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Solus Prime

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Rosie the riveted.

Among theThirteen,Solus Primeis the Maker and creator. Among her friends she is much loved both for her abilities to forge nearly any device they need and for her intelligence and positive supportive personality. If she has any flaw, it is her fierce and angry temper that quickly flares up at any sign of injustice. She finds joy in creation, which is why she's particularly close friends withNexus Prime,Micronus Prime,andOnyx Primewho revel in similar pursuits. Her closest relationship, however, is toMegatronus.The two are bound by a close devoted romantic love unique among the Thirteen, and spend much of their time online and off rejoicing in each other's presence. (The fact that both have quick fiery tempers surely won't cause issues down the road.)

Allfemale Transformersare patterned from her template and thus are gifted with a similar processing architecture, which is the main differentiation between them and their male counterparts.

Many of the arsenal of magnificent weaponry and icons wielded by the other original Transformers are her impressive handiwork, created by an icon of her own, theForge of Solus Prime,aided by her unique cognitive systems specializing in wide-ranging and powerful parallel processing, and manifesting in the holographic lattice known as theCreation Lathe.Her creations include:



Aligned continuity family

The Covenant of Primus

Solus Prime was the fourth Prime created byPrimusto defeatUnicron.The builder and creator of the Thirteen, Solus opted to remain a free agent as the newborn Primes strategized for their upcoming battle against the chaos-bringer. As part of their training, Solus created a holo-suite, which contained a virtual copy of Unicron for the Primes to train against. The Primes quickly learned that their enemy was more than capable of trouncing them in direct combat.

Solus Prime befriended the conflicted Megatronus, building for him the first set ofDark Energonskins.At Megatronus's urging, she constructed the Requiem Blaster, a weapon that she considered virtually unstoppable. Doubtful at what she had created, the Requiem Blaster led to a heated debate amongst the Thirteen, withLiege Maximopointing out that the moody Megatronus could easily turn on his brothers and become unstoppable. Solus Prime defended Megatronus, arguing that Megatronus- who had successfully resisted the temptation of his inner demons- was perhaps best suited to carrying the destructive weapon. Megatronus was proud of her speech, and Solus Prime continued to churn out new weapons and artifacts for her brothers, working closely with them in order to mimic some of their innate powers. Continuing their training, Solus worked withQuintus,Micronus Prime,andAlpha Trionto build acomputercapable of predicting all of Unicron's potential moves.

Eventually, the time came to launch an assault on Unicron himself. Wielding her Forge and a sword, Solus led the charge throughVector Prime'sspace bridgeand onto Unicron himself. AfterOptimus Primeshut down Unicron from the inside, the weary but triumphant Primes headed back toCybertron.Unbeknownst to them all, Unicron's presence had left them all a little more susceptible to their inner darkness.

Yeah, we're not fond of this scene either.

In the era that followed, Solus continued to work at her Forge, building useful items for the burgeoning settlement of the Primes. She and Megatronus remained close to each other. Tensions between the Primes began to grow on the day that Solus refused to make a suit of armor for Liege Maximo, who claimed that he was building some robotic creatures for company. As a gift, Liege Maximo gave her one of the creatures, whom she adopted as a pet. After some wheedling from Maximo, Solus decided to forge the armor in question.

Primaand some of the other Primes got word of the "farm", and called a vote to decide its future. Solus voted against the continuation of the project, but not without a defiant remark aimed at Prima, who had cast aspersions on Megatronus's character.

Megatronus confronted Solus Prime over Maximo's suit of armor, which had been completed long ago but had never been delivered to its intended recipient. Their disagreement eventually grew into a full-fledged fight after Megatronus killed her pet, which had secretly been recording Solus Prime's actions. In the chaos, Megatronus fired the Requiem Blaster without thinking, fatally wounding Solus Prime. Before Solus passed away, however, she professed her love for him. Solus's body returned to the core of Cybertron andPrimus,and the passage it left behind became theWell of All Sparks.

