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The name or term "Allspark" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeAllspark (disambiguation). |
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Although its physical form differs across theuniversal streamsin which it appears, the powers and history of theAllSpark(also spelledAllspark) remain common across themultiverse:It is one of the fabledsacred treasures,the objects capable ofcreatingnewTransformerlife.Its origins are unknown, lost to the distant past sometimes predating evenCybertronitself, but it often gives the impression that it possesses a consciousness of some kind and is either working towards a cosmic plan of its own divining or is carrying outthe will of a higher power.In truth, the physical AllSpark is but a shell to contain the incredible life-giving energies within; should that shell be destroyed the energies will remain as potent as ever, merely waiting for a new vessel to inhabit. Any fragments that would remain in the event of the AllSpark's physical destruction would still possess the incredible power that the original object did.
The AllSpark's power has long been coveted by theDecepticons,frequently driving theAutobotsto launch it into the depths of space and putting it beyond the reach of any Cybertronian.
“ | The cube was merely a vessel; its power, its knowledge—can never be destroyed. It can onlytransform.... | ” |
—The Fallenexplains the true nature of the AllSpark toMegatron,Revenge of the Fallen |
Live-action film series
In thisuniversal cluster,the AllSpark takes the form of a large, metallic cube inscribed withCyberglyphics.Sources say it was created by a nameless power for a reason, but that reason is as yet unknown...[1]
“ | Before time began, there was... the Cube. We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is howour racewas born. | ” |
—Optimus Primeon the origins ofhis race,Transformers |
Sector SevenagentSeymour Simmonsexplained that the AllSpark was found in 1913, 16 years after theN.B.E.-01 "Iceman"was found, though carbon dating tests indicated that Cube landed on Earth some twelve thousand years earlier. Theglyphson the Cube were similar to the ones on the Iceman, indicating a link between the two. In order to hide the cube's energy signature from other humans and, potentially, from other N.B.E.s, thePresidenthad theHoover Dambuilt around it. The Iceman was also moved to the dam for further study. It was eventually determined that the Cube emitted a radiation which couldbring mechanical devices to life.
Without the AllSpark, Cybertron itself began to atrophy, becoming an uninhabitable world. The Autobots and Decepticons abandoned their planet and took to the stars, searching for the lost AllSpark, the Autobots hoping to use its power to restore their dead homeworld, the Decepticon seeking its power to animate the machines of other planets to build an army. Bumblebee succeeded in tracking the cube to Earth; the rest of the Autobots arrived there in 2007 and allied themselves with Captain Witwicky's great-grandson,Sam Witwicky.Together, they traced the cube to its hiding place in the Hoover Dam, inadvertently revealing its location to the Decepticon spyFrenzy,who summoned the other Decepticons and deactivated the systems keeping Megatron in cryo-stasis, bringing him back online. To get the AllSpark to safety, Bumblebee interacted with the cube and somehow prompted it to collapse from an enormous monolith into an object less than half a meter across, and accordingly lesser in mass as well as volume.
The AllSpark was quickly taken to nearbyMission City,where Sam was instructed to take it to the top of the highest building for evac. Stumbling as he ran, Sam fell and struck the AllSpark on the ground, causing it to release a wave ofenergon radiationwhich broughtseveralnearbymachinesto life. Upon reaching the top of the building, Sam was confronted by Megatron, but refused to turn the cube over to him, and was sent toppling from the building. Optimus Prime came to his rescue, and during the battle that followed between Prime and Megatron, the Autobot leader told Sam to merge the AllSpark with hissparkin order to destroy it. However, Sam instead merged it with Megatron's spark, destroying both the Decepticon leader and the AllSpark. Only a single fragment of the cube appeared to remain, which Prime plucked from Megatron's dead body.
Without the AllSpark, the Autobots had no means to restore their homeworld, and so elected to remain on Earth. Prime sent a message to inform the surviving Autobots of their new found home.Transformers
Revenge of the Fallenfilm
In 2009, Decepticon spymasterSoundwavediscovered that the surviving AllSpark fragment was being kept on Diego Garcia after hacking into a communication broadcast between NEST and GeneralMorshower.Soundwave dispatchedRavageandReedmanto retrieve the fragment, and it was subsequently used byScalpelto resurrect Megatron from the bottom of the Laurentian Abyss.
However, unbeknownst to anyone, the shard in NEST's custody was not the only surviving piece of the AllSpark. When Sam Witwicky began packing forPrinceton University,a sliver of the cube was revealed to have become embedded in his shirt during the battle of Mission City, and upon touching it, Sam's mind was flooded with Cyberglyphics. As The Fallen would go on to explain, the AllSpark cube itself was merely a vessel for the knowledge within, and Sam had absorbed that knowledge upon the cube's destruction, which was now released into his mind upon contact with its remains.Sam dropped the sliver in shock, and it burned its way through his bedroom floor, falling into the kitchen below where it released a wave of Energon that brought theAppliancebotsto life. With this more immediate threat to deal with, Sam did not realize the full extent of what the AllSpark had done to his mind until his disastrous first day of class, during which he began uncontrollably babbling the specifics of the fantastic science of the Transformers to the shock and ridicule of his classmates and professor. He called upon Mikaela to bring the fragment to him, but no sooner had she arrived than Sam became targeted by the Decepticons, who desired the AllSpark knowledge in his brain to lead them to the hidden star harvester on Earth. Optimus Prime died saving Sam, and Sam, believing that the energy of the Matrix of Leadership could be used to resurrect Prime, sought out one of the DecepticonSeekersto translate the symbols he was seeing in hopes of finding a clue to its location. The Seeker they found wasJetfire,who was slumbering in the Smithsonian, and they used the AllSpark sliver to reactivate him. Although borderline senile, the ancient Seeker was able to translate the symbols Sam saw into a riddle that pointed the way to the Matrix's hiding place.Revenge of the FallenIDW movie comics
The AllSpark was responsible for creating the planet Cybertron and the first entities that inhabited it, a race of massively powerful trans-dimensional beings that became known as theDynasty of Primes.The AllSpark sustained the planet and the Primes through its continuous generation ofEnergon,but the Primes soon discovered its vast power was finite, and they were at a loss on how to restore it. The answer came when a nearby star went nova, the released energy repowering the AllSpark. The Primes knew that more stars would have to be found for sacrifices in the future, and the AllSpark responded to their need by creating the Transformers, a new race of shape-changing robots to serve the Dynasty:Seekersto search for suitable stars, andConstructiconsto build massiveStar Harvestersto take the energy of those suns. Knowing the destructive capabilities of these harvesters, the Dynasty tempered their search with the rule to never destroy a star with a life-bearing world. The AllSpark then formed a key to activate the harvesters, theMatrix of Leadership,which the Dynasty protected.Defiance #4In time, however, one of the Primes began to believe the AllSpark was talking to him, that it had chosen him as its acolyte. He began destroying inhabited solar systems to power the AllSpark and grew frustrated with the Dynasty's restrictions, constructing a star harvester ona primitive worldon order to draw the other Dynasty into a trap, that he might kill them all.Tales of the Fallen #4Onlyone Primesurvived the slaughter, imprisoning the rogue Prime—forever after known asThe Fallen—in hissarcophagus,before then hiding the Matrix away in a tomb made of the bodies of the dead Primes, giving his life to seal it.Revenge of the Fallen #3
