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Talk:Quest for Survival

From Transformers Wiki


I wanted to start a discussion on an edit I made to Continuity Errors that was reverted. It stated:

"* If the Morphobots devour an army of Insecticons in a matter of minutes, why was Cosmos still alive? He was trapped in the middle of the Morphobot field for the majority of the episode. Why did the Morphobots only envelop him and not devour him?"

It was reverted with the following comment:

"because he's not an insecticon?"

My rebuttal is that I'm not sure that matters. Although the line "they feed on robotic insects!" and the fact that they were sent to a planet of same suggests that robot insects are the Morphobots' favorite food, why would the Morphobotsonlyeat robots modeled after insects? Does the adaptive circuitry that allows the Insecticons to convert food to energy make them more appetizing or easily digestible?

Perceptor and Prowl warn Optimus that they believe the Morphobots "are capable of devouring any robotic form." Indeed, the vines themselves seemed to have already breached Cosmos's hull before he crashed, it's not a leap to assume he'd be easy to crush when the spores grew teeth.

Remember that the Morphobots took an interest in Megatron and Perceptor as well, snagging both in their coils. What is their intent, then, if not to feed on them? (This is assuming that the Morphobots acted out of a techno-biological drive in snaring Megatron, and not just simply being "heroes" as per Spike's assertion, with the goal of roughing Megatron up. Although they did release Megatron, the Morphobot who lassoed him may have simply lost his grip when trying to shake off the Decepticons offering resistance to the Morphobot dragging Megatron to, presumably, its maw. We don't see how Perceptor's encounter with the Morphobots ends.)

May there have been a slow leak in the Robotic Insecticide canister within Cosmos that the Morphobots also found repugnant and they didn't feast on him? That's a possibility.

Or does it take a long time for the Morphobots to break their food down, and the Insecticon army was rapidly devoured due to a kind of structural inferiority inherent in being a clone? We know the clones can disappear easily, but are they identical inside and out, or flimsier than the authentic articles, somehow?

Anyway, I wanted to ponder these questions here, since I'm confused as to how Cosmos survived his ordeal without becoming lunch. Thoughts? --SkywarpJune 2013

If the episode itself says these guys "feed on robotic insects" it's not our job to second-guess that and call out things which don't contradict that an error. --ItsWalky03:11, 21 June 2013 (EDT)
Also please sign your posts. --ItsWalky03:11, 21 June 2013 (EDT)
Although I continue to disagree with the consensus view of the Wiki, I will concede to said view. Thanks. --Skywarp23:39, 21 June 2013 (EDT)

Skids' line

Does someone have an official episode script that says Skids is talking? Because it really sounds like Hoist, and Hoist is in the shot... couldn't the animators have shown the wrong character talking? --flicky199110:20, 3 August 2013 (EDT)

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