The mirrorverse is roughly 50% blue cannons by volume.
Transformers: Shattered Glassis the fictional multiverse and associated toys and storylines that sprung fromBotCon 2008's initial exclusive toyset and comic. It is aTransformerstake on the old sci-fi warhorse of aninverted alternate universe,(akin toStar Trek'sMirror UniverseandDC Comics'Earth-Three) where the bad guys are good, the good guys are bad, and (mostly) everyone has different paint schemes. It comes complete withfacial hairfor theevil versions of certain good guys.
This year's chronicle shatters everything you thought you knew about Transformers! Here is a universe you never expected...
On a world known as Cybertron, a ruthless and cruel tyrant prepares his army for an all-out attack. Their destination: a planet rich in resources, known asEarth!Only a small band of rebels stands between this evil warlord and his plans for universal conquest. If these brave soldiers are unable to stop the attack, then there will be nothing to prevent this shattered universe from falling victim to the maniacalOptimus Primeand his evil legion of... Autobots?
This is a truly malformed universe, where the Decepticons are heroic and the Autobots are evil!
Coming this spring, the battle lines will be drawn and a new champion will emerge. Ayoung and noble Decepticonwill stand up and fight for freedom, the freedom which is the right of all Transformers! Advising him will be his trusted lieutenantStarscreamand his fellow virtuous Decepticons. They will fight to the very last to stop the spread of Optimus Prime's tyranny!Introductory blurb at BotCon.com
Franchise components
- The title is similar to theStar Trek: Deep Space Nineepisode "Shattered Mirror"andMarvel'sStar Trekcomic "Fragile Glass",both stories about the Mirror Universe from theStar Trekfranchise mentioned above.
- TheShattered Glassposter (as seen above) bears a strong resemblance toone of the firstTransformersposters,right down to the characters' positions and actions:MegatroninOptimus Prime'splace, and the evil second-in-commands (StarscreamandRodimus) more in front of the battle than their respective evil leaders (MegatronandOptimus Prime).
- A proposed episode of theTransformers Animatedcartoon's cancelledfourth season,titled "Mirror, Mirror", would have featuredSariandBulkheadtraveling to aShattered Glassversion of their universe, as revealed inThe AllSpark Almanac II.In a review with the fansite TFW2005,Derrick Wyattsaid that he'd have loved to haveShattered Glassmaterial inAnimated,if only "to haveFanzonesay 'This is why Ilovemachines!' "In the years since the end ofAnimated,both the secondAllspark Almanacand the officialCollectors' Clubmagazinefeatured a few glimpses at a "Shattered Glass Animated"world and its inhabitants.
- Hayato Sakamotoproposed aShattered Glassversion ofTransformers: Prime,fittingly namedTransformers Prime: Shattered Glass.[1][2]
Foreign names
- Japanese:Shattered Glass(シャッタード・グラスShattādo Gurasu)
- Cantonese:Geng Zoeng( kính tượng, "Mirror Likeness" )