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Acid Storm (G1)

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(Redirected fromAcid Wing)
The name or term "Acid Storm" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeAcid Storm (disambiguation).
Acid Storm is aDecepticonSeekerfrom theGeneration 1 continuity family.
"What is this 'camouflage' of which you speak?"

Acid Stormis something of an oddity among the Decepticons. He's more than happy to stay buried in the ranks, a largely anonymous soldier among a sea ofvery similar bots,rather than try and make a big name for himself. This is somewhat baffling, as his intelligence, data gathering skills, charisma and ability to manipulate localized weather patterns to createacid raincould possibly propel him up the ranks.

But for whatever reason, he stays in his role as one of theRainmakersrather than striking out on his own.[1]

I'm agreen guy—that's like literally mywhole thing.

—Acid Storm, "Starscream: The Movie"



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformerscartoon

The originaltriangle formation.

When a group ofAutobots(andChip Chase) journeyed to Cybertron to fetch acosmitronfor a woundedOptimus Prime,Megatronsent theRainmakertrio, including Acid Storm, to make things difficult for our heroes with someacid rain.

Guess what? They failed.Divide and Conquer

Japanese cartoon continuity


When the Decepticons interceded in the trial ofPrimacron,Sunstormand Acid Storm engaged in a bombing run to shake up the Galactic Courts.Controverse

Generations Selects Special Comic

In2050,Acid Storm was one of the Decepticons supporting theSelectorrevolt atNeo Scramble City.Volcanicus comic 1When the Dinobots arrived, Acid Storm and the other Rainmakers foughtSwoop,who blew their Acid Rain back into their own faces. This forced their systems to falter and made them fall to the ground.Volcanicus comic 2

Wings Universe

Wings Universeis based on theGeneration 1 cartoon,but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

Acid Storm was atMegatron's side shortly before the latter ordered a retreat fromIacon.Battle Lines, Part 6

Millions of years later, Acid Storm was part of the united Autobot and Decepticon forces that helped repel back theCybertronianinvasion ofCybertron.Unlike the far more unenthusiasticOctane,Acid Storm was eager as soon as "fight" was mentioned.A Common Foe


In an alternate timeline whereOptimus PrimekilledMegatronin theBattle of Autobot City,Acid Storm followed the newly upgradedMegascreamin his attack onAutobotshuttles leavingEarth.They were recalled back toCybertronwhenUnicronateMoonbase One.Deviations

Marvel Comics continuity


He's in the background, just the way he likes it.

After the war officially ended onKlo,Acid Storm was one of the handful ofBludgeon's Decepticons who scattered to the far corners of the universe. He,Drag Strip,andOverkillwere waiting on a dusty planet whenSpringer's rogue team of Autobots attempted to hunt them down.At Fight's End

Transformers '84

Autobot decepticon battle transformers 84.jpg

AsPunchreflected on the events that had led to his deep cover mission, he recalled Acid Storm taking part in a Decepticon invasion of a city.'84 #0

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance:The Transformersvol. 1 #7
12782 is the loneliest number.

Early in the war, Acid Storm was among the Seekers who ledOrion Pax's hostage negotiation party toBludgeon's base in theRust Spot.Omega's Conundrum

Three years afterMegatronwas defeated onEarth,Acid Storm was among those Decepticons who managed to escape the human homeworld and was now under the command of the (self-proclaimed) Decepticon leaderStarscream.However, with the lack of resources, poor morale and Starscream's weak leadership, the Decepticons largely collapsed into anarchy and resorted to cannibalism with not enoughenergonto go around. After another pointless patrol, Acid Storm andSunstormdejectedly sat in front of what remained of the ship that carried them to the asteroid that they now called home.All His Engines

Acid Storm only wears his nice Masterpiece body when he's rooting through garbage.

WhenHot Rodfinally tracked the Decepticons to their asteroid, Acid Storm was the first one to detect the Autobot craft but did not have time to plan a counter-attack himself. While he was still panicking,Shrapnelused the base defenses to blow the Autobot out of the sky, causing pieces of it to fall on them in the process. The two Decepticons then went to search the wreckage for anything useful, only to find that Hot Rod was still alive, and heavily armed to boot. Acid Storm was quickly taken out of action by a shot to the back.Heart Like a WheelOnce Megatron was finally repaired, he took back leadership from Starscream and held an impassioned speech to Acid Storm and the others that roused their spirits once more.Spotlight: Megatron

Later, Acid Storm was one of the many Decepticons in Autobot captivity on Cybertron.The Autonomy LessonHe was put to work alongside otherDecepticonsin "waste reclamation".DevisiveLater, Acid Storm was among a Cybertronian crowd recruited by Starscream to pressure Prowl into revealing one of his secret discoveries below ground on Cybertron. Later underground, they witnessed aTitandeclare that Starscream was the Cybertronian destined to unite their whole race. He and the other Cybertronians celebrated afterwards with Starscream.All Good Things

They call him Acid cuz' he brings thatburn.

