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Snarl (G1)

From Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Snarl" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeSnarl (disambiguation).
Snarl is anAutobotDinobotfrom theGeneration 1 continuity family.
War! It's fan-tastic!

Snarlis an unhappy, unsociable loner. He grudgingly followsGrimlock's orders and that's about it. He leaves thinking to others. He has few opinions and rarely expresses those he has. Snarl's uncommunicative nature only serves to fuel his sense of isolation. On top of all this, he hates the ungainly stegosaur form given him by theArkand feels that the war onEarthmeans he may never see his belovedCybertronagain. Snarl is a profoundly unhappy being.

Only in war does Snarl feel happiness. Only the joy of combat washes away the ache in hisspark,and lets him forget anything but the rising thrill of the fight. For these reasons Snarl revels in combat more than even his fellowDinobots.

As anAction Master,he ispartneredwithTyrannitron.

Perfect end to a perfect day. We can't even die right.

—Snarl, Dinobot morale officer,Maximum Dinobots#3



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformerscartoon

Voice actor:Hal Rayle(English),Ken Shiroyama(Japanese),Yoku Shioya(Japanese,2010),Ken Yamaguchi(Japanese, "Call of the Primitives" ),Sun Yucai(Chinese),Edgar Wald(American Spanish),Albert Augier(European French),François Leccia(European French, "Dinobot Island, Part 1" and "Dark Awakening" ),Carlos Seidl(Portuguese),Ronaldo Magalhães(Portuguese, "Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 2" ),Orlando Prado(Portuguese, "Dark Awakening" )
Me Snarl so cool, me not part of first Dinobot batch.

Along withSwoop,Snarl was part of the second set of Dinobots created byWheeljack.They fought the previous Dinobot group who had been tricked byMegatroninto joining theDecepticons.AfterOptimus Primerisked his life to saveGrimlockfrom a fate similar to death, the rebel Dinobots realized the error of their ways and rejoined theAutobots,with Swoop and Snarl under Grimlock's command.War of the Dinobots

Snarl, along with the rest of the Dinobots was deemed strong enough to battle the elements whenCybertron's close proximity toEarthwas causing natural disasters. He assisted by sticking trees into the ground to help break up an oncoming tidal wave.The Ultimate Doom, Part 2

That's it, Snarl. Take one for the team.

Soon after a climactic battle between Optimus Prime and Megatron, theConstructiconsdug their way into theAutobot headquartersin an attempt to destroyTeletraan I.Upon the sounding of the alarm, Snarl was among the Dinobots who drove the intruders outside the base. However, the Constructicons unleashed their secret weapon by combining to form the mightyDevastator.Snarl was kicked by the giant, ending up hanging over the edge of a river of lava which then proceeded to burn his already damaged backside. It was not a very good day.Heavy Metal War

Spike,Hound,andBumblebeetried to teach the Dinobots how to play football, and Snarl found himself grappling with Wheeljack. Later, Wheeljack called Snarl and the Dinobots toWashington, D.C.during the battle withNergill's Sub-Atlanticans. Once there, Snarl's tail whip broke the Decepticons' glass dome and sentStarscream's grenade back at him. AtSub-Atlantica,Optimus ordered the Dinobots to act prehistoric, which amounted to ripping the place apart.Atlantis, Arise!

When Prime was endangered, he called the Dinobots (minus Swoop, for whatever reason) to help him out. The tanks attacking Optimus were no match for Snarl's powerful tail.Day of the Machines

Why are you all looking at me Snarl? Oh, right. Is this about the energon goodie jar?

Snarl and Swoop were curious when they saw the other Dinobots wreaking havoc, but curiosity killed the cat when Snarl almost damaged Teletraan I (Trailbreaker's force field protected the computer) and his tail knocked away the repair bay that Ratchet intended to use. Though Grimlock stopped the Dinobots and explained that they meant no harm, they were exiled toa prehistoric islandwhere they would be able to train without damaging any of the Autobots' equipment. Snarl got attached to the island quickly, and he practiced his "tail stuff", which meant whipping a rock at Sludge's face. However, Megatron soon arrived, and he scared a large pack of realdinosaursinto pushing Snarl and his comrades over a cliff, and into a tar pit,Dinobot Island, Part 1which they soon escaped from. In return for Swoop using his lasers to dry off the Dinobots, Snarl did the same to him.Dinobot Island, Part 2

Starscream may be laughing now, but when he finds out how much Snarl sells for oneBayhe'll be kicking himself.

Snarl came to an airport with the other Dinobots when Decepticons were spotted in the area. He was the first to smash into Megatron'ssecret hideout,and toppledRumble,Megatron, and severalSeekers,but Snarl was himself downed when the Decepticons fired on their weakerrobot modes.As soon as their repairs were done, Optimus wanted the Dinobots to do more work, and Snarl had just about had enough, refusing to listen to Prime and instead choosing Grimlock as his leader. Grimlock's first order was bringing his team to Cybertron.Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 1On the metallic planet, Swoop was separated from his teammates in the heat of battle, and the remaining Dinobots were reprogrammed by Shockwave to do his bidding in the Cybertonium pits. Snarl's memory circuits were restored byCarly,and he thanked her for this. Returning to the Ark with theCybertonium,Snarl admitted that he'd now be loyal to Optimus Prime.Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 2

Look! Me Snarl am in movie!

In the year2005,Snarl was present in the aftermath of the Decepticon attack onAutobot City.Later, he was on theQuintessonspaceship commandeered byHot Rod,Kup,the Dinobots and their new friendWheeliewhen they arrived on the planetJunkion.The Transformers: The Movie

Snarl's involvement in these events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled inTransformers: The Animated Movie.

By2006,Snarl had become a little more talkative. He and Sludge were left to guard Cybertron when a seemingly resurrected Optimus Prime told them all that Hot Rod,Arcee,Ultra Magnus, and Kup were killed by theQuintessons,only to see them arrive after theAutobot fleetleft. Despite Sludge's initial concern that the two Dinobots were dead, Snarl belatedly realized that something was wrong.Dark Awakening

WhenFort Knoxwas stolen by a Transformer withdinosaur transform static,Snarl was among the dinosaur Autobots who was interrogated. But Perceptor discovered that the energon found was a Decepticon formula, leavingTrypticonas the real culprit. Snarl, riding on Broadside, accompanied the other Autobots toCarbombyaand helped fight the Decepticons.Thief in the Night

Snarl would often spend his free time fishing in a lake/pond with the other Dinobots. Their idea of fishing was wading out and grabbing fish with their teeth. He was among the first Dinobots to realize that there was something wrong with Grimlock after he was exposed toanti-electrons,and the Dinobots temporarily ostracized him. They let Grimlock back after he transferred his super-intelligence toComputron.Grimlock's New BrainLater, he was among thePrimitivessummoned byPrimacron'sassistantto fightTornedron.He objected tothe "stupid Decepticon rhino"'s low opinion of Grimlock, and a brawl ensued. Other than that, he didn't really contribute much to the Primitives' adventures.Call of the Primitives


Voice actor:Hal Rayle(English)

Snarl was busysmashing Sweepswhen he was suddenly transported away from the battlefield through a trans-dimensional portal. He found himself in a metal maze, where he met with theRescue BotBlades.Though Blades was distressed over coming face-to-face with the fearsome-looking Dinobot, Snarl told him to calm down, as he wouldn't harm him. Unless Blades either annoyed or bored him, that is. Then, several cannons popped up throughout the corridor, prompting Snarl to draw his sword and advising Blades to do likewise. Snarl was baffled to learn that Blades didn't HAVE a sword, despite his name being.... well, "Blades." On their way to the middle of the maze, the pair went through a "graphic and expensive-looking battle sequence." Once that was done with, they met with six other 'bots who had similarly been abducted from their home universes:Arcee,Sureshock,Sonar,Ironhide,Ultra MagnusandRavage.

