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Blame Game

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Transformers: Rescue Bots Academyep 14
BlameGame Hot Shot's rescue.jpg
" didn't end well."
"Blame Game"
Production code 114
Season 1
No. in season 14
Production company Allspark Animation
Airdate February 9,2019
Writer Peter A. Dowling
Director Pete Slattery
Animation studio Boulder Media Studio
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Blaming his teammates for a failed exercise that made him miss a cube game on Cybertron, Hot Shot tackles a rescue alone to show off his solo skills.



The recruits work on stabilizing a bridge so they can rescuethe occupantof a car trapped on top of it. AfterHoist's adhesive inadvertently weakens it,Hot Shotsteps in to hold it up—he's keen to succeed at the mission so the recruits can go toCybertronfor theCubeplayoffs. Unfortunately his argument withWedgeleads to a series of mishaps, causing them to fail the rescue exercise and gluing Chuck to the ceiling. WhenHeatwaveasks them what happened, the recruits start slinging blame around, and he assigns them to chores.

While the others clean theacademy,Heatwave puts Hot Shot to monitor duty, with instructions to informBoulderif an emergency crops up. Hot Shot rapidly grows bored with his task. Over inGriffin Rock,Jerryaccidentally runs his truck into a tree and calls in the emergency. Hot Shot's unable to contact Boulder, but spots the still-openGroundBridge.Whirland Hoist are busy dusting when they hear Hot Shot using the GroundBridge—Whirl volunteers to go get the team, but Hot Shot heads off to do the rescue on his own. With the tree threatening to topple on a house, Hot Shot grabs it to steady it, but quickly realizes he has no one to actually remove the tree.

Medix's repair of Chuck is interrupted by the rest of the recruits, who tell him about Hot Shot's disappearance, and after some discussion, realize they have to go give their teammate a hand. Hot Shot is just starting to lose his grip on the tree when the other recruits arrive and rescue him. At base, Heatwave discovers everyone is missing. The recruits finish stabilizing the tree and head back through the GroundBridge to find an annoyed Heatwave. Hot Shot owns up to going off on his own, and the others admit they should have reported that Hot Shot had left the base. Impressed that they've learned the right lesson, Heatwave says they can go to the Cube game after they finish cleaning the base.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"We'll have these cleaned up in no time!"
"Now we know dusting means taking the dust off instead of putting it on."
"Yeah, shouldn't this really be called undusting?"

WhirlandHoistdiscuss the finer points of cleaning.

"Heatwave didn't mention me? Ever? Wow, that hurts a little."

Hot Shot

"What's wrong, Hot Shoes? Should I call the Rescue Bots?"


"There's no I in team, but there's three of them in responsibility!"



Continuity notes

  • The never-before-seen Emergency Center in the Academy features a couple of posters with the uniqueRobots in Disguisealphabet.Two large monitors on one wall also show an aerial view of Griffin Rock along with Mount Botmore, from theepisode of the same name.

Transformers references

Animation and technical errors

  • TBA

Foreign localization


  • Title:"Chasse aux coupables"(" Hunt for culprits ")
  • Original airdate:?

Spanish (Latin America)

Home video releases

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