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Sunbeam (G1)

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This article is about the Generation 1 Nebulan Targetmaster. For the Unicron Trilogy Mini-Con, seeSunbeam (Armada).
Sunbeam is aDecepticon-alliedNebulanTargetmasterfrom theGeneration 1continuity family.
Jesus wants you for me.

Sunbeamdoesn't need your 'rules', man. He's a beach bum, and all that matters to him is rocket-surfing the ultimate wave. Having survived the annual fifty-footers that occur onhis homeworld'sMagna Beach,he joined the Decepticons for the opportunity to visit other worlds in search of even greater challenges. As aTargetmaster,he has the ability to transform into a solar-powered light-burst discharger, capable of blinding his foes. He gets along well with his partnerNeedlenose—they enjoy picking onZigzagtogether.

Sunbeam's nature varies. In some universes, he is an organicNebulan;in others, he is a robotic Cybertronian.





Needlenose (apparently) became a Targetmaster at some point and carried Sunbeam into the fight withNightbeatand his allies as part of theMayhem Attack Squad.Cheap Shots

Commercial appearances

Needlenosewielded both Sunbeam andZigzagin a battle against the three Autobot DoubleTargetmasters,firing them both wildly in their gun modes while chasing down his targets.Double Targetmasters commercial


The Transformers

G1-toy Sunbeam.jpg
  • Needlenose(Targetmaster,1988)
Part of the fifth year ofThe Transformersproduct, Sunbeam transforms into a solar poweredlight burst dischargerin basically one and a half steps. As a Targetmaster, his handle is a5 mm post,making him compatible with alotof toys throughout the entire franchise. His base also features a 5mm post-hole, nominally used to combine him with his pack-in partnerZigzagto form a super-rifle.
His humanoid mode is sculpted with a rifle in his left hand, and a multi-rocket-launcher on his right leg.
Sunbeam and Zigzag were only available with the Decepticon TargetmasterNeedlenosein 1988. No version of this character or mold was released in Japan.

Combiner Wars

TFSS Needlenose Sunbeam.JPG
  • Needlenose(TFSS 4.0,2016)
Combiner WarsSunbeam is a redeco ofGenerations: Thrilling 30Tracer,transforming into a triple-barreled rifle. In gun mode, he can combine with his pack-in partnerZputty(and the other various iterations of theHolepunchmold) to form a super-rifle, with either one forming the "front" part.
He was only available as an accessory withNeedlenose,the first figure released in theFigure Subscription Service 4.0.
This mold was also used to makeAdventureTargetmaster,TimelinesDia,andCombiner WarsSinge.


  • Needlenose(Deluxe Class,2023)
Included withLegacy: EvolutionNeedlenose,"Decepticon Sunbeam" has no articulation and functions just like his original figure. He can transform into a blaster for Needlenose to wield, and can also combine with "Decepticon Zigzag"to form a larger gun. While his humanoid form retains the original's molded blaster, he lacks that version's leg mounted launcher.
Zigzag's painted plastic peg fits rather snugly into Sunbeam's port, so care must be taken to avoid stress marks.
This mold was also used to makeCleansweepandHairsplitter.


Foreign names

  • Japanese:Sunbeam(サンビームSanbīmu)


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