As the millennia rolled by, the Transformers would form a new society and the tales of the Primes and AllSpark would slip into legend. The cube itself was forgotten, lost beneath the surface of the planet and without a supply of energy regularly being harvested for it Cybertron's energy began to diminish leading to factionalization and tribal warfare amongst the Transformers. Eventually, one of the Primes' descendants,Sentinel Primegathered a small group of loyal followers includingOptimusandMegatronand together they scoured the depths of Cybertron for the cube. The AllSpark was discovered beneath the city ofSimfurand unearthed prompting an attack by Sentinel's most violent opponents theThetacons.During the battle, technical geniusWheeljackused a device to warp space and time teleporting a sun from across the galaxy into Cybertronic space. Rather than sacrifice the sun as the legends claimed was required however, Sentinel gambled that mere proximity to the star would be enough for the cube to re-energize itself... and he was correct. The AllSpark was revitalized and new life flooded into Cybertron as hostilities came to an end in the face of the truth that Sentinel had been right all along. The Thetacons constructeda templearound the AllSpark as a way of making amends for their aggression.Foundation #1
Evidently, the Transformers declined to plumb the depths of the AllSpark's knowledge; it was said to contain the only recorded history of Cybertron, but to the Transformers, the AllSpark was the source of life, and that was all that mattered. Some time later, by which point leadership of Cybertron had shifted to an uneasy joint rulership between Optimus and Megatron, the Simfur Temple had come to be guarded byBumblebeeandCliffjumper.Movie Prequel #1Peace on Cybertron ended when the Fallen's sarcophagus was unearthed by an archaeological dig, causing the AllSpark to give off pulses, attracting the attention of a hostilealien speciesfrom theEshems Nebulawho attacked Cybertron.Defiance #1The Fallen began communicating with Megatron, and tempted him to seize the power of the AllSpark, leading him to go rogue with his own army, the DecepticonsDefiance issue 3Optimus, now dubbed OptimusPrimefollowing the discovery that he was connected to the Dynasty of Primes, formed his own army of Autobots to counter Megatron. In the war that followed, Cybertron was decimated, and eventually Optimus was forced to capture the AllSpark to keep it out of enemy hands.Defiance #4
Eventually, Prime made the decision to launch the AllSpark blindly into space to put it beyond Megatron's reach. At Optimus Prime's orders, Bumblebee and a group of Autobots served as decoys, drawing the Decepticons toTyger Pax,far enough away from the artifact's true location to buy Prime the time needed to prepare the launch. Megatron witnessed the launch from afar, and immediately took off after the cube, pursuing it across the galaxy for thousands of years.Movie Prequel #1
Once launched into space, the AllSpark automatically sought out the location of a harvester, and made its way to Earth, where the Fallen had constructed one thousands of years beforehand.Defiance #4The cube landed in the region of the planet that would eventually becomeNevadaaround 10,000 BC; Megatron successfully tracked the cube to Earth, but wound up crashing in theArcticand freezing solid for hundreds of years, to be eventually discovered in1897by CaptainArchibald Witwicky.Four years later, in1902,the government operatives tasked to investigating this frozen "Mega-Man" discovered the AllSpark in theColorado River.Movie Prequel #2MetallurgistLou Hooverand her husbandHerbertwere called in by the government to examine the cube, but it would take over a decade before Herbert was able to orchestrate the diversion of the river so the cube could be excavated. The excavation of the AllSpark took place in1913,but was interrupted by the arrival of the SeekerJetfire,who had been stranded on Earth thousands of years ago. Jetfire accidentally triggered a discharge of Energon from the cube which brought a collection of machines to life, and the Hoovers were forced to break open the floodgates and allow the river to "drown" the creatures and submerge the cube once more. Herbert subsequently ran forPresident of the United Statesand won, orchestrating the construction of theHoover Damin the area to serve as a new, more durable and permanent housing for the AllSpark.Irreplaceable
Following the Decepticons' defeat in Mission City, Starscream recovered the deactivated Frenzy from Hoover Dam in order to obtain the information the spy had amassed on the AllSpark from Sector Seven's database.The Reign of Starscream #2He beamed this data to Cybertron before returning there himself, where it was used to construct a hugereplica AllSpark.The Reign of Starscream #3Starscream sacrificed the lives of five Autobot prisoners of war to "jump-start" his new AllSpark, only to find that the construct simply... didn't work. Before Starscream could deduce the source of the problem, the Decepticons that had been following him turned on him for his failure, and the replica cube was destroyed byArcee.The Reign of Starscream #5
A month after the events in Mission City, the Autobots went to a secretSector Sevenfacility located in theNevadadesert to escort the remains of the deactivated Decepticons to their resting place in theLaurentian Abyss.When the AllSpark shard Prime had taken from Megatron's body pulsed with energy near the Decepticon leader's corpse, Optimus Prime feared the worst and handed it toProfessor Vinefor safekeeping. After the Autobots left,Agent Simmonsconvinced Vine to take the shard into their underground facility, since to keep it in the open would only attract Decepticons, though Vine had misgivings considering the stasis-locked DecepticonWreckagewas also in the same facility. Vine's fears were well-founded: as he and Simmons moved the shard into secure storage, its energy reactivated both the very angry Wreckage and Sector Seven's ownL.M.-1 units.Alliance #2After the attack, the AllSpark fragment was retrieved from the rubble bySalaniand returned to Optimus Prime.Alliance #3
Eventually, the Autobots and the American military entered into aformal allianceto defend Earth, and the AllSpark fragment was stored in a bunker under their base on the island ofDiego Garcia.Alliance #3
Following the defeat of The Fallen, a new threat emerged to bedevil both Autobot and Decepticon alike: theInitiative,a mysterious cabal headed by the Transformer-hatingCarter Newell.The organization sought to recreate the AllSpark, although the other members of the Initiative board did not realize Carter's true reasons for doing so: having been crippled by a Decepticon Seeker namedFortressin his youth, he now sought to exterminate the Transformers with their own technology.Nefarious #5
Recovering and reanimating the remains of the deceased Ravage, the Initiative placed the Decepticon under their control and had him liberate the appliancebots fromGuantanamo Bay.Tales of the Fallen #5They drained the AllSpark energy from their bodies in order to feed the artificial AllSpark construct they had created at their mobile base in Inyokern,California,but it proved an inadequate yield: if the construct was not fed with more genuine AllSpark energy to keep it stable, it would rage out of control and destroy most of theSolar System.Nefarious #1
To feed the construct, Initiative troops penetrated Hoover Dam and gathered up the residual AllSpark energy left there after the cube's long residence.Nefarious #4The still-growing AllSpark consumed it quickly, but was briefly stabilized by the influx of new power, allowing Carter to connect his body and mind to the AllSpark's energies. Contact with the vast cosmic consciousness of the cube only gave him that final push into true megalomania, and during a subsequent virtual conference with the other members of the Initiatve board, he transmitted the AllSpark's energy over the network, bringing to life various pieces of equipment in the board members' offices. The feral newborn robots promptly killed all the board members, leaving him in sole control of the organization.
