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Wildrider (G1)

From Transformers Wiki

This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. SeeWildrider (disambiguation),Brake-Neck (disambiguation).
Wildrider is aDecepticonStunticonfrom theGeneration 1continuity family.
When slow people race Wildrider, THE TERRORISTS WIN.

WhatFireflightdoes for air travel,Wildrider(akaWild Rider[1]andBrake-Neck) does for the roadways. The difference is that theAerialbothonestly means no harm and this insanely wild-ridingStunticonmostdefinitelydoes. Some of his Decepticon comrades suspect him of playing insane to enhance his street cred, but those who have come to know him the best realize that it's no act. Wildrider really is as crazy as they come and a very real danger to anything on the road with him. Even his fellow Stunticons are wary of driving anywhere near him.

Which is a problem because if things get too quiet, if all he can hear ishimself,Wildrider becomes afraid there's enemies closing in on him, waiting to get him...

Wildrider combines with his fellow Stunticons to formMenasor.

I'm Wildrider, and I wanna bust something up!

—Wildrider, speaking his first words, "The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1"



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformerscartoon

Voice actor:Terry McGovern(English),Ken Shiroyama(Japanese),Yū Shimaka(Japanese, "The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1" ),Takurō Kitagawa(Japanese, "Trans-Europe Express" ),Yoku Shioya(Japanese,2010),Hans-Rainer Müller(German, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1" ),Peter Musäus(German, "The Burden Hardest to Bear" ),Willy Schäfer(German,Generation 2"Starscreams Brigade" ),Niko Macoulis(German,Generation 2"Masquerade" ),François Leccia(European French),Georges Atlas(European French, "The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1" ),Francis Lax(European French, "Masquerade" ), Unknown (European French, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1" ),Paulo Flores(Portuguese),Júlio Chaves(Portuguese, "Trans-Europe Express" ),Orlando Drummond(Portuguese, "Starscream's Brigade" )
KeyVectorSigma1 Wildrider fly.JPG

After a failed attempt to steal experimental rocket fuel fromUnited States military,Megatronrealized that while the Decepticons controlled the skies, the Autobots had supremacy on the ground, and so they needed new ground-based warriors who could out-drive and out-fight the Autobots on their terms.Rumblewas sent to steal varioushumanvehicles that would be rebuilt in the new Stunticons. The Decepticons journeyed toCybertron,beat theKey to Vector Sigmaout ofAlpha Trion's possession and ordered theancient supercomputerto give life to the Stunticons. While the other Stunticons pledged their loyalty to Megatron, Wildrider merely stated his desire for destruction.The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1Whilst the Autobots were trapped on Cybertron, the Decepticons returned toEarthwith the newly awakened Stunticons, who began wreaking havoc and damaging the Autobots' good name by attacking the US military base containing the experimental rocket fuel. Eventually, the Autobots returned with the newly builtAerialbotswhose combined form Superion defeated the Stunticon combiner Menasor.The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2

Not Mr. Toad.

When the Autobots got involved in the fakeEuropa 2000charity race he had set up, Megatron needed them removed from the playing field to stop any interference with his plans to dig up thePearl of Bahoudinand steal an experimental car engine fromAuggie Cahnay,the top US driver. He had the Stunticons intercept and eliminate the Autobots, and Wildrider helped disableSunstreaker,Sideswipe,andSmokescreenwith his fellow Decepticons.Bluestreakrefused to just lay down, though, dodging the Stunticons' ramming attacks and jumping atop Wildrider's hood. The crazy Stunticon eventually shook Bluestreak off by just crashing hood-first into a mountain at over 150 mph. Afterwards, the Stunticons were defeated when Cahnay rammed his car into Menasor's face.Trans-Europe Express

The Hate Boat/Soon will be making another round...

When Megatron was infected withCosmic Rustafter a trip to the lost Autobot colony ofAntilla,the Stunticons were assigned to capture the Autobot scientistPerceptor,who had developed the powerful anti-corrosionCorrostop.Wildrider drove a speedboat while Drag Strip water skied behind him. After Megatron cured himself and infected the Autobots with the Cosmic Rust, Menasor attacked the Statue of Liberty inNew York Citywith the ancientLightning Bugheat ray, trying to stop the Autobots frommatter-duplicatingmore Corrostop from the layer they sprayed on the statue. Superion defeated Menasor and destroyed the Lightning Bug.Cosmic Rust

AfterStarscreamwas banished for yet another failed coup, he returned with a powerful new Decepticon team called theCombaticons,who were able to outfight Autobot and Decepticon alike. With Megatron needing a trump card,Soundwaveattempted to call on the Stunticons to help, but they refused as they were having a demolition derby with various human-owned cars. However, the Stunticons belatedly arrived after the Combaticons' combined form ofBruticusdefeatedDevastatorand forced Megatron to acknowledge Starscream as the new Decepticon leader. Realizing that Starscream would not stop at Megatron, the Stunticons merged into Menasor and disabled Bruticus in one mighty punch.Starscream's Brigade

How mortifrying!!