A menacing voice then made itself heard, claiming responsibility from bringing the group together within its death trap. After rather embarrassingly unleashing a sick and rusted Sharkticon onto the group, the voice ordered them to fight one another to the death. Snarl was pleased with this development, and allowed Blades to borrow his sword for the fight-to-come. But mostly everyone else was opposed to the fight and the architect behind the whole plot was forced to reveal himself. Unimpressed by theSkuxxoidthat appeared before him, Snarl punted the villain over the horizon. The group was then left to devise a solution on returning themselves to their home dimensions. They settled on all laughing together, as characters from cheesy cartoons are prone to do when an episode draws to an end. This worked, surprisingly enough, and Snarl was returned to his point of origin.Prevenge

Japanese cartoon continuity

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The Headmasterscartoon

In the year2011,the Decepticons invadedCybertronto get their hands onVector Sigma.Wreck-Gardispatched Snarl, Swoop and Grimlock to defend their planet.Four Warriors Come out of the Sky

Generations Selects Special Comic
VolcanicusComic2 SnarlSolarRays.jpg

In the year 2050, Snarl and the Dinobots resided on Dinobot Island with their new membersSlashandGrimmaster.Carlycalled and warned the Dinobots another time portal was opening on the island, and the Dinobots foundQuintessonson their land. The Dinobots ripped apart the Quintessons, but the evil merchants used theRecreatorto bring back thePredacons,who attacked asPredaking.Grimmaster was injured opposing Predaking, but he passed on hisEnergon Matrixso the Dinobots could create their own combiner, formingVolcanicus.Predaking was defeated, but the Dinobots learned that the human-forged robots calledSelectorswere rebelling atNeo Scramble City,and Carly had been hurt in the riots.Volcanicus comic 1

The Dinobots found the Autobots and Decepticons of theCybertron Alliancenow supported the Selectors' bid for freedom. Snarl stoically agreed with Grimlock that the Dinobots would continue to fight for the humans and Carly. Snarl's solar blasts went wide, striking downSandstorm,Lifeline,andHubcapbefore Megatron stopped the beams using a SelectorSoundbarrieras a shield. Eager for battle, Snarl brought out his sword and charged Megatron to press the attack. However, Snarl and the other Dinobots were all taken out bySky Lynxwhile Grimlock was busy with Optimus Prime. They recovered and reformed Volcanicus as the Quintessons got involved, dropping gas bombs on the battlefield.Volcanicus comic 2

The madness of the Quintessons united everyone against them and their creations, as the planet'sAngolmois Energybegan to go mad. The Dinobots were summoned back in time by theOracle,arriving on theBlue Planetof thePrecursor World.God Neptune comic 2There were many parties in play on the Precursor World, and it was all really complicated, so Grimlock focused the Dinobots on what he understood. Their old enemyPrimacronwas there, so Dinobots smash Primacron!Finale Prelude

Rodimus vs. Cyclonus

After blasting off of Quintessa aboard one of its ships, Snarl and the other Dinobots huddled around Kup near the vessel's control panel. Snarl stood about, muted, as the spacecraft came under assault from Cyclonus. Thanks to Kup and Hot Rod, they managed to escape their attacker, and the group later made their way to the planet Junk.Rodimus vs. Cyclonus

Wings Universe

Wings Universeis based on theGeneration 1 cartoon,but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

Together withHot RodandKup,the Dinobots were on board a shuttle fleeing fromCyclonus,Scourgeand theSweeps,though they were more concerned about hearing one of Kup's war stories than being under attack. When they found temporary safety inside a nebula, Kup relented and told them about the time he was in theElite Guardand fought onBeta-Nine.Eventually the Decepticons found them, but Snarl and the other Dinobots were so angry about the interruption that they made short work of the attackers.Wings of Honor

Marvel Comics continuity

Kid Stuff Talking Story Books

Snarl and the other Dinobots live in an underground jungle environment, hidden beneath the Antarctic ice cap. He can fly. Snarl was travelling to the Autobots’ headquarter when he and the Dinobots were attacked by Starscream and the Decepticon superjets. The Dinobots managed to fend off the Decepticons, and continued to Autobot headquarters. Back at the Dinobots’ base, another Snarl, immersed in his tar cocoon, awaited activation to join the Autobot ranks. When theCrusher,a Decepticon juggernaut, forced its way into the Dinobots’ headquarters, the vibrations it produced inadvertently freed the cocooned Dinobots, who charged at Megatron and Soundwave to fend them off.Jaws of Terror

Optimus had requested Snarl and the rest of the Dinobots’ assistance when he and Prowl investigated Decepticon activity on the island ofBuru.Upon their arrival, the Dinobots quickly began overpowering the Insecticons on the island.Slaves of the Insecticons

Marvel Storybooks continuity

Snarl and the other Dinobots stood by whileSwoopmercilessly butcheredDevastatorand killed theConstructiconsone by one. The rest of the Dinobots then joined in ripping the Constructicons' carcasses into scrap metal for good measure.Battle for Earth

Marvel coloring books

BattleAtOilValley SnarlVSoundwave.jpg

When Optimus learned from Cosmos that the Decepticons were razing a human village to build a fuel plant in its place, he had the Dinobots hide within the other Autobots' vehicle modes to sneak up on the enemy. Once they were in close enough proximity toShockwaveand his minions, the Dinobots were released and the battle against the evil robots commenced. Snarl used his thagomizer to topple Bonecrusher into a nearby pit. The rest of the Decepticons were then made to join the Constructicon, and the Autobots covered them with quick-drying cement to keep them out of further trouble.The Autobot Spy in the Sky

Snarl and the rest of the Dinobots gathered around Grimlock as Hot Rod explained to them that he was being chased by a squad of Decepticons. Hot Rod then took off towards Autobot City to warn Ultra Magnus while the Dinobots headed to confront the Decepticons. In the battle that ensued, Snarl took out Soundwave with a swipe of his tail.Battle at Oil Valley

Listen 'n Fun audiobooks continuity

Voice actor:??? (English)

Snarl was the leader of the Dinobots. Low on power, he lead them to DoctorHeath Blaisedale's solar plant in search of more solar energy. When they got there, they found the Autobots and Decepticons engaged in a fierce battle for control of the plant, and Snarl grudgingly answeredCliffjumper's plea for help in stoppingMegatron.After Cliffjumper usedglass gasto destroy Megatron's cannon, Snarl powered up on solar energy from the reactor and, standing on his hind legs, started attacking the Decepticon jets. Unfortunately in their enthusiasm for fighting, the Dinobots completely trashed the reactor.Sun Raid (Listen 'n Fun)

Milton Bradley mini-comic

Snarl was among a number of Autobots underJetfire's command who crewed theark.After it crashed intoEarth,the ark detectedSoundwaveand repaired Snarl and three others into theDinobots.The Dinobots soon tracked down Soundwave, but he proved too much for them to handle until Grimlock used his brain and brought the nearby cliff down, knocking them all offline.The Transformers

Big Lookerstorybooks

Snarl was one of the Autobots present atMetroplexwhenHot Rodwas talking about the car show at the Coliseum.Car Show Blow Up

Dinobot War

The following summarizes one or moremultipath adventures.Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Snarl, along with the rest of the Dinobots, were present during Earth's distant past, whenyou,Ravage and Laserbeak travelled through time. The Dinobots quickly learned about the Decepticons' plan to attack the Autobots still slumbering in stasis aboard the crashed Ark, and set out to oppose them. Whether or not they succeeded was up to you!Dinobot War

Dinobots Strike Back

The following summarizes one or moremultipath adventures.Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Snarl, along with the rest of the Dinobots, were on lookout duty in Hidden Valley.Bombshellmanaged to sneak up on the group and Snarl was one of the Dinobots who were subjected to the Insecticon's mind-control. After being ordered by his new master to attack Autobots and humans alike, Snarl's fate was up to the only Dinobot retaining his free-will, Swoop. If Swoop reports directly back to Autobot base about what transpired, the Autobots weigh multiple options on how to best stop the Dinobots' rampage.

If the Autobots choose to use Mirage's abilities against the Dinobots, Snarl and the rest of the sub-group are tricked into believing Optimus is standing at the edge of Bandit Bluff's precipice, and charge for the Autobot leader. Their target turns out to be an illusion fabricated by Mirage, and the Dinobots are knocked unconscious by their fall, and subsequently freed of Bombshell's control.

If the Autobots choose to use Windcharger's abilities against the Dinobots, the outcome of the Dinobots' and the rest of the Autobots' confrontation has two possible outcomes. If Windcharger uses his magnetic powers too close to the Dinobots, the powerful magnetic field sends Snarl and the other Dinobots into convulsions before killing them. If Windcharger decides to use his magnetic powers from a greater distance, the Cerebro-shells are harmlessly extracted from the Dinobots. Later, Snarl is celebrating with the Autobots when Grimlock recalls Bombshell announcing that controlling the Dinobots was only a part of the Insecticon's plan.

Optimus in turn can send Bumblebee, Skids and Sludge to investigate nearby electromagnetic activity. If he does, and Skids returns to Autobot base after the Decepticons has captured Bumblebee, Prowl suggests to send Snarl and his ilk as undercover agents into the Decepticons' local operation. Prowl explains that the Decepticons are likely unaware that the Dinobots are no longer under Bombshell's control. If Optimus goes with this plan, Snarl takes one Megatron himself, one of his tail-strikes causing the Decepticon leader's cannon to fire an opening in the Decepticon's base, leading to the Autobots successfully defeating the Decepticons thanks to the Dinobot's strategic placement.

If the Autobots choose to simply attack the Dinobots immediately and brutally, Snarl is brought to his knees by one of Powerglide's concussion bombs. Next, he missile by Swoop until his Cerebro-Shell falls out of his body.