Soon after, the Autobots and NEST arrived, having tracked the Initiative to their base, which had since moved toCrater LakeinOregon.To fight back, Carter instructed that all the Transformers that had been captured and brainwashed by the Initiative over the years be released, and that he would power them with the artificial AllSpark. This proved too much for the cube to handle, and it went into meltdown.Nefarious #5
Carter refused to listen the warnings of the Initiative staff, using the AllSpark's power to killHank Kirkpatrickbefore being badly wounded by Reedman, who had been released by Ravage for just that purpose. Believing that the AllSpark would heal his wounds given time, Carter retreated in a portion of the mobile base, but was pursued by Optimus Prime,Buzzsaw(at the command of Soundwave, watching from above) and Fortress, who had been serving as the living core of the mobile base and had been freed by Carter's relative and Initiative stafferIngrid.Prime caused Carter's vehicle to crash, and recovered the artificial AllSpark from the wreckage, attempting to stop its meltdown by feeding it with energy from his ownSpark.Buzzsaw proceeded to kill Carter, and Fortress then convinced Prime to hand over the AllSpark construct so that he could teleport it away to the depths of space, where it exploded without harming any innocent life.Nefarious #6
Titan movie comics
While Bumblebee's team distracted Megatron, Optimus Prime himself had to press the fatal button that would launch the AllSpark into space. While he was struggling with the decision at the last moment, fearing the potential slow death he would be condemning Cybertron to if he carried through with his plans, an alarm alerted Prime to the attack of a drone that had been specifically sent to destroy him. Instructing his assistantArctusto launch the AllSpark if he did not return in tencycles,Prime headed out to battle the drone, but the fight only wound up carrying them back into the AllSpark's chamber. To destroy the drone, Prime transformed to his cometaryprotoformmode and smashed clean through it, rendering himself unconscious in the process. When Prime awoke, he looked up to see the AllSpark rocketing away into space.Prelude: Optimus Prime
The AllSpark had not been cast blindly into the sea of stars, however: It had, in fact, been launched directly towards theAlkaris Anomaly,a wormhole that could potentially transport the cube to an infinite number of locations in the universe. Briefly delayed by an Autobottractor beam,Megatron could not stop the cube from entering the wormhole, and instead chose to follow it into the anomaly. While the AllSpark was disgorged somewhere in the vicinity of the Sol system, to eventually crash on Earth, Megatron was deposited by the wormhole in some other, far off star system, leaving him to hunt for the Cube through the endless reaches of space.Prelude: Megatron
Later on, a space-travellingIronhidewould be captured by an alien craft—its inhabitants appeared to be immense entities that claimed the All Spark had been stolen from them, and did a psychic probe of Ironhide. They turned out to be "electrical ghosts",a digital imprint from another time kept alive by the photon-rich atmosphere; the ship was a derelict, salvaged by another (rather feeble) alien race that had been using these ghosts as a front. The ship contained a device attuned to AllSpark energy though, making it clear the original inhabitantsdidhave some connection to the AllSpark...Lost In Space 3: Ironhide
Immediately after the end of the clash in Mission City, the battle's sole Decepticon survivor,Starscream,set upon the collection of machines that the All Spark had brought to life during the chaos. From each of them, he plucked the spark of life that the All Spark had granted them, which took the form of small red cubes like the All Spark itself. By placing them into the bodies of his fallen Decepticon comrades, Starscream reanimated them as a kind of roboticzombieand sent them against the recuperating Autobots.Ratchetwas able to deduce what was powering the undead Decepticons, and instructed his allies to target the All Spark energy signatures in their bodies, thereby allowing them to destroy them again.Starscream's Militia
Alternate timeline
In adivergent timeline,the Decepticons succeeded at Mission City and conquered the United States. After defeating Optimus Prime, Megatron killed Sam Witwicky and claimed the AllSpark, bonding himself to it and gaining the ability to channel its power. The cube was installed at a base in Savannah,Georgia,where Megatron began using it tocyberformEarth into a new Cybertron.Twilight's Last Gleaming, Part: 1Megatron placed Optimus Prime in cryo-stasis, but Bumblebee andMikaela Banesfreed him, and the two leaders battled, with Megatron's ability to channel the energy from the AllSpark allowing him to heal any wound Prime inflicted. Bumblebee saved the day when he hit Megatron with a nano-virus provided by Sector Seven that blocked the AllSpark's energy, successfully killing him. At the same time as this fight went on, Ratchet and Ironhide penetrated the Georgia base, and Ratchet was forced to detonate the AllSpark in order to save Earth.Twilight's Last Gleaming, Part: 5A fragment of the AllSpark survived the explosion, which, due to the cube's very nature, could conceivably possess all the power of the original object. Fearing that Megatron's link to the AllSpark could have corrupted it somehow, Optimus Prime assigned Ratchet as the shard's guardian,Aftermath Part 1but Ratchet could not resist trying to use the shard to reviveJazz—who was reborn as an amoral villain, proving the fragment had been indeed corrupted.Dark Spark
The Autobots were soon to discover that destroying the AllSpark had not kept the Earth from danger: the planetary transformation process had reached theplanet's corebefore it had been stopped, and the AllSpark "infection" was now threatening to tear the planet apart.Return to Cybertron: Part 1Simultaneously, on the dying Cybertron,Stockadeand his small band of Decepticons sent out a signal into deep space in the hope of contacting any entity related to the AllSpark, and drawing it to Cybertron so it could revive the planet.They succeeded; unfortunately, the entity they summoned wasUnicron,the Anti-Life.Return to Cybertron: Part 2After the Autobots helped stop Unicron, Stockade provided them with theNucleonthey need to negate the AllSpark infection on Earth.Return to Cybertron: Part 4Starscream discovered that Megatron still lived on in a form, having downloaded his consciousness into the module he had used to control the AllSpark at the moment of his death. Starscream had absorbed this module into himself, and so wound up being "haunted" by Megatron, who cajoled and taunted him into placing the module and an AllSpark fragment into Megatron's corpse, resurrecting him.Revolution Part Three
Cyber Missions
When describing a clash betweenSideswipeandBarricadethat followed the defeat of the Fallen, Optimus Prime claimed that the Autobot warrior was acting "in defense of the AllSpark".Cyber Missions #6Megatron claimed he was searching for the AllSpark; and Optimus Prime described the Autobots as "defenders of the AllSpark".Decepticons Attack
Animatedcontinuity family
The AllSpark of this universe is a sphere of blueish crystal. It is not known with absolute certainty if it predates Cybertron in this reality; the earliest record of its existence is its appearance in many primitive etchings from Cybertronian pre-history, dating to around eight billion years ago. The AllSpark's volatility meant that it required a housing to safely harness its powers, and so legend says that seven billion years ago, a mysterious hammer of alien origin that would become the symbol of Autobot leadership known as theMagnus Hammerwas used to forge a container for the crystal sphere, which then held it through until the present day. Kept in the hands of the ruling body of Cybertron (originally theGuardians,later theProtectobotsand finally the Autobots) the AllSpark was used to generate new Transformer life by infusing theprotoformsformed from the protomatter mined from Cybertron'sSonic Canyonswith Sparks.
Around seventy million years ago, the Decepticon faction emerged, advocating the use of the AllSpark to bring Cybertron itself to life, that it might serve as a cosmic juggernaut that would allow the Transformers to return to the era of expansion and colonization of other worlds they had enjoyed nearly 700 million years beforehand. When the Decepticon leaderMegazarakwas ousted by a charismatic rhetorician namedMegatron,tensions finally exploded, and the Autobots and Decepticons went towarfor possession of the AllSpark.
After something in the vicinity of six million years of civil war, things reached a crisis point when the Decepticons began a strategic bombing campaign on Cybertron, demanding the AllSpark be turned over in exchange for a cessation of hostilities.The AllSpark Almanac IIRather than give in to Megatron's demands, the Autobots instead sought to put the AllSpark beyond any Cybertronian's reach, launching it randomly through aspace bridgeto some distant corner of the galaxy, where it was hoped it would never be found.Transform and Roll Out
Following this, Autobot intelligence agentHighbrowcracked an encrypted Decepticon frequency between Megatron andScrash.Using the channel, Highbrow leaked false information that the AllSpark had wound up onFloron III.When theDecepticon fleetarrived to collect it, they were ambushed by the waitingAutobot fleetin what became known as theAmbush of Floron III.The AllSpark Almanac II
Four million years later, an Autobot maintenance crew led byOptimus Primewere repairing a space bridge in theAzazel asteroid beltwhen they stumbled across the AllSpark, hidden away inside a rock. Of their number, onlyRatchetrecognized the relic, telling them of its history and significance in the Great War, and believing that the AllSpark had now found them, rather than the other way around. Almost immediately, a small band of Decepticons led by Megatron—long since exiled after the war's end—showed up intheir warship,having detected the AllSpark's energy readings. Megatron attacked the Autobots' fleeingshipto claim the AllSpark himself, but his attempt was sabotaged by a bomb placed on him by his lieutenant,Starscream.The explosion sent the Autobots' ship careening out of control, at which point the AllSpark activated the space bridge, opening a portal through which the ship disappeared. It rematerialized overEarth,and the Autobots entered emergency stasis just before crash-landing inLake Erie.
