Megatron (WFC)/toys
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- Cybertronian Megatron(Deluxe, 2010)
- Accessories:clear purple missile,Fusion Cannon
- Known designers:Joe Kyde(Hasbro)
- Part of the second wave ofGenerationstoys, Cybertronian Megatron is a toy is based on his appearance in the video gameTransformers: War for Cybertron,transforming into a Cybertronian self-propelled gun. The treads of his vehicle can be positioned in either a vertical configuration like a traditional tank, or in a horizontalhover-tankconfiguration. Megatron's spring-loaded cannon can attach to either arm. He also has an insignia on his back, but unlike Optimus, his is not hidden by kibble. LikeWar for CybertronSoundwave,his head has a light-piping gimmick that has been neutered by his painted eyes.
- Some units of the figure have Megatron's left internal shoulder strut misassembled, preventing that side of the tank mode from becoming properly flush to the body when transforming. This can be corrected by unscrewing and separating the outer shoulder structure, flipping the strut 180 degrees, and reassembling the shoulder covering.
- Also, the packaging image for his tank mode is flipped.
- This mold wasredecoedintoUnitedMegatron Cybertron Mode,Darkside Megatron,andKnights of UnicronMegatron.
- Rage over Cybertron(Multipack, 2011)
- Accessories:Fusion Cannon, missile
- Aredecoof Cybertronian Megatron with purple parts, a translucent purple cannon and purple and red paint details resembling the effects ofDark Energon,available in aToys "R" Usexclusivethree-pack with Cybertronian Optimus Prime and Cybertronian Bumblebee.
- Thestock phototo the right has hisvehicle modemis-transformed. His treads are left almost untransformed as his arms, but with his hands folded inside the treads, and the top panel on his left shoulder hasn't been rotated and pegged between his shoulders/tank front. Hisrobot modeis also mis-transformed, with his back panel not being pegged into his back and being left hanging behind his thighs.
First Edition
- Optimus Prime vs Megatron: A Rivalry Reborn(Entertainment Pack, 2011)
- Accessories:Fusion Cannon
- Known designers:Eric Siebenaler(Hasbro)
- Part ofPrime: First Edition,this Deluxe Class version of Megatron transforms into his alien ship mode. He comes with his Fusion Cannon, which can either be held with his hands in robot mode, or peg onto his jet mode by folding the handle in and pegging it behind his exposed, peeking head. It is also in this latter configuration for the cannon that the otherwise useless groove and tab on the cannon and its handle can be pegged onto the tab and otherwise useless socket on his right arm, giving him the classic, arm-mounted, yetstrangely undocumentedFusion Cannon configuration shown in hisstock photography.Funny enough, the blade from the Cyberverse Commander figure of the character can fit in the hole of the fusion cannon's mouth, which enables it to reenact fighting scenes with his sword.
- Speaking of undocumented features, hisinstructionsshow a noticeably different "completed" vehicle mode when compared to his stock photos. Specifically, the instructions completely neglect the extra steps to flip his wings out and form a moreshow-accuratevehicle mode, opting instead for a more slender, wingless vehicle mode. To achieve this undocumented form, his underside leg panels must be opened, flipped around and over to the top of the ship, be pegged onto a tab on the side of his intakes, and his pointy wingtips must be flipped out from underneath. He also has some clearance issues when transforming. His intakes and the panel that surrounds his head in vehicle mode tend to collide when the intakes are snugly angled into and out of the panel, often resulting in the intakes popping off the (detachable) plastic hinges that they're on. He also comes somewhat mis-transformed in the package, with the positions of the intakes and the panel on his back being switched around, with the panel being placedafterthe intakes, instead ofbefore.(Yeah, it's nearly impossible to do that, but for the sake of show-accuracy...)
- He comes with a similarly-scaledOptimus Primeand PVC figurines ofMiko Nakadai,Jack Darby,andRaf Esquivel,as well as a DVD of the "Series Premiere" episode "Masters & Students".
- For some reason, he has a movie-style Decepticon symbol.
- The toy was later retooled and redecoed intoTimelinesRampageandPirate Hunter.
