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Viron 403.0 Beta

From Transformers Wiki

Viron 403.0 Betais a universe in theVironuniversal cluster.


The AllSpark Almanac

In this universe, theDestructicons,led byMegazarak,God Emperor Supreme of the Destructicons, conquered their Cybertron and the rest of the universe.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/11Dreadwind,Smokejumper,Bludgeon,andScourgefought theDinobots,the sole remaining Autobot opposition.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/05/29Deciding to conquer other universes, Megazarak tested out dimension-hopping technology by sending Dreadwind and Smokejumper toPrimax 1087.09 Alpha.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/11There, they locked theLunar Battle of 2011in a time loop.The AllSpark Almanac IIEventually, they returned to their home reality with new recruitSunstorm.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/11

Leaving his lieutenantJhiaxusin charge of his domain, Megazarak then took most of his troops with him toAurex 304.0 Epsilon,having heard of that reality's supposedly powerfulMini-Cons.They wiped out their opposition in Aurex 304.0 Epsilon too before being abducted byUnicronfor theUniverse War.Jhiaxus thus briefly entered the war to rescue his master, succeeding in bringing him home. With Megazarak gone so long, though, the Dinobots were able to cause setbacks to the Destructicons' operations. Meanwhile, Sunstorm, Dreadwind, and Smokejumper joined theChildren of Primusin the Universe War.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/11

At some point, Autobot leaderDefensorofViron 704.31 Epsilonlearned via hisMatrix of Leadershipof Viron 403.0 Beta's Megazarak. Having defeated his universe's Megazarak, Defensor felt a duty to stop this Megazarak as well.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/07


  • Viron 403.0 Beta is theuniversal streamdesignation corresponding to theRobots in Disguiseuniverse home to Smokejumper and Dreadwind, taking its specifications from their toys' release.
  • The Destructicons' rivalry with the Dinobots is ironic, considering how in most Viron streams, thegood guyshave vehicle modes and thebad guyshave beast modes.
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