Fifty years later, the Autobots awoke and ventured into the nearby city ofDetroitto save people from a rampaging monster.Bumblebeequickly befriended a young girl namedSari Sumdac,who convinced him to take her aboard the Autobots' ship when his teammateProwlwas badly injured. While aboard, Sari came in contact with the AllSpark, which decided for some reason to open up to her—in more ways than one. Under its own power, the container opened to reveal the crystal within, which fired a beam of light at Sari's security keycard, reconfiguring it into theAllSpark Key,a powerful tool with which Sari could upgrade, modify, heal and reconfigure just about any electrical device or appliance, including the bodies of the Transformers themselves.
For a time, the Autobots were celebrated as Detroit's newest superheroes, but then Starscream tracked them down. He took hostages and demanded the AllSpark in exchange for their return. With Sari's help, the hostages were freed, but Starscream still managed to get hold of the AllSpark, and he quickly started obliterating sections of Detroit with it. Prime attempted to wrestle the AllSpark away from him in mid-air but again it opened, this time unleashing a powerful surge of energy that blasted away Starscream to parts unknown. Primedid not survivehis subsequent fall, but in desperation, Sari used the reconfigured AllSpark Key on him. The AllSpark intervened directly this time, and Prime'ssparkwas restored online.Transform and Roll Out
The energy surge however served as a beacon for both the Autobots and Decepticons, both factions scrambling to come to Earth and claim the AllSpark.Dispatches
Following this, the AllSpark was returned to the Autobots' ship at the bottom of Lake Erie, and kept there for safety, rather than in their new Detroit headquarters. When more and more Decepticons began appearing on Earth, the Autobots believed it would be necessary to reactivate their ship and take the AllSpark away from Earth, but Sari refused to let her new friends go, and tried to sabotage their ship. The AllSpark, however, refused to let her, automatically repairing any damaged she inflicted before opening once more to project a terrifying hologram of Megatron, warning Sari of the danger that secretly lay in hiding on Earth.Lost and Found
The day of reckoning the Autobots had long feared came to pass when Megatron—whose decapitated head had been recovered by Sari's father in his youth and had since been kept in his laboratory—was restored through the power of Sari's stolen key. Invading the Autobots' now-airborne ship, Megatron tore the crystal sphere of the AllSpark from its container and inserted it into his chest, planning to use it as a weapon to destroy Earth and conquer Cybertron. However, Optimus Prime was able to reclaim Sari's AllSpark Key, and used it to crack the crystal, causing an energy surge that led the AllSpark to shatter explosively.Megatron Rising - Part 2
The AllSpark's physical form may have been destroyed but its power was as potent as ever, merely dispersed. Portions of its substance also remained in the form of crystalline shards, which rained down across the greater Detroit area, yielding a variety of different effects. The earliest shards discovered had embedded themselves intoSumdac Systems'sautomatons,machinery and vehicles causing them to go berserk,The Elite Guardwhile other vehicles actually wound up being brought to life by the shards' power, creatingWreck-Gar,Garbage In, Garbage OutScrapper,andMixmaster.Rise of the ConstructiconsThe human supervillains of Detroit were even able to get their hands on a few shards and put them to nefarious uses:Master Disasterused one to build a remote that allowed him to control other machines and fix the results of his underground street races,VelocityandSlo-Mofound a shard that allowed her to slow down time.SUV: Society of Ultimate VillainyStarscream also felt the life-giving power of a shard: having been killed by Megatron shortly after his restoration, the treacherous Decepticon was brought back to life by a fragment and rendered essentially immortal for as long as it remained lodged in his head.Mission AccomplishedBy breaking off small chips of the fragment, Starscream was able to create an army of clones of himself that he intended to use to usurp Megatron as Decepticon leader.A Bridge Too Close, Part IDuring the subsequent attack, however, Starscream was decapitated by aHeadmaster unit,and Megatron used his head and the AllSpark fragment within it to power his newly-constructed space bridge. To stop Megatron's plan to invade Cybertron, the Autobots used all the shards they had collected to bring their ship—in actuality the giant Autobot warriorOmega Supreme—back online. Omega shut the bridge down by absorbing itstranswarpenergies, but was sucked through the vortex just before it closed, taking all the fragments the Autobots had gathered with him.A Bridge Too Close, Part IINevertheless, the Autobots were seen with another shard in their possession soon after, which inadvertently merged with aHeadmaster unitand a fork lift to createDirt Boss.Three's a Crowd
Some time later, working withJazzto complete his training in the use ofprocessor-over-matter,Prowlsuccessfully communed with the AllSpark, summoning together tiny slivers of its substance and energy to re-form a shard. This revelation came at the best possible time: soon after, Megatron attacked Detroit with threeclones of Omega Supreme,powered by AllSpark shards he had salvaged from the giant Autobot's body.Endgame, Part ITo save the city, Jazz and Prowl combined their abilities to reconstitute as much of the AllSpark as they could, intending to use its power to project a shield over the metropolis. Although the pair were able to summon and re-combine many crystals, including Starscream's, they were unable to gather enough to accomplish the task, and so Prowl sacrificed himself, adding his own spark to the crystal mass, providing the necessary power. The AllSpark generated a shield that protected Detroit from the explosion caused by bombs Starscream had planted in the Omega Supreme clones, and the Autobots emerged triumphant.Endgame, Part IIDiscovering that the reconstituted AllSpark was as volatile as legend claimed, Optimus Prime used the Magnus Hammer (previously stolen fromUltra MagnusbyShockwavebut later reclaimed by the Earthbound Autobots) to forge a new, smaller container for the crystal that he called an "AllSpark Matrix".The AllSpark Almanac IIWearing this Matrix around his neck on a chain, Prime led the victorious Autobots back to Cybertron.Endgame, Part II
Shattered Glass Animated
In atwisted mirrorof this universe, the AllSpark crystal was red, rather than blue. DisgracedElite GuarddropoutOptimus Primeled a group of renegades to locate the AllSpark. The found it inMegatron's possession, and the resulting skirmish caused the two teams to crash on Earth.
DrIsaac Sumdaccame into possession of shards from the AllSpark, which he experimented with by implanting them intohis Sari,who in this reality was a feral protoform he had imprisoned and raised in his lab. The AllSpark energies unleashed Sari's true power, giving her a battle mode, and the crystal fragments permanently jutted out from various spots on her body.The 'ConsThe full AllSpark remained with Megatron, and Sumdac used control collars to force the Autobots to try and capture it.The AllSpark Almanac Addendum
Aligned continuity family
Aligned novels
The AllSpark resided in theWell of All Sparkson Cybertron, where it carried out the will ofPrimusby creating every Cybertronian life. When the Autobot/Decepticon war erupted, however, the AllSpark briefly ceased to produce life in a seeming act of divine rebellion, only to apparently change its mind and create one final generation — includingBumblebee—who entirely joined the Autobots. As the Decepticons besiegedIacon,Optimus Primemade the decision to eject the AllSpark into space.
