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Titan Master

From Transformers Wiki

Titan Mastersare a diminutive breed ofTransformer.Long ago, this ancient and mysterious group of Transformers worked within the gigantic bodies of theTitans,maintaining their complicated systems as the Titans journeyed across thegalaxy.The Titan Masters were created as gifts, intended to be shared with other civilizations that the Titans might meet in their journeys. Each Titan Master possesses a uniqueSparkthat allows them to transfer their innate powers into the bodies of other Cybertronians by forming their head, not unlike theHeadmasters.

With the resurgence of the Titans themselves, the Titan Masters, long forgotten by Cybertronian civilization at large, have re-emerged from the realm of myth and legend and joined the modern era of theAutobotsandDecepticons... representing a Pandora's grab-bag of superpowers sure to unleash earth-shaking results.



Titans Returnmarketing material

When the universe was still forming, beforeAutobotsorDecepticonsexisted, the giant spaceship robots known as Titans were created and sent out to discover the powers and mysteries of the universe. Each Titan was crewed by Titan Masters, tiny robot caretakers charged with up-keeping their systems. The Titan Masters also had a greater purpose: Each had a unique superpower they could grant to other Transformers, a gift intended to forge links with other civilizations they might discover. The Titans and their crews were eventually forgotten by all but a few power-hungry and entirely unsuccessful legend hunters. Until the Titans mysteriously returned, and the Titan Masters partnered up with Autobots and Decepticons alike.Galvatronvowed that the Decepticons would use the Titan Masters to rule the universe!

This new conflict quickly spread across the Transformer's universe. OnVelocitronthe Speed Planet's biggest race of the year was interrupted in the final lap. Blurr, a previous champion of all Velocitron's major races, had teamed up with Titan MasterHyperfireat his wheel. They vied withWheeliefor the lead when the Decepticon tracker Scourge and an allied Titan MasterCrashbashattacked, trying to capture their assigned target: Hyperfire. Luckily PowermasterOptimus Prime,Sentinel PrimeandHardheadwere on hand to try and stop them.

Meanwhile, searching for info on the mysterious return of the Titans and their crews,Alpha Trionfollowed a trail of clues to the "Beast Planet"Eukaris.Amid jungle covered buildings Alpha Trion and the Titan MasterClobberlocated a mysterious ancient artifact that was linked to the Titans and Titan Masters.MindwipeledAstrotrain,Wolfwire,and the Titan MasterApefacein an ambush to steal the artifact.

OnCaminus,the DecepticonSkullsmasheraided by Titan Masters Grax and Terri-bull infiltrated the planet and stole the codes to the intergalacticSpace Bridgenetwork for the Decepticons. An Autobot spy team lead byBlasterdetected the theft. Blaster,Stripes,Rewindand the Titan MasterNightbeatchased down the thieves and battled for the codes in Caminus' streets.

Later, back on Cybertron,Soundwaveled an all out assault.Scourge,Astrotrain, Skullsmasher,Laserbeak,Rumble,andRavage,among others, pressed the attack while Powermaster Prime, Chromedome, Highbrow, Wheelie, Blaster and Hardhead were among the defenders. The battle was interrupted when what first seemed like an earthquake attack by Rumble was actually the landscape itself transforming into the Legendary Titan:Fortress Maximus,so large he uses two levels of Titan Master.Titans Return: The Power of the Titan Masters

Later, back on Velocitron a new race was held. The prize? The power to temporarily control the speed of anything, even time itself. The Autobots sent a team lead byLaser Prime.At his command -Rodimus Prime,Nautica(a Quantum Engineer to supercharge their engines),Fastclash(a decoy and escape artist, to confuse pursuit and leave it in a wreck) andQuickswitch(a mercurial assault warrior). Rodimus Prime finished the race first and claimed the prize for the Autobots, but there was a catch! To gain the power he was transformed into a Titan Master himself, able to grant it to another. The Autobots faced a firefight to evade the Cons and leave the planet. Laser Prime saved the day, using his Laserpoint System to open a portal away from the world of speed.[1]

In the depths of space, the monster TitanTrypticonand his Titan MasterNecrotraveled in starship mode between worlds, landing as a dark fortress or a terrible giant beast, bringing doom and ultimate destruction wherever they passed. Trypticon ever hungered for Titan Masters to devour the way another robot would Energon cubes, and the macabre Necro longs to harvest and devour the sparks of all Transformers who cross his dark path. Titans ReturnTrypticon on-package blurb

2005 IDW continuity

TitansReturn Infinitus Sentinel.jpg

The Titan Masters were an ancient race, dating back to the time of theThirteen Tribes.White HeatTheir diminutive stature belied their frighteningly alien physiology; not only could they puppeteer the decapitated bodies of any larger Transformer, but they had the ability to consume theSparksof their victims as an alternative source of energy.Ten to MidnightTheir power lay in the ability to summon and control theTitansof ancient Cybertron, who were instinctually drawn to follow their commands.Ghost in the MachineSome possessed the ability to fly under their own power,Enter the Shadowand, unlike other Cybertronians, they could selectively shut down parts of their body to cope with discomfort.Power and Glory