In his next scheme, Megatron charged the Stunticons with bringing him the last key items for his new molecular disrupter cannon. Wildrider and his partnerBreakdownbroke into an optics laboratory and robbed a scientist of his experimental lenses for Megatron's weapon. Upon their escape, though, the Stunticons ran intoInferno,Hoist,andGrappleblocking the road. Wildrider took the challenge and managed to just miss hitting the Autobots with his crazy driving, and dodge the missiles fired at him by Inferno. He tested his luck on a second drive-by, though, and was blasted into submission by Hoist. The Stunticons were all captured and imprisoned inside theArk,while several Autobots employed camouflage paint to disguise themselves as the Stunticons in a Trojan Horse ploy to find out what Megatron wanted with the components. The Autobot warriorWindchargertook Wildrider's place. After the Autobots took off, however, Breakdown managed to free his fellow Stunticons, and they all joined up to form Menasor, easily smashing through the remaining Autobots guarding them. As Menasor, they returned to Megatron and attempted to convince him they were the true Stunticons. Though ultimately successful, the Autobots had made alterations to the stolen components which caused Megatron's weapon to blow up in his face, and the Decepticons beat a hasty retreat.Masquerade

And now I am Wildimus Prime!!

After their exile toChaarin 2006, the Stunticons had been reduced to fighting over scraps of energon with the other Decepticons. WhenCyclonusreturned with theSweeps,Wildrider expressed the threat that they had better have brought some energon with them. When questioned by Dead End what he would do if they hadn't, Wildrider was at a loss. Nevertheless, he donated his share of energon to reviveGalvatron.Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1Wildrider joined in on the attack when the Decepticons noticedRodimus PrimeandGrimlockspying on them.Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2When theQuintessonsarrived offering them energon in exchange for defeating the Autobots, Wildrider was among those Decepticons who were incredulous of the terms due to their weakened state, but signed on regardless.Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3

Wildrider merged with his fellow Stunticons into Menasor to take onDefensorduring a battle in theNetherlands.They later got their butts kicked by Rodimus Prime andUltra Magnuswhen the two helped stealTrypticon'stransformation cog.The Ultimate Weapon

Later, Wildrider and Dead End got into a street race with Rodimus Prime inJapan,ultimately forcing him off the road. After the crash, the two Stunticons found theMatrix of Leadershiphad been blown clear by the impact, and Wildrider brought it back to his leader, Galvatron.The Burden Hardest to BearAfter hearing Optimus Prime's body was being stored inDr. Morgan's lab, Wildrider followed Galvatron in an attack on the facility, but wound up being infected by theHate Plague.The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1

Japanese cartoon continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformersstory pages

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

This character article is astuband is missing information on theirfictional appearances.You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.

Scramble City

Wildrider and the Stunticons were summoned by Megatron to put an end to theScramble Cityproject, and succeeded whereStarscreamhad failed. Their first strike was impressive, holding back Optimus Prime and a cadre of Autobots and shooting the Aerialbots out of the skies. When the Aerialbots formed Superion, Wildrider and his teammates followed suit and merged into Menasor.Scramble City: Mobilization

The Headmasterscartoon
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Wildrider fought the Autobots on Earth underSixshot's command. They tried to preventUltra Magnus's troops from reaching the Space Bridge, but failed. He and the Stunticons soon arrived on Cybertron to participate in Galvatron's siege. They managed to gain the high ground against theDinobotsandThrottlebots,and rained laser fire down on their opponents.Four Warriors Come out of the SkyWildrider and his team formed Menasor to fight their Autobot counterparts, but were steamrolled by the might and firepower of the Battleship Maximus. Transporting back to Earth, they attempted to interfere withHot Rod's quest for the Matrix. Wildrider and the Stunticons were confronted by the Aerialbots in the desert, but the battle of their combiner forms eventually led them to the Arctic.The Mystery of Planet Master

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WhenVector Sigmabegan perfecting the new super-metalCybertonuronon Cybertron, Galvatron ordered another all-out attack on the planet to seize the metal for the Decepticons before the Autobots could make use of it. Wildrider and the Stunticons journeyed to Cybertron with the strike force, and confronted their old enemies, the Aerialbots. The Aerialbots got the drop on Wildrider's group by forming Superion and lashing out before the Stunticons could form Menasor as well.Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1Wildrider and the Stunticons were still in a firefight sometime later, asChromedomepassed by looking forMindwipeand the DecepticonHeadmasters.Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2InSan Francisco,Wildrider and the Stunticons assisted Bruticus in usinga carnivorous plantto distract the Autobots fromScorponok's plans onZarak.They fought against theTechnobotsandComputron.Head On!! Fortress Maximus

Sometime later, Wildrider and the Stunticons gathered in the desert as their Ninja Commander Sixshot began issuing orders. They assembled as Menasor, and took part in the escalating Decepticon war effort as five separate Autobot outposts were attacked simultaneously at Sixshot's command.The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg


Seeking to create aDecepticon Zoneto counter theAutobot Zone,Decepticon EmperorViolengiguargathered together the Nine Great Demon Generals, upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. Wildrider was among those summoned, but only as a part of Menasor.Zone Part 1Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!