If Swoop chooses to stay and fight Bombshell instead of reporting back to base after the Dinobots have become Bombshell's slaves, and successfully defeats the Insecticon, Snarl is freed along with the other Dinobots. Whatever other choices are made in this path, Snarl stays unaware of what has transpired, his memory a blank during the mind-control.Dinobots Strike Back

Frito-Lay posters

Snarl fought alongside Optimus Prime and his fellow Dinobot Slag on a battlefield.The Power Struggle

Toy pack-in material

Snarl, Grimlock, and Slag, were roaming about in a desert in their "undetectable everyday forms" when they came under attack fromStarscream!Sweepstakes Offer!

The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual

The dinobots g2 annual.jpg

After the Ark crashed into the Earth, Snarl, Grimlock and two others remained active and were reformatted to resemble dinosaurs, the planet's dominant lifeforms. Their new bodies also affected their minds however, leaving them acting like violent beasts. Eventually, the dinosaurs' reign came to an end. The meteor impact that led to their extinction also kicked up a dust cover which robbed the Dinobots of the solar radiation they needed to function. Falling into a coma-like state, they lay dormant beneath what became modern-dayBraziluntil Snarl and Grimlock were inadvertently awoken by developers from a logging company.Optimus Prime,JazzandBlazeinvestigated the area after the Ark detected the Dinobots' power emissions. En route, they were ambushed by the Decepticons andSoundwavetrapped the Dinobots in aplasma net.But the net had an unforeseen reaction to the Dinobots; a negative ion feedback triggered their Transformer circuitry and restored their personalities along with theirrobot modes.Even after the Decepticons were sent packing, Snarl was ready to chase after them to enact more violence upon his foes. His hand was stayed by Grimlock, who pointed him towards the more important matter of finding the rest of their missing comrades. To this end, Snarl and Grimlock remained in Brazil while Optimus and his soldiers left to continue the war against Megatron.The Dinobots!

DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

Ooh, burn!

During Cybertron's "Dark Ages," Snarl was part of Grimlock'sLightning Strike Coalition.During one of the group's missions, Snarl fought thePredaconsunderStarscream's command with the rest of his team whileIronhideandWheeljackmade off with Starscream's energon.FragmentationWhenProwland his squad of Autobots were overwhelmed in a fight with the titanicTrypticon,the Dynobots (after a bit of heated debate) responded to their distress call. While Grimlock split from the group to confrontJetfire,Snarl and the rest fought Trypticon until he fled. During the battle, Snarl angered Trypticon by making fun of his "dumb-looking" dinosaur-esquerobot mode.RevelationSnarl and the rest of the Lightning Strike Coalition formed a truce withShockwavewhen they learned thatThe Fallen,a greater and more malevolent power had devices for Cybertron. Together, they tracked down their missing comrades and rushed The Fallen's base of operations to prevent his evil schemes from coming to fruition.Conflagration

Afterwards,Ultra Magnusmanaged to unite the Autobots once more, and under his leadership gained a significant hold over Cybertron's resources and territories. This eventually forced theUltraconsand Shockwave's Decepticons to sign a peace treaty with the Autobots. Snarl and the other Dynobots were posted as perimeter guards during the peace talks, in anticipation for any attacks that might come their way. Sure enough, Starscream and hisPredaconsstruck by sending in a pair of shuttles filled with neutronium plasma to crash intoTyger Pax,where the treaty was being signed. Snarl and his teammates were unable to halt the shuttles, ending any hope of an easy truce. The dramatic return of Megatron with his clonedAerospace Extermination Squadronended any ideas of truce at all.The Age of Wrath

At some point Megatron captured the Dinobots, using their imprisonment to force Grimlock to side with the Decepticons.Prime Directive issue 3Grimlock freed them after Shockwave captured Megatron and Optimus Prime.Brothers' BurdenUsing a stolen Decepticon shuttle, the Dinobots then returned to Cybertron, crashing into its wastelands. They found the planet under the totalitarian regime ofShockwave,and set about sowing chaos and discord by rampaging about.Cold WarThough the Dinobots made much headway towardsShockwave's Tower,their progress was halted by the newly reawakenedOmega Sentinels.One of these titans quickly defeated all of the Dinobots at once.Passive Aggression

Later, once Shockwave's government had been overthrown, Snarl was among the Autobots assembled by Ultra Magnus to help fortify Cybertron's planetary defenses. The Dinobots were to help Kup bolster the new Autobot bases on Cybertron's moons.The Route of All Evil

Generation Oneceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

En route to Cybertron's moon, Kup had an amusing conversation withSludgewhileArcee,Slag,and Snarl looked on.Generation 1 #11

Transformers Legendsanthology

Snarl battled three Decepticons onDinobot IslandwithPaddles.After two of the Decepticons retreated, the Dinobots cornered the last,Raze,who managed to damage Paddles before Snarl could finish him. Snarl flew off without bothering to check if Paddles was still functional, leaving the sand to swallow his comrade.Paddles

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

Snarl and his comrades got the name "Dinobots" after they were randomly sent into Earth's distant past by a malfunctioningTeletran 3and given dinosaurbeast modes.They were brought back to the present by a group ofG.I. JoeandCobramembers, and proceeded to ripShockwaveand his army to pieces.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #4

A few months later, Snarl helped defeatSerpent O.R.'s newly acquired army as well. He agreed withStorm Shadow's statement of "KIII-YAHHH!" as the two beat upRansackandVenom.The Art of War #5

The Beast Within

Four million years ago, Snarl combined with his fellow Dinobots to formThe Beast,a savage abomination of a gestalt that knew no mercy.The Beast Within Part 2, Consequences In the present day, Snarl participated in a savage battle against the Decepticons. He did not fare too well in the early stages of the battle, being on the receiving end of a volley of Decepticon laser blasts. Then, Grimlock called upon him and the other Dinobots to combine once more into their gestalt form. The merge complete, the Dinobots then rampaged once more as The Beast.The Beast Within

2005 IDW continuity

Dinobots Autocracy Endgame.jpg

In the days ofNominus Prime,the Dynobots were known as thePrimal Vanguard's Covert Strike Force, a team of demolitions and heavy weapons experts with a perfect track record. This came to end end during a mission to the caverns of theToraxxis Plains,where the team was attacked by powerful monsters that forced them to fight back by using a revolutionary method of instantaneousaltmodeadaption to scan the monsters themselves. They escaped, but their grief over their loss of their medic,Skar,combined with the cold-blooded treatment by their superiors, caused them to desert from the Vanguard.Underworld


Snarl and the Dynobots dropped off the radar, spending their time fighting in underground pit fights, up until the day the newly crownedOptimus Primebroadcast a rally call for Cybertronians to join him against theDecepticondictatorship.BroadcastThe Dynobots responded by joining the Autobot side, arriving at the battle forIaconin time to tale outa lotof tanks.EndgameHowever, by this time their hastily scanned monster altmodes was causing the Dynobots to become increasingly aggressive. Fearing that they might actuallybecomemonsters and endanger the people of Cybertron, the team left the Autobots and turned to a life of crime, gathering money for the purpose of leaving the planet.Derelicts

During a heist on theToraxxis mega-refinery,Snarl was responsible for wheeling in the tanker they used to siphon the refinery'senergon.WreckageThe operation was interrupted byScorponok's Decepticons, who were looking to capture the refinery for their own purposes, forcing Grimlock to trigger the alarm and summon the Autobots.Faces of DarknessFollowing the destruction of the refinery at the hands of Scorponok, the Dynobots had had enough and convinced Grimlock to turn themselves in to the Autobots in hopes that Optimus Prime could help them.PreyEn route to Autobot headquarters they were pulled aside to respond to a riot atStarsreach Spaceport,where they were caught in another Decepticon attack.Massacre


During the attack Grimlock lost control and went on a violent rampage in monster mode, causing the Dynobots to lose their newfound hope in finding salvation. They regrettably went back to their original plan and left Cybertron on one of the spaceport's shuttles.UnleashedHowever, on learning thatTrypticonhad awakened, they turned back to help the Autobots fight the ancient beast and its minions—the very same creatures they'd met underground long ago.AnnihilationSnarl was ready to give up after Trypticon devoured Grimlock, but unexpectedly this only allowed the Dynobot leader to bring the giant monster down from the inside. In the aftermath, the Dynobots rejoined the Autobots for good in hopes that Autobot science could cure them of their cursed altmodes.Belly of the BeastA cure was indeed found, and the Dynobots had lost their rage and reacquired vehicular altmodes by the time Megatron took back the Decepticons and attacked Iacon.Primacy #3During the great battle, the Dynobots fought with thePredacons.Primacy #4

