Sub-Zero Expander
From Transformers Wiki
TheSub-Zero Expanderis a device intended to replenish the polar ice caps. Depending on your point of view, it either doesn't work, or it workstoowell. It has an extremely robust power supply.
Rescue Botscartoon
In1966,the Sub-Zero Expander was being transported aboard theS.S.IsoldetoGriffin Rockwhen it was somehow triggered, encasing the ship in ice. The ship remained that way for nearly fifty years, when it was discovered drifting near Griffin Rock.Blades,DaniandCodyboarded the ship and discovered the Expander still operating, and when Blades attempted to switch it off, he was instantly frozen by it. The device was later jostled further byDoctor Moroccoin the process of extracting the ship's cargo, and overloaded so much that it exploded, flash-freezing the sea in a radius of five miles.Tip of the Iceberg