From Transformers Wiki
- HAZMAT is anAutobot-alliedJunkionfrom thecartoon portionof theGeneration 1 continuity family.
HAZMATis aJunkion.
The Transformerscartoon
- Voice actor:Keiichi Nanba(Japanese)
HAZMAT was among the Junkions that attacked theAutobotsstranded ontheir planet,until the arrival ofHot Rod's party. The young Autobot's offering of theuniversal greetingand anenergon goodiewas well received by the Junkions, who enthusiastically repeated the greeting.The Transformers: The Movie
- HAZMAT was never named in any fiction; his name (and the names of many other Junkions) comes from character designer's notes, revealed inTransformers: The Complete Ark.
- Due to the rarity of theToeiJunkioncharacter models,which have only surfaced in theGenerationsguidebooks as tiny, blurry andveryrough line art, the model that was used forThe Arkwas traced/redrawn byBill Forsterto make it more presentable for the final publication. This resulted in a lot of the original details getting lost; namely his face which interpreted the "goggles" on his head as eyes, with the "cheekbone" and visor details being picked out as amouthplate.
- HAZMAT's character model is mostly recycled fromJunkyard,sharing the same torso, arms, and legs, with a new head. His arms are also shared byAshtrayandWasteoid Gamma;his legs byGreasestain,and Wasteoid Gamma; and his torso by Greasestain.
- TheLegacy: EvolutioncharacterCrashbarwas drafted as a toy of this character at one point in development, withDan Khannacontributing a concept drawing of HAZMAT.