- Megatron(Deluxe Class, 2011)
- Number:005
- Accessories:Fusion Cannon
- The Japanese release of Deluxe Class Megatron was packaged by itself on a card. The instructions show the proper vehicle mode, how to attach his fusion cannon to his arm, and the figure is transformed correctly in the box.
- The figure shares its ID number with the U.S. release ofTerrorconCliffjumper,which was not released in Japan'sFirst Editionline.
- Megatron(Cyberverse Commander, 2012)
- Series / Number:02 / 004
- Japanese Release Date:March 31,2012
- Japanese Number:EZ-02
- Accessories:Cyber sword
- Known designers:Joe Kyde(Hasbro)
- Part of the first wave ofPrimeSeries 2CyberverseCommander Class toys, Megatron features translucent purple plastic on his entire torso (although with the chest panels covering a portion of it) so that he can be illuminated by the lights from the larger play-sets. He comes with a translucent hard-plastic "cyber sword" weapon which features two3mm postsand a peg-hole in-between, allowing it to peg into either his hands, right wrist, left arm, Fusion Cannon, or back. The Hasbro release comes with a pack-in file card. Sadly, this toy boasts an incredibly accurate robot mode at the cost of a barely passable attempt at an alternate mode.
- In addition to the regular version, Megatron was also released in a special "advance release" assortment alongsideOptimus Prime,Bulkhead,andStarscream,with each figure including a mini-DVD that contains theTransformers: Primeepisode "Masters & Students".Yes, all four of them come with the same episode.
- While the transformation-related post on his arm-mounted Fusion Cannon may seem 3mm-compatible, it is actually slightly too big, and mounting the sword onto it may cause the sword's peg-hole to crack. The Decepticon Set version of the weapon, on the other hand; doesn't seem to have this issue.
- Decepticon Set(EZ Collection 6-pack,November 24,2012)
- ID number:EZ-SP2
- Accessories:Cyber sword
- Released as part of the "Deception Set" 6-pack along with theVehicon,Breakdown,Starscream,Knock Out,andTerrorcon Cliffjumper.This Megatron is a redeco of the Commander Class figure above, featuring darker metallic-gray paintable plastics to emulate thestock renderor his on-screen appearances (mostlybased on his damaged body inMasters and Students), with the paint mask being identical to the original figure.
- Unlike the original figure, his sword is cast in flexible plastic.Usually, it's the other way round.Some copies of the figure had the tip of the sword slightly dented due to the plastic ties.
- Unicron Megatron(Cyberverse Commander, 2014)
- Series / Number:3 / 010
- Accessories:Dark Energonsword
- Known designers:Joe Kyde(Hasbro),Mark Maher(deco artist)
- Part of the final wave ofPrime:Beast HuntersCyberverseCommander Class toys, Unicron Megatron is a straightredecoof Series 2CyberverseCommander Class Megatron, reflecting his depiction following his resurrection at the hands ofUnicroninPredacons Rising.His entire translucent section of the torso and his "Dark Energon sword" are changed into a slightly darker, more saturated shade of purple. As a straight redeco of a series 2 figure, Unicron Megatron is the only series 3 Commander Class figure to feature translucent plastic parts.
- Due to being released after the Christmas season and before the launching of theAge of Extinctiontoy line,Unicron Megatron and the other figures of hiswavewere ultimately only available in Hong Kong, Canada and Europe.
Robots in Disguise

All he needs now is ahooded cloak.(Arms Micron version pictured)
- Megatron(Voyager Class, 2012)
- Series / Number:01 / 002
- TakaraTomy name:Megatron Darkness
- TakaraTomy ID number:AM-15
- TakaraTomy release date:July 28,2012
- Accessories:Cannon & Combat Claw (Hasbro only), "Gora II" & "Hades" Arms Microns (TakaraTomy only)
- Part of the first wave ofPrime: Robots in DisguiseVoyager Class toys, this larger-scale Megatron also has a fair amount of translucent purple plastic in the torso and forearms, allowing them to be illuminated by the various light-up Voyager Class weapons in this line. He comes with two weapons: an arm cannon that deploys and illuminates (via LED) an under-slung blade when a plunger is pushed, as well as a combat claw. Both weapons peg via5mm postonto his hands, wrists, forearms, robot back, and vehicle roof. The combat claw pegs into his wrist, allowing the handle to rest on his hands as if he were holding it. The claw can also mount onto a peg-hole on top of the cannon when not in use.