When Megatron appeared for the first time since the war ended, Acid Storm and the other Decepticons stopped the Autobots from executing him on the spot, then realized that this was their chance to oust the Autobots and return to the good old days. Starscream tried to stop them from rioting with rousing speech about change, but Acid Storm told him to stuff it and walked off with his mates to torch some buildings.City on FireThey then marched straight to the Autobot prison, where they made short work of the guards and liberated Megatron from captivity.The VergeAs Megatron led the Decepticons in a new attempt to conquer Cybertron, Acid Storm participated in the battle with the defending Autobots.Plan for EverythingThe battle ended with a Decepticon defeat, and all Decepticons who wouldn't renounce their faction were banished into the wilderness, including Acid Storm.Shockpoint

After the destruction of Iacon, Acid Storm became one of many down-trodden Decepticons living in a ghetto outside ofMetroplex.WhenOptimus Primestopped by the ghetto only to be harassed by an angry mob, Acid Storm joined in but tried to stopSparkstalkerfrom needlessly angering the Prime.City of SteelAcid Storm was also involved in a second attack on Prime when he visited the ghetto again.First Contact

THIS Decepticon veteran just read ONE pamphlet. You won't BELIEVE what happens next!

On the streets of Iacon, Acid Storm accepted one of the Camiens' pamphlets on the Word of the Primes. Still, he remained a Decepticon at his core, and attended the rally held by Needlenose and Galvatron for the Decepticon cause.The TransgressorsAs Galvatron addressed Acid Storm and the united listeners, the Decepticon army was officially reborn on Cybertron.AphelionAcid Storm and the others marched on the Space Bridge and used it to attack the Autobots trapped behind Blackrock's onyx field aboard theArk-7.LagrangeAs theArk-7crashed to Earth, Acid Storm and the Decepticons prepared for their invasion but found themselves facing AutobotsPerihelionand thePeople's Liberation Army Mecha Force.Acid Storm was freaked out to see the Chinese kill one of his comrades.Once Upon a Time on Earth

ItsBeginningToAndBackAgain TeamGalvatronus.jpg

Acid Storm met back up with Galvatron's forces on the submergedNemesisand was deployed to defend the ship from Optimus Prime andSoundwave's combined forces. WhenSuperionandVictorionbegan to give the enemy an advantage, Galvatron manipulated theEnigma of Combinationsource code spread across the entire planet to merge Acid Storm with several other troops intoGalvatronus.It's Beginning To And Back AgainA short time later, Superion's efforts broke Galvatron's control of the Enigma and Galvatronus de-combined. Acid Storm was left dazed and was abandoned as Galvatron andAstrotrainmade their escape.As Above...So BelowHe was later seen being taken into custody by the combined Autobot and Decepticon force.White Light

Leave your stupid comments in your pocket!

He was evidently eventually released, and selected byThundercrackerto play the lead role in hisbiopic of Starscream.However, Acid Storm ended up leaving the project due to dissatisfaction with being painted gray every day and the constant rewrites, forcing Thundercracker to take on the role in his stead; as he left, Acid Storm was frustrated to learn that they could've been digitally recoloring him the whole time.Starscream: The Movie

AfterSoundwavehad been outed asHorri-Bull's killer, Acid Storm led the manhunt for theoutlierbefore he noticedStarscreamsneaking around with the Decepticons asking the ex-chancellor to resume leadership of the faction.Endless ForeverAfter giving a small speech andNemesishad flown off, Starscream agreed and led the Decepticons away to draw up new plans.UnforgivableAs Starscream outlined his plans toregroupwith the scattered Decepticon cells, Acid Storm felt compelled to point out that they were holed up inMetrotitan's corpse which Starscream claimed made for a good metaphor.Unstopped and Unstoppable

WhenCaminuscame under attack byUnicron,Acid Storm joined the Cybertronian fleet in engaging the Chaos Bringer's Maximal army.Last StandFlying to engage Unicron in Earth's orbit,Skywarpdisdainfully listed Acid Storm among the Seekers not under Starscream's command.Assembly

Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe


Acid Storm was one of the many Decepticons who pursued theAllSparkto Earth. He participated in an enormous battle against the Autobots in a human settlement.The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe


"No. Layers. Onions have layers. Ogres have layers."

