Realizing the Headmasters' superiority in combat, Scorponok arranged a deal with Zarak tobinary bondhis warriors with the captive Nebulans. Snapdragon was binary bonded to Zarak's personal bodyguard,Krunk.The Autobots and Decepticons again battled, with the Autobot Headmasters losing the rematch.Love and Steel!

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When the Autobot Headmasters attempted to rescue the Autobot Targetmasters from the Decepticons, their evil counterparts were sent out after them to feign a defeat, and lure them into an ambush helmed by Scorponok. During the initial fight, Apeface and Snapdragon chasedHighbrowthrough the air, until the latter was shot down byChromedome.Snapdragon then assumed his beast mode to chomp down on Chromedome, only to get blasted by Highbrow and crumpling to the ground. The rest of the Decepticons were shortly thereafter "defeated," allowing Scorponok to eventually corner the Autobots within theFortress of Despair.Worlds Apart!

Snapdragon later watched Scorponok in a faux duel against Fortress Maximus; a diversion set-up so that the Decepticons could steal a fuel convertor. OnceTriggerhappyhad secured the device, the duel was brought to a premature end, and Snapdragon helped Apeface fly Scorponok to safety.The Final Conflict

The events in this UK story differ in significant ways to theHeadmastersmini-series.

Snapdragon joined the other Decepticons in hunting down the rest of the Autobots, causing destruction across Nebulos. One conflict took him to theMercury Gardens of Melanossus,where he helped slay severalAutobots,forcing the few that survived the slaughter to flee back to their headquarters in Nebulos's swamps.Brothers in Armor!!When the Autobots left Nebulos forEarth,the Decepticons followed and battled them there, only to lose.Trial by Fire!


Apeface and Snapdragon were utilized by Scorponok in a trap for Highbrow. Apeface was damaged in the process and Scorponok's head stolen.All in the Minds!Snapdragon and the others hunted down Highbrow to retrieve their leader's head. They succeeded at reuniting Scorponok's components, but they were soon faced with the danger ofGalvatronand thetime rift,necessitating an alliance between the Autobots and the Decepticons. However, whenUltra Magnusaccidentally shot Scorponok while he was attacking Galvatron, Snapdragon and the other Decepticons turned on the Autobot. WhileOptimus Primedealt with the mad Galvatron, Snapdragon and the other Decepticons carried their leader to safety.Time Wars

Snapdragon doesn't care for your Nightbeat love.

Later, when Scorponok's forces met up withRatbat's Decepticons, Snapdragon accompanied his lord to the two leaders' initial meeting. When both forces fought over future ownership of theUnderbase,Snapdragon found himself rolled over byAstrotrain.Cold War!He recovered in time to attack the Autobots who soon joined the battle. The Horrorcons personally swooped in to attack Fortress Maximus, but were blasted off byBlaster.Dark Star

Snapdragon stood in a Decepticon audience demanding an explanation for Scorponok acceptingStarscreamback into the Decepticon ranks.Primal ScreamMuch later, Snapdragon fell underBludgeon's command and joined his invasion ofKlo.The Last Autobot?There, the Decepticons successfully ambushed the Autobots. However, Snapdragon's head was blown off soon after by Blaster, in a counter-attack led by the newly resurrected Optimus Prime.End of the Road!

Ladybird Generation 1 books

Snapdragon was among the Decepticons searching for energy onNebulos.Aware that the Autobots were up to something, Apeface's first instinct was to destroy whatever it was.Cyclonussoon determined that the Autobots had built an oil pipeline, and hadApefaceand Snapdragon tear up a part of it. The Decepticons proceeded to lay in wait and attempted to ambushKupandHighbrowwhen the pair repaired the pipe. The Autobots managed to get away however, when the Decepticons slipped over on the spilled oil.Autobots Strike Oil

Swamp of the Scorpion

The following summarizes one or moremultipath adventures.Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.
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Snapdragon and his Nebulan ally Krunk were under the command of Lord Zarak while the later attempted to steal Nebulos's oil. Opposing him wasa young Nebulanand the Autobot Highbrow. The outcome of the battles that ensued depended on your decisions!Swamp of the Scorpion

2005 IDW continuity

Kicked by a prick.

While occupyingSensensicawithSnap TrapandHun-Grrr,Snapdragon was heavily beaten by the Autobot forces of theLost Light.Before & AfterImprisoned aboard their ship,Under Cold Blue Starshe was returned to Cybertron where he and the other prisoners broke out and attempted to rescueMegatronfrom his trial. Megatron rejected their help, however, and the Decepticons were swiftly beaten down and recaptured, Snapdragon himself being beaten byProwl.Predestination: A Beginner's Guide

War for Cybertron Trilogymarketing material

If it isn't dirty work, it's not worth doing.

