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Source:Transformers Binaltech bios

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This is an archive of the additional story information included with theBinaltechtoyline written byFumihiko AkiyamaandHirofumi IchikawasupplementingStory of Binaltech. All spelling, grammatical, and formatting errors are left as is, with faithful translations below.

BT-01 Smokescreen

Bio card

BT-01 Smokescreen card.jpg

BT-01 サイバトロン / chiến thuật gia / スモークスクリーン
● dịch cát ・・・ chiến thuật gia
●変 hóa ・・・スバル インプレッサ WRC 2003
バイナルテック・プロジェクトにより tô った tối sơ のサイバトロン chiến sĩ. Đầu 脳セクションの lượng tử コンピュータと chủ võ trang を trừ く, すべての thiết kế が nhật bổn の phú sĩ trọng công nghiệp ( chu ) とSTiにより hành われ, スモークスクリーン bổn lai の cơ năng が triệt để đích に tái hiện された. ビークルモードでは tối cao tốc độ 230km/hに đạt し, テールパイプより phát yên đạn を phát xạ khả năng. Bỉ は dĩ tiền から trọng gian đạt の bất an や huyền niệm を払 thức する dịch cát を thụ け trì っていたが, kim hồi の phục hoạt においても, tha の khai phát trận やサイバトロン chiến sĩ たちを cường く lệ ま す sự となった.
● võ khí ・・・エレクトロ・ディスラプターライフル


System Description

BT-01 Smokescreen.jpg

Translators:Semi-official translationbyDoug Dlinand author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at (archived)

  • Cranial unit, the central module for thought and communication. Comprised of the brain chip, which is the acceptance point for the personality program; the perceptual sensor array; a faceplate capable of variable expressions thanks to its multilayer structure of hyperelastic alloys; interactive conversational equipment; etc.
  • Provided with newly developed fluid metal actuators and a high-rigidity alloy frame for a robot body expected to endure violent movement and close combat. High-output electrocells exhibit mighty and instantaneous power, and successfully provide a buffer capacity that can endure drastic load fluctuations and impact loads.
  • The drive of the vehicle mode, which involves the robot structure in its frame, utilizes four independent, closed-loop-controlled motors, unlike the vehicle on which it is modeled. Sensors distributed from the front section on through all parts of the frame act as perceptual instrumentation when in four-wheeled mode.

BT-02 Lambor

Bio card

BT-02 Lambor card.jpg

BT-02 サイバトロン / chiến sĩ / ランボル
● dịch cát ・・・ chiến sĩ
●変 hóa ・・・ダッジバイパー SRT-10
ダイムラー・クライスラー xã のエンジニアリングチーム・PVOを mẫu thể とする đặc thiết プロジェクトの thủ で tô った, đệ 2のサイバトロン chiến sĩ. トランスフォーマー・テクノロジーの triệt để giải tích と độc tự の kỹ thuật 転 hoán により, nhân loại sử thượng かつてないハイパフォーマンス・ロボットに sĩ thượng げられた. ロボットモードでは, バックパックおよび cước bộ の xích lực パネルで đoản thời gian の phi hành が khả năng. いかなる nguy 険をもかえりみない bỉ のために chuyên dụng の bổ tu bộ phẩm chế tạo ラインが phu かれ, vạn toàn のバックアッ プ thể chế が chỉnh えられた.
● võ khí ・・・エレクトロン・パルスガン


System Description

BT-02 Lambor.jpg

Translators:Semi-official translationbyDoug Dlinand author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at (archived)

  • Adopts the "TORQ 3000" quantum processor, developed by Quantum Laboratories in America, as its common standard operating computer. This performs the data processing for mental and physical controls as well as the Transformer's seven senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, short-range radiowave transmission, magnetic sensitivity and electric sensitivity).
  • Thanks to linear actuators in his upper arms, both of Lambor's hands function as piledrivers that exert up to 3.6 tons of force on impact, delivering up to five impacts per second, and are thus useful in close combat and siege attacks. Because of this, his manipulator units are comprised of only a minimal amount of parts--extremely tough alloy blocks and torque motors, plus metallic-fiber tendons--and are not themselves equipped with any tactile function. Tactile and strength information is detected by active sensors near his wrists, converted into sensory stimuli, and conveyed to his brain.
  • Fully charged, the electrocells which are the primary source of power for Binaltech TFs can let them to operate for up to 40 hours straight in robot mode or 180 hours straight in vehicle mode. Also, this one's primary weapon, his electron pulse gun, can be used for emergency power.

BT-03 Streak

Bio card

BT-03 Streak card.jpg

BT-03 サイバトロン / xạ kích thủ / ストリーク
● dịch cát ・・・ xạ kích thủ
●変 hóa ・・・スバル インプレッサ WRX
その hiệp lực さ, tấn tốc さにも câu らず, ストリークの bổn chất は chiến sĩ と dị なる. Bỉ の tuyệt え gian ない thối khuất な trường thoại は thời に chu 囲をうんざりさせ, また khẩn bách した trạng huống を hòa ませもするが, それらの khuynh hướng は quá khứ の chiến いで thụ けた tâm の thương を bao み ẩn すためのものだ. ストリークの cơ thể は toàn BTナンバーに tiên hành し khai phát が tiến められたが, bỉ の tâm lý thích tính を huyền niệm するEDC giam tra cục の chẩn đoạn から, thật chiến đầu nhập が nhất thời bảo lưu されていた. だが bỉ は, quá khốc なシミュレーションと khẩu đáp thí nghiệm を kinh てその lực lượng を chứng minh し, kiến sự に chiến liệt phục quy を quả たしたのである.
● võ khí ・・・イオン điện hà vân bá ライフル