- The TakaraTomy release of Voyager Megatron sports many differences.Megatron Darkness,part of the fifth wave of JapanesePrimeproduct, is said to be Megatron's reborn form, having "come back from Hell" (aka the events of "Sick Mind"and"Out of His Head"). His base plastics are shades of cold-gray as opposed to theHasbrowarm-grays, and his chestplates, shoulderplates and head have been given a silvervac-metalfinish. He comes with a silver-foilstickersheet that adds a lot of purple filigree designs to him in a matter similar to thee-HOBBYexclusiveGalvatron II.The Hasbro accessories have been replaced with a pair ofArms Micronkits;Gora II,a gorilla that becomes Megatron's fusion cannon, andHades,a massive bat that becomes a winged backpack or a giant scythe weapon.
- People who purchased Megatron Darkness fromAEONstores on his release date got a freeHellflame GuruArms Micron (while supplies last). Those who preordered Megatron Darkness throughAmazon Japangot a freeShining B.B.Arms Micron with their order.
- As part of the first wave of the JapanesePrimeline, this toy is aredecoandretoolingof the Deluxe-sizedFirst EditionMegatron toy. He has had some of hispaint operationsreplaced with customer-applied foilstickers(mostly the silver bits on his pelvis). His "backpack" has also been retooled to add 5mm posts and post-holes as part of the line-wide Arms Micron gimmick. Rather than coming with his original fusion cannon, he instead comes withGora,a gorilla-like robot who transforms into the fusion cannon, complete with flip-out blades.

"So,theythink they can outdousby giving theirblack repaintchrome, eh? We'll show them! Give him more translucent plastic! "
- Megatron(Dark Energon Voyager Class, 2012)
- Number:001
- Accessories:Cannon & Combat Claw
- Known designers:Andrew FranksandMark Maher(deco)
- Prime: Dark EnergonMegatron is aBigBadToyStore-exclusive redeco of RID Megatron, being cast in opaque dark blue, lavender, light-gray, and black plastics, and having warmer translucent-purple plastic. The entirety of his forearms and shoulder-pads are now cast in translucent-purple plastic, and his purple paint operations have been replaced by pink.
- Though he was packaged on an individual box, he was initially sold as part of a set withDark Energon Optimus Prime.He was eventually made available on his own, and all of the Dark Energon Series toys were eventually made available in Singapore as mass-retail releases. The Voyager Class toys, in particular, also saw mass-retail release in the Philippines.
- Final Battle Megatron(Voyager,2013)
- ID number:AM-33
- Release date:February 252013
- Accessories:Shadow Gabu, Shadow Baru, & Shadow Dai Arms Microns
- Part of the eleventh and final assortment of TakaraTomyPrimetoys, Final Battle Megatron is the mostshow-accurateredeco of the originalPrime: Robots in DisguiseVoyager mold to date, with silver paint across much of the figure, and is specifically intended to represent his appearance in the episodes "Alpha/Omega"through"Darkest Hour".As such, his right forearm is decoed (but sadly not remolded) to resembleLiege Maximo's forearm that he substitutes for his own in those episodes. Also per the show, he comes with the "Dark Energon Saber"in a place of a fusion cannon, which is represented by a smoky-translucent-black redeco of theDark Matter CaliburSuper Combo Weapon,composed of the Arms MicronsShadow Gabu,Shadow Baru,andShadow Dai.
- This figure was originally solicited as "Darkest Megatron".
Beast Hunters

- Megatron/Sharkticon Megatron(Voyager Class, 2013)
- Series / Number:02 / 006
- Accessories:Tartarex Warp Sword/Sharktooth Spear
- Part of the fourth wave ofPrime: Beast HuntersVoyager Class toys, Megatron is an extensiveSharkticon-homagingretoolof hisPrime: Robots in Disguisetoy. He transforms into a "beast jet", and he has a unique Decepticon insignia with beady eyes and a gaping maw of sharp teeth. He comes equipped with theTartarex Warp Sword,a fish-themed cannon that can convert into asword-harpoonthing which can he can wield via its 5mm handle.
