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X12 Scrapmaker

From Transformers Wiki

It costs 400,000 shanix to fire this weapon for twelve seconds.

TheX12 Scrapmakeris a highly powerful, multi-barreled weapon analogous to theMinigunweapon used onEarth.The X12 requires a few seconds to "charge up", during which its rate of fire is very low, before unleashing its full destructive power and extremely high rate of fire. It's most effective at close range, especially against the fraggin'Scoutwho sniped you last time. We can assure this Gatling gun isillin'!


War for Cybertron

X12 Scrapmakers were used during the later days of theGreat Warbetween theAutobotsandDecepticons.It was carried bySoldiers.War for CybertronBy the time theArkwas ready to launch, they had been supplanted by theX18 Scrapmaker.Fall of Cybertron


  • This weapon has the following in-game stats:
    • Damage: 7
    • Range: 6
    • Accuracy: 3
    • Rate of Fire: 8
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