Snapdragon was aMercenary.Toy Fair 2020[1]With Cybertron's fate sealed and the Autobots gone, the Decepticons followed them closely through space aboard theNemesisin pursuit of theAllSpark.Snapdragon was aSpace Force Infantry Sergeant,whose function served as the Horrorcon Interceptor. His primary objective was to hunt and destroy and his primary weapons were the Carbon-Steel Armor-Ripper Claws.Earthrisewebpage[2]

My Little Pony/Transformers

DuringKing Sombra's invasion of Cybertron,Applejackrode Snapdragon into battle.Finale

2021 IDWBeast Warscomic


At some point in the past, Snapdragon fought Grimlock and lost.Savage Landing Part 6

Commercial appearances

Snapdragon andApefacewere created byGalvatrondeep in the canyons of Nebulon. Set loose, the Horrorcons proceeded to try out all three of their modes before wrecking up some nearby rock formations.Headmaster Horrorcons commercial


The Transformers(PS2)

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Headmaster Horrorcon, Snapdragon! Transformed into a dragon, nothing can withstand his teeth and claws.

—The Narrator,The Transformers

Voice actor:Russ Veillard(English)

Autobot story

While Optimus Prime's squad team explored the geothermal power plant, Snapdragon ambushed them. He dropped from the ceiling in his dragon mode and transformed torobot mode,giving his thanks to the Autobots for coming, but told them it was time for them to go home. Determined to stop the Decepticons, the Autobots soundly defeated Snapdragon. The Headmaster decided to leave while he was still functional, Snapdragon transformed to his jet form and fled the power plant. Snapdragon later reappeared for a rematch with the Autobot squad in a valley where the Autobots had detected an SOS signal. He lost again. He tried again one last time before they reached ELTA. He still lost.

Decepticon story

Snapdragon was a member of a team that Megatron sent to investigate a mysterious UFO that was spotted in the area of Zel Samine. Something caused the team to lose contact with the main Decepticon forces, and they found out that they could not leave the planet, as Zel's sun, Paradius, emitted electromagnetic rays that was harmful to them. Unable to contact Megatron and with no way to leave the planet safely, Snapdragon and the others scattered across Zel.

When the Decepticon forces went to Zel in order to investigate, they found Snapdragon at the Jaad wind power plant in his dragon mode. When he spotted them, he expressed relief at having found his friends, and transformed to robot mode. The Headmaster Decepticon complained about how it took so long for him to find his fellow Decepticons, explaining that fighting Autobots on his own was hard. Megatron was pleased to see Snapdragon, telling him that it time for him to rejoin the Decepticon forces. Snapdragon promised that he would and saluted his leader.The Transformers

Transformers Legends

Snapdragon andSkullcrunchergrew tired of waiting around Decepticon headquarters, and decided to set up a false distress signal to lure Autobots into a trap.Hot Spot,Blades,Groove,andStreetwiseresponded to the false alarm and, despite the duo's schemes, rebuffed the Decepticons' assault.False Alarm

Transformers: Earth Wars


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Snapdragon has been an outsider from day one, never really comfortable with factions and causes, and though his monstrous appearance and 'Horrorcon' tag (given him rather than adopted) marked him as material for the Decepticon forces, he preferred to feather his own nest as a mercenary-for-hire.

Vain and highly focused on his own well-being/structural integrity, Snapdragon decided that if he was going to risk his precious hide it was going to be for reward and personal profit rather than any perceived 'field of combat' glory. A triple-changer, Snapdragon is an adversary to be reckoned with in any of his three forms.

Snapdragon cut ties with the Decepticons as soon as he could safely do so, namely by proving his worth to Megatron as an outside and independent contractor first and foremost.

Though prone to bouts of animalistic fury and carousels of destruction, what really motivates Snapdragon is the bottom line: what's in it for me. If the price is right, he'll fight alongside Autobots, Decepticons, Quintessons or anyone for that matter (often at the same time). It's a testament to his skill and sheer combat prowess (as well as his status as a triple-changer) that Megatron tolerates Snapdragon's vain and self-interested nature. Snapdragon Bio

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is astuband is missing information on theirvideo game appearances.You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.

Transformers: Earth Wars
  • Class:Triple Changer
  • Lowest Star Rating:2 stars
  • Abilities: As a triple changer, Snapdragon has two abilities available to him.
    • Fire Ball:You set foes on fire in a straight line dealing damage over 10 secs. Follow with Mach 3: Flying over targets under fire make them explode dealing damage in a small area.
    • Mach 3:You fly to your destination at the speed of sound. Your foes' speed is reduced to 50% along the way for 15 secs (0% if used a second time). Follow with Fire Ball: Deal damage over 10 secs to targets under the 50% speed reduction effect (2x damage to targets at 0% speed).
      • Cost:4 ability points, +2 for reuses.