Following the fall of Cybertron, the Great War moved off-world; on one mission, the Dynobots were unable to prevent the Decepticons from destroying an unaligned civilization. When Prime arrived shortly after the battle, Snarl watched as Slag accused Prime of not caring about the lives he used in the service of his pragmatic goals.PostThe Dynobots soon became Prime's heavy hitters, a five 'bot wrecking crew who did the ugly jobs that the other Autobots eschewed.Time Will Rust


Ten thousand years ago, Snarl and the other Dynobots followed Grimlock to revenge themselves againstShockwave,who blew up a cache ofenergonthey had stolen. When Shockwave traveled toEarth,the Dynobots pursued him and reformatted themselves to transform into robotic dinosaurs with a synthetic skin as a defense against energon overload. Sadly, it did not protect the Dynobots from Shockwave's energy blasts, which melted the artificial skin and caused the Dynobots to go intostasis lockdue to excessiveenergon radiation.Due to a deadman's switch, theDynobots' shipblasted a volcano that buried everyone in molten lava.Spotlight: Shockwave

In the present day, the Dynobots were eventually excavated bySkywatch,Escalation #5and though Grimlock was the first to be brought back online, he was freed from Skywatch's control through a virus implanted by aMachinationspy (under orders from Scorponok). Scorponok wanted Grimlock to join him, but Grimlock refused, fought Scorponok and escaped, vowing to find and rescue Snarl and the other Dynobots. Scorponok, however, planned to take control of the Dynobots himself and use them to assassinate Grimlock.Spotlight: Grimlock

Some-times a-nother di-no-saur, wants-to- pick-a-fight. I don't get mad, I use my tail- it has four long, long spikes!

Skywatch activated Snarl, and in a test run, had him destroy a tank. When Grimlock showed up inFallon,he and the other Dynobots were sent to intercept him.Maximum Dinobots #1The Dynobots were set loose on Grimlock, nearly tearing apart the town. Scorponok had the neural clamps on Snarl and the others loosened a bit to take advantage of their natural animosity towards Grimlock. As predicted, Snarl and the others weren't happy to see their former commander, feeling Grimlock had betrayed their trust by activating the "dead man's switch" that entombed them along with Shockwave. But Grimlock pointed out that what he did was in keeping with the break-the-rules, win-at-any-cost Dynobot credo, which seemed to calm the others down briefly.Maximum Dinobots #2

However, Swoop simply couldn't overlook what Grimlock had done and took off on his own. Snarl, Sludge, and Slag also walked away together. Scorponok chose this moment to have hisHeadmaster armyengage Grimlock, curious to see if the wayward Dynobots would aid their now-estranged leader. And they did return, unwilling to watch Grimlock die alone. Despite their valiant efforts, it seemed as if the Sunstreaker clones would overwhelm them, but theMonsterbotsarrived on the scene to give the Dynobots some reinforcement. Summoned earlier by Grimlock, the Monsterbots' addition to the battle soon turned the tide and the remaining Machination troops retreated.Maximum Dinobots #3


The Monsterbots agreed to ferry the Dynobots to Machination HQ in their ship. As Grimlock discussed terms of payment withRepugnus,Snarl and the others discussed what they considered a miserable situation. Snarl speculated that they were out in the cold now, in terms of faction. He admitted that although he enjoyed trashing Decepticons, he only did it so he could one day return to the trouble-free life he had on Cybertron. When Grimlock returned to tell the others the terms of their alliance with the Monsterbots, Sludge and Snarl both wondered aloud why they couldn't simply let Scorponok alone. Grimlock told them that it was personal now and it was the "Dynobot way" to settle up with Scorponok. Snarl disagreed; He pointed out that the "Dynobot way" was more often than not, "Grimlock’s way" and he wasn't sure he wanted to be dragged down with Grimlock because of it. But Grimlock, being Grimlock, told them he was going in, with or without them. After their commander leapt out of the ship into battle once more, Snarl and the others decided "what the hell", and followed him despite their misgivings. They set about demolishing Sunstreaker clones again, with Snarl taking some damage to his leg. Grimlock told them he'd handle Scorponok, but Snarl insisted that they’d do it together, as Dynobot comrades-in-arms. Soon, the clones ground to a halt, and a damagedHot Rodappeared to explain thatHunter O'Nionwas likely responsible. As Sludge began to celebrate, he was blasted and apparently killed by Scorponok, who had decided to join the battle personally. Seconds later, Shockwave arrived on the scene, ALSO wanting a piece of the Dynobots and challenging Scorponok for the right to kill them.Maximum Dinobots #4

As Scorponok and Shockwave got into it, Snarl approached Grimlock, who was brooding over Sludge's downed body. Snarl urged Grimlock to snap out it and use the time to escape, while reminding him that the Dynobots never were ones to get all "band of brothers". But feeling that his obstinate attitude got Sludge killed, Grimlock told Snarl to retreat with the others while he remained behind to make amends. Snarl returned to Slag and Swoop and reported that Grimlock wasn't going to be leaving with them.

Snarl brings plates to a claw-fight.

The three retreated to an evacuation point while Hot Rod decided to stay behind to breach Machination HQ again. The Monsterbots were waiting for Snarl and the others at the evacuation point and Repugnus was perfectly willing to take the remaining Dynobots on as members of his team. This offer did not particularly entice Snarl, Slag, and Swoop and they decided to return to help Grimlock. When they returned, they found that Scorponok had retreated, Sludge had come back online, and Grimlock was in pitched battle with Shockwave. Snarl and the others immediately set upon the one-eyed Decepticon, but Grimlock ordered them away to find Scorponok. They found Scorponok about to kill Hot Rod inside a chamber that housed the DecepticonHeadmaster's original head. Using his stegosaur plates as handheld daggers, Snarl attacked Scorponok and Hot Rod directed Swoop to strike at the Decepticon's original head. Swoop severed the connections keeping the original head alive and Scorponok was disabled. At Hunter's urging, Snarl was about to execute the helpless Decepticon whenUltra Magnusarrived on the scene. Magnus decreed that Scorponok and the now-defeated Shockwave would be taken into custody and made to pay for their crimes. He also suggested they clear the area of any Cybertronian evidence and depart as soon as possible. Snarl and the others agreed to this. When all was said and done, the warrants that Ultra Magnus had out on Snarl, Slag, Sludge, and Swoop were canceled when Grimlock took the blame for the initial going-AWOL incident and surrendered himself. Snarl was seen helping to repair theSkyfireand preparing to leave Earth with the remaining Dynobots.Maximum Dinobots #5

You are a spiketail... so we will call you Spike!

After traveling space for a few years, Snarl and the newly dubbed "Dinobots" returned to a reborn Cybertron and joinedIronhidefor a mission to find theAerialbotswho had gone missing in the wilderness. After a run-in with a ferociousturbofox,which the Dinobots dealt with in their usual fashion, they discovered signs of Transformer weaponry which made Ironhide suspicious thatMegatronwas still around after the Decepticon leader had disappeared during the Autobot's last battle which ended the war. The night they set up camp, the Dinobots were suddenly compelled by an outside force to start fighting amongst themselves.Dinobot HuntThey eventually teamed up to pursue Ironhide, who was saved thanks to the timely arrival of the combined form of the Aerialbots, "The Superion".Night and the City

As it later turned out, the Dinobots' rage had been brought about by Megatron, who had been using them as test subjects for a mysterious type of energy capable of forcing Transformers tocombine,though the Dinobots' egos proved too strong to allow for a combination. Superion's appearance caused them to recover, and they returned to Iacon with Ironhide and Superion just as the city was being conquered by Decepticons.Before the DawnSnarl joined the fight and battledcassettesalongside Ironhide,Plan for Everythingwho then sent him and the Dinobots to helpArcee.While the Autobots did win in the end, they found themselves exiled into the wilderness whenStarscreamtook command and banished all non-neutralsfrom the city.Heavy Is the HeadOut in the wilderness, the Dinobots defended the Autobot convoy from the approachingConstructicons,at least until the Decepticon team revealed their desire to join forces with them.Second Exodus


The Dinobots were among the Autobots who responded to a mysterious light on the horizon, and on arrival witnessed the emergence of theNecrotitanfrom beneath the ground.Dark DawnSnarl was ordered to flank the Titan in case it proved to be hostile,Black Metalonly for a different battle to break out when the exiled Decepticons attacked the Autobots. The two factions fought it out until the Necrotitan suddenly unleashed a corrosive energy wave that injured many combatants on both sides.Winners & LosersThe Dinobots retreated to protect the injured, then tried and failed to combat the Necrotitan as it began making its way to Iacon.No ExitThey followed the giant to the city, continuing to ineffectively blast at it untilMetroplexshowed up.Burning BrightAfter Metroplex had brought down the Necrotitan, Snarl and his mates were given a chance to rest and caught up with everyone else.The BecomingThe peace proved short-lived, as an army ofAmmonitesthen invaded Cybertron on Shockwave's orders, and the Dinobots went straight back to fighting.Black PlanetDefending their planet alongside both Autobots and Decepticons, they held the Ammonites at bay until the invaders were destroyed and Shockwave was defeated....And the Damage Done

