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This article is about the Maximal. For the similarly-named Decepticon, seeSkinkbomb. |
- Stinkbomb is aMaximalfrom theBeast Warsportion of theGeneration 1continuity family.
Stinkbombis an expert at psychological warfare. Once his teammates got past his odor, they saw his true value. Cunning and intelligent, Stinkbomb has an understanding of how thePredaconmind works, and takes great enjoyment from getting under their skins.
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Toy bio
Stinkbomb served underOptimal Optimusas a valued adviser and fierce warrior.Stinkbomb bio
2006 IDWBeast Warscontinuity
Stinkbomb spent stellar cycles undercover as a Predacon officer, learning the psychology of the Predacons. His knowledge proved to be a great asset to the Maximals, but the Predacons will never forget his "betrayal".Beast Wars Sourcebook #4
Stinkbomb was one of theprotoformsjettisoned from theAxalonon prehistoricEarth.He was activated and put inchronal phasebyRazorbeastatMagmatron's request, but was protected from Magmatron's Predacon shell-program by Razorbeast's viral code.The Gathering #1
Soon after awakening, he joined up withBantor,Noctorro,K-9,Armordillo,andTorca.During their journey to meet up with Razorbeast, Torca got stuck in some mud, and Stinkbomb and the other helped free him.The Gathering #2After following Razorbeast's signal for days, and picking up more Maximals along the way, Stinkbomb and the rest rushed into battle against Magmatron's Predacons. In the ensuing battle, Stinkbomb took onInjector.The Gathering #4
The battles on Earth continued for some time, and Stinkbomb was later seen defending the Maximal base from a major Predacon assault.The Ascending #1Eventually, both factions were attacked byShokaract's minions, the powerfulBlendtrons.Stinkbomb supported the decision to temporarily ally themselves with the Predacons, though alliance or not,Retraxhad his reservations about standingtooclose to the skunk.The Ascending #4
Beast Wars: Uprising
Stinkbomb fought in Battle MCMXXIII of theGames,a three-day struggle that culminated in a stand-off against the PredaconQuickstrike.Though he was able to knock his opponent down and stood ready to unload a barrage of deadly chemicals point blank into his opponent's face, his weapon failed to fire, having been damaged beyond use in the melee. Quickstrike saw his chance and swiftly counterattacked, killing Stinkbomb.Broken Windshields
Beast Wars
- Stinkbomb(Basic Transmetal 2, 1999)
- Known designers:Yuichiro Hira(TakaraTomy),Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
- Part of the second wave of fourth-yearBeast WarsBasics, Stinkbomb transforms into a techno-organicTransmetal 2skunk. His tail features a swiveling double blade, and ends up on the back of his head in robot mode, making for one killer ponytail. A small panel on his right hindleg/right shoulder flips open to reveal hisspark crystal,while his left hindleg/left shoulder has an identical opening panel that opens to reveal an unpainted molded detail.
- This mold wasrepaintedand re-spark-crystal'd to makeRobots in DisguiseGas Skunk.Presumably, it was also to have been the basis for the unreleasedBeast MachinesSpiketailtoy.