Tom Banachek
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The name or term "Tom" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeTom (disambiguation). |
- Tom Banachek is ahumanfrom thelive-action filmcontinuity family.
Thomas "Tom" Banachekis the head ofSector Seven's Advanced Research Division (and pretty much all of S7's current doings). He's not an asshole like agents such asSimmons.OrPowers.Or...come to think of it, he's the only one at Sector Seven thatisn'tan asshole.
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- Actor:Michael O'Neill
- Voice actor:Yasuyoshi Hara(Japanese dub),Humberto Solórzano(Latin American Spanish-language dub),Jaume Comas(Castilian Spanish dub),Emmanuel Jacomy(European French dub),Benoît Rousseau(Canadian French dub),Klaus-Dieter Klebsch(German dub),Stefano De Sando(Italian dub),Galip Erdal(Turkish dub),Kim Jeong-ho(Korean dub)
Banachek was sent to thePentagonto brief Defense SecretaryKellerby order of thePresident of the United States(who was busy purgingDing Dongs). Banachek showed Keller classified footage that was deemed "beyond Top Secret". The footage showed that theMarsBeagle 2 Rover,previously believed to be lost in descent, in fact survived its landing and had recorded thirteen seconds of footage before amysterious creaturedestroyed it. Banachek then showed a comparison between the Martian and the"weapons platform"that attacked theSOCCENT baseinQatar,concluding they were of the same design. Taking Secretary Keller toHoover Dam,Banachek also met withSam WitwickyandMikaela Banes.
While Sam was unwilling to talk to the agents overBumblebee's imprisonment and treatment, Banachek pointed out that lives were at stake and that they could negotiate, prompting Sam to demand that Bumblebee be released,hisparentsbe brought there, and Mikaela's criminal record be cleared.
When the teenagers, Keller,Maggie MadsenandGlen Whitmannwere taken to see the "Iceman", Banachek explained thatSam's great-great grandfatherhad found him, and that the military had not been informed because there was no credible threat verification. He admitted to Sam that he admired Captain Witwicky for making one of the most significant discoveries in the history of mankind. This prompted Sam to inform them that the Iceman,Megatron,was the harbinger of doom. When the power started to fail afterStarscream's attack, the soldiers headed to the armory. AfterCaptain Lennoxforced Simmons to listen to Sam's request to release Bumblebee by holding him at gunpoint, Banachek called for calm.Transformers
Dark of the Moonfilm
According toCharlotte Mearing,the director of Sector Seven was one of the few people aware of theApollo 11mission.Dark of the Moon
Titan movie comics
In an alternate timeline,Megatronkilled Sam, took theAll Sparkand conquered theUnited States of America.Banachek became part of the resistance alongside Mikaela and the Autobots. When Bumblebee & Mikaela tried to thaw out and freeOptimus Primefrom the former Sector 7 base, Banachek provided them with data via radio contact to achieve their goal.Twilight's Last Gleaming, Part: 2He guided Mikaela to the room where Sector Seven's greatest weapon, a nanovirus targeting All Spark frequencies, was kept.Twilight's Last Gleaming, Part: 4Twilight's Last Gleaming, Part: 5
In the aftermath of the Autobot victory, Banachek became a member of the new US government, under new President (formerly VP)Theodore Allen.He tried to convince Allen to open communications with the Autobots. He was ignored.Aftermath Part 1He was still in constant contact with Mikaela.Aftermath Part 2
Tom then ran a reformed Sector 7, and was tasked with stopping everyone from realizingEarthwas dying.Dark SparkThis failed.
After the Autobots became aware that the President was a Decepticon puppet,Ironhidesecretly contacted Tom on an encrypted network used during the occupation. Tom was given the means to detect the Decepticon's mind controlling cerebro-strips, and tasked to found out how many people in the United States government had them. (Answer: many) Once he'd detected everyone, the Autobots made their final move against the Decepticons. After the victory, Tom had the thankless job of sorting through all the Decepticon deep-cover operatives.Revolution Part Three
Sector 7 Adventures
Two years after the "Bumblebee incident",Banachek was waiting atthe Iglooto receive Agent Simmons and his troops' delivery of an alien device, nicknamed the Payload. Feeling Simmons deserved some answers, Banachek led the agent inside to explain about the payload's origins, the lingering alien threat, and the Igloo's true purpose: containing the frozen Megatron.The Battle at Half Dome
- Tom Banachek's surname is spelled as "Banacheck" in the film's credits, whereas the film's script, subtitles, and novelizations all use the "Banachek" spelling.