Once the battles were over, Snarl attended the trial of a surrendered Megatron.Towards PeaceMonths later, the Dinobots acted as security at a murder scene being investigated by Optimus Prime, Starscream,WindbladeandBarricade.Fight or FleeWhen theFireconsbecame the prime suspects, the Dinobots took care of the arrest in their usual violent manner, with Snarl impalingFlamefeatheron his tail.Quest for FireOnce the Decepticons were proven innocent, Optimus Prime accused Slug of the murders, and the other Dinobots chose to stand with their buddy as the two came to blows.The Killing JarSnarl continued to support Slug as he plotted to murder Prime for accusing the Dinobots of war crimes, but it turned out Prime had only done so to lure out the real killer,Sandstorm,who was targeting Cybertronian war criminals. Sandstorm did attack the Dinobots, but their lives were saved by safety measures prepared by Prime.Forever Is a Long Time Coming


Some time later, Snarl and the other Dinobots still had yet to integrate into Cybertron's post-war society, spending most of their time hanging out atBlurr'sbarand unsuccessfully trying to stop Slug from picking fights with the other Patrons. One such fracas landed them in trouble with Barricade, who successfully convinced Slug to help him escort some valuableCamiencargo into the wilderness. The other Dinobots were disgusted by the offer, until Slug convinced them that they'd double-cross Barricade and take the money for themselves. When Slug realized that the CamiensSwiftandStrafewere transporting a cargo of precioussparksto the oldhot spotinAlyon,however, Slug ordered Snarl and the other Dinobots to fight back, determined to give the sparks a chance at life—though they easily killed theBadgelessofficers sent to stop them, the Dinobots were now known cop-killers and could never go back to Iacon. Snarl was upset by this, but Slug reassured his comrades that this was what the Dinobots were all about: doing the dirty work so that the heroes could keep their names clear.


Out in theSea of Rust,the group ran afoul of a group ofzombieSweepsand briefly encountered theTorchbearersbefore arriving at thePraetorus Wharf,where they battled a horde of mutantturbofoxesatopTrypticon's frozen body. As the convoy closed onTyger Pax,nearing their objective, they ran into a glacier of contaminatedenergonand more zombie Sweeps, as well as an ambush by the Badgeless soldiers who had secretly tailed them to Alyon. Snarl and the other Dinobots were held at bay by their firepower, and whenBludgeonrevealed himself as the architect behind the various mutants they had encountered, Swift, Strafe, and the Dinobots were able to destroy his various experiments and send him plunging into a river of corrupted energon, but sacrificed Barricade and the sparks they had carried to Alyon in the process. Despite this, the group discovered that the Alyon hot spot had generated a fresh wave of newborn sparks all on its own, and with Strafe, the newest member of the Dinobots in tow—the corrupted energon having mutated her body into a newbeast mode—the Dinobots departed to find Bludgeon and finish him off.Redemption


Over the next several months, the Dinobots continued to fruitlessly comb the wastes for any sign of Bludgeon until the day they discovered one of his makeshift laboratories in the wastes, containing vats of corrupted energon Bludgeon used to harvest sparks from his reanimated Sweeps. No sooner had they realized this, however, when Slug was fatally shot by Sandstorm, now in the employ of Starscream and turned loose to bbring in the fugitive Dinobots. Slug sacrificed himself to put the corrupted energon beyond reach, breathing a stream of flame that destroyed the lab and giving the other Dinobots the chance to escape.

This was only the first step in Bludgeon's master plan: by connecting the sparks of the mutated Sweeeps to Trypticon'sbrain module,and using a replica of the fabledVoid Scepter,Bludgeon was able to bring the ancientTitanback online, intending to march on Iacon and conquer Cybertron. Sludge, Snarl, and Strafe followed the monster to Iacon, and thanks toDevastatorthey were able to dive into Trypticon's gullet and attack his internal foundries, smashing their way through the cyber-morphic predators. While Strafe searched for Bludgeon, Sludge and Snarl attacked his power sources until Swoop and Sandstorm arrived; unaware that Swoop had brought Sandstorm around to their way of thinking, Snarl immediately attacked the Autobot... all according to Bludgeon's plan, who had deliberately left Sandstorm alive so that his presence would distract the Dinobots.

Wow, I get a whole panel to myself!

As Trypticon assumed his starship mode and prepared to bridge to a nearby world to conquer, his transformation moved Bludgeon and Strafe into the same chamber as the other Dinobots, and Bludgeon's hesitance in deciding which planet to first conquer distracted him long enough to prevent him from noticing that Swoop had managed to get the other Dinobots all on the same side, with Sandstorm t the Void Scepter responsible for keeping him in thrall to Bludgeon; now freed from Bludgeon's servitude, the Titan teleported him outside his body and used his atomic breath to reduce Bludgeon to molten metal, seemingly killing him.

Though Snarl and Sandstorm were eager to continue their fight with their mutual enemy vanquished, Strafe convinced them to work together to protect the newborn sparks gathered by Bludgeon; this was a sentiment that Trypticon himself agreed with, desiring to become more than a force for destruction, and allowing the sparks to draw upon his ownsentio metallicoto form a new generation ofprotoforms.As Trypticon descended back into Cybertron's underground to protect these new lives, Snarl and the other Dinobots watched as the new generation took shape.Salvation


As the protoforms developed, the Dinobots took up residence in Trypticon, and were eventually joined by the recently arrivedCenturionin the immediate aftermath of theIron Ring's attack on Cybertron. Shortly after Centurion joined their number, the group was tracked down by Optimus Prime and Slug, who had been revived byFlatlineusing some of Bludgeon's discarded experiments. Though Slug was able to track down his old comrades,The Dead Come Home, Part 1the influence of Bludgeon and his Void Scepter caused Slug to lash out and begin attacking his erstwhile comrades, so that Starscream could seize the protoforms for his own ends.The Dead Come Home, Part 2Slug eventually regained his faculties after the destruction of the Void Scepter, and was welcomed back into the fold by Snarl and the other Dinobots.The Dead Come Home, Part 2

The Dinobots remained in Trypticon—now the official embassy for Earth on Cybertron—for some time afterwards as the protoforms matured, but when "Onyx Prime"returned to Cybertron and was unmasked as a time-travelling Shockwave, Trypticon opted to protect the protoforms and teleported away to Earth. The Dinobots stayed by Trypticon, however, even when the threat ofUnicronmade itself manifest shortly thereafter,Unstopped and Unstoppablewith the Dinobots taking part in a battle againstSlideand the otherColonist Soldierswhen the hotheadedDevisenmade the decision to try and liberate Jazz fromG.I. Joecustody, and although the Dinobots quickly gained the upper hand against the young colonists, killingGimletin the process,Time Will Rustthe battle was compounded after the arrival ofWreck-Gar,Rum-Maj,and theirSharkticonsoldiers, followed by the death ofMainframeand the arrival of Unicron over Earth, having destroyed Cybertron.A Sunrise Dark

The arrival of Prowl allowed the various combatants to realize that they would need to set aside their personal vendettas and defeat their common enemy, and while the surviving colonists boarded thePeaceful Revolutionto rendezvous with Prime's forces inMosi-oa-Tunya,the Dinobots and their allies joined up with the heroes and villains of Earth within Trypticon to coordinate their combined strike against the planet-eater and hisMaximalhordes. During the final battle against Unicron and his Maximals, Snarl and the other Dinobots spacebridged into low Earth orbit with the other Cybertronians andSpace Knightsto take Unicron head-on, distracting him while Prime and his allies used theTalismanto kill Unicron from within.Assembly

He died as he lived: off-panel.

Bringing their full might to bear against the monstrous Maximals, Snarl and the other Dinobots wound up arguing with Slide over the ethics of their current situation, before the sight of Bludgeon's personalWorldsweeperbreaching Earth's atmosphere prompted both Slide and the Dinobots to break off their battle against Unicron to take on the mad scientist once and for all. As Slide joined forces withPyra Magnaand the other Torchbearers, the Dinobots stormed the ship's bridge to take on Bludgeon and his mutated Decepticons in a final, no-holds-barred melee as the runaway ship barrelled towards theWhite House.As the ship approached its destination, Snarl and Sludge were both felled by their enemies; their remains were presumably destroyed shortly thereafter when the ship hit the White House and exploded, killing both Slug and Bludgeon in the process.Ceremony

Hearts of Steel


Snarl was one of the many Autobots who fought against the Decepticons on prehistoric Earth.Hearts of Steel #1

"Strange Visitors"establishes that events identical to those ofHearts of SteelandInfestation 2occur in the2005 IDW continuity;however, they happened toMaximalexplorers brainwashed byShockwaveinto believing they were the Autobots and Decepticons of the Great War.