Unite Warriors/Legends
UniteWarriorsOffshot Wildrider Riding Car.jpg

Sometime beyond the year2036,Wildrider and the other Stunticons enjoyed themselves with their own personal annual event: stealing human cars and use them to race each other.Today Is Us Stunticons' Annual Holiday Demolition Race!

Soon afterwards, the Stunticons as Menasor were involved in a fight whereinGrand Scourgedropped in through a tear in space-time and used hisMatrix Breakersword to disassemble Menasor with a single blow. After grappling Dead End, the dimensional intruder realized he could forcefully combine with the Stunticons. Though Wildrider attempted to flee, Grand Scourge managed to have him form the right leg of his gestalt mode.Decepticon Dark Commander Grand ScourgeHe was freed when Grand Scourge was defeated byBroadside,and fled with the other Stunticons.Bonus Edition Vol. 53

Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

Wildrider was one of many spectators for theSpeedia 500race onVelocitron.Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 2He remained for the second week of the race.Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3

TV Magazinecomic continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformerscomic

Wildrider listened to Megatron boast about howTrypticonwould trounceMetroplexonce its construction was complete.Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #3

Wildrider and the Stunticons decided to have a little fun and tear up a baseball stadium in Japan. Luckily, the Autobots' plucky young allyKenjiwas present to radio for assistance. All the combiner teams assembled, and it was Menasor and Bruticus against Superion and Defensor! Defensor was forced to break apart by the combined Decepticon attack, but Superion and Kenji got the idea to shoot out the Decepticons' legs.GrooveandBladestook advantage of the empty combiner ports and took over as Menasor's legs, launching him into the ocean.Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #5

While posing as Autobots, Wildrider,Onslaughtand the Stunticons rampaged through the city streets, smearing the good name of their adversaries. Later,FrenzyandRumbleposed as humans to rally people against the Autobots, and Motormaster's brigade staged an attack on the rally to drive the point home. The Autobot fire enginesHot SpotandInfernoarrived, however, and used their water hoses to wash off the Decepticons' fake insignia. Enraged, Motormaster planned to combine into Menasor...only to see Wildrider and the rest of his men were already retreating into the distance.Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #7

The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers

In the year2010,Wildrider participated in a Decepticon attack on the planet Feminia. He and his team merged into Menasor in order to battle alongside Bruticus and Devastator against their Autobot counterparts Superion, Defensor and Omega Supreme. The fight was fairly evenly matched until Galvatron called up his ace-in-the-hole,Predaking,whose power was unmatched by any of the Autobots... except for theOmnibots,who essentially tied Predaking's shoelaces together until he fell over, straight into Menasor and his chums, sending them all toppling to the ground and knocking them to bits.The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers #5

Wildrider only appears as a component of Menasor
The Great Transformer War

Galvatron kidnapped DoctorDaltonofEranto upgrade the might of his combiner warriors. When the Autobot combiners arrived to save Dalton, Wildrider and his teammates were deployed at high speeds from Motormaster's launcher mode. They met Superion in mid-air, and the force of their deployment enabled the combiner teams to tear him apart. The Stunticons then merged into Menasor to move in for the kill. They were ultimately outwitted by the Autobots, however, who rescued Dalton and safely returned to Metroplex.The Great Transformer War #1


Seeking to create aDecepticon Zoneto counter theAutobot Zone,Decepticon EmperorViolengiguargathered together the Nine Great Demon Generals, upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. Wildrider was among those summoned, but only as a part of Menasor.Zone Part 1Zone

Full Throttle Scramble Power!

The Decepticons constructed a new weapon to pursue their energy-plundering campaign on Earth, theOmega Wave Cannon.With the device at the ready, the Stunticons headed out to retrieve some energy from a power plant. They were met with the Aerialbots, and both teams combined into the gestalt forms. Though Superion was crippled by the Omega Wave Cannon, the Autobots turned the tide of the battle by sending out massive amounts of reinforcements into the field. Superion then gained the upper hand against Menasor by dislodging Wildrider as the combiner's leg, and having Slingshot take his place. Menasor was beaten down, and the Decepticons were sent packing.Full Throttle Scramble Power!

Marvel Comics continuity

MarvelThe Transformerscomics

Events from theUK-onlycomic stories are in italics.