System Description

BT-03 Streak.jpg

Translators:Semi-official translationbyDoug Dlinand author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at (archived)

  • His head module contains a high-precision composite alignment system. He is equipped with multi-spectrum sensors in his eyes and a tight-beam aligner in the middle of his forehead, and both crest halves function as phased-array radar thanks to their numerous antenna elements.
  • His primary weapon, an ion-charge disperser rifle, is an electrical weapon that electrifies particles in the air along the line of fire to his target, striking the target as a powerful charged-particle beam. Although its accuracy level is limited owing to its nature, it can punch a hole three meters deep in a concrete wall at 20 km with a blast of 80,000 volts.
  • The Binal-Tech Autobots' primary drive mechanisms are independent in-wheel superconductive motors in all four wheels. Even during the holding period for Silverstreak's personality components to receive a qualified inspection, the BT-03 development team continued to make unique adjustments, drastically improving his speed, frame positioning control, ground contact efficiency and more compared to the other BT numbers.

BT-04 Hound

Bio card

BT-04 Hound card.jpg

BT-04 サイバトロン / trinh sát viên / ハウンド
● dịch cát ・・・ trinh sát viên
●変 hóa ・・・ジープ TJ ラングラー
ダイムラー・クライスラー xã とハイテクノロジー công nghiệp の hiệp đồng khai phát により, tối tân の tham tri cơ năng を bị え tô ったサイバトロンの truy tích giả. Địa cầu の tự nhiên hoàn cảnh をこよなく ái し, tâm mật かに nhân gian になりたいとさえ nguyện うハウンドは, バイナルテック kế họa をさながら mộng の thật hiện への đệ nhất bộ と cảm じており, プロジェクトの cường lực な chi trì giả として nguy 険を bạn う tân kỹ thuật đầu nhập thí nghiệm にも tiến んで hiệp lực を mãi って xuất た. Hậu い trung thành tâm と khủng れを tri らぬ dũng cảm さに gia え, toàn thân に trang bị された cao tinh độ センサーにより, cao thứ の nhận thức lực に mục 覚めつつある.
● võ khí ・・・ホログラムガン


System Description

BT-04 Hound.jpg

Translators:Semi-official translationbyDoug Dlinand author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at (archived)

  • In conjunction with the redesign of Hound's body, his traditional detection and tracking systems have been drastically changed and reconstructed. The infrared radiation collector built into the front of his helmet can detect heat differentials of as little as.02˚C, which brings results in tracking a target, be it human or machine. Also, thanks to augmented electromagnetic wave shielding, his topographical map generation function and ability to save its recorded data have improved markedly.
  • His portable Hologram Gun weapon is truly a piece of high-tech equipment. Despite its size, it is capable of spacial projection of three-dimensional holographic images via large-scale control of photons. By changing modes, he can also use it as a medium-powered Photon Blaster.
  • Through the incorporation of smartskin technology in Hound's exostructure, his entire body is one cluster of scanner and radar equipment. On Earth, his Neutrino Scanner can collect scanning information on everything within a 5 km radius (with a range extending to the horizon), and his 3-D simulation circuitry can process, store, and transmit this information to his allies as high-precision virtual environment data. His vehicle mode's roll bar is equipped with internal holo-projectors for camouflage and can create projections of a virtual driver and/or passengers.

BT-05 Dead End

Bio card

BT-05 Dead End card.jpg

BT-05 デストロン / binh sĩ / デッドエンド
● dịch cát ・・・ binh sĩ
●変 hóa ・・・ダッジバイパー コンペティションクーペ
Cao độ な tẩy 脳 kỹ thuật により, mật かにデストロン quân の chi phối hạ に trí かれた nhân loại の nghiên cứu cơ quan のひとつから sinh み xuất された, ác のバイナルテック binh sĩ. Dũng mãnh quả cảm だが đồng thời に cực めて bi quan chủ nghĩa đích な bỉ は, cộng đảo れを vận mệnh phó けられた chiến tranh に ý nghĩa を kiến xuất せずにおり, mục の tiền の địch を xúc tán らす sự もささやかな khí tình らしでしかない. Thích hợp thật nghiệm のためのBT hóa ゆえ hợp thể cơ năng を thất ったが, bỉ はこの tân たな tư に ái trứ を cảm じ thủy めており, いつかスタントロン bộ đội との hợp lưu によって dĩ tiền の hình thái へ lệ されること に, khủng れを cảm じている.
● võ khí ・・・コンプレッサーエアガン


System Description

BT-05 Dead End.jpg

Translators:Semi-official translationbyDoug Dlinand author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at (archived)

  • Binal-Tech Decepticon #1 was repaired and built by misappropriating a BT body that the American scientific enterprise Symultech Industries was developing before they fell under Starscream's control. Having successfully transferred his personality data, Dead End continued to hide his true form, and after going through the EDC's working tests, he officially debuted as BT-05!
  • His portable compressor-air gun is a ballistic weapon that sprays blasts of high-energy compressed air, mowing down enemies and buildings alike. With the receiver tank, which is made of pressure- and heat-resistant alloys produced by Symultech, he can increase the air pressure up to about 4.6 tons per square cm. In addition, the twin plasma energy blasters included in his backpack have enough destructive force to punch through a steel wall two meters thick.
  • His vehicle mode, which can mark speeds of up to 360 km/h, has an exostructure reinforced by an automatic force field, as well as acrobatic capabilities thanks to a low-power antigravity generator, thus preserving his characteristic Stunticon capabilities. He is also equipped with radar that can detect all movement within a 320-km radius, and remembering the topographical data thus received, he employs a strategy of luring enemies into...dead ends.

