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Tail Pipe

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The name or term "Tailpipe" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeTailpipe (disambiguation).
Tail Pipe is aGuardianfrom theGoBotscontinuity family.
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Tail Pipeis a Guardian.




During theDiaspora,Tail Pipe was dispatched toLevel 34along with theRobo Rebelsand several evilRock Lords.Cultural Appropriation

Renegade Rhetoric

RenegadeRhetoric Farewell TailPipe.jpg

The meek and timid Tail Pipe wanted to become aGuardian,but he worried too much about what others thought of him, and had trouble asserting himself or making decisions. This was a particular problem in hisGuardian Academyclass alongside his gregarious and outgoing fellow cadets,Bent Wing,Raizor,andSuper Couper.After messing up constantly in training exercises, and even suffering a Renegade surprise attack during the last one, these "Robo Rebel"cadets came under suspicion from theGuardian Councilas potential Renegade spies.

Tail Pipe reluctantly went along with his fellow cadets when they disobeyed orders to remain in their quarters, and went looking for proof that someone else alerted the Renegades to the last training mission. At the Guardian Council chambers, Tail Pipe perused the computer records and determined only their training instructor,Major Mo,and CouncilorBladezknew the location of the last exercise in advance. Before they could digest this information, the cadets heard a commotion and rushed to an adjoining room to find High CouncilorZeemonblasted and neat death. The Council's security force arrived moments later, apparently catching the Robo Rebels in the act!Rebels Without a Circuit

Tail Pipe and the others were locked up in theGobotron Stockadesfor attempted murder.Major Movisited them, and the Rebels confided in him their suspicions about Bladez. Mo agreed, but control of the Council had fallen to Bladez with Zeemon's incapacitation, and Bladez now planned to launch the Guardian fleet on a special mission. Bent Wing once again convinced the Rebels to break free and clear their names. They found Bladez's home, and were shocked to see him conspiring with theMaster RenegadeandCy-Killto send the fleet into a trap. The Rebels were discovered and fought with the Master Renegade's lackey,Creepy.They defeated him, but not in time to warn the Command Centers before they blasted off.Fugitives

Creepy recovered and attacked the Robo Rebels again, leaving them in dire straits. TheMonster GoBotwas prepared to break Super Couper in two when Tail Pipe valiantly charged the creature, occupying his full attention. Tail Pipe waived the other Robo Rebels away, and stayed behind to cover their retreat and face his fate alone.Double CrossTail Pipe was captured and brought before the Master Renegade in chains, hung from the ceiling as a captive audience for the scientist's melodrama.Countdown to Annihilation

The Robo Rebels managed to free the Guardians and Renegades the Master Renegade had captured on thePrison Moonof Gobotron, returning them to the fleets. As the Command Centers and Thrusters attempted to retake Gobotron, the Robo Rebels infiltrated Bladez's mansion to rescue Tail Pipe. Super Couper managed to get him down and Tail Pipe turned his electronic skills to sabotaging the Master Renegade's super-weapon, theGravity Collapsar Ray.The weapon was disabled, and soon all Guardian foes were driven into retreat. Major Mo and Zeemon presided over the Robo Rebels' graduation ceremony, as the newly-minted team was upgraded to full Guardians.Graduation Day

On their first visit to Earth, the Robo Rebels vacationed at theLos Jóvenes Dude RanchwithMatt Hunter,Nick Burns,andA.J. Foster.They were surprised to learn Los Jóvenes was run byPonce de Leónand various historic figures from the Wild West, made immortal by the legendaryFountain of Youth.Unfortunately,LocoandVain Trainwere eavesdropping on this revelation, and captured the waters of the fountain for themselves. Loco re-engineered the water into ananti-chronitonagglutination that froze his molecular structure in time, making him unalterable and therefore invulnerable. The cocky Renegade was lured away from his laboratory, though, and Tail Pipe was able to reverse the formula and disable Loco's invulnerability.Going Loco

When the Renegades sought to sabotage or steal the Guardian'sSpace Hawkproject, they kidnapped Dr.Anya Turgenovato subject her to theBrainstormer.Held captive on the dark side of the moon, the Renegades prepared for a rescue attempt by the Guardians to retrieve Anya. Unfortunately, Cy-Kill anticipated brute force while Leader-1 sent inScooterand Tail Pipe to save Anya in a stealth mission that proved highly effective.The Hawks of Space Part 2