Acid Storm was one of many offworlders inAxiom Nexus's Under City. Acid Storm was part of a crowd inSeeker-ShinaithatC-81attempted to disperse through intimidation. Unfortunately, all the Seekers present were too stunned to see a "Megatron" in Axiom Nexus to budge.Cybertron's Most Wanted

Ask Vector Prime

Vector Primenoted that Acid Storm and his Rainmaker colleagues were Shockwave's formidable enforcers on Cybertron and Earth in many universes.Ask Vector Prime, 13 July 2015

Star Trek vs. Transformers


WhenWorld War IIIconsumedEarth,theDecepticonsfled the blighted planet aboardTrypticon,trailing the Autobots aboardFortress Maximus.When the twoTitansreachedCygnus Seven,the Decepticons attacked, the battle sending Maximus hurtling into the planet and causing everyone to fall intostasis lock.Eventually, theFederationmoved onto Cygnus Seven with a survey team accidentally rousing Maximus's autonomic systems. By random chance, the repair beam first struckMegatronwho proceeded to revive the other Decepticons and lead an attack on the surface.Prime's Directive, Part TwoAcid Storm joined his fellow Seekers in attacking the mining colony before the Decepticons were scared away by aphoton torpedobarrage from theUSSEnterprise.Prime's Directive, Part One

When the Decepticons invadedKronos,Acid Storm unleashed his acid onSpockandHikaru Sulu'sCrewbotsbefore being shot down byWindblade.When the Decepticons were defeated, Acid Storm was taken into custody by theKlingon Empire.Prime's Directive, Part Five

War for Cybertron Trilogycontinuity

War for Cybertron Trilogymarketing material

During the war for Cybertron, Acid Storm was anAir Force Infantry Raider.Siegetoy packaging

War for Cybertron Trilogycartoon

No, the earlier blue guys weren't me!

Acid Storm accompanied Starscream to the tomb of Alpha Trion, where he outedJetfireas a traitor for his killing of Skywarp. At Megatron's command, the Seekers attacked their former commander and took to the air to shoot him down. Though they thought he was dead, Jetfire actually survived.Siege episode 4

Acid Storm was among the Seekers who showed up for Starscream's assault on theArkSiege episode 6and brought captured Autobots to Megatron.Earthrise episode 1Acid Storm personally escortedElita-1from her cell to the arena for execution.Earthrise episode 2

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance:Transformers#10
Together again, gee it's good to be together again.

During theWar of the Threefold Spark,Acid Storm was part of a military unit known as theRainmakerswith his flying partnersIon StormandNova Storm.All Fall DownBy the era just before theGreat War,Acid Storm joined theAscenticons,and eventually became a member of theirAscenticon Guard.He joinedSkytreadand SenatorSoundwavein barring the door toAscenticon HeadquarterswhenProwl's unit arrived to arrestBarricade.The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part FourWhen Megatron rebranded the Ascenticons, Acid Storm was part of the crowd that stood behind him to display the strength of their cause.The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part FiveSubsequently, he was among the first to be branded with their newinsignia.The Change In Your Nature Part One

As the Ascenticon Guard began recruiting members directly fromThe Risein the aftermath of theTether's destruction, Acid Storm reunited with his old teammates Ion Storm and Nova Storm.Elita-1noted this was a clear statement of military intent, and warned Soundwave that everybody would know it.All Fall Down

Shortly afterMegatronrebranded their movement as the "Decepticons", the Rainmakers took part in the terrorist attack on theSenate.Acid Storm used his powers to melt through the ceiling, allowing the trio to ambush the crowd of unarmed senators in attendance. He was later seen tending to an overworked Ion Storm.We Have Deceived You


After seizing full control of the governing body, Megatron introduced the Rainmakers to his fellow Senators beforeClenchreported thatSentinel Primehad escaped, the Rainmakers being deployed to down and recapture him. Catching up to the Prime, Acid Storm fired a barrage that left him damaged enough to fall victim to being sliced in two by Nova Storm. Touching down, the trio regarded the Prime's dying cries for aid before retreating whenChromiaopened fire on them.PrimeThough the Rainmakers' murder prompted a mixed reception in the Decepticon ranks, Acid Storm was present at the gladiatorial arena whenTermagaxreturned to denounce the Decepticons, bearing witness to Megatron contemptuously opening fire on his mentor.Awakenings

