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- Kudon is anAutobotfrom theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Kudonis a member of theCouncil of Ancients.
DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity
Kudon, with the rest of the Council of Ancients, created thegladiator gamesto distract the masses from noticing the limits placed on them, such as the creation of theForbidden Zones.WhenMegatroninquired why, the Council was tightlipped and refused to answer any further questions. Megatron defied their order and entered one of the Forbidden Zones, discovering that the Council was being manipulated by theQuintessons.Infuriated at this revelation and other injustices, Megatron began theDecepticonrebellion.The Route of All Evil
As part of the Council of Ancients, Kudon oversawGravitasawardOptronixtheMatrix of Leadershipand the archivist becoming Optimus Prime.The War Within #1He later saw Gravitas give Optimus adiskcontaining the wisdom of his predecessors.The War Within #6
Kudon,Vraz,and Gravitas were killed when Iacon was struck by sub-surface tremors caused byStarscream's re-activation of theplanet-moving enginesburied deep below the planet's surface.The Age of Wrath
Beast Wars: Uprising
On post-war Cybertron, Kudon was an immobileBuilderand a member of theBuilder Assembly.He andCross-Cuttried to advance the possibility of allowing aMicromasterinto the Assembly, promptingHalogenandSigilto look for another Decepticon member to counter progress.Identity PoliticsEjectthought unfavorably of Kudon and his fellow assemblymen.Broken Windshields
Kudon voted to rescind General Order 66 and allow theVehiconsto march on Iacon to save the Assembly from theResistance.Instead, the Vehicons turned on their masters and assimilated all but one Assemblybot, including Kudon.Derailment