BT-06 Tracks

Bio card

BT-06 Tracks card.jpg

BT-06 サイバトロン / chiến sĩ /トラックス
● dịch cát ・・・ chiến sĩ
●変 hóa ・・・シボレー コルベット
Địa cầu hình ビークルモードをこよなく ái するトラックスは, ジェネラル・モータースが tổng lực を kết tập して tạo り thượng げた bỉ のバイナルテック thể に phi thường な ái trứ を cảm じており, その hư vinh tâm は dĩ tiền にも tăng して bành らんだ. Bỉ は phổ đoạn より tự ý thức の cường さから, cơ thể の tổn thương を hiềm って chiến いへの tập trung lực を loạn し, より nhất tằng の nguy 険を ngã が thân に chiêu く khuynh hướng にあったが, sổ thiếu ないサイバトロン hàng không chiến lực としての trách vụ を phụ った kim, phòng ngự lực を đại phúc に cường hóa するフォースフィールド kỹ thuật を lại みに, nguy 険な chiến tràng に cảm えて thân を đầu じる đạo を tuyển んだのである.
● võ khí ・・・ブラックビームガン
Nhiệt cảm tri thiêu di ミサイル
Nhị liên プラズマショットガン


System Description

BT-06 Tracks.jpg

Translators:Semi-official translationbyDoug Dlinand author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at (archived)

  • Taking heed of the deficiency in air support strength within the Autobots' Earth garrison, when Tracks' exostructure was redesigned, the goal was to strengthen his aerial combat ability--especially aerial close-quarters combat in battle robot form--and his mobility. He is capable of subsonic flight for brief periods using his two movable rocket engines deployed as back thrusters, and launches multiple-warhead, heat-seeking incendiary missiles from their tips. He is also newly equipped with double-barrelled Plasma Shotguns on both arms.
  • Tracks' primary weapon, a Black Beam Gun, is a complex weapon that projects kinetic-field energy coils containing a hyperkinetic, black, gaseous substance. This so-called "Black Light" envelops the target in a force field layer, obscuring its field of vision. With the impact force of the whirling gases added on top of that, it can inflict heavy damage on the enemy.
  • Thanks to the development of repulsor panels and aerodynamic force fields all over his frame, Tracks' new body is fundamentally capable of flight in vehicle mode, so his traditional flight mode is no longer necessary. However, owing to changes in design ideas, his combat strength and top speed both drop in this mode, and Tracks himself has aesthetic problems with it, so he only makes use of this ability very rarely. Also, his exterior vehicle panels are coated with the latest functional pigments developed by Dupont, making him capable of changing his body color, camouflaging himself, or even displaying moving images of his surroundings on them, making him effectively invisible.

BT-07 Smokescreen GT

Bio card

BT-07 サイバトロン / chiến thuật gia / スモークスクリーン GT
● dịch cát ・・・ chiến thuật gia
●変 hóa ・・・スバル インプレッサ WRC 2004
サイバトロン địa cầu thủ bị đội の tuyệt đối sổ bất túc を bổ う tân kỹ thuật “ジェネトロニック・トランスリンク” を đáp tái した, スモークスクリーンの tối tân hình thái. これによって, ひとつの hồn ( ライフフォース ) を cộng hữu する đồng nhất nhân cách の phân thân が khả năng となり, tối đại 4 nhân のスモークスクリーンによる đồng thời hoạt động が hành えるようになった. だがこ の thật nghiệm đích kỹ thuật が, トランスフォーマーの sinh mệnh hoạt động や tinh thần バランスにどのような ảnh hưởng をもたらすのかは hoàn toàn に cứu minh されておらず, tối đại レンジでの thật chiến đầu nhập はあくま で tối chung thủ đoạn とされている.
● võ khí ・・・エレクトロ・ディスラプターライフル


System Description

BT-07 Smokescreen GT.jpg

Translators:Semi-official translationbyDoug Dlinand author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at (archived)

  • "BT-07" is a code given to a sub-project researching the "potential for the production and mass mobilization of robotic lifeforms." In conjunction with Smokescreen's volunteering, the EDC's Advanced Technologies Development Bureau conducted the customization and function expansion of a GT System-compatible model in an experimental base, using the latest BT-model body frame made by Subaru.
  • The "life force" that is the source of a TF's life is propagated through its entire body by a "laser core," which is at the center of a force field. The GT System separately contains this laser core outside the body in subspace storage, and by synchronously connecting with translink ports installed on each BT terminal, it is able to breathe life into each of the multiply duplicated personality data. Each unit's memory data undergoes integration processing after it returns from an operation.
  • The Blaster Launcher is a newly equipped multipurpose projectile weapon. Thanks to a loading mechanism furnished with a subspace link function, it can receive an inexhaustible ammo supply from the ammunition stores in Autobot City. However, the mechanism has flaws that cause rare loading failures. BT-07 mainly uses jamming rounds filled with material that disrupts enemy detection.