At least two Titan Masters survived until the present day.Infinitus,who had served his masterNexus Primeduring theFirst Cybertronian Civil War,took on a new identity after the death of his Prime and becameSentinel Prime,"dying" during his first battle withMegatron.White HeatFollowing the creation ofAutobot CityonEarth,Infinitus was roused from his slumber and vowed to "purify" Cybertron from Decepticons and colonists.The Last Autobot

Sovereign,the herald ofOnyx Prime,was dispatched to Earth to find the lostEnigma of Combination.Disguised as ahuman,he eventually took on the aliasGarrison Blackrock.White LightHe remained unaware of his true heritage until Sentinel Prime travelled to Earth and forcibly re-awoke Sovereign from his human disguise. Although Sentinel Prime planned to use an army of undead Titans to cleanse his homeworld, he and Sovereign were defeated byFortress Maximus,Prowl,Cerebros,Red Alert,andBeak.Sovereign was reverted to his Blackrock persona and Sentinel was killed.Ten to Midnight"Blackrock" would go on to use his Titan Master powers extensively during the search for theTalismanandGarrison Kreiger.Crisis InterventionAfter receiving encouragement from the spectre ofMike Power,Blackrock used his abilities to summonMetrotitanand transmit a curative pulse, amplified by the Titan's personal Space Bridge, returning theDire Wraithmutates to human form.Ghost in the Machine

During the final battle againstUnicron,Blackrock andCenturionTitan MasteredMetroplexandTrypticon,respectively, into battle.Ceremony

Beast Wars: Uprising

In the ten thousand years following theGrand Uprising,the specialized subclasses ofCyberdroidsandNebulons(Headmasters,Targetmasters,Powermasters) were misremembered as the "Titanmasters".ResistanceSupreme CommanderLio Convoywas thought to have been Titanmaster partners with the individual calledMoon or Mecha Usagi,though this was unconfirmed.The Inexorable March


Transformers Roleplaying Game

TheHeadmasterprocess was sometimes known as the "Titanmaster" process.The Enigma of Combination


Titans Return

Titan Master(2016)

Titan Master Shuffler



Titan Force(2016) Fortress Maximus Convention Edition(2016) Primitive Skateboarding(2017)
Primitive Skateboarding Shreddicus Maximus
Walgreens Toys "R" Us BigBadToyStore Hasbro Toy Shop/Toys "R" Us
Siege on Cybertron Thunderwing
Special Edition(2018)
Special Edition Dastard


Evolution 2-Pack(2017)
Deluxe Class Orion Pax

The Last Knight

Deluxe Class Cogman
AlthoughDecepticon Nitrolacks a Titan Master of his own, the non-transformable head can be removed and replaced with one, which can also ride in his jet mode's cockpit.


Greatest Hits(2018)
Greatest HitsDoombox

Studio Series

Deluxe Class Cogman
AlthoughThundercrackerandKSI Bosslack Titan Masters of their own, the non-transformable heads can be removed and replaced with one, which can also ride in their jet mode's cockpit.

War for Cybertron: Siege


War for Cybertron: Earthrise

Voyager(2020) Titan(2020)
Decepticon Krunk
While Decepticon Krunk is explicitly stated as a Headmaster instead, it is registered on this page for convenience.

Retro Headmasters

Wave 1(2020) Wave 2(2021)
Chromedome (w/ Stylor)
While these are explicitly stated as Headmasters instead, it is registered on this page for convenience.

Buzzworthy Bumblebee

War for Cybertron Trilogy

Generations Selects

Black Zarak's head


Wreck 'n Rule Collection(2022)
Diaclone Universe Twin Twist
  • G1 Universe Squeezeplay(w/G1 Universe Lokos)

  • Notes

    • In a nod to the conceptual origins of the Titan Masters, the blueprint-style design on the inside ofTitans Returnpackaging features an image ofNebulos,with lines branching out to images of Titan Masters.
    • While there are standardised elements to ensure line-wide compatibility, the exact design of both Titan Master heads and sockets varies from figure to figure. As a result, some combinations will result in a vice-like grip, and others in a loose, wobbly connection, even when using the Titan Master originally packaged with the figure. Looser connections can often be improved by rotating the Titan Master's head 180 degrees – this causes the tabs inside the socket to press directly onto the sides of the head (rather than sitting into the notches designed for them), creating a tighter grip.

    Foreign names

    • Japanese:Titan Master(タイタンマスターTaitan Masutā)
    • French:Maître Titan
    • Portuguese:Mestre Titã
    • Spanish:Maestro Titán

    See also


    1. Titans ReturnChaos on Velocitron pack-in poster bios and story blurb
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