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Buzz Boar

From Transformers Wiki

The Buzz Boar is aCobravehicle from theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Hey, Griff? Chupa-thingy. How bout that?

Designed for quick and easy infiltration of enemy areas, theBuzz Boaris a wheel-shaped vehicle that employs a rapidly spinning toothed wheel to burrow through the ground.


G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

Cobra CommanderandZartanused a Buzz Boar to burrow intoArea 52and stealSerpent O.R.While they successfully got in,Bumblebeefollowed them and knocked the Buzz Boar over, almost crushing the Cobras.The Art of War #1When Serpent O.R. started attacking everybody in a bid for freedom, Cobra Commander and Zartan fled to the Buzz Boar, taking their inside agentZaranawith them.Hawkattempted to stop them with hisgiant mech suit,only for Cobra Commander to activate the Buzz Boar's "Full Bore" mode and drill straight through the mech's leg on its way out.The Art of War #2

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