Acid Storm joinedStrika's Heaviesand other Decepticons in an assault on theForge Pyramid,the last major institution in Iacon unclaimed by their forces. They found the Autobots meeting withPerceptoralready and tried to storm the building. Acid Storm was in the process of dissolving his way through the defenses when Nova Storm carried out a message that the plasma coolant was shutting down. Those Decepticons that had breached the defenses fled along with the Autobots as the Pyramid melted in on itself.Titans

Acid Storm and the Rainmakers were present when Megatron learned Optimus Prime and the Autobots had abandoned Iacon entirely.We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness

Sixshotbrought forth the Rainmakers when the Decepticons journeyed out to theSea of Rust.They had been alerted that Termagax was there, in possession of theEnigma of Combination.The Decepticons had begun to rely on the Rainmakers too much, though, asPyra Magnahad snipers on the roof of Termagax's house, prepared for their approach.ArceeandSureshotshot down Ion Storm and Acid Storm, whileWindchargerused his magnetic powers to snare Nova Storm.Sea of Rust II

The Rainmakers later accompanied Megatron to his meeting withExarchon.War's End Part ThreeThe Rainmakers flew with Megatron to intercept Optimus Prime and the Autobots before they reachedDarkmount.End of TimeAcid Storm and many other Seekers later foughtSky Lynxduring the battle of Darkmount.Fate of Cybertron

My Little Pony/Transformers


Acid Storm was among the many Decepticons transported toEquestria.Intent on proving their supriority over the Autobots and ponies, the Rainmakers andMisfireattackedWindbladeandRainbow Dashduring a race. However, Rainbow Dash was able to bait them into a trap before both she and Windblade used their "Flyin' Fox Trot" maneuver to turn the Rainmaker's own heat-seeking missiles against them and blow them out of the sky. The Decepticons wound up piled in a defeated heap while the two heroes shared their victory at the finish line.The Flyin' Fox Trot


Bot Shots Battle Game!

"IHATEtoRAINon your parade—wait, NO I DON'T! BAHAHAHA!! "

Acid Storm and his gang of troublemakers reduced the once-vital city ofCybertropolisto burning ruins. ThroughyourBot Shot's efforts were he and his gang defeated, and Cybertropolis was allowed to prosper once more.Bot Shots Battle Game!

Acid Storm is also one of the many random Bot Shots the player can encounter in the game. He can also be purchased in the "Bot Shop"... provided one defeats a Super Bot in theSonic Canyonsarena first.

Transformers Legends

Acid Storm was among the Seekers who went on a worldwide rampage, until they were thwarted by the Autobots.Robots in the SkyAcid Storm was part of a number of reinforcements who arrived on a battlefield and joined the conflict already in progress.By Land, Sea, or Air

Following the restoration ofCybertron,Acid Storm andSpinisterattempted to ambush a group of Autobots who were exploring the changes to their world. The pair were promptly captured and sent to a detention facility.The Autonomy Lesson

Angry Birds Transformers

Acid Storm appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events. He is portrayed by a Minion Pig.Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Acid Storm participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He appeared in multiple different bodies:

  • (Generations) Acid Storm— This Common character could be recruited by collecting 8 units of Cybermetal.
  • (Universe) Acid Storm— This Uncommon character could be recruited by collecting 75 units of Cybermetal, and 36 units of transmetal.
  • (Masterpiece) Acid Storm— This Super Rare character could be recruited by collecting 250 units of Cybermetal, 75 units of Transmetal, 50 exclusive cores, and 5 cores of this character.Transformers: Battle Tactics


Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is astuband is missing information on theirvideo game appearances.You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.

Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers: Earth Wars

  • Minimum Star Rating:2 stars
  • Class:Air
  • Ability:Raise an Acid Storm in an area, blocking all healing and boosting damage done by Fire and Acid done by 20% for 15 seconds. You the take off and set the target on fire dealing approx. 700 fire damage.
    • Cost:3 ability points, +2 for reuses.

Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive


Acid Storm was in command of the third Decepticon base attacked and destroyed by the Autobots during a series of raids. He fought the invader using his air advantage, but was eventually defeated.Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive

Transformers: Heavy Metal

Acid Storm was among the Decepticons under Starscream's command who invaded Earth in search of Energon.Transformers: Heavy Metal

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Acid Storm was a member of the Rainmakers, a skilled chemist who specialized in chemical warfare.Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook

Thundercracker and Acid Storm sent a group of Decepticon rookies to meet withAstrotraininKansas.The Great Energon Robbery



The Seeker redeco you weren't expecting.
  • Acid Storm(Deluxe Class,2008)
    • Series:Classic Series
    • Accessories:Left & right "hyperion3 blaster" missile launchers, 2 missiles
Part of the second wave of2008UniverseDeluxe Class toys, Acid Storm is aredecoofClassicsStarscream,transforming into anF-15 Eaglefighter jet, though with a canopy like that of anF-14 Tomcat.He comes with a pair of spring-loadedmissilelaunchers that can peg via5 mm postsonto his biceps, hands, and wings.
Acid Storm's jet mode features a jungle camouflage pattern, which impressively is almost entirely unseen in his robot mode, at least from the front and sides.
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Million Publishing:

Henkei! Henkei!Starscream Ghost Version

Bot Shots

"Whoops, you can't play anymore. Game's been canceled on account ofME!"
  • Nemesis Prime / Megatron / Acid Storm(Multi-pack,2012)
    • Series:1
    • Number:Super Bot 006
      • Fist strength:420
      • Blaster strength:905
      • Sword strength:285
Part of the first wave ofBot ShotsSeries 1 three-packs, Acid Storm is aredecoofStarscream,transforming into a teeny fighter jet veryveryvaguely like anF-22 Raptor,with aspring-loaded automatic transformationto robot mode triggered when his nosecone is pressed. He has a "spinner" in his chest that shows his three attack types and power levels. As a "Super Bot", he is cast in translucent green plastic, and has more lopsided stats. He comes withMegatronandNemesis Prime.
This mold was also redecoed intoSkyquake,Thundercracker,Sunstorm,Quickslinger,andAutobot Firestrike,and wasretooledintoSkywarp.


Can only be combated with an antacid blaster.
  • Acid Wing(Kreon Micro-Changer,2013)
    • Collection:2
    • Bag number:***** 70
    • Accessories:Logo brick (2013), logo plate (2016 only), 2 clip-on rifles
As part of the second wave ofblindpackedMicro-Changers,Acid Wing(Acidwingon the instruction sheet) is a Kreon mini-figure with parts to rebuild him into a bright green jet. He shares the same parts and construction as the preview wave'sSunstorm,though his instructions do not have you use the extra jet-mode bricks to assemble a funky two-handed double blaster for his robot mode like you do with Sunstorm. You can anyway, though. We're not here to tell you how to play with your imagination-expanding building-brick-based figures.
This Collection was still in circulation at "dollar" stores and drug stores up through 2015. They eventually lost the individual-identifying bag codes, but other changes were hidden inside the bag. The 2015 releases replaced the 2x4 logo stand-brick with a new 3x4 logo plate. The Kreon was also given the slightretoolingto the arm seen in the 2014 Kreons, making the "cuff" parts more sharp-cornered and better adapted to being used as studs. Some of the add-on pieces may also be slightly off-color, possibly due to a change in factories in mid-production.

KreO-toy AcidWingKreon 2015.jpg
  • Acid Wing(Kreon Micro-Changer,2016)
    • Collection:2
    • Accessories:Logo plate, 2 clip-on rifles
In 2016, Collection 2 was re-released in a whole new production run for Dollar General stores in the US as part of a large collection of re-releasedKre-Osets. But where most of these releases are nigh-identical to the originals, the re-released Micro-Changer blind-bags use the almost-entirely-retooled 2015 Kreon, with slightly-differently-hued plastics than the originals. (It is possible for some of the add-on pieces to be in the older hues.) Acid Wing's torsotampographunderwent a slight color change, replacing the dark gray with solid black, though the leg tampos remain dark gray.
This release has no individual-identification code on the bag, requiring the buyer to use the feel-through-the-bag method or just buy blind and hope.