BT-08 Meister

Bio card

BT-08 Meister card.jpg

BT-08 サイバトロン / phó quan / マイスター
● dịch cát ・・・ phó quan
●変 hóa ・・・マツダ RX-8
Địa cầu の văn hóa に tinh thông し, コンボイ tư lệnh quan の hữu oản として tín lại も hậu いマイスターは, サイバトロン địa cầu quân の trung でコズミックルストの bị hại を miễn れた, sổ thiếu ない nhất nhân であった. だが bỉ はBT kế họa の tồn vong に quan わる cực bí sưu tra を hành うために, より ngụy trang tính の cao い ngoại quan とGTシステム hỗ hoán cơ năng を bị えたマツダ chế の khả 変 cơ thể に đầu 脳を di し thế え, tân たなバイナルテック chiến sĩ へと sinh まれ変わった. Tương bổng であるレプリカ・オートマトンと liên huề し, bỉ はその trác việt した tri lực をもって, いかなる nguy 険な nhậm vụ をも hoa lệ に toại hành する.
● võ khí ・・・フォトンライフル, hỏa viêm phóng xạ khí


System Description

BT-08 Meister.jpg

Translators:Semi-official translationbyDoug Dlinand author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at (archived)

  • Thoroughly reproducing the abilities of his original body and even adding some improvements, the BT exostructure responds to Meister's every demand, allowing him still to boast of marksmanship technique that lets him strike home with his photon rifle from virtually any physical position. And by using his internally installed flamethrower in concert with his full-spectrum headlights and 180dB stereo speakers, he can create a dazzling sound-and-light show. Further, by using his rear-mounted ailerons in conjunction with his side thrusters, he can glide for about 3000 m.
  • This other Meister, with his whole body colored bright red, is the Autobots' replica automaton, the original result of the BT-08 Plan research. Although his artificial intelligence, designed to emulate Meister's personality programming, is still insufficient for it to be thought of as a proper lifeform, he is able to take a high level of autonomous action and is perfectly capable of being sent into actual combat under Meister's remote control. In befriending this A.I. robot, which is like a brother or son to him, Meister has nicknamed him "Zoom-Zoom," and has been giving him dance and music lessons when opportunity allows.
  • "BT-08" was originally started as a project to artificially reproduce and replicate a TF's mental programming using the latest A.I. technology. For some time, the Mazda Corporation had been using Meister's functions and appearance as models for the project's controlling frame, building a number of such BT units. Due to the change of affairs, though, it was quickly decided that the frame would serve as a disguise body for Meister himself. The personality component that formed the core of his brain was therefore secretly transported to Japan, and the insertion work was carried out at Mazda's concept lab in Hiroshima.

BT-09 Swindle

Bio card

BT-09 Swindle card.jpg

BT-09 デストロン / bổ cấp binh /スィンドル
● dịch cát ・・・ bổ cấp binh
●変 hóa ・・・ジープ ラングラー TJ カスタム
デストロンのBT kế họa thừa っ thủ りによる “バッド・プロダクション sự kiện” から tô った, ác のバイナルテック binh sĩ đệ nhất trận のひとり. Ám thủ dẫn きと võ khí chế tạo のスペシャリストで, かつて cải tạo hình コズミックルストによる chiến thuật binh khí を khai phát し, sổ đa くのサイバトロン chiến sĩ を thủ にかけBT kế họa phát động の nguyên nhân を tác った trương bổn nhân であ る. Nhất kiến nhân đương たりが lương く khí lặc な tính cách だが, その thật きわめて cường dục で tự kỷ bổn vị な nhật hòa kiến chủ nghĩa giả であり, bổn lai bỉ より ưu tiên すべき phụ thương giả たちを soa し trí いて, BT hóa hầu bổ giả リストの thượng vị に tự phân の danh を gia えさせた.
● võ khí ・・・ジャイロガン, スキャッターブラスター


System Description

BT-09 Swindle.jpg

Translators:Semi-official translationbyDoug Dlinand author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at (archived)

  • To get Swindle's body frame, the Decepticons took control of the BT-09 exostructure being developed for the Autobots at the Central City Institute of Technology, along with its project team, and forced the team to complete it. Therefore, a few of its function terminals, such as the force field emitter and jamming wave transmission panels, were left behind offline.
  • The gyro gun he wields can disturb the balance center of a TF in any mode. Also, the mechanism for his primary weapon, his scatter blaster, is now built into the engine-shaped units on his upper arms, and he can use it to fire explosive pellets over a wide area from his front grille in vehicle mode or from his palms in robot mode. The weapons used by BinalTech TFs are supplied in most cases by the EDC's Ordnance Division after admission into Autobot City. Swindle escaped right after BT-09's operations tests, so the EDC hadn't armed his body yet. He has made these personal weapons himself out of his own secret cache of materials.
  • With their EDC registrations deleted, the BT Decepticons are unable to access electrocell recharge facilities, so they have switched over to exponential generators, stabilized and output-reduced for practical use, for their power source.

BT-10 Grimlock

Bio card

BT-10 Grimlock card.jpg

BT-10 サイバトロン / phó chỉ huy quan / グリムロック
● dịch cát ・・・ phó chỉ huy quan
●変 hóa ・・・フォード2005 マスタング GT
ダイノボット bộ đội を suất いセイバートロン tinh の tiền tuyến を chiến ったグリムロックは, địch の kế lược により khủng long hình thái の chế ngự cơ năng を thất い, thân thể đích にも đa đại な tổn thương を phụ った. オリジナル thể での thường thái phục quy が khốn nan と tri った bỉ は, chiến liệt に lệ るためにはいかなる điều kiện も vấn わぬと tố え, địa cầu へ lệ りバイナルテックTFとして phục hoạt する đạo を tuyển んだ. Đồng minh quân は bỉ の ý khí に ứng じ tối đại cấp のパワーを bị えた cơ thể を đề cung, ここに tối cường のBT chiến sĩ が đản sinh した. Bỉ は lai るべき đại quyết chiến を, この tân たなオートボット hình thái で chiến い bạt くと quyết ý したのである.
● võ khí ・・・エネルゴソード, nhị liên スタナーレーザー