Many cycles later, after the war had drained Cybertron of energon, forcing the Autobots and Decepticons to depart the planet, the AutobotArkemerged from the space bridge to an unknownspiral galaxy,and detected the energy of the AllSpark nearby...Exodus
When the Autobots and Decepticons arrived on the planetAquatron,the Curator,as part of aQuintessonplot to reclaim Cybertron, claimed to know the AllSpark's location, offering to reveal it to Optimus Prime should the Prime cooperate with the "peace talks" that would occur the next morning.Retribution
Ask Vector Prime
As the Great War tipped in the Decepticons' favour, Optimus Prime and Alpha Trion made the decision to launch the AllSpark into space. The Autobots made their way to theWell of All Sparks,where there existed controls for such an eventuality, withArceeinputting the command sequence that sent the artifact off Cybertron.Bumblebee at Tyger Pax
The AllSpark was composed of pure energy. In order to protect it fromMegatron,Alpha Trionforged a vessel to hold it andOptimus Primeoversaw its ejection into space. It eventually ended up in the extremely hazardousTheta Scorpiisystem, where it remained untilCybertronwas restored. Using theMatrix of Leadership,Optimus guidedWheeljackaboardUltra Magnus's ship,personally retrieving the artifact from aplasma storm.When the two returned to Cybertron, the AllSpark's energy signature, near identical toPrimus's own, drew the attention ofUnicron,having been roused from slumber by Primus's own awakening. Seeking to devour and destroy the AllSpark, Unicron shot down Magnus's ship, but was detained before he could. Seizing the opportunity, Optimus Prime merged the AllSpark with the Matrix of Leadership, using its emptied vessel to trap Unicron's Anti-Spark. As a consequence, this meant his own spark, merged with the Matrix, could not be separated from those within the AllSpark, forcing Optimus to sacrifice his life to reignite theCore.Predacons Rising
It was common for Cybertronians to swear by the AllSpark.Darkness Rising, Part 3Darkest Hour
2015Robots in Disguisecartoon
Upon his return toEarth,the evilMegatronustried to execute his doomsday plot of using hisspark fuserto combine the Anti-Spark ofUnicronfrom Earth's core with the AllSpark from Cybertron in order to destroy both planets. He activated his staff, causing a portal to open in the sky and the AllSpark to come through, but Optimus managed to shatter the fuser, sending both AllSpark and Anti-Spark back to their resting places and ruining Megatronus's plan.Battlegrounds, Part 2
Rescue Bots Academycartoon
Along with many other items in hisBumblebeememorabilia collection,Wedgeowned a model replica of the AllSpark.Bee Prepared
Angry Birds Transformerscomic
The AllSpark was a cube-shaped artifact entrusted toOptimus Primefor safe-keeping. When it was lost within aquantum tunnelfollowing a fight with the Decepticons, it landed inanother dimensionand became theEggSpark.Everything and everyone who came in contact with the artifact were transformed by its energies. Members of theFlockbecameAutobirds,andBad PiggiesbecameDeceptihogs.Angry Birds Transformers #1Even eggs were affected by its power, becoming aggressive and dangerousEggbots.Eventually, the land itself came to be affected, andPiggy Islandbegan to sproutTerror Towersand other metallic structures.Age of Eggstinction!But the EggSpark needed energy, which it began to drain from Piggy Island. If left unchecked, this would have meant the death of the land itself. The Eggspark's influence soon spiraled out of control, and the terrain began to metamorphose into techno-matter.Revenge of the Fowlin'!Thanks to the combined efforts of the Autobirds and Deceptihogs, the EggSpark was launched off-planet. Its effects on Piggy Island were reversed, and the artifact found its way back to its point of origin. When the EggSpark returned to its native universe, it also assumed its original, cube-shaped configuration.Hard Boiled
Cyberverse continuity family
- Voice actor:Additional voices (Ashleigh Chrisena Ricci,Haley Carter Chapel,and/orTodd Perlmutter,English),Ênio Vivonaand others (Brazilian Portuguese)
Its origins unknown, the AllSpark was the source of Cybertronian life.AllsparkTo traverse the metallic planet, the AllSpark spawned a series ofGroundBridgeportals.Trials
During theGreat War,Megatronsought to useVector Sigmato reprogram the AllSpark and birth an army of loyalDecepticons.Megatron Is My HeroLearning of this plan, theAutobotstook measures to protect the AllSpark, intending to place it in secure storage;Bumblebeewas entrusted with delivering the sacred object to its safe haven. His journey there was interrupted when the AllSpark began speaking to him; stopping to investigate this, he (and part of the surrounding landscape) was briefly covered in energy emanating from the AllSpark before a message fromGrimlockbroke his entrancement and the AllSpark returned to its normal quiescent state. Arriving at the storage facility his delay proved fortuitous as the Decepticons destroyed it just before he could enter; Bumblebee was able to flee fromStarscreamand hisSeekerswith his precious cargo. Later, it was decided to take the AllSpark away from Cybertron viaspace bridge;the Decepticons' attempt to prevent this nearly succeeded, withOptimus Primeforced to throw the AllSpark through a damaged and failing space bridge portal, transporting it to a random location somewhere in the universe.Allspark
Without the AllSpark however,Cybertron's condition began to decline. Realizing the mistake he'd made, Optimus made plans to leave Cybertron and bring the AllSpark back home.Matrix of Leadership
The AllSpark crashed onEarthduring the era ofPangaea.Its original landing site was unknown as it again spawned a network of GroundBridge portals, using them to traverse the organic planet, eventually coming to rest in the heart ofAfrica,at the nexus of all the portals.TrialsThe AllSpark called upon the spark ofCheetor,resurrecting him and giving him a new body so he could protect it.Dark Birth
TheArkstarship was eventually launched to find the AllSpark. The journey however took much longer than the crew expected and they all sequestered themselves intostasis pods... a second beforeTeletraan-1detected the AllSpark and set course for Earth to collect it.The Journey
Some 66 million years later, the Decepticons were able to deduce that the AllSpark had ended up on Earth, leadingWindbladeto journey there to attempt to find it before the Decepticons could.FracturedWhenSlipstreamand her squad had failed in their job,Shockwavecame to Earth withmagnetic disruptors,intending to use them to scour Earth of organic life so the Decepticons could quickly locate the AllSpark.The Extinction Event
When the rest ofDecepticon High Commandarrived on Earth, they enacted a plan to destroy Earth so they could find the AllSpark in the debris field, first trying this via aPlanet Smasherand then via usingplanetary enginesto ram themooninto the Earth.Sea of TranquilityBad Moon Rising
The frequent clashes had drawn the attention of Cheetor, resulting in both Autobots and Decepticons learning of the GroundBridges.Bring Me The Spark Of Optimus PrimeUsing the portals as a map, both factions located the AllSpark but only Optimus Prime and Megatron were permitted into its chamber. As Cheetor oversaw the two duelling for the AllSpark, it was stolen by the exiledStarscreamwho sought to use it and Vector Sigma to create his own army.Trials
Beyond certifiable at this point, Starscream believed he'd been to the AllSpark and back, convinced he was acting out a higher purpose by killing off all Cybertronians and reuniting their sparks in the AllSpark.Acid Stormmanaged to reprogram Vector Sigma to create an army for Starscream but it was an army ofScraplets,Dark Birthwhom Starscream believed were rebornAncients.ParleyWhen leading his Scraplets to attack theNemesis,Starscream embedded the AllSpark on his shoulder. When Cheetor touched the AllSpark, it destroyed Starscream'sspark armoras well healing all the Scraplet inflicted wounds.Starscream's Children
When the perpetually duellingJetfireandSky-Bytearrived on Earth, Starscream smoothed talked both of them into letting him use the AllSpark on them and grant them spark armor. As a result, both now knew the AllSpark's location and informed their leaders.Infinite Vendetta
Acid Storm eventually cracked Vector Sigma's security, ordering the AllSpark to shed its physical form and merge with Starscream. Empowered by the artifact, Starscream absorbed the sparks of his Seekers before he set out to the GroundBridge nexus so he could do the same to all Autobots and Decepticons, using the AllSpark to first arrest their motor functions. Optimus Prime, however, managed to call on the energies of the Matrix of Leadership, the talisman blasting the AllSpark out of Starscream and reconstituting its physical form. After a short battle, the Autobots escaped back to theArkwith the AllSpark and Starscream.I Am The Allspark
Wasting no time, the Autobots launched theArkand made for the orbiting space bridge so that the AllSpark could heal Cybertron. As they neared the wormhole, they were intercepted by theNemesis,the Decepticon ship's artillery nearly crashing the Autobot ship before Cheetor used the AllSpark to repair it. Even with such a miracle, they failed to make it to the space bridge beforeShockwavedestroyed it, forcing them to take the long way home.Escape From Earth
Wheeljack hooked up a system to fuel theArkvia the AllSpark's power, even creating remote energy chips for his comrades so they could taste its endless reserves of energon. Having gotten his servos on one of the chips, Starscream hacked into the system and exposed the Autobots to too much of the AllSpark's power, sending them out of control until Optimus shut down the system.Party DownWhen the Autobots crossed paths with theSharkticons,Cheetor used the AllSpark to, largely, reconstitute the aliens'homeworld.Wiped Out
