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Tatsuya Otoboto

From Transformers Wiki

Following theJason Jansencareer path.

Tatsuya Otoboto( âm phật たつやOtoboto Tatsuya), member of theOtoboto family,is the son ofHiroyukiandMegumi Otoboto.His sister isYūka.He is a fan of thelive-action film series.Tatsuya might not look it, but he's got the fastest hands in the 4th grade by far — for transforming his toys, anyway. Dad's ton of old stories may bug him, but Tatsuya loves him anyway.

He may have the ability to freeze time, though when he performs this skill, those he "freezes" can be seen blinking and twitching (though they remain unaware that they are "frozen" ). It may be that Tatsuya can simply inflict temporary paralysis on others.



Actor:Tatsuya Osabe

After observing the premiere episode ofTransformers Animated,Tatsuya became immediately enamored with the series. Luckily for him, his dad happened to be an old-schoolTransformersfan and lavished upon him a complete set ofAnimatedAutobottoys. Sadly, before playtime could began, Tatsuya's mom came in with dinner. During the meal, Tatsuya used his strange ability to "freeze" time to paralyze his family, allowing him to introduce himself to the audience and mess with his father's glasses.A New Chapter! Transformers

The following week, while Tatsuya and his dad played with toys on the living room carpet, a loud crashing sound rang out from the kitchen. Tatsuya jumped to his feet and "transformed" into aMegatront-shirt so that he could save the day. Unfortunately, before he could meet the danger, he had to lay back down on the carpet and transform hisBumblebeetoy to vehicle mode.The Heroes Are Called Autobots

A week later, Tatsuya was disappointed to learn that his fatherdoesn'tsit around the house playing with Transformers all day and actuallydoeshave to work. He then remembered back to a week before, when he and his dad were racing their Transformers across the floor toward the kitchen and encountered the feet of his sister, Yūka. Yūka then produced a letter for her father froma friendhe thought was long deceased.Secret of the AllSpark

Later, Tatsuya watched enthralled as his father made takoyaki in the kitchen, "transforming" the cuisine as he flipped it over so it could cook evenly.The Great Sound Wave Operation

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