WhenBuster Witwickybegan having strange visions of combiner robots followingOptimus Primestashing the power of theCreation Matrixin his head,Wheeljackrigged up a device to monitor his dreams.Second Generation!Together, Optimus and Buster watched these new "Special Teams"fighting over the abandonedPullen Power PlantThe Special Teams Have Arrivedunaware thatShockwaveandSoundwavewere also listening in. Their futuristic combining technology impressed Shockwave so much that he immediately ordered his troops to begin plans for the Stunticons' construction.Second Generation!


Wildrider was given life by the Creation Matrix at the same time as theAerialbots.ThroughBombshell'scerebro-shellin Optimus Prime's mind,Megatronwas able to tap into and divert some of the Matrix energy to bring an equal number of his own troops to life. The Stunticons' first mission was to tail the AutobotSkidsand besmirch the Autobot's good reputation by causing carnage on a freeway. They were engaged byRAATforces and Wildrider received a nasty shock fromCircuit BreakerbeforeMotormastermanaged to knock her out of the air. When the Aerialbots arrived, the Stunticons pretended to defend their "comrade" Skids, convincing Circuit Breaker and the human forces that there were no good robots. As both teams combined into their gestalt forms and did battle, Circuit Breaker used up all her power disablingSuperion,leavingMenasorvictorious.Heavy Traffic!

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Wildrider was stationed at the Decepticons'Wyoming basewhen Motormaster ill-advisedly suggested that the Stunticons could take out Optimus Prime, earning Megatron's ire. Wildrider and the others looked on as Megatron nearly crushed the Stunticon leader with a boulder.Prey!Later, Wildrider served aboard the Decepticons'island starshipunder the command ofRatbatand took part in a massed ambush of the Autobots on themoon,where he was seen tangling withGrapple.GrimlockandBlaster,then squabbling over leadership of the Autobots, managed to put aside their differences long enough in order to rally their troops into a counter-attack, sending the Decepticons packing.Totaled!When the Decepticons converted their base into a human holiday resort, Wildrider was posted on the beach to warn bathers not to swim out too far. AfterJessieignored his advice and provoked the wrath of theSeacons,causing a battle on the beach, Wildrider stood by asStarscreamapologised to the traumatised holidaymakers.Club Con!

Marvel UK future timelines
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In2003,the Stunticons were recruited byRavageto steal some classified documents from the Autobots, about their upcoming plans forAutobot City.Wildrider and his cronies ran the courier,Kup,off the side of the road and beat him till he gave up the information. Then they beat upHot Rodwhen he tried to interfere because, well, it was fun. Ultimately, the plans turned out to be fakes, so the Decepticons didn't gain anything from them.Ark Duty

Soundwave's defensive driving classes are wasted on Wildrider.

By2008the Stunticons were stationed onCybertronunder the command of Shockwave. They combined into Menasor in an attempt to protect him from an assassination attempt byDeath's Headbut were unsuccessful so leadership of the Decepticons passed toCyclonusandScourge.The Legacy of Unicron!

Later, Wildrider was among the Decepticon soldiers aboardAstrotrainwhenSoundwavewas leading them in an assault onAutobase.They were themselves attacked by theQuintessonsen route. Previous information that Decepticon commander Soundwave had received, informing him that the Autobots were mostly off-world, turned out to be a ruse orchestrated by the aliens to ambush his troops. The Decepticons were forced to call upon the Autobots for assistance in thwarting the Quintessons' forceful colonization of their homeworld.Space Pirates!

These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. SeeEarthforcefor details.
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Wildrider worked onMegatron's team when he andShockwavewere vying for control of the Decepticons. When the conflict between the two Decepticon factions reached its peak, both leaders called for anEnclave,where they could negotiate an alliance. The peace-talks were sabotaged by the Autobots, and Wildrider was swept up in the fracas that broke out afterwards.The Bad Guy's Ball!

A poisonedSoundwavestaggered into Wildrider's quarters, and gave him a tape of battle plans to transmit toCybertron.Wildrider assumed that Soundwave had been betrayed by traitors in Megatron's faction of Decepticons, and attempted to send the plans in secret. When Megatron saw him doing so, however, he assumed that the Stunticon was trying to send them to his rival Shockwave, making him the traitor who had betrayed him to Shockwave earlier. With one blast from hisfusion cannon,Megatron promptly killed him. Which was exactly what Soundwave (who had not been poisoned and was, in fact, the traitor) had planned. Harsh.Secrets

Transformers Comic-Magazin

Wildrider and the Stunticons fought the Autobots while trying to steal from Earth's resources. They formed Menasor in battle with Defensor, but were soon dismantled.Transformers in Action: He Who Laughs Last...