As they continued onwards, theArksailed by aCybertronian colonythat had been founded by the ailingTitanCroaton.Heavily damaged byalieninvaders, Croaton telepathically reached out to thecityspeakerWindbladeand had her bring the AllSpark to hissparkchamber. Once its power had healed him, he returned the artifact to Cheetor.Ghost Town
After receiving a distress signal fromChromia,the Autobots tried to use an old space bridge to get home but found themselves trapped inunspacealong with alternate versions of themselves. Using the power of all the AllSparks, the Autobots were able to open a portal back to reality.The Crossroads
When the Autobots entered Cybertronian airspace, they anticipated a Decepticon attack, abandoning theArkto be destroyed by alaser snare,Cheetor carrying the AllSpark to safety.Battle For Cybertron IBattle For Cybertron II
Guarded byHot Rodand Bumblebee, Cheetor tried to reach theWell of All Sparksvia the underground tunnels only for the trio to be attacked byDrift,revealed as a deep cover Decepticon, who tried to claim the AllSpark only for Hot Rod to bar his path.Battle For Cybertron III
Arriving at the Well, Bumblebee and Cheetor briefly faced off against Shockwave before they returned the AllSpark to its resting place, revitalizing Cybertron. With Vector Sigma destroyed, Megatron ordered Shockwave to destroy the AllSpark, the scientist extracting his own spark and having it corrupt the AllSpark forcing Cheetor to sacrifice his own life to preserve the artifact.Battle For Cybertron IV
Off in deep space, Starscream had been found by theQuintessons,selling out his species and the AllSpark to the aliens. In gratitude, the Quintessons incorporated Starscream into their newJudge,The End Of The Universe Ileeching away the AllSpark's energy to fuel his transformation.The ScientistThe Alliance
Alternate universe
In another reality,Megatronexecuted Optimus outright when the Prime refused to stand with the Decepticons before destroying the Autobots. Free of any resistance, Megatron used the AllSpark to create hisDecepticon supersoldiers.The Other One
Transformers Stop Motion Series
At some point, AllSpark was somehow placed inside a rock with ancient looking carvings. Starscream andSoundwave,chancing upon the rock, obtained the AllSpark by touching some carved symbols on the rock's surface. Bumblebee andArceesubsequently wrestled the Cybertronian artifact out of the Decepticon duo.Soundwave Vs Arcee
Generation 1 continuity family
Regeneration One
In the aftermath of a Decepticon attack onCresta Superior,a member of thePrimum FugaenamedRooktouched down on the planet to survey the damage. In contact with his leader,Jhiaxus,Rook reported a detection of "trace elements of AllSpark source matter" left behind by those responsible for the attack.Destiny, Part One
Metal Earth online bios
Megatron was almost totally destroyed by the AllSpark.Metal EarthMegatron[2]
The source of Cybertronian life, when the AllSpark became known toKremzeekthe Scavenger, he sought out the metallic planet to absorb its power. Unfortunately for the Scavenger, not only had the Autobots fled Cybertron with the artifact in their possession, but his arrival coincided with that ofGozer.Sensing an opportunity, Kremzeek approached the stranded members ofDecepticon High Commandand turned them intoghostsso they could live through the Traveler's terrible wrath. Despite this,Megatron,Shockwave,andSoundwaverefused to aid their saviour in seeking the AllSpark, resulting in him absorbing them into his being. Cowed by such an act,Starscreampledged his loyalty to the Scavenger and was sent into the galaxy to find the AllSpark. When the Seeker made his way toEarth,he sent out a Cybertronian beacon to draw the attention of the Autobots, as part of a trap to get to the AllSpark.Ghosts of Cybertron Part 1Ghosts of Cybertron Part 2Ghosts of Cybertron Part 4
When the AutobotsEctronymous DiamatronandOptimus Primetouched down on Earth, Starscream noted to the displeased Scavenger that Optimus could be used as leverage for the AllSpark. After punishing Starscream, Kremzeek opted to simply beat Optimus to death and absorb the Prime's essence so that he could learn the AllSpark's location before he was dispersed by theGhostbusters.Defeating Kremzeek however, set free the Decepticon ghosts that he'd imprisoned.Ghosts of Cybertron Part 4Once Megatron, Shockwave, and Soundwave had been detained inghost traps,Starscream having opted for the better part of valour, Optimus Prime took them with him, hoping to use the AllSpark to restore their bodies.Ghosts of Cybertron Part 5
War for Cybertron Trilogymarketing material
After departing Cybertron, the Autobots and Decepticons pursued the Allspark through space.War for Cybertron: Earthrise product descriptions
War for Cybertron Trilogycartoon
- Voice actor:Linsay Rousseau(Elita-1projection, English),Edward Bosco(Ultra Magnusprojection, English)
The Allspark was the source of all Cybertronian life, existing in a symbiotic relationship with Cybertron.Kingdom episode 4It had been absent from Cybertronian society for ten thousand stellar cycles before the Great War, was thought to be a myth beforeAlpha Trion's work led Shockwave to conclude of its existence. When he brought his findings to Megatron, the scientist proposed using the Allspark to create a "reformatting wave" to turn the Autobot resistance into Decepticons. Held prisoner,Ultra Magnusoverheard this and transmitted the Decepticons' plan to the Autobots, the Decepticons picking up on the transmission and using it to bait their foes into a trap.Siege episode 2Upon being informed of the existence of aspace bridge,Optimus Prime decided to launch the Allspark off Cybertron so that the Decepticons could not pervert its power.Siege episode 3
AfterBumblebeehad received theAlpha Trion Protocols,he used them to locate the Allspark in theSea of Rust.Siege episode 5Leading a team, Optimus claimed the Allspark, reconstituting its physical form and made for the space bridge, only for Megatron to deduce his scheme and intercept him. Though Megatron won their fight and claimed the artifact, he was blindsided by Bumblebee allowing Optimus to seize the Allspark and hurl it through the space bridge.Siege episode 6The Allspark passed through theDead Universe,Kingdom episode 4before it wound up on the planetEarth.Earthrise episode 6Landing in a forest, the Allspark cyberformed a copy of its temple on Cybertron.Kingdom episode 4
Without the Allspark, Cybertron's condition worsened, prompting the Decepticons to begin construction of a vessel to evacuate the planet and find a new world to conquer.Earthrise episode 1
In space, theArkmanaged to locate the Allspark but lacked the energon reserves to fly to its location. Its crew instead sought to make use of another space bridge to reach it.Earthrise episode 3After a trip to theDead Universe,Earthrise episode 5theArk,now followed by the Decepticon ship, theNemesis,made it to Earth but a space battle prevented either faction from retrieving the Allspark.Earthrise episode 6
When the Autobots and Decepticons, aided by theMaximalsandPredaconsrespectively, converged on the forest, the Allspark began creating illusions to defend itself.Kingdom episode 3When Optimus Prime and Megatron breached the temple, the Allspark, using Elita-1's form as an avatar, challenged Optimus to give theMatrix of Leadershipto Megatron. When theDecepticon leadergreedily took it, he failed the Allspark's test. Finding Optimus Prime worthy, the Allspark reformed itself.Kingdom episode 4
Finding the Allspark to be dying without Cybertron, Optimus Prime insisted that they return to Cybertron. AfterTeletraan Itransformed theArkinto arobot modeto down theNemesis,the ship launched for Cybertron.Kingdom episode 5
Returning to see that Cybertron was a frozen wasteland, Optimus Prime made for theTemple of the Allsparkonly forGalvatronandNemesis Primeto confront the four factions, seeking to use the Allspark to killUnicron.As Optimus fought his future self, he entrusted the Allspark to Bumblebee who managed to return it to its rightful place. Returned to its full strength, the Allspark banished Nemesis Prime and Galvatron but failed to kill them, the two being saved by Unicron.Kingdom episode 6
Alternate timeline
In the future that Nemesis Prime and Galvatron hailed from, the Allspark was forever lost. Despite this, life managed to persist on Cybertron, the Maximals and Predacons emerging as new generations to succeed the Autobots and Decepticons, respectively.Kingdom episode 1
2019 IDW continuity
Existing at the very core of Cybertron, the AllSpark was a massive spark from which all other sparks were spawned from.War's End Part TwoThe AllSpark sent these new sparks to the surface via theWell of All Sparks.The World In Your Eyes Part Three
During theWar of the Threefold Spark,Exarchon's ultimate ambition was to use his abilities to usurp the AllSpark only to be defeated before he could do so. Upon his return, he resumed his campgain, showing toSoundblasterthe drill tank he planned to use to burrow down to the AllSpark.War's End Part TwoThough the Threefold Spark managed to begin drilling down to the planet's core, he was ultimately destroyed byZetarbefore he could come anywhere near the AllSpark.War's End Part Four
Calm Sleep Stories
According to Cybertronian mythology, Primus used the AllSpark to create Cybertron.History of the Transformers
The AllSpark, which came toEarthfrom another world, reformattedOptimus PrimeandRefraktor-1intoEOS R5cameras. An EOS R5 known asFocus Onewas imbued with the supernatural power of the AllSpark, and was sought after by intelligence agencies around the world.