System Description

BT-10 Grimlock.jpg


BT-11 Ravage

Bio card

BT-11 デストロン / điệp báo phá 壊 binh / ラヴィッジ
● dịch cát ・・・ điệp báo phá 壊 binh
●変 hóa ・・・シボレー コルベット
Thái cổ の địa tằng から phát quật された “ファイル X-9” の tình báo を nguyên に, hiện đại に phục hoạt したラヴィッジは, vị lai の ký ức と tri thức を trì つ khủng るべき tồn tại である. Điện từ phóng xạ シールドと tối tân duệ のBT kỹ thuật により, ビークル・ロボットの lạng hình thái で hoàn bích に tư を tiêu す sự ができ, bối bộ ロケットと tiền yêu bộ のスラスターを dụng い, trường thời gian の trệ không phi hành が khả năng である. Cô độc を hảo み, tàn nhẫn な sách lược に trường けた bỉ は, デストロン quân đoàn を vĩnh viễn の chi phối chủng tộc にするという, quá khứ に quả たせなかった bi nguyện を thật hiện すべく, vị lai を変える tuyệt hảo の cơ hội を thư っている.
● võ khí ・・・ dương tử bạo đạn
Nhị liên プラズマカッター


System Description

BT-11 Ravage.jpg

Translators:Semi-official translationbyDoug Dlinand author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at (archived)

  • The BT-11 Plan was a research frame secured in the name of "technological synthesis tests," but in fact this project was used as a cover for the "X-9 Revival Plan" by people connected with the old secret organization known as the Intelligence and Information Institute (I.I.I.). In order to bring back X-9 as a "living TF," the project team brought in the original Ravage, whom the EDC had in custody as a prisoner at the time, and used his life force to achieve reactivation.
  • "Battle Ravage's" exostructure was completed through improvisation by diverting existing BT unit blueprints. The project team took into account the danger of hostile activity after his body was finished, and omitted all armament and built in multiple fail-safe devices, but with his knowledge of the future's super-technology, Battle Ravage easily took control of the automatic assembly line, undid the safety devices, and acquired the latest in modern weapons systems besides.
  • Since Battle Ravage's body contains no "Life Essence Nucleus," what he refers to as a "Spark," he gains life by combining with his "present form" of Ravage. Ravage remains reduced into cassette mode and stored in a suspended-function state in the vehicle console's audio unit, and is still unaware of Battle Ravage's existence.

BT-12 Overdrive

Bio card

BT-12 サイバトロン / chiến lược gia / オーバードライブ
● dịch cát ・・・ chiến lược gia
●変 hóa ・・・Honda S2000
Bỉ はその lãnh tĩnh かつ mẫn tốc な tư khảo lực と tiên kiến の minh により, đa くの chiến いで liệt thế を thắng lợi に転じてきた. Chủ に cứu viện yếu viên として cơ năng し, trợ けを hô ぶ thanh に ứng じて駆けつけ, sổ niên tiên までを võng la した chiến lược プランを trí き thổ sản に, thứ の nhậm địa へ di động する. その hoạt động phạm 囲は hằng tinh gian に hạn ら ず, thời không を siêu えた biệt の vũ trụ にまで cập んだが, BT hóa dĩ hàng はサイバトロン địa cầu quân の luận lý trung xu として lưu まっている. Thứ nguyên di động の phong phú な kinh nghiệm と, thời thế への duệ い động sát lực と が tương まって, bỉ は tha の trọng gian đạt よりも thời gian lưu の dị 変を sát tri する cảm 覚 lực が cực độ に phát đạt している.
● võ khí ・・・オムニブラスター


System Description


BT-13 Laserwave

Bio card

BT-13 Laserwave card.jpg

BT-13 デストロン / quân sự tác chiến tư lệnh quan / レーザーウェーブ
● dịch cát ・・・ quân sự tác chiến tư lệnh quan
●変 hóa ・・・マツダスピード Version II
メガトロンに thứ ぐ lực を trì つが, dã tâm によらず nghiêm cách な luận lý に従い hành động するデストロンの trọng trấn. Bỉ の thân thể はセイバートロン tinh の lịch sử cải 変より sinh じた đại hỗn loạn の tế に phá 壊されたが, この変 mạo した thế giới で phân tán ・ nhược thể hóa したデストロン tàn lưu quân を tái biên すべく, ラヴィッジの thủ により tân たなリーダーとして tái sinh された. あらゆる điện từ ba trường を thao り, đa thải なエネルギー binh khí として tả oản より phát xạ する. また lạng hiếp のジェットによる phi hành năng lực と hoặc tinh gian viễn thị cơ năng, そして5つのホログラム phân thân を, hoặc tinh thượng の nhậm ý の tọa tiêu に đầu ảnh する năng lực を trì つ.
● võ khí ・・・ターボライフル, ガンアーム


System Description

BT-13 Laserwave.jpg

Translators:Semi-official translationbyDoug Dlinand author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at (archived)

  • BT-13 is a research plan to bring back the Transformers' most radical transformation method, the Transmuter, using Earth science. By altering the quantum information of particles composing matter, this technology can alter the composition and structure of objects. However, its implementation requires large-scale machinery and power, so the plan was put on hold. Battle Ravage invaded the BT-13 research facility, made improvements to this equipment and research data, and used it to bring Shockwave back to life.
  • A commercial vehicle made by Mazda was used as experimental material for the Transmuter device. The essential test procedure involved transferring scan data of BT-08 Meister, then modifying and reorganizing it into a completely different robot exostructure. The base vehicle, installed with Shockwave's personality component and redesign data, achieved a dramatic transformation into a powerful BT Decepticon.
  • His personal weapon, the Turbo Rifle, is a high-output laser gun loaded with a high-efficiency energy supercharger. Besides being a weapon on its own, if he stores away its stock and equips it on his left upper arm, it also functions as an amplifier unit that increases the offensive ability of his gun-arm. His destructive power is then on a par with that of his original laser gun mode.