The Special Teams

Wildrider and the rest of the Stunticons were being kept a secret from the Autobots until Megatron was ready to dispatch them on a raid on thePullen Power Plant.Once in position, the Stunticons raced forward, ready to take whatever Autobots might be guarding the location by surprise. Encountering the Protectobots en route, Motormaster ordered Wildrider and the other Stunticons to combine into Menasor to do battle. The fight soon began to weigh in the Autobots’ favour, prompting Menasor to split up into individual robots once more, who dispersed away from the battlefield.The Special Teams

DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

At some point in Cybertron's recent history, the Stunticons were deemed psychotic and too dangerous to function in society, and as a result were placed into perpetual stasis lock inside of aprison facility.Later, in an attempt to create a diversion while he set his final plans in motion,Shockwavearranged for the release of the Stunticons.Cold WarThey formed into Menasor and ran amok for a while, untilUltra Magnusarrived and began insulting them. Unable to reconcile with this, the five Stunticons began to bicker with each other over whose fault it was that they were failing, temporarily stopping Menasor and allowing Ultra Magnus to ram the combiner in the chest, forcing him to separate into his component parts and disabling the Stunticons.Passive Aggression

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

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Wildrider, the other Stunticons andOptimus Primewere sent to 1930sChicagowhenTeletran 3malfunctioned, and were left dormant in the forms of cars from that time. They were soon found and used by a criminal gang led byTommy Fingers,until a group ofJoesandCobramembers arrived from the future to retrieve the lost Transformers and prevent the apocalypse. Wildrider, Dead End and Drag Strip were awakened by Breakdown, who wasn't so dormant after all, and started chasing Optimus Prime and the humans across the city. Eventually the two groups ran into Motormaster, and everyone were promptly transported back to present-day Cybertron.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #2

WhenSerpent O.R.started reunifying the Decepticons into his own army, Wildrider and the other Stunticons were among his earliest recruits. They helped capture a group of Autobots and Joes that followed Serpent O.R. to Cybertron, then attacked an Autobot peace ceremony in the form of Menasor.The Art of War #3The giant used his Wildrider leg to stomp at least one innocent civilian to death.The Art of War #4

The Beast Within

During a particularly violent battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons, Wildrider joined with the other Stunticons to form Menasor and do battle withThe Beast,the Dinobots’ combined form.The Beast Within

Mystery of Convoystrategy guide manga

For further information, see:#Games

The five Stunticons confronted Ultra Magnus as he reached the end of theFloating City,combining into Menasor and opening fire on the Autobot.Menasor's Weak Point is His Forehead!

2005 IDW continuity

An optimistic Dead End? A mellow Wildrider?! What is this, some kind of alternate universe?!

Wildrider was seen with other Stunticons entering theKaonarena to join the newly formed Decepticons for some good ol' fashioned civil disobedience. He also did us all a favor and toldDead Endto be quiet because, let's face it, a cheery and optimistic Dead End signals the coming ofthe End of Days.Megatron Origin #3


During the brief Decepticon reign of Cybertron, Wildrider and Breakdown set out to take out the anti-Decepticon pirate news broadcaster,Blaster,according toSoundwave's location. They attacked Blaster only to be defeated by the arrivingOptimus Prime.BroadcastWhenScorponokusurpedMegatronas Decepticon leader, the Stunticons protested and left both the Decepticons and Cybertron to become highwaymen onMagmara Nine.While robbingStrongboxthere, they were approached byThundercrackerwho told them Megatron had taken back command.Primacy #2Returning to the fold, the Stunticons participated in Megatron's assault onIacon,during which they tried to attack Optimus Prime only to get blown away byOmega Supreme.Primacy #4

Millions of years later, Wildrider was among the Decepticons captured bySkywatchafter the Stunticons were abandoned on Earth.Seasons in FlightLuckily for him, he was soon rescued byHot Rod's splinter faction of Autobots and Decepticons trying to get off the planet.A Rude Awakening

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Wildrider andDrag Stripwent on a mission to retrieveBreakdown,the only Stunticon missing from their group. They were disgusted to find that their comrade was being driven bya human,and Wildrider rammed him, telling Drag Strip that they could always fix him later. They met with some resistance from the human, but eventually recovered Breakdown and took him back to base. A few hours later, the Stunticons revealed thatSwindlehad given them the ability to combine, and attacked their former Autobot allies in the form ofMenasor.Enemies of the System

However, despite Menasor's power, his effectiveness as a warrior was stunted by the fact that his components kept arguing amongst themselves. The Autobots took note of this weakness and distracted the combiner by targeting the individual Stunticons, and eventually he was taken down by Optimus Prime. Like most of the Decepticons, Wildrider was taken into custody by Skywatch.Earthworks