Lil Formers

Snarl was left distraught over the fact that nobody believed him when he said he starred inThe Transformers: The Movie.Lil Formers

Mini Mayhem!

Eric Siebenalertried to convince Snarl to show up in his magazine by promising him that he'd get to punch a Decepticon if he did. Snarl decided to punch Eric instead, and then walked off.Mini Mayhem!

Transformers: All Spark

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

This character article is astuband is missing information on theirfictional appearances.You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.

Revenge (All Spark)Ray of HopeConclusion

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

Snarl stood with a unitedAutobot/G.I. Joeforce opposing theDecepticon/Cobraalliance before the final battle.Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12

Prime Wars Trilogycartoons

Voice actor:Mikey Way(English)

WhenMegatronand his team arrived in thePrimal Swamp,Snarl and the other Dinobots attacked the trespassers. Snarl managed to pin down Victorion, attacking her with Sludge, but she eventually managed to free herself. Undeterred, Snarl merged with his fellow Dinobots to becomeVolcanicus.The SwampThe Dinobots later separated, but were taken aback when Grimlock agreed to join Megatron's group.PrimalUnable to agree with the decision, Snarl and the other Dinobots departed, though Snarl expressed some regrets. Unfortunately, they were found byOverlordandRodimus Cron,who attacked and soundly defeated them. Rodimus grabbed Sludge and started torturing him until Snarl confessed Megatron was headed for theAthenaeum Sanctorum.Momentarily possessed byUnicron,Rodimus killed Sludge and departed with Overlord, with Snarl and the others mourning the loss of their own.Athenaeum SanctorumHe was later severely weakened by the spark-draining power ofMegatronus's doomsday weapon.Collision CourseFortunately, he ultimately survived and he and the others reunited with Grimlock, collectively mourning Sludge.Saga's End

Power of the Primesmarketing material


The surly Dinobot Snarl could wield powers of thePrimesby linking withPrime Masters.Power of the PrimesDinobot Snarl packaging bio

For a list of powers manifested by Snarl, seethis chart.


The Transformers(PS2)

Snarl is a non-playable character. He appears among the legion of Autobot duplicates in the Decepticon campaign.

The Transformers

Transformers Legends

At a time when their group was the Lightning Strike Coalition, Slug and Snarl were on a mission to find their leader Grimlock, who had disappeared. While searching theSea of Rust,they were ambushed by Hardshell and the Insecticons. Slug and Snarl were overwhelmed and taken prisoners to Shockwave's lab, where they are reunited with the rest of their squadron. Shockwave experimented on the Lightning Strike Coalition, transforming them into the monstrous Dinobots. This backfired on the Decepticon scientist, however, when the Dinobots used their new found power to rise up against Shockwave and thrash his lab.Rescue the King

Following the disappearance of Grimlock and Swoop, Snarl and the other remaining Dinobots refused to obey Autobot orders and set out for the Decepticon base, attacking Optimus when he tried to stop them. Having dealt with Optimus, the Dinobots continued towards the Decepticon base until the Autobots managed to overwhelm and imprison them.Day of the Dinobots - Part 1The trio were released during a night raid by Grimlock and Swoop. The five Dinobots marched on the Decepticon base, but were defeated byShockwave,RamjetandRatbat.Day of the Dinobots - Part 2

The Dinobots supported Grimlock when their leader decided to take control of the Autobot army, and took part in an attack on the Decepticons, capturing Megatron and Shockwave.Me, Grimlock, King

When Optimus fell in battle during a massive Decepticon attack on Autobot City and Grimlock took command, Snarl and the other Dinobots joined him in crushing the Decepticon forces.S.O.S. Dinobots

Ultra Magnusand Snarl were on a fact-finding mission to the planet of theTorkuliwhen Galvatron arrived there for treatment. They subsequently had to flee as Galvatron's treatment failed and he destroyed the planet.Web World

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Snarl participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He appeared in multiple different bodies:

  • Snarl—This Super Rare character first appeared in the "Dinobots Destruction" event, and could be recruited by collecting 250 units of Cybermetal, 75 units of Transmetal, and 10 cores of this character.
  • Snarl (G2)—This Epic character first appeared in the "S.O.S Dinobots!' event, and could be recruited by collecting 500 units of Cybermetal, 250 units of Transmetal, and 50 cores of this character.Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is astuband is missing information on theirvideo game appearances.You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.

Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers: Earth Wars

Me Snarl gonna burn everything. Grimlock said for me to.

Snarl was sent a mission toQuintessa,just as Prowl back on Earth lost contact with him due to chronal interference. He observed that the native creatures were eating each other when he bumped intoHun-Gurrr.He deduced that he was after the same thing as him. As they were arguing Sharkticons swarmed them!QuintessentialThe Sharkticons were coming at them from all sides. He and Hun-Gurrr agreed to put their feud in the back-burner and tag-team the Sharkticons. But twenty more came for every six he mangled. Snarl had an idea to get them out of their situation though. Having stored the planet's solar radiation, he unleashed a solar electromagnetic blast that fired the Sharkticons.Death's Trap

Hun-Gurrr told Snarl he had new orders from Earth. When Snarl inquired what was his original orders, he said it was classified. His new orders, however, was to kill Snarl. Snarl retorted he'll kick the Terrorcon's armored plate to Nebulos before they started headbutting each other.Face to Face

They were too evenly-matched, however, and Snarl called for a truce. A new wave of Sharkticons converged to their point, and they both had to run because Snarl had drained all his solar energy. Hun-Gurr noticed that the Sharkticons were after only Snarl, due to him lighting them up like Iacon's Candelwatt Square, and abandoned him. Snarl cried out for an emergency extraction as he was being overwhelmed.

Snarl thought it was over for him with Sharkticons biting all over, but he found himself back on Earth with Grimlock biting him out of joy. With the data he retrieved from Quintessa, Snarl declared the Dinobots will soonall be one.Mission Accomplished

  • Stats:Snarl is comparable to his leader, Grimlock. His speed is.2 higher than Grimlock's speed, but at the cost of Snarl having less health.
  • Class- Special
  • Lowest Star Rating:2 stars
  • Weapons:Snarl attacks targets mostly in his beast form, using his tail to whack targets, and a mid-distance fire-breath attack to damage Decepticon defenses. In robot mode, Snarl uses a blazing fire sword super-charged by his solar panels, creating large bursts of fire that can hit multiple targets and deal extremely high damage.
  • Ability: Fire Frenzy- Attacks with fierce strength hitting multiple targets in a line, setting enemy buildings on fire and dealing up to 300% (lvl 1) - 425% (lvl 10) of damage. This mode lasts 15 seconds.
    • Cost:6 ability points +3 cost increase.

Snarl at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Snarl was a quiet Dinobot with a tendency to fade into the background. At one point, the Dinobots forgot to take him along while attempting to reinforce Autobot City from a Decepticon siege.Technorganic Secrets


The Transformers

So, why movie director tell me Snarl to wait here again?
Released in the second year ofHasbro'sThe Transformerstoyline,DinobotSnarl is aredecoof theDiaclone"Dinosaur Robo Stegosaurus", transforming from a roboticStegosaurusbristling with gold vacuum-metalized armor plates, to a heavily armed robot armed with a red energo-blade, a smaller laser rifle and a rocket launcher with three black missiles; the launcher is designed to plug into his robot-mode shoulders/dino-mode hips, rather than be hand-held like his other accessories. The launcher also has a very weak spring,for safety reasons.
In Japan, he and the other Dinobots were sold in the first year of Takara'sFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers.While Snarl retained the retooling of the tail, his missile launchers were fully functional, flinging those chokeable-on plastic projectiles with force. Years later, the Dinobots were made available again as mail-away items duringOperation Combination,at a cost of 2300 yen (his original retail price) and two robot points.
According to the instructions, you're supposed to put an Autobot sticker in the middle of his dino head... but said dino head splits in half for transformation to robot mode, so that's impossible without cutting it in half.
Snarl went through a number of changes fromDiaclonetoTransformers.His black-painted robot torso changed to a team-matching red, and his sword went from stiffer silver plastic to softer red. The spikes on his tail were shortened and rounded off as well.

Me never like me dino modeanyway.
  • Snarl with Tyrannitron(Action Master,1990)
Part of the third assortment of individually-cardedAction Masterfigures in the toyline's seventh and final year (in the US at least), Snarl in a non-transforming 3¾-inch action figure, with a sculpt was based upon his cartoon model, but with some of the toy details added in. His construction is broadly similar to that used by theG.I. Joefigures of the time, having a swivel neck, shoulders and knees, plus ball-jointed hips attached via a steel rod internally secured by a rubber "o-ring". His hands have standard 3 mm holes which allow him to hold any other accessory in the Action Master line, plus his feet have holes in the bottom to secure him to larger vehicles. On top of that, the hole in his back is compatible with5 mm posts.
He came with his transformingpartnerTyrannitron,who can form a gigantic blaster cannon for Snarl to lug around. Tyrannitron's cannon mode can also be augmented by adding Snarl's "intensity beam gun" to the end of his barrel.