BT-14 Wheeljack

Bio card

BT-14 サイバトロン / chiến thuật dương động viên / ホイルジャック
● dịch cát ・・・ chiến thuật dương động viên
●変 hóa ・・・マスタング GT・ストリートチューニング
ラヴィッジとの tao ngộ により, ác mộng のような vị lai のビジョンを mục kích したホイルジャックは, trọng gian と bỉ tự thân にふりかかる bi kịch の vận mệnh を hồi tị するための, あらゆる nỗ lực を khai thủy した. Tuyệt đại なパワーと phòng ngự lực を bị えた, フォード chế バイナルテック cơ thể をベースにした bỉ の tối tân hình thái は, cải lương hình GTシステムを đáp tái した “Phân thân ユニット” のひとつであり, bỉ の sinh tồn への bão くなき chấp niệm が kết thật した tư である. だが, こうして lực を cầu め, thủ り bằng かれたように nghiên cứu に đả ち込む bỉ の chấn vũ いに, trọng gian đạt は thiếu なからず bất an を mộ らせている.
● võ khí ・・・レーザーストレイファー・ライフル, クライオ・ソード


System Description

Translators:Semi-official translationbyDoug Dlinand author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at (archived)

  • Wheeljack believed the key to saving "the war dead of the future" lay in the GT System, and at his suggestion, the development plans for BT-14 were put into operation as a link to "Project Bodyshop." The GT System made it possible to have parallel forms of a single being through the sharing of life force. After the completion of BT-07, slots corresponding to all BT Autobots were established in the system, but his is the first case of one being put into full operation since Smokescreen.
  • Unlike the identical bodies used by BT-07, Wheeljack's parallel forms are comprised of an "Alpha Unit," his original form supplemented by a GT mechanism; a "Beta Unit," using the Ford-made BT frame, and an "Omega Unit," the form and specs of which are still completely shrouded in a veil of secrecy. The Beta Unit, which uses the BT core torso, possesses the greatest combat strength as well as high-speed flight capability thanks to rear-mounted field propulsion panels.
  • His hand weapon, a laser-strafer rifle, is capable of firing strafing volleys of high-output pulse lasers. His cryo-sword envelops its blade in an immobilizer field, the molecular motion-halting effect of which supercools the contact surface. Using this extreme temperature deviation, it can shatter or slice through any armor material.

BT-15 Prowl

Bio card

BT-15 サイバトロン / quân sự chiến lược gia / プロール
● dịch cát ・・・ quân sự chiến lược gia
●変 hóa ・・・Honda インテグラ Type-R
サイバトロン tùy nhất の luận lý tư khảo lực を trì つプロールは, あらゆる phục tạp な trạng huống を tức tọa に phân tích しアドバイスできる sự から, lịch sử càn hồ の hiếp uy に sái された hiện tại の thế giới においては, tối も tất yếu とされる nhân tài である. GTプロセス đạo nhập の tế, bất trắc の sự thái から mệnh の nguyên である “レーザーコア” を thất ったが, dũng khí ある nhân gian の hiệp lực を đắc て, tân たな hồn を xuy き込まれた. Bỉ は dĩ tiền と変わらぬ ưu tú さと hậu い trung thành tâm, tĩnh かなる vật yêu と vô hạn の nhẫn nại lực を trì って, かりそめの bình hòa の âm でうごめく tà ác に bị え, サイバトロンと đồng minh giả たちを đạo くのである.
● võ khí ・・・アシッドペレットガン, ブライトスティック


System Description

Translators:Semi-official translationbyDoug Dlinand author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at (archived)

  • Project Bodyshop is a plan to effect a rapid rise in the Autobot survival rate through GT technology, which allows Transformers to have multiple bodies. At first, the Honda-designed BT-15 model was developed for this project to become the parallel form "Prowl 2," but because Prowl's original body was destroyed before the GT network was activated, it was decided that BT-15 would function as his primary unit.
  • At first, the Honda-designed BT-15 model was developed for Project Bodyshop[1]to become the parallel form "Prowl 2," but because Prowl's original body was destroyed before the GT network was activated, it was decided that BT-15 would function as his primary unit. His vehicle mode exterior is programmed with the coloration patterns of police cars from around the world and can change its appearance as necessary. He can also change his interior thanks to the employment of functional plastics.
    • The BT-15 GHS Unit: The all-blue, general-release version BT-15 model was developed as a Generic Host Shell not limited to any one user. Normally, it stands by as Prowl's reserve GT unit, but it can be activated as an emergency parallel body for Bluestreak, Tracks, or any other Autobot, as the situation requires.
  • His portable weapon, an acid pellet gun, is a semi-automatic rifle that fires volleys of highly corrosive pellets. His close-combat equipment, the blight stick, can instantly render an enemy powerless by injecting a disruptor surge.
  1. *The design images were used for development work. Since the Type S was used for the design sketches, there is no design art for the car type that was actually produced.