Months later, the Stunticons were freed from their captivity when Decepticons under Megatron's command returned to Earth and attacked the Skywatch facility where they were held.The Demolished ManThe Decepticons intended to rejoin Megatron on Cybertron, but were interrupted byBumblebee's attempts to sabotage theirspace bridge.Wildrider and the other Stunticons stayed behind to take care of the Autobot, but were knocked out by an energy surge when Bumblebee interrupted the bridge's power flow.The QuestionThe Autobots subsequently captured the Stunticons and brought them to a restored Cybertron, where they were imprisoned alongside the rest of the Decepticons.The Autonomy LessonFollowing their release, Wildrider was among a Cybertronian crowd recruited byStarscreamto pressureProwlinto revealing one of his secret discoveries below ground on Cybertron. Later underground, they witnessed aTitandeclare that Starscream was the Cybertronian destined to unite their whole race. He and the other Cybertronians celebrated afterwards with Starscream.Primus: All Good Things

Wildrider was so disappointed in his team for losing to Bumblebee that he up and left the Stunticons altogether, leaving his space to be filled byOffroad.First Contact

Ask Vector Prime

Wildrider was presumably present as part of Menasor during the Battle forSherman DaminPrimax 096.0 Beta.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/06

Commercial appearances

Wildrider and the rest of the Stunticons drove over a barren, rocky terrain to meet against the Aerialbots. Both teams combined, and their gestalt forms engaged in a no-holds-barred slug-fest.Aerialbots and Stunticons commercial


Bot Shots Battle Game!

BotShots Brake-Neck.jpg

Wildrider participated in numerous one-on-one matches against other Autobots and Decepticons, using his fists, his sword, or his gun to defeat his opponents. Sometimes, he even faced off against himself!Bot Shots Battle Game!

Transformers Legends

EvenMegatronhad trouble controlling the Stunticons. The team went on a crime spree in the back alleys of human cities until they were tracked down and stopped byProwland his team.The Thin Blue LineWildrider and Breakdown were sent to stop a convoy of Autobots from delivering a vital component to a power station to prevent it exploding. Possibly because they were the only ones crazy enough not to realize they'd be in danger if they were near the station when it exploded. They failed anyway.Rushdown Road

Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is astuband is missing information on theirvideo game appearances.You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.

Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers: Earth Wars

When Offroad arrived on Earth, Breakdown asked what happened to Wildrider, and he replied he didn't want to know.Offroad Research

With Megatron stuck in 1984, Soundwave decided to send Wildrider and a team ofC.O.M.B.A.T. botsback in time to find him.Crossroads of Time

Before being sent back in time by Soundwave, Wildrider recruited Ozu to assist him and the rest of the C.O.M.B.A.T. bots.The Dark Ages

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Wildrider was a member of the Stunticons.Decepticon Directive


The Transformers

If you don't buy this toy, then the terrorists have... lost, I guess?
  • Wildrider(Stunticon,1986)
The TransformersWildrider transforms into a dark grey Ferrari 308 GTB sports car. He comes with a large, black double-barreled plasma-energy blaster that attaches onto the back of his vehicle mode.
Inrobot mode,Wildrider is armed with a black scattershot gun. He usually forms Menasor's left leg, but as aScramble City-style combiner limb, he can also occupy any other limb position.

  • Menasor(Gift set, 1986)
  • Japanese ID number:D-55
Wildrider was also made available as part of a full Stunticon five-pack in the US, European, andJapanesemarkets. All of the figures inside were identical to their individual releases.

  • Accessories:scattershot gun, plasma-energy blaster, connector
"Wild Rider" and the other Stunticons were rereleased without changes in 1990 as part of the European/AustralianClassicsreissue line.

Generation 2

  • Wildrider(Stunticon, Unreleased)
  • Team ID number:S5
Watch out! I'm bright!
For theGeneration 2line,Hasbro intended to releaseredecoesof the Stunticons in1994,with Wildrider being cast primarily in yellow plastic, with blue and black accents. Ultimately, however, the toys never went into mass production and remained officially unreleased. Only the four limbs are known to have made it to the sample packaging stage, having turned up in very limited numbers over the years (with the exception ofGeneration 2Breakdown,who was available atBotCon 1994in somewhat larger quantities). All theGeneration 2Stunticons are known to catch high prices on the secondary market.[2][3]
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Gentei! Gentei!

Just give him thegoateeand be done with it...I mean, "Lettle Lady, non!"
  • Accessories:rocket engine/missile launcher, flame missile
Anexclusiveitem from the "Chara Hobby 2008" show in Japan on August 30th, 2008,Gentei! Gentei!(Japanese for "Exclusive! Exclusive!" ) Wildrider is aredecoofClassicsDeluxe ClassRodimuswith a very vaguely Wildrider-inspired color scheme (but retaining all ofHenkei! Henkei!Rodimus'paint operations,including the flames), transforming into a Dome Zero concept car. His rear "thruster" fires a spring-loaded missile, and the back section can be flipped up to turn it into a roof-mounted weapon. The thruster becomes a hand-held blaster in robot mode, and can also be mounted on his back as a "jetpack". His left arm hides a flip-out (non-spinning) buzzsaw.
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • e-HOBBY:

Bot Shots

  • Stunticons(Multi-pack,2013)
  • Number:T009
  • Fist strength:345
  • Blaster strength:655
  • Sword strength:610
A redeco of theTopspinBot Shot in dark grey, Brake-Neck (Wildrider renamed fortrademarkissues) automatically transforms between car and robot mode, when a sharp impact is applied to his front end. He was sold in a five-pack withMotorbreath,Decepticon Dragstrip,Dead End,andBreakdown.