The AllSpark was the source of all life on Cybertron, and was at the center of theCybertronians' war.The Decepticons wanted to use the AllSpark to create a legion of warriors, while the Autobots sought to protect the universe from its misuse. When the war found its way to Earth in1984,the AllSpark came to Earth with them, and its removal from Cybertron theartned the survival of the mechanical world. In the final days of the war, the Autobots (and a repentantMegatron) managed to retrieve the AllSpark from Decepticon possession in the hopes of sending it back to Cybertron. During theBattle of the Spacebridge,Megatron threw the AllSpark into thespacebridge,but to protect it from the Decepticons, the spacebridge was destroyed just as the artifact entered the portal. With their only link to Cybertron cut off, the fate of the AllSpark remained unknown, and the uncertainty of whether it had returned to revive Cybertron or been destroyed in the explosion would haunt Megatron in the following years.
Years later, an image of the AllSpark, covered inflowersin honor of the lives lost during the battle, was part of the display at theSpacebridge Memorial Park,along with a statue of Megatron hurling it into the portal. With the AllSpark lost, the only known source of life for new Transformers wasQuintus Prime'sEmberstone,which had created theTerrans.Warzone
Transformers The Game(console)
Autobot campaign
The AllSpark was held in Hoover Dam behind a laser security grid. Once liberated by Bumblebee, it began to shrink to a more manageable size, but gave off jolts of energy as it did so, bringing the surrounding machinery to life asEnergon drones.After fending the critters off, Bumblebee took the AllSpark to Mission City, but it continued radiating Energon all the way, producing more and more Energon drones from the city's machines to bedevil the Autobots.
Following a huge subsequent battle with the Decepticons, Sam Witwicky was in the middle of handing the AllSpark to Optimus Prime when the apparently-defeated Megatron sprang to life and lunged at them. Prime seized the Decepticon leader's flail weapon and pulled him in, ramming the All Spark into Megatron's chest and destroying him.Transformers The Game
Decepticon campaign
After the Autobots recovered the All Spark from Hoover Dam and brought it to Mission City, Sam Witwicky handed it off to Optimus Prime, who proceeded to play cat-and-mouse around the city with Megatron, trying to keep the cube out of his clutches. Unfortunately, Optimus tired before Megatron did, and the villain succeeded in killing him and obtaining the AllSpark. Megatron proceeded to safely absorb the cube into his body, boosting his power to obscene levels, and prepared to conquer the rest of Earth.Transformers The Game
Transformers The Game(PSP)
Mysterious military organization "The Corporation" had a large stone sculpture of the AllSpark decorating their front lawn, so presumably they were a division of, a cover or front for, or an alternate version of Sector Seven.
During the battle in Mission City, Megatron himself targeted Bumblebee for attack, swooping down on the little Autobot from above and seizing the AllSpark. Channelling its energies, Megatron then faced off against Optimus Prime in a protracted city-wide battle, using the cube's power to bring surrounding vehicles to life to make things even tougher for the Autobot leader. Eventually, Prime was able to knock the AllSpark from Megatron's grasp, at which point Sam Witwicky stepped in, grabbing the cube and plunging it into Megatron's chest, destroying him.Transformers The Game
Transformers: Autobots
When Bumblebee located the AllSpark inside Hoover Dam, he didn't just have to get through a forcefield to recover it—he also had to deal with the Energon drones the cube began to create in some panicked act of self-defense, apparently believing itself to be under attack. Bumblebee persisted, fighting his way through the beasties and shutting the forcefield down, recovering the now-shrunken AllSpark.
Soon after, during the Battle ofMission CityTranquility,Megatron claimed the AllSpark from Bumblebee, but this did not stop theAutobot Create-A-Botfrom attacking him. The brave Autobot succeeded in knocking the cube from Megatron's hand, and sacrificed his own life grabbing it and slamming it into Megatron's chest. The Decepticon leader was greatly weakened by the blast, allowing Optimus Prime to finish him off once and for all.Transformers: Autobots
Transformers: Decepticons
At the height of the battle in Mission City, Starscream tracked Bumblebee down and exterminated him, obtaining the power of the AllSpark for himself. Killing bothBlackoutandBarricadewith his new powers,Lord Starscreamwas then faced with his own protégé, theDecepticon Create-A-Bot,and used his AllSpark abilities to create Energon drones to keep him occupied rather than kill him. This momentary generosity proved Starscream's undoing, however, as the Create-A-Bot defeated the drones, and managed to knock the AllSpark from Starscream, slamming it into him in hopes of destroying him. While the heroic act left the Create-A-Bot on the verge of death, Starscream was not hurt at all... until Megatron entered the scene, scooped up the AllSpark, and used its powers to destroy him.Transformers: Decepticons
Allspark Highway
The Autobots recovered the AllSpark, but had to carry it down treacherous dirt roads in a sort of relay race to get it to safety. The Decepticons repeatedly tried to snatch it from them, but eventually they just sorta gave up afterOptimus Primegot hold of it, and the Autobots were victorious!Allspark Highway
Transformers: The Ride – 3D
The AllSpark shard was stationed inside a NEST base. ThoughRavageandSidewaystried stealing it,Bumblebee,Evacandyoukept it safe from them. Evac and you got into a chase with Megatron and his Decepticons as they tried to take the the AllSpark shard from you both. The shard was eventually destroyed when Evac plunged it into Megatron's spark to kill him.Transformers: The Ride – 3D
Transformers Animated: The Game
Megatron hiredLockdownto gather up scattered AllSpark fragments that he would use to power the space bridge he had secretly constructed. As coincidence would have it, the Autobots got wise to Megatron's plan just as they were dealing with some Sumdac drones that had gone berserk as a result of an AllSpark fragment becoming lodged in the machinery that was constructing them. They proved unable to stop Lockdown from obtaining the fragments, and Megatron departed through the space bridge to Cybertron. Optimus Prime andBulkheadfollowed, but the bridge shut down beforeBumblebeecould follow, requiring the little Autobot to find some more fragments to power it back up. He located a few with Sari's help, but they were promptly stolen by Lockdown, who intended to sell them on to the highest bidder. With a timely assist from Prowl, Bumblebee reclaimed the shards from Lockdown and was able to rejoin his teammates on Cybertron.Transformers Animated: The Game
- Arcee Black Version(Deluxe Class, 2008)
- Incinerator(Voyager Class, 2008)
- Landmine(Deluxe Class, 2008)
- Stockade(Deluxe Class, 2008)
- While the "AllSpark Power"subline imprintwas quite expansive inHasbromarkets, featuring numerous new figures andredecoesin various size classes, in Japan,TakaraTomyelected to release onlyIncinerator,Landmine,Stockade,and an exclusive black redeco ofArcee.Each of these four figures came packaged with a small plastic AllSpark accessory that was not available with any Hasbro's releases of the figures.