The Seeker redeco youreallyweren't expecting.
  • Acid Storm(2013)
    • Hasbro ID number:MP-01
    • TakaraTomy ID number:MP-11A
    • TakaraTomy release date:October 3,2013
    • 08 OF 30
    • Accessories:2 cannons, 2 missile racks, pilot figurine, gun clip, two-piece display stand
MasterpieceAcid Storm is aToys "R" Us-exclusiveredeco ofMP-11 Starscream(himself a heavy retool ofMP-3 Starscream), but without the coronation gear. He transforms into an F-15 Eagle fighter jet, and features numerous built-ingimmicks,such as an opening panel at the top-center of the jet, adjustable thrust vectors, a sculpted radar hidden in his nosecone, and an opening canopy. Inrobot mode,he features missile pods hidden in his chest.
For accessories, his non-firing cannons are attached to extending armatures so that they don't have to beremovedfor transformation, but they each have a 5 mm post, and can be easily detached viaball joint.He also comes with two missile racks which peg via 5 mm post onto ports on his wings, provided the cannons (which normally mount there invehicle mode) are removed. Also included is a pilot figurine that can fit in his cockpit, and he additionally has a clip that is intended to mount underneath the cockpit and hold theMegatron guninitially included with20th AnniversaryOptimus Prime/MasterpieceMP-1 Convoy.Finally, he comes with a two-piece stand, which has two peg-holes to store two of his weapons, and can be configured for either robot or vehicle mode.
On the sides of his cockpit, he sportstampographednames of a pilot and a co-pilot: "MSGT.[Master Sergeant]B 'Vicious' Vala"(after Hasbro designer Bobby Vala[2]) and "SSGT.[Staff Sergeant]Etipsone"(after graffiti artist Etipsone/Hasbro designerMark Maher[3][4]).
Acid Storm'sinstructionsneglect to mentionnumeroussteps of his transformation, such as the fact that the strut his nosecone is attached to is on aslide jointthat allows it to slide into the cockpit more and help compact hiskibblebackpack. It also fails to mention the fact that he has heels hidden in compartments just in front of his thrusters, and that his tail-fin/rear wing assemblies are also on slide joints, allowing them to slide up and allow his toes and heels to both touch the surface at once. To make matters worse, his instructions only tell you how to transform him into vehicle mode... despite the fact thathe's packaged in vehicle mode.
Acid Storm, along with fellowMasterpiece,Soundwave,was first released in limited numbers in conjunction withSan Diego Comic-Con2013. Acid Storm was later made available inTakaraTomy's markets as a "USA Edition"of sorts, still exclusive to Toys" R "Us. While the figure itself was unchanged, thepackagingwas altered to change his ID number, among other things. Common to both versions is a designated number marking him as part of theThrilling 30line.
Acid Storm's original deco would have been significantly different, such as featuring a different pilot and co-pilot ( "MSGT.Bill 'Brawlin' Brawley"and"SSGT.Mark 'Tag' Maher"), and being far more busy. He would have had numerous additional tampographs, such as a reference to him being part of the"924th Rainmakers",a reference to a"ToxitronCon-g2.pngWeapons System","Bringing the Pain Rain",and evenRainbow Dash's cutie mark![5]
As a redeco of the MP-11 release, Acid Storm islikelyto be plagued with the same quality control issues.
The original MP-3 version of this mold was redecoed intoMP-6 SkywarpandMP-7 Thundercracker,while the MP-11 version of this mold was also redecoed intoMP-11S SunstormandTransformersMasterpiece Thundercracker.
Masterpiecemold:Seeker (MP-11)

Version 1:

Other versions:

Hironori Kobayashi&Shogo Hasui
See also:MP-3Starscream| MP-52Starscream


The Seeker redeco you were kind of expecting by this point.
  • Acid Storm with Venin(Legends Class, 2014)
    • Series / Number:02 / 009
    • Accessories:2 cannons
Part of the seventh wave of 2012-onwardsGenerationsLegends Class toys,Thrilling 30Acid Storm is aredecoof Legends ClassStarscream.He is roughly the same size as aCyberverseCommander Class toy. Based on aGuido Guidiseekerconcept forIDW Publishing,Acid Storm transforms from a hybrid F-15/F-22 style jet. He features a fold out front landing gear,5 mm-compatiblehands, and back/roof, and has3 mm-compatibleupper arm ports. He comes with two removable cannons that have both 5 mm and 3 mm pegs.
Acid Storm is partnered withVenin,a redeco ofWaspinator,who can transform into a wasp, a robot with 3 mm-compatible hands, and a gun with 5 mm handle. He has anautotransformationfeature that folds up his wings when his gun barrel is extended.
This mold was also used to makeGenerationsCombiner WarsThundercrackerandSkywarp.