Following the death of Liege Maximo, the surviving Primes built a tomb in her memory, far away from Cybertron. There, they held a funeral for their fallen comrade. A repentant Megatronus attended the celebration, where he mused that Solus Prime had seen something good in him and that he would find a way to live up to that.

Following the beginning of Cybertronian civilization, one-thirteenth of Cybertron's population considered themselves descendants of Solus Prime, and possessed a very similar neural structure to their progenitor.The Covenant of Primus

Aligned novels

Near the dawn of time, while the Thirteen were struggling with the threat ofUnicron,Megatronuscommissioned Solus Prime to create a weapon of incredible destruction to use against the Chaos Bringer. Solus Prime had strong reservations, but after a long period of time managed to create the Requiem Blaster. She gathered the interested members of the Thirteen to witness a test of its powers, and leveled a mountain. She pointed out that power corrupts and worried that the existence of such a weapon could possibly lead to their own downfall. Ultimately, the Thirteen voted seven to six to keep the Requiem Blaster and not destroy it.

It was Solus Prime's sudden murder at the hands of the enraged Megatronus that caused the first major schism in the Thirteen. After Megatronus became The Fallen and was defeated by the remnants of the Thirteen, a tomb was fashioned for Solus Prime out of a meteor and set adrift in the stars, reachable only by a series ofspace bridges.

Countless years later,Optimus Primecame across Solus Prime's tomb while searching for a mystical artifact. A semi-sentient hologram of Solus Prime appeared and warned Optimus and his Autobots to leave. Solus Prime directed them towards a Space Bridge which would take them to the location of the lost Requiem Blaster. Exiles


I'm a godly being from the dawn of creation... but I'm notthe first female Prime?!

According to legend, at the beginning of time,UnicronandPrimusbattled each other for eons, with neither side remaining victorious for long. Till, that is, Primus created theThirteen.These Thirteen defeated Unicron and cast him into space.One Shall Rise, Part 1At some point statues of Solus Prime and the Thirteen were created and placed in the high council chamber.One Shall Rise, Part 3In more recent times, her forge was among the artifacts sealed theVaultsofIacon,and was later sent to Earth by Alpha Trion, where it was found and used by Optimus Prime and the Autobots.Operation Bumblebee, Part 2

2015Robots in Disguisecartoon

In the distant past, Megatronus destroyed Solus Prime.Battlegrounds, Part 2

Strongarmoccasionally swore by Solus Prime,True Colorsas didFixit.Decepticon Island (Part 1)Combine and Conquer

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance:Robots in Disguise#34(mentioned);Windblade#1(depicted)
Rosie the Riveter. Wait, we already made that joke. Ah, crap.

In the age following the departure of theKnights of Cybertron,Solus Prime was one of the many Primes that arose on prehistoric Cybertron, tribal leaders who gathered like-minded followers.HeavyApproximately twelve million years ago, Solus and her tribe joined a coalition of like-minded Primes—Nexus,Vector,Alchemist Prime,andAlpha Trion—and founded the village that would eventually become theCrystal City.

One evening, Vector brought news thatMegatronusand hisDarklandershad invaded the neighboring city ofProtohexand slainSeptimus Prime.Solus was unmoved, but whenOnyx PrimeandLiege Maximoarrived to confirm Vector's warnings, they agreed to join forces. The next morning, the Primes watched as Onyx's army of beasts battled the Darklanders until a trio ofTitansemerged from the ground and gave Onyx the opportunity to reach Megatronus and call for a truce. The eight Primes then agreed to an alliance, and were joined shortly afterwards byPrimaand his northern alliance.Origin Myths

Over the next two million years, the Primes ruled benevolently; Solus Prime became known for her friendship with MegatronusHeavyand her endless creativity, using herCreation Latheto build the collection of weapons, artworks, and scientific devices that comprised the "Artifacts of the Primes."AphelionSolus even commanded the loyalty of a Titan,Caminus.The Sum and Its PartsIn time, however, some of the Primes grew arrogant, and sought to preserve their hold on power by claiming that they were functionally immortal: it was falsely claimed that only a Prime could kill a Prime.The Crucible

