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Tyger Pax

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The coloring process was not kind to Tyger Pax.

Tyger Paxis a circularly builtsettlementonCybertronwith a structure focusing on its center. It has the reputation of being idyllic and tranquil.



Generation 1 continuity family

DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

The end of theBorder Warswas marked by the victory of theAutobotsover the other splinter factions, which gave them the edge to convince theDecepticonsand theUltraconsto sign a peace treaty. The three leaders,Ultra Magnus,Shockwave,andRatbat,came together in Tyger Pax to formalize the treaty. It was all working out nicely, but thenStarscreamand hisPredacon factioncrashed the conference with the intent of bringing down the whole of their enemies and rivals at once. The fight initially proceeded in favor of the Predacons, but the joined forces of the peace treaty factions turned the tide when they got over their surprise. Yet with everything seeming back under control,Megatronsuddenly showed up and announced his return from millions of years of absence, bringing with him a gazillionAir Warriorsthat easily intimidated all factions intosurrender.The Age of Wrath

2005 IDW continuity

Tyger Pax was close toAlyon,but was reduced to wilderness by the "resetting" of Cybertron.Barricade,Swift,Strafeand theDinobotspassed through a canyon in Tyger Pax while traveling fromIaconto Alyon, and there discovered crystallized contaminatedenergonoriginating fromTrypticon.RedemptionWhile searching Tyger Pax forBludgeon,the Dinobots discovered a laboratory in a cave where the Decepticon had been using the energon to experiment onSweeps.The laboratory was destroyed whenSlag (G1)self-destructed.Salvation

Live-action film series



Tyger Pax lies surrounded byUnicron,thePraetorus Wharf,Nova Cronum,Central City,and the area where theHigh Council Pavilionscan be found.Risk

IDW movie comics

Before the war,a number ofCybertroniansopposed the reign ofMegatronandOptimus Prime.Four of these so-calledMalcontentswere holed up in Tyger Pax, where they were hunted down and murdered by theDefense Force.Megatron used the incident to convince Optimus to give him full leadership over Cybertron, so that he could do what was needed to protect its population.Foundation #2Optimus Prime obliged, and not much later, the Defense Force reformed itself into a faction, theDecepticons,and declared war on theAutobotsof theScience Division.OnChromia's advice, the Autobots decided to leave their makeshift base atBurthovand set up a better, permanent one in Tyger Pax.Foundation #3

Defiance 4 Tyger Pax base.jpg

The move took place while the Decepticons were occupied with the construction of amassive starshipfor unknown reasons. When the Autobots had properly installed themselves in their new base,ArceeandBumblebeewere sent out to spy on the Decepticons atTrypticon.They found out about the starship and reported back to base. The Autobots did not know what possibly the Decepticons could need it for, but they did realize it would be a good idea to acquire a similar ship of their own.Ironhidesuggested they'd repair anold transport shiprecovered some time ago, which was agreed on.Defiance #4Much later, Optimus Prime andSentinel Primewatched the Decepticons' starship, theNemesis,leave Cybertron.

Foundation 3 Tyger Pax Nemesis.jpg

As the war dragged on, Sentinel Prime came up with a plan to stop the Decepticons, which required the Autobots to get a "torch" to theAllSparkin theSimfur Templefor it to become charged with the cube's energy. This was a problematic mission, asSimfurwas in Decepticon hands, and thus a good strategy had to be prepared.Foundation #3With most of the Autobots keeping the Decepticons busy,Elita-Onegot the torch filled with energy and subsequently made a run for it to a place the Autobots had prepared two ships. Sentinel Prime instructedWheeljackto take one of them and get the rest of the Autobots at Tyger Pax. Sentinel Prime's death shortly after made this unnecessary and Optimus Prime ordered the Autobots at Simfur to retreat and regroup at Tyger Pax.

MoviePrequel1 Arcee Bumblebee.jpg

With Sentinel Prime gone, Optimus Prime became sole leader of the Autobots. His first act was to take the AllSpark out of Decepticon handsFoundation #4but the rest of the war didn't yield any decisive victories, despite the growing army of Autobots. Tyger Pax became less important as base and when finally the war was becoming a danger to Cybertron itself, Optimus Prime had the AllSpark secretly moved to Tyger Pax to be shot into space as he believed theDecepticonswould never look for it there.Defiance #4To ensure they would not prevent the launch and claim the AllSpark after all, Optimus Prime made both factions believe the AllSpark was returned to Simfur, stationing only a small squad of Autobots under the command of Bumblebee at Tyger Pax so as not to draw attention to the city on one hand, but to have some defense ready on the other if the Decepticons showed up there despite his diversion. Of the Autobots sent to Tyger Pax, only Bumblebee was informed of the plan, though even he was not told exactly where in the city the AllSpark was located.

Megatronindeed showed up,sensingthe AllSpark. Using Optimus Prime's tactics against him, he had instructedStarscreamand his troops to keep the rest of the Autobot army stuck at Simfur so he could easily defeat the squad at Tyger Pax.PlanetfallThe Autobots did give the Decepticons a run for theirmoneyAllSpark, bringing down entire buildings to try stop them, but the odds were never in their favor. When the remaining Autobots were captured, some being tortured, Megatron threatened Bumblebee to tell him the location of the AllSpark immediately. Stoically, Bumblebee kept Megatron distracted to buy the last bits of time needed for the launch. Enraged, Megatron tore out Bumblebee's vocal mechanism before finally giving chase to the AllSpark.

Bumblebee and the other survivors were picked up shortly after by Autobot reinforcements and brought to safety.Movie Prequel #1

Titan movie comics

Tyger Pax was a wealthy city that got through the war quite well. Owning an abode there was a sign of a luxurious lifestyle.Starscream's Stars #2.4

Ironhidewashatchedand raised in Tyger Pax. At the age of four, he had made a habit out of hanging around near the primary heat exchangers in the downtown area.Law and Disorder #2.7


The historical records kept in the city of Tyger Pax inspiredOptimus Primeto pursue a career in politics.Optimus Prime's profile

Aligned continuity family

Aligned novels

Tyger Pax was destroyed during theAllSpark's launch into space, after which thisMegatronmaimedBumblebee's vocoder.Exodus


Bumblebee was maimed by the Decepticons when he was captured at Tyger Pax. Ratchet managed save his life, but was unable to repair his voice box.Operation Bumblebee, Part 1


Half-off for a great view.

Transformers Online

Earlier in the war, Tyger Pax had been ejected from Cybertron's surface alongside theAllspark,entering into orbit around the planet. Later in the war, Megatron opened a space bridge and sent Tyger Pax from Cybertron towards Earth, hoping to use the city to destroy the Earth-bound Autobots. The city broke into pieces near arrival, with several sections crashing to the planet's surface while one remained in orbit. The section in orbit served as a neutral zone where Autobots and Decepticons could gather together. The sections that crashed to Earth quickly became objects of interest to both factions when the space faringStar Seekersarrived in search of them to enactThundertron's revenge against Cybertron.

Tyger Pax's space bridge fell into the ocean, where the excess energy pushed the water away from the site. The Star Seekers set up shop in the area in the hopes they could repair the space bridge to access Cybertron, but an assault by both Autobots and Decepticons dashed those plans. Later, after acquiringDark Energon,Megatronsought out the city's cemetery to build aTerrorconarmy, but the subsequent battle with the Autobots destroyed the entire section.Transformers Online


Tyger Pax is one of the green zones on the board.


Foreign names

  • Mandarin:Tyger Pax( thái qua phái khắc tưTàigē Pàikèsī)
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