The Robo Rebels stoppedStingerandStallionfrom stealing a meteorite fragment from a museum on Earth. Unfortunately, the Renegades were successful at their second attempt, after learning the art of ninjitsu.Cy-Kill's Ninjas

Tail Pipe was at a supply depot with Leader-1 andBlasterwhen a Thruster buzzed their position. The Monster GoBot named Creepy was on the run from Cy-Kill, and hoped to use the Guardians to shake the Renegades off his tail. Unfortunately, all parties were sucked into a strange vessel by theOverseers.Curiously, the GoBots' super-structures were all altered by the experience. Forced into slave labor, the now dull and generic red car Tail Pipe was assigned withCrashermanufacturing a super-weapon calledA.N.Ubi.S.The Guardians and Renegades were forced to work together to escape, finally intimidating an Overseer into reversing their matter superposition ray and sending them home.Chains of Doom

The Robo Rebels defended a convoy bringing more material to GoBotron for the planet's reconstruction.Space Pirates of the Helix Nebula

Tail Pipe was present at a dry dock in theProcyon Sectorwhere the Command Center fleet was undergoing repairs. A Renegade attack coordinated by the newly super-intelligentZoddrove off most of the Guardians in residence and left Tail Pipe unconscious and unnoticed among the debris. When he awoke, Tail Pipe overheard Zod's plans to betray Cy-Kill. He sent a coded message to Leader-1, and the Guardians soon joined forces with Cy-Kill and the Renegades loyal to him to take back the dry dock from Zod. Tail Pipe remained their "inside man", feeding Zod's exact location to the attackers and then, when Zod and Cy-Kill reconciled and prepared to turn on Leader-1, Tail Pipe hit the airlocks and sent the Renegades blasting out into the vacuum of space.In Zod We Trust

The ongoing success of the Robo Rebels as a unit sparked some jealous from the previous up-and-coming heroes, theSecret Riders.When the Renegades stole aMacrocosmic Continuum Distorterfrom theScientific Moonof Gobotron on the Secret Riders' watch, Tail Pipe's more jocular comrades began needling the Riders for their failure. One thing led to another, and the Secret Riders challenged the Robo Rebels to recover the Distorter before they did. The two squabbling squads were easily lured into a trap by the Renegades and taken aboard theRogue Star.The Secret Riders' leaderTri-Trakfinally managed to focus the two Guardian teams into working together. The united Guardians then managed to escapeRogue Starand destroy the Continuum Distorter.Riders and Rebels

The Robo Rebels were present onQuartexduring the ceremonies for the tri-planet alliance between theRock Lords,UNECOM,and the Guardians. Unfortunately, Cy-Kill andMagmardecided to interrupt the festivities. The combined power ofPuzzler,Monsterous,andNemesisovercameCourageousandFossilsaurus,and the Renegades captured Leader-1,General Newcastle,andBoulder.Combiner Wars Part 1Demoralized by Cy-Kill's combiner advantage and the loss of their leaders, the heroes almost gave up before Matt Hunter gave a speech rallying their spirits. They managed to turn Cy-Kill and Magmar against each other and rescue their friends, bringing a swift conclusion to the Combiner Wars.Combiner Wars Part 2

Echoes and Fragments

AsSidewaysandGongplayed with mixing universal streams, the Renegades staged an all-out assault onAutobot Cityon Earth before the universal constants flipped, and theDecepticonswere now attacking Guardian City. Tail Pipe andRaizorhad just managed to make it back inside the city when they andDaniel WitwickyjoinedBent WingandSuper Couperreadying aBoomerfor combat. TheRobo Rebelsturned their Boomer on the incoming Decepticons, but theConstructiconsformedDevastator,who destroyed their Boomer with a single piece of thrown debris. The Robo Rebels scattered to avoid being destroyed themselves.

After the battle, Tail Pipe attended to the Guardians' mortally woundedLeader-1.He informedMajor Moand the others that Leader-1 simply would not survive his injuries.Echoes and Fragments


Long after theGo-Botrevolution, Tail Pipe was one ofLeader-1's faction, and was taken on the quest to find theLazer Lance.After his commander was killed by theRenegades,Tail Pipe was one of his followers who carried his funeral pyre, fashioned out of the torso of the Go-Bot godCourageous.Go-Bots #4

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