Unbeknownst to the other Primes, however, "Onyx Prime" was not who he appeared to be—in reality, "Onyx" was a convenient identity assumed by a time-travellingShockwave,who sought to guide history along its preordained course while analyzing the variables that inevitably led his race to fall to civil war.The First Who Was NamedSolus eventually forged a powerful sword for Prima that incorporated theMatrix of Leadershipand dubbed it the "Star Saber"Lagrangecausing "Onyx" to realize that—in order to maintain the timeline and ensure that the Matrix of Leadership would one day find its way toits next bearer—he would have to engineer the fall of the Primes as history dictated.

Following a disastrous offworld expedition, Prima blamed Megatronus for this failure; though Megatronus tried to convince Solus Prime that he had been in the right, she rejected his explanations, arguing that the Primes needed to use their powers to "light the way," not destroy indiscriminately. This rejection pushed him towards the more receptiveLiege Maximo,a betrayal that led to the two hatching a plan to stage a coup against Prima. When this treachery was revealed, Solus was able to defend Prima from the traitors, but at the cost of her own life—she was slain by her former friend Megatronus and impaled on her own Star Sabre.The First Who Was NamedThe fallout from this act would, in turn, spark theFirst Cybertronian Civil War,The Crucibleand prompt some of Liege Maximo's own followers to turn against him;Heavynone of the Primes or their followers would ever learn that "Onyx" had deliberately orchestrated this entire sequence of events from the shadows.The First Who Was Named

At some point before theGolden Age,Caminus would leave Cybertron and colonizea distant moonthat he named after himself, founding a new Transformer civilization.A 'Bot and Her CityThis Transformer colony would develop a religion known as theWay of Flame.Based off the teachings and philosophies of Solus Prime, the religion deified the Thirteen as gods and venerated Solus Prime as the greatest among this pantheon, beliving that every Camien'ssparkcontained a fragment of Solus's essence.The Sum and Its PartsOn death, the devout held that all sparks returned to Solus Prime's forge, where it would be reincarnated as a new Cybertronian.The Life of SideswipeThe religious organization known as theTorchbearersconsidered themselves servants of Solus Prime and organized themselves into groups of six to commemorate Solus Prime's Creation Lathe.Aphelion

Fun Publications


Vector Primeshared many happy memories with his sister. When the Thirteen spent time in ancient Greece of someuniversal streams,the male holomatter avatar Solus used inspired/co-opted the myth of Hephaestus, blacksmith of the gods.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/20During this time, (s)he crafted the Aegis ofAthenaand the trident ofPoseidon,and was "bonded" to Liege Maximo (who manifested as the female Venus) byPrimain hopes of quelling the animosity that had flared up between them. It didn't go so well; "Interesting times," Vector Prime recalls.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/08Vector also noted that there wereuniversal streamswhere she was known as SolusConvoy.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/24

As the original Cybertronian master forger, Solus created theZeonomiconforLogos PrimeAsk Vector Prime, 2015/07/30and theTerminus Bladefor her siblings to cross dimensions in their campaign against Unicron, though the latter was soon rendered obsolete by technological advancement and carelessly discarded.Out of the One, Many

AsMegatronusbegan acting for evil causes, his siblings among the Thirteen resolved to keep the all-powerfulStar Saberout of his hands. To this end, Solus Prime used herForgeto split the mighty blade into five pieces.Nexus Primevolunteered to split himself into five pieces to hide the five fragments across the multiverse.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/05/18Out of the One, ManyTheOrigin Matrix,the most powerful fragment, was hidden on prehistoricEarthofPrimax -408.24 Epsilonand time-locked byVector Prime.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/05/18

Vector Prime stated that Solus went on to be the first of the Thirteen to perish. However, this was at a time after the opening of theUniend Clusterand soon before theShroud,so it is uncertain whether Vector was referring to the Uniend or non-Uniend version(s) of Solus.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/14