Wait,I'mthe one they didn't want inMenasor?!
  • Brake-Neck(Kreon Micro-Changer,2014)
  • Bag number:33501 44
  • Accessories:stand brick, small pistol
  • Known designers:Ed Masiello(Hasbro)
Part of the fourth assortment ofblind-baggedKreonMicro-Changers,Brake-Neck can be rebuilt from a robot to a low-and-lean street racer.
He uses theSideswipehelmet.

Unite Warriors

Yes, but does it come with a stolen Matrix of Leadership?
Takara'sUnite Warriorsiteration ofMenasorfeatures Wildrider, a retool and redeco ofDead Endfrom the same set, sporting a new head sculpt. However, unlike the Hasbro release (see below), Wildrider has more paint details and plastic color changes on his vehicle and robot modes to better resemble his Generation 1 design.
This toy is also officially associated withScourge Grand Prime.
Combiner Warsmold:Dead End

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:

Combiner Wars

You know you'll get me instead of theguywith the totally new mold.
  • Brake-Neck(Deluxe Class, 2015)
  • 2 of 5:Menasor
  • Accessories:exhaust pipe/battle club, weapon/fist/foot
Hasbro's release of theUnite WarriorsWildrider figure, (again) renamed fortrademarkissues.Combiner WarsBrake-Neck is a retool ofCombiner WarsDead Endwhich transforms from a supercar resembling a Ferrari 458 Italia to robot and back. As a Combiner Wars Deluxe limb, he is able to combine with anyCombiner Wars-style Voyager Class figure or form one ofGodbomber's legs but is, of course, intended to be combined withMotormaster,Breakdown,Dragstrip,andDead Endto createMenasor(though his cardback and instructions show him replacing Dead End rather thanOffroad). His cardback bio contains a cute reference to his original name, citing how 'even the unpredictable Stunticons see him as an out-of-controlwild rider'.
Like Dead End, Brake-Neck comes with a copy of "Combiner Wars#8 "(actuallyRobots in Disguise#16).
This toy served as the basis for theEarth WarscharacterBrake-Neck.
Combiner Warsmold:Dead End

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:

Chiquita Dave's robotsona.
  • Menasor(Collection Pack, 2015)
  • Accessories:exhaust pipe/battle club, weapon/fist/foot
Aredecoof theCombiner WarsStunticons, this Brake-Neck is based on his cancelledGeneration 2toy. Well, okay, technically, this set is based onsomebody's digibashbased onsomebody's hand-painted recreationof the cancelledGeneration 2toys, including anerroneouspurple and silverBreakdownand some other errors (most relevant to this article, the originalGeneration 2Wildrider's face was evidently going to becyanorredrather than purple). Compared to his fellow G2Combiner WarsStunticons, Wildrider is the most accurate tohis G2 toy.
Combiner Warsmold:Dead End

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:


All... my... friends... know the Wild Rider.
  • Decepticon Wild Rider(Deluxe Class,2022)
Part of the second wave ofTransformers: LegacyDeluxe Class toys, "Decepticon Wild Rider" (he got his name back!) transforms into a close approximation of a Ferrari 308 GTB sports car mode in 17 steps. His accessories include two blasters, which can mount to his race car mode (reminiscent of the attack vehicle mode of his Generation 1 toy). The blasters are also molded after his Generation 1 "Scattershot Gun" and also named "Dual Energon Scattershot Blasters" in his bio, which is accessible by scanning the QR code on the back of hispackaging.
The last step of Wild Rider'sinstructionsdepicts tabs and slots to secure his inner legs that do not actually exist on the toy itself. Also, the panels forming the car rear cannot open as wide as the instructions show, and forcing the hinges can result in stress marks or breakage. In addition, it is practically impossible to peg the feet into the car undercarriage as the instructions suggest, as the plastic tolerances will inevitably cause the very short pegs to slip out of the holes they are supposed to connect to. However, the ankle hinges have enough friction to ensure the feet do not drag on the ground when the vehicle mode is rolled on a flat surface. The back of his head has a port forlight-piping,though his eyes are painted over in silver, neutering the effect.
This figure is not compatible with any prior systems of combination. AsLegacyMenasor is designed with a specific limb configuration in mind, Wild Rider is limited to being one of Menasor's legs, but unlike Drag Strip and Dead End as the arms, he can be used for either the left or right leg.
This figure was revealed by CBR a day prior to theApril 12,2022Fan First Tuesday.[4]
Wild Rider was retooled into his Stunticon teammateBreakdown.