- He has a minor assembly error in that the two-pronged sections within his shoulder-pads are swapped, preventing the shoulder-pads from slotting in place properly in his "beast jet" mode. They can be reversed by popping the pads off theirball joints,unscrewing the shoulder-pads, and swapping the parts. Good luck popping the shoulder-pads off their ball joints, though.
- Hisinstructionsrefer to him as "Sharkticon Megatron" and his weapon the "Sharktooth Spear". There also exists apackagingvariantfor this toy: Early shipments simply called the toy "Megatron" and his weapon the "Tartarex Warp Sword", whereas a later running change version changed the packaging to reflect the names given in the instructions. His instructions also include thetwenty-second chapterof theTales of the Beast Huntersseries.
- This figure was used to represent Megatron'sSharkticon Matrix-enhanced form in the novelRetribution.
10 Year Anniversary
- Hades Megatron(2021)
- Accessories:"Gora II" & "Hades" Arms Microns
- Released to commemorate the 10th anniversary ofPrime,"Hades Megatron" is essentially a re-release of the TakaraTomy Voyager-sizedMegatron Darknessfigure, complete with Arms Microns.
- Hades Megatron was exclusively released byHasbro Pulsein the U.S. and Canada.
- Battle for Energon(2012)
- Set number:98812
- Pieces:379
- Kreons:Optimus Prime, Megatron, Security Officer, Tank Driver
- Accessories:Blade
- This set's Megatrons are based more on thePrimeincarnation... mostly. The larger Megatron is a smaller, simpler build than the first big kit, and makes use of ball-and-socket parts for increased articulation. It can be rebuilt into a tank (rather reminiscent ofRevenge of the FallenMegatron), The Megatron Kreon'stampographsare based directly on thePrimecartoon model, and his right hand has been replaced by a clear-purple curved blade. He also has a clear-purple extra "energon" torso piece.
- This set also comes with aOptimus Primetruck/robot build, a miniature bank playset with opening/breakaway vault to hold the set's "ultimate Dark Energon weapon"piece (though it also contains stickers that can make the bank into a museum), and Kreons ofPrime-styled Megatron, a humanSecurity Officerand evil humanTank Driver.
- Knight Megatron(Kreon Warrior, January 2015)
- Collection:1
- Accessories: Sword, shield, display plate
- Part of the first series ofblindbaggedKreon Warriors, Megatron is a Kreon with tampographs that approximateGeneration 1 Megatron's body armor with elements that resemble medieval armor. Amusingly, he wears his sword on his arm (as if it were a fusion cannon) rather than holding it in his hand. Most of his accessories and armor come from theKre-O Dungeons & Dragonsseries.
- Unfortunately, the Kreon Warriors all came in bags thatcompletelylack any way to identify the contents, forcing buyers to use the "feel through the bag" method to determine what's inside.
- Like all Kreon Warriors, Megatron was never released in the United States.
- Ninja Megatron(Kreon Warrior, January 2015)
- Collection:1
- Accessories: Sickle, 2 pegged shuriken, display plate
- Part of the first series of Kreon Warriors, Ninja Megatron depicts the Decepticon leader done up in a ninja motif (because when you think "stealth", you think Megatron, right?). In lieu of a fusion cannon, he wears a scythe on his arm. He features a ninja star affixed to each leg.
- Like all Kreon Warriors, Megatron was never released in the United States.
- Wild West Megatron(Kreon Warrior, 2015)
- Collection:2
- Accessories: Dynamite, clip-on gatling gun, display plate
- Part of the second series of Kreon Warriors, Wild West Megatron is a steampunk-cowboy version of the Decepticon Leader. He features a purple scarf, wagon wheels on his legs, a small payload of dynamite, and wears a gatling gun on his arm where his fusion cannon would be.
- Like all Kreon Warriors, Megatron saw no United States release.Tarnation!
- Samurai Megatron(Kreon Warrior, 2015)
- Collection:2
- Accessories: 2 katana, display plate
- Part of the second series of Kreon Warriors, Samurai Megatron is, as his name implies, a samurai-themed version of Megatron with paint operations that approximate his robotic elements as samurai armor. He wears a mount on his back which can hold his two katana, and wears a wagon wheel on each leg.
- As with the rest of the Kreon Warriors, Samurai Megatron was never released in the United States.
- Army Megatron(Kreon Warrior, 2016?)