  • Snarl(Dinobot,1991)
  • Accessories:"energo sword", "electron cannon", rocket pod launcher, 3 missiles
Snarl's original toy was reissued in theEuropean/Australian-exclusiveClassicsseries; this version features much darker plastic on the dinosaur head.
In Greece, these releases were added to re-releases of theDefensorandDevastatorgiftsets.

Generation 2

Me no like dino mode, be it red, green or silver!
  • Snarl(Dinobot,1992)
Part of the very first assortment ofGeneration 2product released just in time for the 1992 holiday season, Snarl's original toy was re-released with minimal changes; an "AUTOBOT" tampograph was added to the inside of his robot-mode foot, and this release lacks the original toy's missile launcher and missile.
The following year, Snarl underwent arunning change,with his silver plastic now cast in either a dark red or dark green color (Snarl's fellow DinobotsGrimlockandSlagunderwent a similar set of color changes). As the red version is far, far more common on the secondary market, plus was the version pictured in Hasbro's 1993Toy Faircatalog, it's a safe bet that the red one came first, and the green version was a late-run refresher that saw little distribution.


Me bet you didn't know thatthagomizeris real scientific term!
  • Dinobots Generation One 4-pack(Multi-pack,2014)
  • Accessories:Axe-head, thagomizer
Available only as part of theHasbro Toy Shopexclusive"Dinobots Generation One 4-pack" that was first made available atSan Diego Comic-Con2014,Snarl is a redeco ofAge of ExtinctionDeluxeSnarlin the expected Generation 1 colors. Snarl's largest pair of plates and thagomizer become a blade and a spiked mace for him to wield in robot mode, and can combine to form a large axe; this combination is not mentioned in his instructions, however.
Interestingly, one of his legs has a false head tucked into the side, while his real head folds in symmetrically on his other leg. This gives the impression that he has two dinosaur heads in robot mode, which is humorous in hindsight, given that it was once theorized that stegosaurs had two brains to control motor functions.
Snarl is packaged withGrimlock,Strafe,andSlug,all of whom are also redecos of theirAge of Extinctioncounterparts. Their box unfolds into a diorama of the crashedArkinMount St. Hilary.A similarly-themed toy ofSludgewas released via Amazon inAge of Extinctionpackaging.


  • Kreon Class of '85(Kreon figure set,2015)
  • Set number:B5152
  • Voted:Most Likely to Skip Class
  • Accessories:Small pistol, sword
Kre-OSnarl is a small brick-builtKreonfigure, using the 2015-style construction with raised hands and the sturdier "peg-in-peg" torso/waist connection. His bodytampographsare heavily toy-based.
He was only available as part of theSan Diego Comic-Con2015-exclusive"Kreon Class of '85"30-Kreon set. This set was also sold online throughHasbro Toy Shopafter the show.

Platinum Edition

His bio actually says his favorite battlefield isexplosion-filled,No kidding!
  • Dinobots(Platinum Edition 5-pack, 2015)
  • Accessories:Axe-head, thagomizer
Part of thePlatinum EditionDinobots 5-pack, Snarl is another Generation-1-inspired redeco/retool ofAge of ExtinctionDeluxe ClassSnarl,this time sporting a new head that better resembles his original noggin, and replacing most of his gold with silver.
Snarl was bundled with similarly-decoed versions ofGrimlock,Slog,Slug,andStrafe.
This set was initially released as aToys "R" Usexclusive in Canada in October 2015, followed by Singapore a month later (although it's currently unknown whether it was exclusive to any particular store there or not). Much later, it became available via the Australian Toys "R" Us website (but never found in stores). In the United States, it was initially only available online viaAmazonandBigBadToyStorebefore being found at discount chain Ross a year after its initial release in Canada.

Power of the Primes

PotP Snarl.jpg
  • Dinobot Snarl(Deluxe Class,2018)
  • Takara ID number:PP-13
  • Takara release date:June 30,2018
  • Accessories:sword, Prime Armor/combiner hand, Prime Master gap filler/gun
  • Known designers:John Warden(Hasbro),Robby Musso(concept artist),Marcelo Matere(packaging artist)
Power of the PrimesSnarl can transform into a roboticStegosaurus,as well as form a limb forVolcanicusor any otherCombiner Wars-style combiner (or into one ofLegendsGodbomber's legs). Like the other Dinobots in this subline, Snarl is partially composed of translucent plastic with gold paint on the inside to give him a 'layered' look reminiscent of his original toy. Like all otherPower of the PrimesDeluxe Class figures, he comes with Prime Armor with a place for aPrime Master,Enigma,orMatrix corethat can transform into a hand for a combiner. He also comes with a piece that can fill the gap in the chest armor or be held as a gun.
Curiously, Snarl comes packaged with a sword molded in translucent plastic, but unlike Swoop's red-painted sword, it is left unpainted. The sword can use the tab to be placed on one of his dino mode's hips while his Prime Armor can be plugged into the other. The two largest plates on his back can be folded down to reveal posts for a Prime Master (or Titan Master) to stand on him. He is also the only Dinobot in thePower of the Primestoyline without a functional jaw swivel.
Painted samples displayed atHasCon 2017had a gun seemingly based off G1Bristleback/VictoryGairyu's, connected via the slot behind hisStegosaurusmode head. However, no stock photos or renders depict him with the gun, nor does the final product come with it.
In China, he was also released along with the other 4 Dinobots as a gift-set, exclusive to Hasbro China's TianMao site.[1]
This mold was heavily retooled intoSinnertwin.

Generations Selects

  • Volcanicus(Gift set, 2021)
    • Hasbro ID number:TT-GS11
    • Release date:February 27,2021
    • Accessories:2 guns, 2 swords, 2 Magma Swords, 2 arm-mounted cannons, twin 'stunner' laser rifle, 2 foot-plates, left & right fists
    Generations SelectsSnarl is a redeco of hisPower of the Primesfigure, but now with a more cartoon-inspired deco.
    This version was only available in a multi-pack with similarly-moderately-redecoed versions of his fellow Dinobots.

    Uh, sure!
    • Behold, Galvatron! Unicron Companion Pack(Leader Class, 2022)
    Generations Selects"Dinobot Snarl" is a non-transforming and immobileminifigure,barely 10mm tall, scaled to interact with the immenseWar for Cybertron TrilogyUnicronfigure and its clear display base. This was one of a set of fourteen minifigures in the "Unicron Companion Pack" that was included with the"reformatting" version of Galvatron.
    Yes, even though Snarl was notoriously only present in a few inconsistentframesinThe Transformers: The Movie,while fellow DinobotSludgewas far more prominent in the film, Snarl is included in this film-based set but Sludge is not.
    The set wasexclusivetoHasbro Pulse.

    Studio Series

    Me Snarl's frames in the movie can be counted on single hand!
    • Dinobot Snarl(Leader Class,2023)
    Following the footsteps ofthepreviousDinobots,Studio Series'86 "Dinobot Snarl" is a Leader-sized mold that transforms into hisStegosaurusmode. Unlike his fellow Dinobots, he comes with a sword instead of a rifle, whichisgenerally cartoon-accurate (the other Dinobots didn't have swords in their cartoon models, due to the weapons included with the toys not always being placed in the hands of toy reference photos given in briefing bibles for the cartoon). Inbeast mode,Snarl lacks theFire Blast effect-compatible port in his mouth that the previous three had, which may have something to do with his head splitting in half for the transformation, but also reflects the cartoon, asbreathing firewas an ability he rarely—if ever—displayed. Instead, two ports are placed on his tail, where Snarl usually fired lasers from.
    Due to there being the need for more gold parts on Snarl when compared to the previously-released Dinobots, and there not being enough money in the paint budget to add all of the gold aspaint applicationsoutside of his plates and tail, Snarl's beast mode head, forelimbs and part of his back legs were molded in the same color as the paint specification instead, but due to those parts being molded plastic and the others being paint, the hues appear different on the final product.[4]
    Snarl, unlike the previously released Dinobots, doesn't come with a backdrop depicting them barging into the Quintesson judging room; rather, it's instead the aftermath of the Battle of Autobot City. So hey, props to actually getting one of the only scenes with Snarl in the film!
    This figure was officially revealed onFebruary 21on a Transformers Tuesday, alongsideIronhide.