Snapdragon at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki


The Transformers

To begin, draw an S, for "Snap". Or dragon. Er, whatever.
  • Snapdragon with Krunk(Headmaster Horrorcon,1987)
Released in the fourth year of Hasbro's USThe Transformerstoyline (third year in Europe and in Takara'sFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformersline), Snapdragon transforms into a Cybertronic jet heavily based on the SR-71 Blackbird spy plane, as well as a "reptile mode" which resembles a generic large theropod dinosaur. His jet mode has two detachable fins, while his reptile mode can have his two guns mounted on its back.
His Headmaster partner,Krunk,is both hisrobot modehead and his reptile mode head (which is simply the robot mode head flipped on its back). Not shown in this picture - the robot mouthplate can flip up to form a spike for the reptile head.

War for Cybertron: Earthrise

Let's put one of those beefy arms back on him for good measure.
  • Decepticon Snapdragon(Voyager Class,2020)
The first official release for the character in 33 years, a new version of Snapdragon was released in the second wave ofEarthriseVoyagers, and once again transforms into a dinosaury-dragony-type thing and a Blackbirdy-like jet, with more articulation this time around in the non-jet modes. LikeSiegeApefacebefore him, Snapdragon'sTitan Masteronly forms a portion of the beast mode head, this time being the eyes and the entire lower half of the head of the dino mode. As was the case withSiegeApeface'sSpasmacomponent,EarthriseSnapdragon's head is only properly named as "Krunk" on the set'sHasbro Pulselisting, and interestingly, as a Headmaster instead of a Titan Master.[3]
Like allEarthrisetoys, the inside of the back of Snapdragon's package includes an exclusive clip-and-save piece of a larger star map. Also in the box is a thin red piece of transparent plastic with which to read the star map. Snapdragon's piece of the map contains the labeled location of the planet "BIOSPHERA".Like mostEarthrisefigures from wave 2 onward, however, it is misprinted, and overlays the "decodable" red graphics from the map piece included withEarthriseStarscreamon top of the details unique to Snapdragon's piece.
Snapdragon was originallyshownas aMercenaryat New YorkToy Fair 2020before being ultimately released in Decepticon-themed packaging. In Japan, Snapdragon was released as aTakaraTomy Mallexclusive.


  • One of the many confusing glitches in "The Rebirth"is the fact that, while Krunk and Spasma were clearly designed to transform into both the robot and animal heads of their partners, the Horrorcons retained theirbeast modeheads even when their Nebulan partners were separated from them.
  • In the JapaneseThe Headmastersseries, Krunk does not exist as a separate entity from Snapdragon; like all Headmasters, the large robot is just a lifelesstranstectorbody controlled entirely by the head unit. While the toy of Snapdragon's head unit was referred to as "Krunk" when separated from the larger robot body, the head unit was not referred to by this, or any, separate name in the cartoon.
  • Snapdragon'scharacter modelswere designed byMarvel Productions,and as such, no rear-view models for any of his or Krunk's modes were made, asToei's artists were typically the ones in charge of designing rear-view models. Being one of the few sets of models to be used in both "The Rebirth" andThe Headmasters,a Toei artist by the name of "Miki" (full name currently unknown) was assigned the task of designing rear-view models for Snapdragon (and "Krunk" ) forThe Headmasterscartoon. This is why they are never shown from behind in "The Rebirth", thecommercialanimations, and theMarvelcomics—and if they are, it's usually improvised.
  • An early version of the Snapdragon toy can be seen inthe commercial for the Headmaster Horrorcons.While the final version has solid color bars, this version sported striped readout bars.
  • According toAtlus'sTransformersvideo game,Snapdragon's reptilianalternate modeis, in fact, adragon.
  • In the same Spanish dub, he calls himself "el dragón indestructible" (the indestructible dragon).

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Snapdragon(スナップドラゴンSunappudoragon),Krunk(クランクKuranku,see above)
  • French:Vildragon(Canada)
  • Hungarian:Sárkányszáj( "Dragonmouth" )[4]
  • Italian:Tifon
  • Mandarin:Kuánglóng(China, cuồng long, "Crazysaur" )
  • Russian:Khvostozavr(Хвостозавр, "Tailsaur" )
  • Spanish:Zela[5]


  1. EarthriseSnapdragon waslabelled as a MercenaryinToy Fair 2020's Hasbro presentation.
  2. Earthrisewebpage
  3. "The head of Decepticon Snapdragon converts into a Headmaster, Decepticon Krunk"
  4. Hungarian Marvel Comics; Most probably comes form "oroszlánszáj" or "lionmouth" one of the Hungarian names of the snapdragon flower.
  5. The Latin American Spanish translation of theHeadmasterscartoon presents some problems with Snapdragon's name. On Snapdragon's first appearance, Galvatron calls him "Zela". (However, it's a bit hard to understand; if you don't listen carefully, it sounds like he says "Zedda", which has caused further confusion.) Then Snapdragon presents himself as "Ozela", after which both the narrator and Chromedome call him "Zela". Later, Hardhead calls him "Zedda", and finally, Galvatron calls him "Zela" again. This would seem to make "Zela" his official name, since it's used the most frequently.
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