Ahhh! My body!
  • Acid Storm(Alt-Modes, 2016)
    • Series:1
    • Collection:3
A redeco ofAlt-ModesStarscream,Acid Storm is a "super deformed"toy whose body" transforms "when the Decepticon faction symbol on his head is pulled up: in actuality, the robot body and jet mode are on alternate ends of a swing-around arm that swap places inside/outside his great big huge head. Due to the need for his limbs to quickly fold away and the size of his noggin, his robot mode is nigh-impossible to get to to stand unassisted.
He wasblind-boxedand available in one of the first three cases of the toyline.
This mold was also used to makeAlt-ModesThundercracker,Skywarp,andSunstorm,and would have been retooled intoDirge.

War for Cybertron: Siege

Now comes in lime.
(TakaraTomy prototype pictured)
  • Seeker Acid Storm/Seeker Ion Storm/Seeker Nova Storm(Multi-pack,2019)
    • Hasbro ID number:WFC-S52
    • TakaraTomy ID number:SG-EX
    • TakaraTomy release date:March 27,2021
    • Accessories:2 "RM Storm RangeNull-RayLaser Launchers "
Siege"Seeker Acid Storm" is a redeco of Voyager ClassStarscreamfrom the same line, transforming from a heavily Generation 1-inspired robot to a Cybertronian "tetrajet" based on theSeekers' appearance in "More than Meets the Eye, Part 1"and back. Noticeably, said jet mode has the robot legs sticking out from the undercarriage.
Fitting with the rest ofSiege,Acid Storm has5 mm postson his biceps, forearms, shins, under his feet (thrusters), and wings. The 3 mm pegs on his shins, forearms, left bicep, and the tips of his Null-Rays can accommodateeffects partssold separately. Like the rest ofSiege,his robot mode focuses on articulation, with double-jointed elbows, knees that bend at nearly 180 degrees, ankle rockers, and waist articulation, being notable articulation points for a Seeker toy. Being a rather heavy shellformer, he can be separated into both a wingless robot mode and a nearly complete tetrajet easily, via a friction hinge.
Acid Storm comes in a three-pack with "Seeker Ion Storm"and"Seeker Nova Storm",based on their cartoon appearance in"Divide and Conquer".All three feature painted battle damage (theexact samelayouts across all three) and the smirk-less head sculpt used by Starscream.
This set was made available at general retail in U.S.Targetstores without a prior announcement from Hasbro, then much laterEntertainment Earthgot a run of them in 2021.
Interestingly, not only was this set was not released in other Hasbro markets, but TakaraTomy would eventually schedule it for release in Japan nearly two full years later. Further, the toys stock photography used versions of the toys with slightly different paint applications: for Acid Storm, he has red wing edges and a blue nosecone based on ascreenshotfrom the original cartoon. However, the final product was the same as the Hasbro release.

Version 1:

Version 2:


The Loyal Subjects

Make it Rain.
  • Rainmakers(2013)
    • Accessories:Pegged wings, blasters
The Loyal SubjectsAcid Storm is a 3-inch non-transforming vinyl figure designed by Les Schetkoe. He comes in the "Rainmakers" set alongside unnamedblueandyellow Seekers.The set comes in a retro box and was released in a limited run of 500 pieces.

Tiny Titans

TinyTitans AcidStorm.jpg
  • Acid Storm(Tiny Titans, 2016)
    • Series:6
    • Number:3/12
Part of the sixth and final assortment ofTiny Titansblindpacks,this version of Acid Storm is a very small, soft-plastic figure of him in robot mode... and is an entirely different mold from normalTiny TitansStarscream.Amazing!
He includes a collectible card that renders him in the2015Robots in Disguisestyling. The card includes a scan-badge for theRobots in Disguisemobile game,which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.

Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Acid Storm, Toxic Terror(2019)
    • Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners
    • Rarity:RT
    • Card Number:T01/T46
    • Stars:6
Acid Storm, Toxic Terror is one of forty-six character cards released in Wave 2 of theTransformers Trading Card Game,Rise of the Combiners.
The artwork for the card is reused from theTransformers Legendsmobile game, and is based on theTransformers: UniverseAcid Storm figure.

Flame Toys

  • Acid Storm(April 2022)
    • Number:25
    • Additional parts/accessories:1 pair of open-palm hands
Released as part of theFurai Modelline byFlame Toys,This Acid Storm is an articulated, non-transforming, Voyager Class-sizedGunpla-style model kit, redecoed from theStarscreammold. Due to the runner's palettes, Acid Storm is molded in primarily green, blue-green, and purple ABS plastic. His translucent yellow plastic still remains. Like Starscream, his Null-rays can be detached for use as handheld blasters.
For straight-assembly builders, Acid Storm features a sheet of foil stickers for detail (notably the wings), though the kit can be panel-lined and touched-up with several panel-lining and paint markers (water/acrylic-based markers are recommended, as alcohol-based markers likeGundam Markerscan potentially damage the ABS plastic). If one desires; the kit's pieces, aside from the translucent parts, can be fully coated with spray paints to recreate the finished sample seen in the stock photos...or paint most of the parts green if you're crazy for show-accuracy.