    • Dinobot Snarl(Core,2023)
    Released in the seventh wave ofLegacyCore Class toys,Legacy: EvolutionCore Class Dinobot Snarl is a tiny version of the character, once again turning into a roboticStegosaurus.The sixth and final Dinobot released in this format, he also forms the right leg ofLegacyVolcanicus,the first combiner released within the Core Class scale. He includes a sword for his robot mode which can store underneath or on top of his dinosaur mode, and part of his back comes off and reattaches to cover up his arms while in leg mode.
    Snarl's limb placement on Volcanicus is akin toDoryu,theStegosaurus-shelled component ofDinoking... just like how all the other Core Dinobots line up with theDinoforceshells in combined mode.Hmmmmmmmmmmm.Like Grimlock, the underside of Snarl's crotch features an H-shaped-ish port, most likely used for a foot panel like Monstructor/Dinoking does.
    While Snarl's combiner peg can be attached to either of the thighs, he isonlydesigned to attach to the right side, given the placement of its joint.
    Snarl was first teased byHasbrodesignerEvan Brooksin his design notes on social media for fellowLegacyDinobotsSwoopandScarronFebruary 22,2023.[6]



    • Cybertron Hero Collection 9(multi-pack,1986)
    • Snarl(1987)
      • Decoy number:2
    The figurine was later brought over toHasbromarkets as part of theDecoypromotion, largely identical to the Japanese release except for the fact that the number on his back was replaced with a simple "checklist" number. Like all Autobot Decoys, he was a randomly-chosen pack-in available with the cardedThrottlebots,Aerialbots,Protectobots,andTechnobots.

    Dinobot Take Apart Stamp

    • Dinobot(HG Toys,1985)
    Despite only being identified as "Dinobot" on the packaging, this was a non-transforming Snarl figure. About the same size as the transforming version, it was sold carded and came with two pens. The head, tail, and hind legs could be removed, and on the inside of each of these parts was a rubber stamp depicting a different Dinobot in robot mode (Swoop was left out). A section of the plates on its back could be removed to reveal an ink pad.
    Like the transforming version, this figure has indentations on its body into which the front legs are supposed to be folded in robot mode. However, if you do fold them up it can be difficult to get them back out without breaking them, unless you use a screwdriver.

    The Loyal Subjects

    • Snarl(2014)

    Collect them all!

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    Transformers Trading Card Game

    • Dinobot Snarl, Desert Warrior(2018)
      • Wave 1
      • Rarity:UT
      • Card Number:T18/T40
      • Stars:7
    Dinobot Snarl, Desert Warrioris one of forty double-sided character cards available in Wave 1 of theTransformers Trading Card Game.
    The artwork on the card is reused from theTransformers Legendsmobile card game, with Alt-mode line-art byDan Khanna.

    • Dinobot Snarl, Spiked Battler(2019)
      • Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners
      • Rarity:RT
      • Card Number:T20/T46
      • Stars:7
    Dinobot Snarl, Spiked Battler was released as part of theTransformers Trading Card GameWave 2: Rise of the Combiners. Like all other members ofcombinerteams released in the set, Dinobot Snarl, Spiked Battler is a folding card, with the Bot and Alt modes being depicted when the card is folded in half, and a holofoil portion of the the combined mode depicted when unfolded. The reverse of Dinobot Snarl, Spiked Battler depictsVolcanicus's left leg, which is formed by Snarl in the artwork.
    The artwork for Bot and Alt Mode is reused from theTransformers Legendsmobile game.
    Dinobot Snarl, Spiked Battler can be used to form Volcanicus, Fiery Champion with the use of the Action cardDinobot Enigmawhile he and the other Wave 2 Dinobots are in Bot mode on the battlefield or KO area.


    • Snarl (Dino Mode)(2024)
    • Series:Galaxy Version 04 - Fractured Space-Time

    Child's Play Aron.jpg
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    • Snarl (Robot Mode)(2024)
    • Series:Galaxy Version 04 - Fractured Space-Time

    Child's Play Aron.jpg
    If you build it, they will play.

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    Diaclone Snarl (left) was nearly red in the face (right)!
    Evolution of Snarl's character model
    Snarl's brief Juggalo phase.
    • Snarl had the preliminary name ofStegobot.
    • The original Snarl toy was part ofTakara'sDiacloneDinosaur Robo series. WhenHasbroimported the toy for theTransformersline, the Diaclone driver mini-figure was dropped and therobot mode's black torso was turned to a more team-matching red.
    • Like his fellow DinobotSlag,Snarl'sTransformersprototype (seen on the top of the toy's box as part of its step-by-step conversionstock photography) had different colors: a red helmet, red inner arms and hands, a red waist and thighs, and a grey sword. This unused coloration explains why Snarl has a red helmet throughout his first appearance inissue #8of the Marvel comic series... and mightalsoexplain why hischaracter modelhad a grey sword when his finalized toy's was red.
    • In "Heavy Metal War",Snarl demonstrated the ability to shoot lasers out of his nostrils.
    • Snarl'scharacter modelwas simplified a tiny bit between seasons one and two of the animated series, removing some extraneous tech-detailing from his legs.
    • Snarl is mysteriously almost entirely absent from theG1 movie,even though the Dinobots as a group are featured prominently. Copies of the script which have come into fans' hands repeatedly list the Dinobots, but never make mention of Snarl by name. In fact, at one point the script refers to "the four Dinobots". Despite this, Snarl does appear in three very brief shots—in which at least one other Dinobot (Swoop in one, Sludge in another) is entirely absent.
      • On the other hand, the original production storyboards for the scene where Snarl first appears in the movie only mentions "the Dinobots", not a specific amount of them. Additionally, Snarl also seems to have been in the scene with Kup telling the Dinobots a story in at least one version of the film; the Japanese trailer for the movie has finished footage of this scene... but it's very different from the one in the film; the Dinobots are all in their robot modes, and Snarl is present in the scene instead of Slag. It's completely unknown why Snarl's appearance in this scene was cut.
    • A 1986Paninistickerbook sold in Belgium and the Netherlands gave Snarl the alternate French language name "Smarl". Whether this name was used in any other media made for French-speaking regions is unknown.
    • Action Master Snarl is the only carded returning-character Autobot Action Master to have an animal/robot partner rather than a giant accessory in the US line. Whether or not his partner Tyrannitron was originally intended to go withKick-Off—who got a giant accessory rather than an animal/robot partner like all the other new-character Action Masters—is unknown.
    • As well, Action Master Snarl had a very different color scheme in the preproduction phase, on display in various catalogs and hisPower Plans.
    • The overall design and transformation sequence of the original Snarl toy served as the basis forArmor Geist,one of four recurring villainous henchmen on the Takara/Sunrise co-productionBrave Exkaiser.In what might be calleda vision of things to come,the four "Geisters" were once briefly fused into a single robot called "Mad Geister"(マッドガイスターMaddogaisutā). However, because each Geister controlled a portion of the combined body—and, aside fromPtera Geist,they had the accumulated brain power of a Froot Loop—this ended rather badly. In a more successful (if notalso prescient) later development, the Geisters learned to merge in groups of two, with Armor Geist forming the lower body of "Hormor"(ホーマーHōmā).
    • According to his toy bio, theBeast MachineseraDinobotStrikeris rumored to be one of the original Generation 1 Dinobots. If this is true, his stegosaur mode and energy absorbing spinal plates strongly point towards his being Snarl.
    • Shortly after its original release in Europe, the G1 toy of Snarl was discovered to be painted using a lead based paint. A huge recall was undertaken by Hasbro to make sure Snarl didn't poison anyone. So had Prime just tricked the Decepticons into licking him then the war probably would have ended much quicker.
    • All G1 Snarl toys with a stegosaurus altmode depict it dragging its tail on the ground, a concept which was debunked in the decade before Transformers came out, and even before the original Diaclone toy was released. Current understanding of stegosaurs is that they held their tails high.

    Foreign names

    • Japanese:Snarl(スナールSunāru)
    • French:Grondeur(Canada andAngry Birds Transformersgame)
    • Hungarian:Acsargó
    • Italian:Stego
    • Mandarin:Phá-hsiāo(Taiwan, bào hao, "Snarl" ),Háojiào(China, hào khiếu, "Howl" )
    • Portuguese:Rugidor(Brazil comic),Grunhido(Brazil comic)


    2. InterviewwithHasbrodesignerEvan Brooksfor
    3. Transformers PanelatHasbro Pulse Con 2024withBen MacCrae,Evan Brooks,Mark Maher,Marcelo Matere,andNate Purswell.
    4. "Sorry to say that color is actually the same spec as the painted gold. The only difference is that it's Molded and not painted. Snarl just has more gold pieces on him than others so he really ate that deco budget. Hopefully in the future we can release him fully painted but then I would worry about the dino head scratching." —Evan Brooks, Instagram, 2024/04/02
    5. Design notes on theLegacy EvolutionDinobotsfromHasbrodesignerEvan Brookson Instagram.
    6. Design notes onLegacySwoop and Scarrfrom Hasbro designer Evan Brooks on Instagram

    External links

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