Asia Premium Series
- Optimus Prime Ultimate Edition(Supreme Class, 2015)
- This highly detailed, overly painted, and accessory-laden version ofAsia Premium SeriesOptimus PrimeUltimate Edition comes with a bonus die-cast 'mini Allspark cube' with a Metal Card! It is a different mold from the plastic AllSpark Power one listed above.
Masterpiece Movie Series
- This titanic version of Megatron comes with a tiny allspark cube to replicate his death scene.
- Autobot Jazz(2019)
- ID number:MPM-9
- TakaraTomy release date:November 2,2019
- Known designers:Hisao Nishimoto(TakaraTomy)
- Masterpiece Movie SeriesJazzcomes with a static figurine ofSam Witwickyrunning and holding the AllSpark cube.
Transformers: The Last Knight
- Optimus Prime(Starter Set, 2017)
- Sqweeks(Starter Set, 2017)
- This Allspark cube came in any Starter set from the Allspark Tech line. It makes sound effects when placed in a figure and uses a USB for recharging. It also sports a different design, just to accommodate the lighting gimmick as well.
War for Cybertron Trilogy
- Spoiler Pack(Leader Unboxing,2021)
Buzzworthy Bumblebee
- Worlds Collide(4-pack, 2021)
- Series:War for Cybertron Trilogy
- Nemesis Prime R5(2023)
- Known designers:Kōjin Ōno(TakaraTomy) andHirofumi Ichikawa(Robot parts and accessory)
- All Spark Cube(2007)
- Released byPopBox Collectibles,this 1:4 scaled, 7cm paperweight replica of the AllSpark is made from die-cast metal. It also comes with a small 3x3x2cm square perspex base.
- AllSpark 4-socket USB hub(2007)
- Sculpted in the likeness of the AllSpark, this 4-port USB hub features an Optimus Prime sound clip— "We must protect the AllSpark Cube!" —that plays when new hardware is connected, and can also be triggered at will via a secret button.
- AllSpark Cube with candy(2007)
- Produced byFrankford Candy & Chocolate Companyfor Hasbro'sCap Candybrand, this AllSpark is made up of a set of eight interconnected cubes that can be opened and folded into various different configurations to reveal pictures of the Transformers. The hollow cubes have delicious life-giving candy pieces inside!
- Allsparks cubes(2007)
- Like the candy cubes above, these sticker-labeled plastic folding party favor Allsparks[sic]cubes can be opened and stacked in different configurations to complete images of the movie Transformers, but they're much smaller and there's no candy involved. Created by DesignWare, a subsidiary of theAmerican Greetingsgreeting card company. (Says it all, doesn't it?)
Revenge of the Fallen
- AllSpark Cube(Surprise Cup, 2009)
- A small and oddly semi-transparent AllSpark cube, with an attached cord to be used as either a keychain or a cellphone dangler, was one of eight possible miniatures that could be found as a freebie in the bottom of eachNestléSurprise Cup.Interestingly, these first started popping up in European ice cream booths around March 2009, a good couple of months before the usual assortment of toys and merchandise for Revenge of the Fallen hit retail shelves.
- Rubik's Cube Allspark Edition(2009)
- Originally slated to be released in 2008, this item was held back and was instead released in new packaging as part of theMilton Bradley'sRevenge of the Fallenmerchandise line. While it comes in the standardRubik's Cubecolors, the cube itself is cast in light grey plastic and the patterns seen on the movie AllSpark are printed on the colored facets, as well as an Autobot and Decepticon sigil on the white and yellow faces, respectively. This actually makes this version harder than the original Rubik's Cube, as the center faces must be properly aligned so that the patterns match up correctly. It comes with a grey stand withvacuum metallizationon one of the three embossed Rubik's logos.
Prime 1 Studio
- Bumblebee(2015)
- Movie:Dark of the Moon
- ID number:MMTFM-04EX
- Limited to 500 pieces, the exclusive version of thePrime 1 StudioMuseum MasterlineBumblebeebased on hisDark of the Moondesign comes with a small replica of the AllSpark.
Magic: The Gathering
- The AllSpark(Doubling Cube)(2022)
- ID number:1080
- Set code:SLD
- Color identity:Colorless
- Casting cost:{2}
- "The AllSpark" is part of theMagic: The Gatheringcard packTransformers: Optimus Prime vs. Megatron,part of theSecret Lair Drop SeriesDecember Superdrop 2022set. It was available exclusively fromsecretlair.wizards.comfromDecember 5,2022throughJanuary 6,2023.
- The AllSpark is areskinof the existingMagiccardDoubling Cube,using the same rules and counting as it for all gameplay purposes. While the card has printing on both faces, both have the same printed abilities and count as a single card for rules purposes—just choose which side you want to display when it enters the battlefield. (Ironically, despite the name of the card it's a reskin of, the art shows the icosahedron-shaped version of the artifact fromCyberverseand theWar for Cybertron Trilogyrather than the more famous cube-shaped version.)
- TheOptimus Prime vs. Megatronset also includesOptimus Prime,Megatron,and the bonus cardCybertron.
- The concept of the AllSpark was introduced in the first live-action movie, derived from hybridizing the concepts of previous life-giving talismans of Transformer lore, the Matrix of Leadership andVector Sigma.The term "Matrix" was off limits because of themovie of the same name,so instead, the object was known as "the Energon Cube"for most of the film's production, even appearing under that name in the movie'snovelisation.ProducerDon Murphywas never entirely happy with the name, however, and so it was rechristened "the AllSpark" for the finished film. The finalized moniker came from theBeast Machinescartoon, wherein it was the secondary name of theTransformer afterlife.
- In one instance in the Cybertronian subtitles used in the first movie, the object is named "All Spark". This particular spelling was also used consistently inTitan'sUnited KingdomTransformerscomic.
- In July 2007, several items from the movie were auctioned off on e-bay including the 'Hero' AllSpark prop used for closeups, with the money benefiting theFisher House Foundation,a living facility attached to many US Military Hospitals. The auction collected 99 bids and the prop was sold for US $20,100.
- While theAnimatedcartoon drew upon the movie in developing its AllSpark, sharing its life-giving powers, enigmatic origins, and fated launch into space, theAnimatedAllSpark's outer container was designed in homage to the object that inspired them both, the Matrix of Leadership. As noted atBotCon 2008,theAnimatedcreative team had no intention of providing an in-story origin for their AllSpark, because to do so would run the risk of making the artifact less interesting, or being so bizarre that it shattered the audience's willing suspension of disbelief, or being so wildly convoluted that explaining it all would get in the way of telling the actual story, or all of the above.
- The launching of thePrimenovel-verse AllSpark was detailed in the apocryphal story, "Bumblebee at Tyger Pax".
- "AllSpark" with camel casing, distinct from theafterlife namewas the standard spelling for the life-giving object until 2018 when theCyberversefranchise officially used the normal capitalization "Allspark" as the standard. "AllSpark" was still utilized sparingly, namely in the subtitled trailers for theWar for Cybertron Trilogy.
Foreign names
- Japanese:AllSpark(オールスパークŌrusupāku)
- Dutch:Oervonk(roughly "Primordial Spark" )
- French:Matrice(Europe, "Matrix",Animatedcartoon only)
- Hungarian:Örök Szikra( "Ever Spark" )
- Indonesian:Sēpark( "Spark" )
- Mandarin:Huǒzhòng( hỏa chủng nguyên, "Source of Spark" )
- Polish:Wszechiskra( "Allspark" )
- Russian:Iskra(Искра, "The Spark" )
- Spanish:La Chispa Vital(Europe, "The Vital Spark" ),la Chispa Suprema(America, "The Supreme Spark" )
- Ukrainian:Vseiskra(Всеіскра, "Allspark" )
- Czech:Zážehnice(Transformersfilm, "Igniter" ),Prajiskra( "Primordial Spark" )