- Collection:3
- Accessories: gun, grenade, flame effect, gas mask, display plate
- Part of the canceled third series of Kreon Warriors, Army Megatron would have been a World War II-era themed Megatron. He includes a purple gas mask and a flame effect for his cannon weapon, as well as a small grenade.
- Although no Kreon Warriors were ever released in the United States, the third wave was never releasedanywhere,however many finished and bagged samples made their way onto the secondary market.
- Pirate Megatron(Kreon Warrior, 2016?)
- Collection:3
- Accessories: Sword, clip-on cannon, display plate
- Part of the canceled third series of Kreon Warriors, Pirate Megatron was to be a salty sea-dog version of Megatron complete with a Decepticon-Jolly Rogertampographedon his chest. He wears an iron cannon on his arm where his fusion cannon would usually be were he not a pirate.
- Although no Kreon Warriors were ever released in the United States, the third wave was never releasedanywhere,however many finished and bagged samples made their way onto the secondary market.
- Megatron(Battle Changers, 2017?)
- Set Number:B5586/B0774
- Pieces:75
- Battle Changer Megatron is based closely on hisPrimecounterpart, having tampographs and stickers that match his chassis in the show. But the alt-mode is...harder to discern, transforming into a Cybertronian jet-thing that bears little resemblance to the original alt mode.
- Like his wavemateIronhide,he was only available at Dollar General, Walgreens, and other discount chains.
- Unicron Megatron with Ratbat and Barrage(Triple Team, 2014)
- Accessories:Sword, gun, missile
- Based onPrimeMegatron's appearance when he was possessed byUnicron,Unicron Megatron transforms into a Cybertronian jet encrusted with rocks. He comes with tiny minionsBarrageandRatbat.He is armed with amassivesword and a projectile launching cannon with beetle mandibles.
- The final product differs slightly from the initial product shots, lacking the silver paint on the abdomen area and having his hands cast in a much lighter shade of grey.
- Like pretty much every otherBeast HuntersConstruct-Bot, Unicron Megatron and his little minions never saw release in the United States.
Studio Series
- Gamer Edition Megatron(Voyager Class,2023)
- Game:War for Cybertron
- Hasbro ID number:+04
- TakaraTomy ID number:SS GE-04
- Accessories:Fusion Cannon,two-part Mace, "Secure the Station" backdrop
- Known designers:Sam Smith(Hasbro),Koki Yamada(TakaraTomy)[1]
- The second Voyager released as part of theStudio SeriesGamer Editionsubline, "Gamer Edition Megatron" is based on his appearance in theWar for Cybertronvideo game, transforming into a Cybertronian hovertank in 21 steps. Oddly, Megatron is based on hisconcept art designinstead of his final in-game model. Notable differences include his chest and left forearm details in robot mode and the longer tank barrel, larger cowcatcher, and more sloped front half of his tank mode. He does not have the engraved Decepticon insignia on his back like his game counterpart and theoriginalGenerationsfigure.
- Megatron comes with his fusion cannon and mace. As a result of prioritizing its appearance in tank mode, his fusion cannon lacks the detailing seen in robot mode. His mace stores on top of the tank mode and, undocumented, on his robot back. Like otherGamer Editionfigures, his right forearm can be detached to equip his cannon or otherGamer Editionweapons, though this also goes unmentioned in his instructions. Unfortunately, there is no storage for the detached forearm.
- Megatron's knees suffer from a bafflingdesign flawthat restricts his knee articulation to about 45 degrees. There are large downward-pointing tabs on the backs of the knees, unused in either mode, that block off the articulation for no clear reason. These tabs are not present in the instructions, meaning they were either a late change or a potential error. Cutting the tabs off to create proper knee joint clearance doesn't seem to negatively affect the figure in any way. Alternatively, his calves can be opened up to get around the tab for almost 90 degrees of bend without modifying the figure.
- He went up for preorder on smaller online retailers before being announced.
- The mold was retooled intoComic EditionAutobot Flame.
- Megatron(Happy Meal, 2012)
- McNumber:2
- Accessories:Missile
- Happy Meal Megatron is a nontransformable space jet! A spring-loaded paddle is launched when his robot mode head is pressed down, and when the fusion cannon on the back of the vehicle is pushed forward, a yellow LED shines out the front of it. An on/off switch on the jet's underside enables or disables the light feature.