After escaping from the clutches ofSidewaysinAxiom Nexus,Vector Prime(deliberately playing up to the public image of himself as a doddering old fool) pretended to momentarily mistake hisAxiom Nexus NewscolleagueAndromedafor his sister Solus Prime.Rook - Axiom Nexus News, 2015/07/08

WhenNexus Primeunited theTerminus Bladeand theStar Saber,the otherThirteenwere drawn to the event—including an expression of Solus's singularity that existed from a time before she had perished. Time and space were rewritten that day, as the walls between the multiverse grew stronger and less permeable. A consequence of strengthening the multiverse was that Solus Prime and the original Thirteen could no longer continue to exist as multiversal singularities, and so they were splintered and scattered throughout the multiverse. And so the one became many, sentient reoccurring themes each appearing in their own way, if at all, in all the worlds of the multiverse.Out of the One, Many

Power of the Primesmarketing material

Solus Prime'sSparkpassed into the possession of one of the twelvePrime Masters;hidden within a suit of decoy armor, they safeguarded the abilities of the Primes until the present day. By uniting with a larger Transformer, the Prime Master could channel the powers of Solus's Spark and grant them unique abilities that varied with each new partner.Octopunch / Solus Prime online bio

For a list of every permutation of Solus Prime's abilities, seethis link.

Prime Wars Trilogycartoons

Voice actor:Jaime King(English)
Well, I'm sure this heavy red filter on the scene doesn't bode poorly for me in the slightest!

Solus Prime created many tools to help defend againstUnicron,including theEnigma of Combinationand theRequiem Blaster.After her lover Megatronus used the Blaster to vanquish Unicron, she welcomed him back to her forge. Its purpose now served, Solus believed the weapon should be destroyed to prevent its misuse, though Megatronus believed it was safer in his care.The SwampThe two began fighting over the weapon, inadvertently causing it to fire and mortally wound Solus. Dying in Megatronus's arms, her life force was released into the air before forming the Well of Sparks.Without WarningConsequencesBecause of her death, the other members of theThirteensealed the Blaster away and Megatronus began brainstorming a plan to reunite with Solus.Athenaeum Sanctorum

Ultimately, Megatronus obtained the Enigma, Blaster andMatrix of Leadership,combining their powers to siphon life energy from Transformers everywhere into the Well. As his team arrived and subdued Megatronus,Megatronwatched as the energy coalesced and Solus began to reform. Confused by her circumstances, she asked Megatron what was happening to her, which he explained. She proceeded to only stand and observe as Megatronus eliminated each of his foes.Collision CourseHorrified by what she witnessed, Solus repeatedly begged Megatronus to stop, directing the others to destroy the machine tethering her to the Well. The machine eventually released the relics, causing Solus to begin to fade away.Megatronus UnleashedStill begging for help and for Megatronus to stop, Solus took matters into her own hands and used the energy of the sparks to grow in size and grabbed Megatronus. Calling him out on the many atrocities he had committed, including causing her death, she pulled him down into the Well, killing them both and releasing all the accumulated sparks.Saga's End


Solus Prime was one of theThirteen,Dweller In The DepthsSilent StrikeThe Other Onelater generations sometimes invoking her name as a form of swearing.Shadowstriker

After gaining control of theAllspark,Starscreambelieved he had pulled Solus Prime's spark back to the world of the living and implanted it into one of his "children",though some questioned the legitimacy of his claims.Parley

2019 IDW continuity


One of the Thirteen Primes,Sea of Rust ISolus Prime forged theMatrix of Leadershipduring theAge of Primes,an act that was said to be guided by Primus himself.Prime

She survived the end of the Age of Primes, living into theAge of the Firstforgedwhere her own Ur-Forge brought forth new life on Cybertron.End of TimeIn that age, Solus Prime was once visited by a supplicant namedSolomus,who shared his vision forCrystal City.Solus andAlchemist Primehelped Solomus bring his dream to fruition.A Dust of Crystals


Solus Prime was one of the original thirteen Primes created by Primus. When the Quintessons invaded Cybertron, Solus fought with her fellow Primes against them. She would join the Primes in a secret meeting with the Primes' aideSentinel,unaware that it was a trap. As the Primes held their own, Sentinel enacted his plan and shot Solus with the deceased Nexus Prime's weapon. The force of the blast sent her flying into a pile of fallenQuintesson Soldiers,impaling her one of their blades. Solus and her kin laid there for fifty cycles until minersOrion Pax,D-16,Elita,andB-127discovered their bodies with Alpha Trion's message for help.