BT-16 Skids

Bio card

BT-16 Skids card.jpg

BT-16 サイバトロン / lý luận gia / スキッズ
● dịch cát ・・・ lý luận gia
●変 hóa ・・・トヨタbB
Địa cầu を nhất つの cự đại な thật nghiệm thất と khảo えるスキッズは, そこから đắc られる tân たな tri thức や phát kiến について, hưu みなく phân tích hồi lộ を động かせ, thục khảo している. こうした mộng tưởng gia đích tính hướng ゆえ, lộ thượng において cấp なブレーキングの tất yếu に bách られる sự もしばしばである. Nhân loại học giả にして nghiên cứu giả である bỉ は, cao tính năng のスキャナーと mạc đại な ký ức dung lượng, そして hà より ưu れた tri năng を bị えており, その năng lực を mãi われ “Thời không hiếp uy đối sách ban” の nhất viên に nghênh えられた. Hữu oản に tiểu hình ロケットポッドを nội tàng し, chỉ tiên からは10 vạn ボルトの điện áp サージを phát する.
● võ khí ・・・ dịch hóa trất tố ライフル


System Description

BT-16 Skids.jpg

Translators:Semi-official translationbyDoug Dlinand author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at (archived)

  • BT Skids is the first case to use a BT frame purely as a form upgrade, involving no special circumstances in his creation. In order to implement this official usage, the Toyota Group and the EDC's Advanced Technology Development Division cooperated to include internal systems in this frame that would refine it as a mechanical lifeform: self-repair and regenerative functions, nanomechanical antibodies, material preservation functions and so on. So long as it is not damaged in battle, in theory, its effective working life should be several thousand years.
  • Owing to the difficulties of production increase, the BT-16 model does not have the same type of GT replication frame. Instead, it is equipped with a subspace channel that will transport just the nucleus of the life-force into an external storage area.
  • His hand weapon is a liquid nitrogen rifle which can shoot a stream of the element, supercooled to nearly -200�C, almost 190 meters (623 feet).

BT-17 Black Convoy

Bio card

BT-17 デストロン / ám hắc tư lệnh quan / ブラック コンボイ
Dr.アーカビルの thủ により, メガトロンを lăng giá する ác のリーダーとなるべく sang tạo されたコンボイ tư lệnh quan のクローン. Cường đại なパワーと, á không gian インパルス・クローナーによって phục chế されたコンボイの nhân cách を bị えているが, プログラム cải 変によってその bổn chất は tà ác に oai められている.
変 hóa ・・・ダッジラム SRT - 10
Võ khí ・・・コンカッションブラスター


System Description


BT-18 Rijie

Bio card

BT-18 サイバトロン / điệp báo viên / リジェエレクトロ・ディスラプターモード
● dịch cát ・・・ điệp báo viên
●変 hóa ・・・フォード GT
Thùy よりも cường い vọng hương の niệm を bão くリジェは, デストロンの chế áp hạ に trí かれた mẫu tinh の địa hạ thâm くに, たったー nhân で tiềm nhập するという quyết tử の nhậm vụ にも trù trừ なく chí nguyện した. Tiên duệ đích なBT nghiên cứu から ngẫu phát đích に sinh まれた, siêu lâm giới già tế ボディにコアを di し thế え, リジェは単 thân, vô sổ の địch がひしめく hoặc tinh に hàng り lập った.
Võ khí: フォトンレーザ ー, triệt giáp ロケットダート・ハンティングピストル


System Description


BT-19 Bluestreak

Bio card

BT-19 サイバトロン / ブルーストリーク
● dịch cát ・・・ xạ kích thủ
●変 hóa ・・・スバル インプレッサ WRX
● võ khí ・・・イオン điện hà vân bá ライフル
Thể lực…6; tri lực…6; tốc độ…7; nại cửu lực…7, địa vị…5, dũng khí…2, hỏa lực…9, kỹ năng…7, hợp kế…51

ストリークは ưu れた súng の oản tiền を trì ち, tuyệt え gian ないお điệp りの phích で tri られた chiến sĩ である. Bỉ は trọng gian の mệnh を cứu う nhậm vụ のため, hiện tại バイナルテック chiến sĩ đạt が trụ む thế giới とは biệt れて tồn tại する, オリジナルのタイムラインからやって lai た. Bỉ ら< chính sử thế giới > trụ nhân にとって, BT thế giới の tồn tại は cơ mật sự hạng であることから, bỉ は trung xu ユニットのみの trạng thái でこの thế giới に vận ばれ, hiện địa ミッション dụng のBT cơ thể を dữ えられ” ブルーストリーク” となった. この danh は “Thanh い tuyến điều” の tha に “Thối khuất な trường thoại” の ý vị を trì つ quán dụng cú でもあり, bỉ の sổ あるコードネームの trung でも, その cá tính を tối も đích xác に biểu した hô び danh といえる.


System Description


BT-20 Argent Meister

Bio card

BT-20 サイバトロン / アージェントマイスター
● dịch cát ・・・ phó quan
●変 hóa ・・・マツダ RX-8 MAZDASPEED Version II
● võ khí ・・・フォトンライフル, hỏa viêm phóng xạ khí
Thể lực…9; tri lực…9; tốc độ…7; nại cửu lực…10, địa vị…8, dũng khí…9, hỏa lực…5, kỹ năng…10, hợp kế…67

Thân thể năng カと nại cửu tính を cường hóa する ngân sắc のコーティング vật chất, thông xưng “アージェント” を trang bị した, マイス
ターの tối tân アップグレード hình thái. この vật chất は, かつて địa cầu の bí cảnh ゴールデンラグーンから dũng き xuất し, ト
ランスフォーマーに vô loại のパワーを dữ えた đặc thù nguyên tố “エレクトラム” を nhân vi đích に hợp thành した đại thế vật であり, エネルギーチャージの chế ngự によるカの tăng giảm と, nhậm ý の đối tượng をコートする lưu thể thao tác が khả năng である. Địa cầu の độc tự văn hóa をこよなく ái する bỉ は, バイナルテックの phổ cập が nhân loại văn minh を cấp tốc に変えつつある hiện trạng に, ngôn い tri れぬ bất an と tịch しさを cảm じている.


