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Undermine (Cybertron)

From Transformers Wiki

This article is about the Unicron Trilogy Animatronian spinosaur. For the Decepticon spinosaur of undetermined universal origin, seeUndermine (TF 2010).
Undermine is aAnimatronianDecepticonturnedAutobotfrom theCybertronportion of theUnicron Trilogy continuity family.
"I am always beneath you - but nothing is beneath me!"

Undermineis one ofScourge's enforcers, keeping the Jungle Planet populace pacified, which has put him on his own brotherRepugnus's enemy list. He serves as a silent spy and assassin for Scourge, hunting down dissidents, learning their secrets, then usually closing in for the kill. Generally unspoken of, he is said to be one of the greatest hunters in the galaxy.




Voice actor:Mark Oliver(English),Masafumi Kimura(Japanese),Csaba Tokaji(Hungarian, second dub),Hanho Shin(Korean)
Just after finding out Grimlock finally saw Jurassic Park 3.

Centuries ago, Undermine appeared to a much younger Scourge as an innocent traveller who had been attacked. His mistreatment by extremely vague and undefined aggressors spurred Scourge to abandonBackstop's teachings and wage war against both the ineffectual rulers of Jungle Planet and the criminals that stalk the lawless lands. As Scourge grew in power, Undermine attached himself to the warlord, serving as Scourge's bodyguard alongsideBrimstone.Honor

C'mon world, I'll have you for BREAKFAST!

Much later, Undermine andSnarlwere doing what they always did, standing around outside Scourge's temple whentwostrangebeings appeared, walking toward the temple entrance. Moving quickly to bar their way, Undermine warned that the strangers should leave this sacred place, lest they face the consequences. When the large being, named Megatron, merely pushed them out of the way, Undermine leapt to attack, only to be effortlessly swatted aside. After Scourge appeared and Megatron explained his search for theCyber Planet Keys,Undermine joined his fellows in transforming dramatically intobeast mode... for no apparent reason as they immediately ceased hostilities afterwards.Search

Later, he watched Megatron and Scourge face off in a friendly duel. He was impressed by the combatants' moves and applauded... and so did his beast mode head!DeepAfterwards, the AutobotOverhaulsecured an audience with Scourge. While the two of them talked, Undermine was among those walking ahead, acting as an escort to the group.RaceUndermine stood back as Overhaul challenged Scourge to a duel for Jungle Planet's Cyber Planet Key. Scourge won this first brawl, but the Autobot later returned for a rematch. Scourge, deciding he was no longer interested in battling "weaklings," allowed Undermine to have a first go at Overhaul this time around. Overhaul made short work of the bodyguard, proving himself worthy of another bout.Detour

WhenOptimus Primearrived on Jungle Planet, Undermine journeyed out to confront the Autobot leader with Scourge. Unwilling to negotiate with anyone who hadn't proved their strength in battle, Scourge demanded that the Autobots and Decepticons fight before he heard any more about the Cyber Planet Key quest. Undermine and Brimstone kept Snarl andBackstopout of the contest at first, but soon it broke into a free-for-all with the Jungle Planet residents each aiding the Autobot and Decepticon camps.Savage

As Scourge's entourage met the Autobots again in a narrow canyon, Undermine matched his horn attack blades against Snarl's fangs.SandWhen Optimus faced Scourge again, Undermine watched from the sidelines as the Autobot tried a diplomatic approach to end the ongoing conflict. Scourge would only acknowledge Optimus's requests after a show of strength, and withdrew his troops when it became clear Optimus wasn't ready to comply. Later, Brimstone and Undermine intercepted Backstop as he came to visit Scourge in his temple, only for Scourge to grant his old sensei an audience. It seemed Optimus Prime had changed his mind and would now meet Scourge for battle at a time and place of his choosing.Honor

Undermine and Brimstone "helped" Scourge train for the battle with Optimus Prime. Even with Scourge chained to pillars, Undermine was no match for him and called it quits. When Optimus and his delegation arrived Undermine was surprised to learn that several of the Autobots were from different planets. Both he and Brimstone scoffed at Lori's speech about team work. He watched Scourge and Optimus battle and was shocked when Optimus not only held his own but won the fight. Undermine was present when Scourge bestowed the Cyber Planet key to Optimus.PrimalWhen the Decepticons attacked to try and steal the key, Undermine refused to help despite Lori's pleas. He later watched Scourge blast Thundercracker out of the air.Trust