A vision of Solus Prime and the other Primes later appeared as Alpha Trion declared a damaged Orion Pax to be the next wielder of the Matrix of Leadership, Optimus Prime.One


Transformers Roleplaying Game

Some Cybertronians believed that Solus Prime crafted theEnigma of Combinationusing her supernaturalForge.The Torchbearers of Caminus venerated Solus Prime, and organized themselves into six in tribute to herCreation Lathe.The Enigma of Combination


Power of the Primes

  • Solus Prime(Prime Master,2018)
Power of the PrimesSolus Prime is aPrime MasterwithOctopunchdecoy armor, visually based on the originalPretender's inner robot and shell.
This toy has identical features to the other Prime Masters in the line. The decoy armor has a weapon piece which can fold out to create a weapon mode, or detach and be held in the armor's 3 mm-compatible hand. TheTitan Master-like robot can store inside the decoy armor or rideLegends Classfigures in vehicle mode, and is fully compatible with toys from the previousTitans Returnline. The "Power Swap" gimmick means itssparkform can plug onto any decoy armor's weapon form (which has a5 mm postto be held by larger figures), Deluxe Class figures' chest armor, Voyager Class figures' bucklers, Leader Class figures'Matrix(in place of their Matrix core),combiners' torsos (in place of theirEnigma of Combination), or theScepter of Sparks.With the power ofyourimagination, this bestows the Prime Master'sunique poweron the larger figure.
Solus Prime was retooled with a newPrime Mastersigil asPrima Prime.

Titans Return

Refrigerator not included.
  • Repugnus(Special Edition, 2018)
Available only withTitans ReturnDeluxe ClassRepugnusandDastard,this version of Solus Prime is aredecoof the above Prime Master featuring translucent parts, and lacking the decoy armor. This "Special Edition" set celebrates theTitans Returnportion of thePrime Wars Trilogy.
This set was anAmazon.comonlineexclusive,revealed on the site before Hasbro officially announced it. It was also available at general retail in Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Age of the Primes

The legendary hammertruck.
  • The Thirteen Solus Prime(Deluxe Class,2025)
Released in the first wave ofAge of the PrimesDeluxe Class toys, Solus Prime is inspired primarily by the character’s appearance in thePower of the Primesseries. She transforms into a Cybertronian armored mini-truck.
Her forge hammer splits into 3 parts and the whole accessory can be stored on one of her ports in vehicle mode. It is branded with her personal emblem.
Solus Prime was revealed atCybertron Con 2024,and went up for preorder onDecember 10.


  • Solus, like other members of the Thirteen, was once amultiversal singularitywho existed as one being throughout all of space and time, but that isno longer the case.
  • Suns are capable of forging any raw element under the right conditions, so it's fitting that Solus Prime can forge anythingfromraw elements.
  • The explanation for the use of the 'she' pronoun for Solus in the Aligned continuity, as detailed in her section of theCovenant,is that Cybertronians donot"have gender in the same way that humans and certain other biological species do", but instead use pronouns as a result of a communication protocol designed to help facilitate dialogue between Cybertronians and the members of those biological races, as a means of recognizing and celebrating difference. It indicates, however, that 1/13th of the Cybertronian population has a divergent neurological architecture that supposedly is necessary to interact with the Creation Lathe, thus effectively denoting that their neurology has gender-equivalent differences. This explanation does not preclude the possibility that a Cybertronian could voluntarily self-identify with a gender concept found among organics.

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Solus Prime(ソラスプライムSorasu Puraimu)
  • Mandarin:Sài Tiān Jiāo( tái thiên kiêu, "Race the Proud of Heaven" )



The Thirteen
  • Solus Prime·
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