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Wild Weasel

From Transformers Wiki

Wild Weasel is aCobra-affiliatedhumanfrom theG.I. Joe portionof theGeneration 1 continuity family.
I guess "Feral Ferret" was taken.

Wild Weaselis a fantastic pilot... it's almost too bad he flies for Cobra. Of course, with his creepy sibilant speech impediment, his fondness for talking to himself, and the fact that he's a total nutbar, it's not like anyone else would put up with him.

Myohmyohmy.Bird in the air...badgirl at eleven o'clock. Aparadisepicnic for a hungry wild weasel. Chicken on the grill.Wild Weasel being creepy,"Wolves"



G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

Wild Weasel piloted eitherSkywarporThundercrackerinCobra's introductory attack onWashington, D.C.He expressed concern about the resilience of his alien craft toCobra Commander,who dismissed his worries.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #1

Transformers/G.I. Joe

A squadron ofRattlersled by Wild Weasel spotted aG.I. Joepatrol on theFera Islands.His pilots strafed the Joes, but were driven off byGrimlock.TransformedLater, Wild Weasel spottedLady JayeinFera Islandsairspace in a stolen Cobra jet, and moved in for the kill.WolvesWhile he initially got the drop on her, she outmaneuvered him and shot him down.Trenches


  • Trevor Devallprovided the voice for Wild Weasel inG.I. Joe: Valor vs. Venom.

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