  • Stunticon Menasor(Giftset,2023)
  • TakaraTomy name:Stunticon Menastor(スタンティコンメナソー)
  • TakaraTomy ID number:TL-90
  • TakaraTomy release date:2025March 29
  • Accessories:2 Energon blasters
  • Known designers:Mark Maher(Hasbro)[5]
A redeco of the above standard-releaseLegacyfigure, "Decepticon Wild Rider" is based on the original 1986 Generation 1 toy's deco and decals.
Wild Rider was released in a giftset with the other fourLegacyStunticons, each done in a toy-accurate deco. This set was revealed at San Diego Comic Con 2023, and went up for preorder as aHasbro Pulseexclusive onAugust 1.


Transformers Character Card

Transformers Character Card Superion and Menasor.jpg
Released as part of the sixth wave of thee-HOBBYexclusiveTransformers Character Cardseries, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art ofSuperion(with his componentsFireflight,Skydive,Silverbolt,Air RaidandSlingshot) andMenasor(withhiscomponentsDead End,Breakdown,Motormaster,WildriderandDrag Strip) along withcharacter profilesandtech specs.


Generations Scout DeadEnd.jpg
  • In 2005, the mold used forAlternatorsDeceptichargewas presented as an upcoming release for the JapaneseBinaltechline. Originally, Takara intended to name their version of the toy "Wildrider", possibly because the Hasbro version's deco resembled the unreleasedGeneration 2Wildrider toy's color scheme. However, Takara ultimately had to abandon that idea because they couldn't get the trademark. Instead, they decided to give the toy an entirely new deco, as the Hasbro toy's deco didn't meet their ideal of "real-life accuracy". In robot mode, the toy was given a color scheme based on the Transmetal 2 incarnation of Beast WarsBlackarachnia,with the toy's name being changed to "Blackwidow", Takara's name for the character. Ultimately, however, Takara decided to cancel the toy altogether, as they were fearing that another redeco (in addition to the upcomingBinaltech Asterisktoys) would be too repetitive. Plans to release the toy as part of a different line were dropped.[6]Then they apparently changed their minds again.
  • A redeco ofRevenge of the FallenBrakedownin the Asian-exclusiveGenerationsline (later picked up for American release by Toys "R" Us) in 2012 is named Dead End and has a bio fitting the character's name. However, his color scheme and tech specs are both clearly patterned off of Wildrider.
  • Inspired by theCombiner Warstoyline, theEarth Warsmobile game debuted a character namedBrake-Neckin March 2017. Hints were dropped in dialogue that inEarth Warscontinuity, Brake-Neck and Wildrider were separate individuals, but it would not be until October 2023 thatWildriderhimself would appear, based on thedistinctLegacytoy,cementing Brake-Neck as his own individual.

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Wildrider(ワイルドライダーWairudoraidā)
  • French:Faroucho(Canada, 1986 release),Chauffard(Canada, 1990 "Classic" version)
  • Hungarian:Féktelen( "Boisterious" )
  • Italian:Squalo( "Shark" )
  • Mandarin:Mǎngzhuàng( mãng chàng, "Reckless" )
  • Russian:Bezumec(Безумец, "Madman" )



  1. 1.01.1Though Wildrider's name was spelled as one word on his own packaging (including the "bio"/Tech Specson the back of the packaging, as well as in his profile published in issue 4 ofMarvel'sThe Transformers Universe,he was spelled "Wild Rider", as two words, in thecross-sellfeatured on the back of all the Stunticons' packaging, including his own. This applied not only to the English-only packaging version available in the United States, but also to thebilingualEnglish/French verson sold in Canada and the multilingual version available in continental Europe. The same spelling was usedagainfor all packaging versions of the 1990 "ClassicStunticon "release of the figure (except for the Italian version released byGiG,which called him "Squalo" ), but this time it was not just limited to the cross-sell, but was in fact the default name featuredeverywhereon his packaging. The ultimatelyunreleasedGeneration 2redeco once again spelled his name as one word (this time including the cross-sell!). In 2022, the spelling as two words was also used as a moretrademark-friendly name for hisLegacytoy.
  2. Photos of Generation 2 Wildrider in sample packaging at
  3. Mirrored photos of Generation 2 Wildrider in sample packaging at Transformers @ The Moon
  4. EXCLUSIVE: Transformers Debuts Wild Rider, Blitzwing Legacy Figures- on CBR
  5. San Diego Comic-Con 2023 Generations panel recordingat the "Memo's collection" YouTube channel
  6. Doug Dlin relaying a response from Hirofimi Ichikawa regarding the fate of the Honda S2000 redeco at

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