AsPrimuscontinued his efforts to hold back the expansion of the black hole, Undermine, Brimstone, and Backstop warily regarded the singularity from Jungle Planet.CityLater, Galvatron took control of the black hole with the Omega Lock. He used this power to drag the Jungle Planet through a Space Bridge portal, which caused massive upheaval. While retreating from the destruction, Undermine fell into a massive lava filled crevice. He was saved at the last minute by Brimstone, who couldn't resist poking fun at Undermine's weight. After Scourge was knocked to his senses by Snarl, Undermine agreed to help the Autobots defeat Galvatron. Undermine escaped the dying planet aboard the ancient starshipOgygiaand was present for the united Autobot assembly.Homecoming

It's his first rodeo.

In the fight against Galvatron's oversized minions, Brimstone and Undermine attackedThunderblast,comparing her to a bull. Undermine was quickly knocked away, proving he'd make for a lousy cowboy.End

Following the sealing of the black hole, the Jungle Planet was still out of its proper orbit. The Autobots set about putting the planet back in place; to this end, giant rockets were installed on the planet. Undermine assisted in the construction and was present when the plan ultimately succeeded.UnfinishedUndermine and Brimstone cheered on Scourge as a new contest of strength was waged over leadership of the Beast Planet. Undermine was pleased when Scourge soundly defeated Leobreaker, but shocked when Scourge declared an end to meaningless fighting. Undermine joined the Space Bridge project aboard theLemuriaunderMetroplex's command, representing Jungle Planet. He joined up with Brimstone before the pair launched toward their new destiny, which turned out to involve construction projects, ironically.Beginning

Cyber Key Code content

Scourge had a bodyguard prior to Undermine, a nice guy namedShrapnel.This did not please Undermine, who proceeded to forge evidence of Shrapnel insulting the current administration. This evidence shortly left a vacancy Undermine was more than willing to fill.Undermine Cyber Key Code content

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Galaxy Force Mission.7


When theWaruderscaused a blackout inAxiom Nexus,an Undermine within the offworlder maximum security prison fought it out with his fellow inmates.Cybertron's Most Wanted



Whatever you do, don't leave him on display next to anyT. rexTransformers. (Takara version stock image)
  • Undermine(Scout Class, 2005)
  • Takara name:Dino Shout(ダイノシャウト)
  • Takara ID number:GD-08
  • Takara release date:2005March 17
  • Accessories:Tail-mace, Jungle Planet Cyber Key
  • Cyber Key Code:s48a
  • Known designers:Hirofumi Ichikawa(detailing)
CybertronUndermine transforms into a roboticSpinosaurus,albeit one with a sail that more resembles a fish's dorsal fin. Plugging aCyber Keyinto the back-end of his dino mode sail reveals a spring-out blade, a gimmick also usable inrobot modeas a horn. His dino-tail detaches to form a flail-weapon in robot mode, which plugs into holes in the tops of his hand-claws.
TheHasbroandTakaraversions of the toy have a pretty significant difference in their coloration.Takara'sGalaxy Force"Dino Shout" has a more vibrant light-green plastic, using pale camo-olive green plastic for the neck and tail.Hasbro'sCybertron"Undermine" has a higher-contrast scheme, using a more subdued light-green plastic with a deeper forest-green neck and tail. Of course, Undermine's Cyber Key also has aCyber Key Codestamped on its back.
This sculpt was also used to makeCybertronRepugnus,and the toy in its original deco wasrebrandedas2010TransformersUndermine.


"I have a splitting headache!" (Hasbro stock imagery)
  • Undermine(Scout Class, 2007)
  • Accessories:Tail-mace, Jungle Planet Cyber Key
  • Cyber Key Code:s48a
Undermine was one of severalCybertrontoys repackaged ontoUniversecards and sent to discount chains like Kay-Bee Toy Works. The toy proper is identical to its original Hasbro release.


Foreign names

  • Japanese:Dino Shout(ダイノシャウトDaino Shauto)
  • Hungarian:Aknász( "Miner" )
  • Korean:Dino Shout(다이노사우트Daino Sauteu)
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