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Following is a thorough list of the variousfemale Transformersin canon thus far. Many of these characters were Japan-exclusive, featured only in fiction, or exist as limited-run exclusive toys. Female characters who had multiple toys are listed only once.

Generation 1/Beast Era

Name Faction Year Franchise First appearance
Chromia Autobot 1985 The Transformers "The Search for Alpha Trion"
Moonracer Autobot 1985 The Transformers "The Search for Alpha Trion"
Elita One Autobot 1985 The Transformers "The Search for Alpha Trion"
Greenlight Autobot 1985 The Transformers "The Search for Alpha Trion"
Lancer Autobot 1985 The Transformers "The Search for Alpha Trion"
Arcee Autobot 1986 The Transformers The Transformers: The Movie
Beta Autobot 1986 The Transformers "Forever Is a Long Time Coming"
"Autobot rebel" Autobot 1986 The Transformers "Forever Is a Long Time Coming"
"Cheesecake robot" Autobot 1986 The Transformers "Starscream's Ghost"
Paradron Medic Autobot 1988 The Transformers "Fight or Flee"
Nancy Junkion 1986 The Transformers "The Big Broadcast of 2006"
Minerva(human) Autobot 1988 Super-God Masterforce "Kidnapping!? The Targeted Jumbo Jet"
Minerva(robot) Autobot 1989 Super-God Masterforce "A Battle... and Then..."
Clipper Autobot 1989 Victory "Planet Micro - The Mysterious Warrior"
Esmeral Decepticon 1990 Victory "The Grand Victory War"
Lyzack Decepticon 1990 Victory "The Grand Victory War"
Karmen Autobot 1991 The Transformers Darn 'n' Blast, issue 316
Goldbug Autobot 1992 The Transformers "Planet Without Hope"
Nightracer Decepticon 1995 Generation 2 Generation 2(BotCon 1995)
Blackarachnia Predacon 1996 Beast Wars "Double Jeopardy"
Airazor Maximal 1996 Beast Wars "The Spark"
Scylla Seacon 1998 Beast Wars II "The Space Pirate Seacons!"
Kitte Shūshū Maximal 1999 Beast Wars Neo "Mortal Combat! Twenty Thousand Meters in the Sky"
Rage 1999 Beast Wars Neo "Double Cross"
Libras Covenant 1999 Beast Wars "Covenant"
Botanica Maximal 2000 Beast Machines "Home Soil"
Virgol Covenant 2000 Beast Wars "Terminus"
Cancix Covenant 2000 Beast Wars "Terminus"
Strika Vehicon 2000 Beast Machines "The Strike"
Sonar Maximal 2002[1] Beast Wars "Betrayal"
Glyph Autobot 2002 Universe "Betrayal"
Road Rage Autobot 2002 The Transformers Collector's Edition
Discharge Autobot 2002[1] Operation Combination "Enter the Urban Disaster Relief Specialists!!"
Windy Autobot 2002[1] Operation Combination "Sixtrain! Activate Red Mode!!"
Vibes Autobot 2003[1] The War Within "The War Within issue 4"
Roulette Autobot 2003 Universe "Abduction"
Shadow Striker Decepticon 2003 Universe "Abduction"
Roulette and Shadow Striker's sister 2003 Universe Roulette's toy bio
Path Finder Guardian 2004 Collector's Edition The Transformers: Collector's Edition
Small Foot Guardian 2004 Collector's Edition The Transformers: Collector's Edition
Devcon's galpal 2004 Universe "Disclosure"
Howlback Decepticon 2005 Collector's Edition The Transformers: Collector's Edition
Flareup Autobot 2005 Timelines "Descent into Evil"
Flamewar Decepticon 2005 Timelines "Descent into Evil"
Flip Sides Autobot / Decepticon 2006 Collector's Edition The Transformers: Collector's Edition
Rosanna Autobot 2006 Kiss Players "Kiss Players Position Volume"
One of Optimus Prime'srescuees 2006 G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers: The Art of War "The Art of War issue 4"
Angela Autobot 2006 Kiss Players "Mysterious Falling Star Volume"
Windrazor Autobot 2007 The Transformers Micron Booster
Four members of theKaon upperclass 2007 The Transformers: Megatron Origin Megatron Origin issue 1
Crossblades Maximal 2007 Timelines The Razor's Edge
Stiletto Maximal 2007 Timelines The Razor's Edge
Manta Ray Predacon[1] 2008 Beast Wars The Ascending issue 4
Manta Ray Predacon 2008[1] Beast Wars The Ascending issue 4
Freezon Decepticon 2009[1] The Transformers Transformers Animated: The AllSpark Almanac
One of Sunstreaker's troops Autobot 2009 ???? ????
Ma-Grrr 2009 Timelines At Fight's End
Thunderblast (G1) Decepticon 2010 Timelines Flames of Yesterday

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Autobots/Maximals Decepticons/Predacons Other



  1. had no gender declared before being revealed to be female at a later date.
  2. in first appearance but female in another continuity.
  3. 3.03.1Not clarified in fiction but intended as such byauthorial intent.
  4. a transforming individual and/or not of the Cybertronian species in every continuity.
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