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Soviet Union

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In Soviet Union, continuity notes you.
Rumble is GloriouslyRed!

TheSoviet Unionis a nation-state on the planetEarth.It is considered to be one of the world's two "superpowers", along with its rival, theUnited States of America.Its capital city isMoscow,home of theKremlin.

See also:Russia



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformerscartoon

The Soviet Union joined all the other governments of Earth in agreeing to provide theAutobotsthe energy needed to return to theirhome planetand restore it. However, for reasons unknown, this did not come to pass.More than Meets the Eye, Part 3

When anexperimental Soviet jetwas captured by the world's greatest trophy hunter,Lord Chumley,blame was erroneously placed on the United States. This broughttensions between the two countriesto their highest level since theCuban Missile Crisis.Later, the truth was exposed by the Autobots, the jet returned, and Chumley handed over to the Soviets.Prime Target

In2006,during a diplomatic event in which the Autobots were guests, theDecepticonTrypticontried to steal the Kremlin, one of many famous structures from around the world he was collecting and bringing toCarbombya,as part of a scheme orchestrated byOctane.Metroplexarrived in time to thwart the attempt, but wound up caught seemingly red-handed, holding the building and appearing to be the thief himself. This led to the Soviet government authorizing the expulsion of all Autobots from Soviet territory. The truth was later exposed, and the Autobots were welcomed back into the Soviet Union with open arms.Thief in the Night

The Headmasterscartoon

Sixshotthreatened the Soviet Union and other countries for their energy.Terror! The Six Shadows

Super-God Masterforcemanga

The Soviet Union was attacked along with other countries byOverlordwith hisA.O. Lasercannon from the top ofChomolungma.Thinking the world would be under the Decepticons' control,Wildersuggested taking the land of the Soviet Union as the yard.The Decepticons' Great Counterattack!

Ask Vector Prime

During a period of peace between the Autobots and Decepticons,Megatron'sclose confidantKilotonwas tricked into journeying to Earth byStarscream.When he showed up, unannounced, at Moscow, it provoked an armed response that ended with him dead.Ask Vector Prime, 29/7/2015

Live-action film series


The USSR was aware ofSector Sevenand thealien machinein their possession: when the entity was transported fromSector Seven High Arctic BasetoHoover Damvia Canada in the late 1960s, KGB special forces launched a raid to capture it. They were routed.Ghosts of Yesterday

Dark of the Moonfilm

After detecting acrashon theMoon,the Soviet Union began theSpace Racewith theUnited States.They also took several pictures from the surface of the Moon, which showed the Decepticon activity around theArk.Dark of the Moon


WhenShatterandDropkicklanded on Earth,Agent Burnsargued that they couldn't be trusted, butDr. PowellconvincedGeneral Whalenthat theDecepticonswould take their technology to Russia ifSector Sevendidn't ally with them, likely costing the U.S. theCold War.Bumblebee

Shattered Glass

In the 1980s, there was aThird World Warthat presumably involved the Soviet Union. In2009,it still remained in existence and was an international rival to the despoticUnited States of America.Eye in the Sky


  • In the real world, theSoviet Unioncollapsed in1991,breaking up intoits constituent republics.This event was foreseeable to economists when theGeneration 1animated serieswas being produced in the mid-1980s,but not to cartoon writers.Thus the third season of the cartoon, set in the then-future year of 2006, depicted the Soviet Union as still extant. Oh well.
  • Escalation#3refers to Brasnya as a "breakaway Soviet state", which is corroborated byissue #4.In addition, the opposing army is repeatedly identified as "Soviets". While on first sight this may seem to imply that the Soviet Union still exists in the present-day setting ofEscalation,issues #5and#6replace "Soviet" with "Russian" and "breakaway" with "former", thereby apparently fixing a major world politics flub. Simon Furman later stated at the German C.O.N.S. convention in July 2012 that any references to "Soviet" are to be considered an error and should read "Russian" instead.
  • When asked what terrible things happened to Earth in theBeast Wars: Uprisingcontinuity,Jim Sorensonstated that when theGreat Warspread to Earth in the 1980s, the USSR usednuclear weaponsto drive the Transformers out of Borovia.[1]


External links

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