System Description


BT-21 Arcee

Bio card

BT-21 サイバトロン / アーシー
● dịch cát ・・・ chiến sĩ
●変 hóa ・・・ホンダS2000
● võ khí ・・・ダートストムガン, ライアットシールド
Thể lực…6; tri lực…8; tốc độ…8; nại cửu lực…9, địa vị…5, dũng khí…8, hỏa lực…9, kỹ năng…7, hợp kế…60

Tâm ưu しく trung thành tâm に hậu いアーシーは, phản diện, địch には triệt để して vô từ bi な chiến sĩ である. Bỉ nữ のBTボ
ディは, kim や toàn thế giới đích な kỹ thuật cạnh tranh の đích となったBT nghiên cứu において, dạng 々な cao nguy 険 độ thật nghiệm に tham gia する tế の
Tiêu háo ngoại xác として dữ えられた. Quá khốc な hoàn cảnh や bất lự の tai hại にも nại えうる cường nhận さ bị えるが, khẩn cấp thời は sinh mệnh コアを tố tảo く an toàn quyển に転 tống する. Chiến đấu において, この cơ thể は bỉ nữ が bổn lai đắc ý とする tâm lý đích かけ dẫn きには hướng かないものの, その ngoan kiện tính は cực めて hữu dụng である. Chủ võ trang ダートストームガンは, thần đại なバレル nội に đại lượng trang điền された đạn thể を điện tử trứ hỏa により liên 続 phát xạ する, cường カな hỏa khí システムである.


System Description


BT-22 Convoy

Bio card

BT-22 サイバトロン / コンボイ
● dịch cát ・・・ tổng tư lệnh quan
●変 hóa ・・・ダッジ・ラム SRT-10
● võ khí ・・・イオンブラスター
Thể lực…10; tri lực…10; tốc độ…8; nại cửu lực…10, địa vị…10, dũng khí…10, hỏa lực…8, kỹ năng…10, hợp kế…76

マトリクス bảo trì giả の tư cách とサイバトロン quân の thật chất đích chỉ huy 権をウルトラマグナスに thác したコンボイは, BT thế giới に định められた vận mệnh を kiến thủ り, trợ lực する đạo を tuyển んだ. Bỉ は túc địch ブラックコンボイのスキャン tình báo からリバースエンジニアリングされた cơ thể に thừa り hoán え, tân たなBT chiến sĩ となる.
それは “Ác のコンボイ” なる tồn tại を quyết して hứa さず, その đả đảo を thệ った bỉ の cường い ý tư の biểu れである. Vị lai からの sử giả <プロテクター>とスパーク dung hợp した tràng hợp, bỉ の chiến đấu lực は tối đại hạn に cao まり, địch の công kích の hấp thâu súc tích ・ tái phóng xạ や, phúc bộ からの thủ lí kiếm trạng quang đạn の phát xạ など, bổn lai のBT thiết kế にない năng lực を phát huy する.


System Description




"Director's Cut" of System Description for BT-15 Prowl

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Regarding the editing mishaps: When I added the explanatory text for blue-version Prowl, I'd originally planned to switch out Caption D (the footnote) and Caption C (vehicle mode caption 2) from among all the above. However, in the actual booklet, Caption D and Caption A were switched out, and an essential element of the explanatory material got lost. (Instead, the explanation about the vehicle mode paint-change function, which I originally expected to be omitted, remained intact.) It is because of this error that there is repeated text in the final version of the System Description.

[Caption A--Robot Mode] Prowl's newest grade form achieved boot-up by installing Chip Chase's awareness, separated from his body by mind transfer, in place of Prowl's lost "laser core." BT-15 acts with all of Prowl's usual personality and will, but it is also extended by a separate neurocomputer that handles thinking as Chip, so the two of them are in a strong symbiotic relationship. Meanwhile, Chip's own body is being kept in stasis in an EDC special medical facility.

[Caption B--Vehicle Mode 1] Project Bodyshop is a plan to effect a rapid rise in the Autobot survival rate through GT technology, which allows Transformers to have multiple bodies. At first, the Honda-designed BT-15 model was developed for this project to become the parallel form "Prowl 2," but because Prowl's original body was destroyed before the GT network was activated, it was decided that BT-15 would function as his primary unit.

[Caption C--Vehicle Mode 2] At first, the Honda-designed BT-15 model was developed for Project Bodyshop* to become the parallel form "Prowl 2," but because Prowl's original body was destroyed before the GT network was activated, it was decided that BT-15 would function as his primary unit. His vehicle mode exterior is programmed with the coloration patterns of police cars from around the world and can change its appearance as necessary. He can also change his interior thanks to the employment of ultra-smartplastics.

[Caption D--Footnote]

  • Project Bodyship is a plan to save "the war dead of the future" through "Genetronic Translink" technology, which makes it possible for a TF to have multiple selves.

[Caption E--Notes] The BT-15 GHS Unit: The all-blue, general-release version BT-15 model was developed as a Generic Host Shell not limited to any one user. Normally, it stands by as Prowl's reserve GT unit, but it can be activated as an emergency parallel body for Bluestreak, Tracks, or any other Autobot, as the situation requires.

[Caption F--Weapons] His portable weapon, an acid pellet gun, is a semi-automatic rifle that fires volleys of highly corrosive pellets. His close-combat equipment, the blight stick, can instantly render an enemy powerless by injecting a disruptor surge.

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