Jada Toys

  • Transformers Series 2 18-pack(4 cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2022)
Released byJada Toys,Nano MetalfigsSeries 2 Acid Storm is a redeco of the Series 1Starscream/Thundercrackermold, an incredibly small die-cast figurine molded with his hands on his waist. He has a little base attached to his feet for balancing reasons.
Acid Storm also shares the same mold as Series 2Nova Stormand comes in an impressive multipack with him andsixteen other figurines.


  • Acid Storm(Shining Version, 2024)
  • Series:Shining Version 01 - Shining Roll Out

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  • Acid Storm(MDLX, November 2024)
    • Known designers:Kelvin Sau
    • Accessories:wing assembly, two null-ray cannons
A redeco ofThreezero's MDLX Starscream, Acid Storm is an original design taking inspiration from the original cartoon but with the aesthetics in the vein of the live-action movies. Acid Storm is a smaller scaled, non-transforming action figure in the vein of contemporary collector-oriented lines like Figma and S.H. Figuarts. Like those lines, the figure is extremely well-articulated and detailed, features interchangeable hands and faces plus accessories. He features his ever-present null-ray cannons and two dagger-like blades.
Acid Storm retains Starscream's functionality with MDLX Optimus Prime mold, specifically the detachable wings and swappable heads.


  • Acid Storm isn't solid green ineveryshot of "Divide and Conquer" —in the monitor shot he first appears in, he has grey intakes and a green-grey upper chest that matches his helmet. Oddly enough, the intakes are one of the areas that were left the basic green on hisUniversetoy.
  • Although explicitly based on the green Rainmaker from "Divide and Conquer", Acid Storm's near-fluorescent green in the cartoon was specifically toned down to fit better into the quasi-realism of the 2008Universetoyline.
  • Acid Storm's basic camo pattern was designed byAaron Archer,a relatively rare occurrence for the time given Archer's high hierarchical status within Hasbro. The specifics of Acid Storm'sUniversedeco were then fleshed out and finalized by designerBill Rawley.
  • According toHasbro'sBotCon 2008panel, Acid Storm was originally to be namedRainmaker,thenAcid Rain,but those names didn't clearlegal.
  • Acid Storm's "hyperion3 cannon" is based on one of the email addresses ofTransformersfanMatthew Karpowich,aka "Monzo",much as Acid Storm's bio itself is based in part on him (notably the data-gathering aspect). This is the secondUniversetoy to shout-out to him, the first beingOnslaught.
  • A piece of artbyGuido Guidiin Dreamwave's 2004The Ultimate Guidefeatures a green Seeker, who is sometimes identified by fans as Acid Storm, though the color layout doesn't particularly match.
  • Acid Storm'sappearancein "season 1" ofIDW Publishing'sRobots in Disguisecomic series (shared, of course, withStarscream,Skywarp,andSunstorm) is based on thecontemporary concept artofStarscreaminHigh Moon Studios'War for Cybertronvideo game.
  • TheKre-O Character Encyclopediamistakenly categorizes Acid Wing as aPredacon.

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Acid Storm(アシッドストームAshido Sutōmu)
  • Mandarin:Suānbào(Taiwan, toan bạo, "Acid Storm" ),Liúsuānyǔ(China, lưu toan vũ, "Sulfuric Acid Rain" )


  1. Summarized characterization fromUniverseandMasterpiecetoy bios
  2. Bobby Valaat Linkedin
  3. Etipsone's Tumblr,explicitly discussingMasterpieceAcid Storm
  4. Mark Maher'sInstagram:"Here we have an illustration I accomplished after working on the Masterpiece Acid Storm with talented designer @thevalaverse This project was a special one for me because I was able to put my pen name moniker on the side of the cockpit. I felt so honored to be able to solidify my mark on a evil decepticon seeker toy, it was truly a treat! Yet again, the poison neon green with the purple insignia just pops so well!"
  5. Alternate MP Acid Storm Design From Boss Fight Studios at NJCC 2013, from TFW2005
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