- Megatron(Happy Meal, 2013)
- Accessories:Missile
- The exact opposite of the first Happy meal Megatron, This Happy Meal Megatron is a non-transforming fairly accurate model of his robot mode. A spring loaded projectile is launched from his fusion cannon when the button on his arm is pressed down.
Kinder Surprise
- Transformers: Prime(2014)
- Only available inside a blindpacked chocolate egg as part of Kinder'sTransformers: Primeseries, this buildable Megatron mini-figure consists of a generic "cog" onto which his limbs and armor can be clipped to construct him. He has articulation on his shoulders and upper legs.
Thrilling 30
- Megatron(Collectible Figurine, 2014)
- Series / Number:1 / #7
- Accessories:Collector's base
- A super-deformed Megatron was released among the blindpackedThrilling 30Collectible FigurinesbyGoldie Marketing.He comes with a base to help him stand, a collector's card that doubles as a puzzle piece, and a checklist.
- Collectible Figurines(5-pack, 2014)
- Series:1
- Accessories:5 collector's bases
- The same Megatron figurine was also available in a 5-pack alongsideOptimus Prime,Ratchet,StarscreamandBulkhead.
Eaglemoss cards
R.E.D. [Robot Enhanced Design]
- Megatron(2022)
- Accessories:blade, 2 alternate hands,Fire Blast effects
- Part of the seventh wave ofTransformers R.E.D.,Megatron is a non-transforming 6-inch scale (though closer to 7 inches) action figure akin to the ones from Hasbro'sMarvelLegendsandStar WarsThe Black Serieslines. He is highly articulated and features extensive paint operations forshow-accuracy.
- Megatron comes with two pairs of hands in total: closed fists, and hands for gripping accessories. He also includes a large blade accessory that clips into his forearm, between his hand and hisfusion cannon.Both weapons have their own dedicated blast effect; the blade has a criss-cross of arcingDark Energonelectricity that slides over the business end, and the fusion cannon has a truly girthy blaster discharge.
- Megatron's box was among the first in theR.E.D.range to remove the familiar plastic window on the front, instead favouring a closed cardboard design so as to minimise plastic waste. As with, Megatron was a Walmart exclusive in Canada and the United States, and was later made available onHasbro Pulsein limited quantities.
Arms Up Modes
In the JapanesePrimetoyline, Megatron has named powered-up modes when given variousArms Micronsin certain configurations:
- Crusher Mode(クラッシャーモードKurasshā Mōdo)
- Arms Microns:Baro, Gora
- Megatron's "Crusher Mode", as seen on his box-back photo, uses a combined-weapon made up of Gora in "extended-cannon" mode, withBaroin drill mode at the end, attached to Megatron's arm.
- Darkness Mode(ダークネスモードDākunesu Mōdo)
- Arms Microns:Baro (x2), Gora II, Guru, Hades, Igu, Jida, Noji, Zori
- This is one heavy loadout! Megatron Darkness's Arms Up Mode has him wearingHadesas wings, withNojiandIguin weapon modes in the inner part of each wing, and a pair ofBarosin shield/shurikenmode, one on each wingtip. (Presumably, Baro G will work as a substitute for one of them.) He carriesJidain scissors mode in his left hand, and wields thePlanet Bowgunin his right.
- Decepticons Full Armor Mode(ディセプティコンズフルアーマーモードDiseptikonzu Furu Āmā Mōdo)
- Arms Microns:Baro, Baro G, Baru, Dai, Gabu, Gora, Gora II, Gura, Guru, Hades, Igu, Jida, Jida R, Noji, Zamu, Zori
- Featured in episode 17 ofFrom the Cybertron Satellite, Transformers Division,this mode has Megatron Darkness combine with every Decepticon Arms Micron released at the point of his release. He wears Hades as wings, with Baro and Baro G attached to the wingtips, Jida and Jida R in the center, and Igu and Noji in the inner parts. Gora,Zamuand Zori form a cannon attached to his left arm, while Gora II and Guru form another one on his right. He wieldsGurain his left hand and theDark Matter Caliburin his right. Yowza.
- Long Spear Mode(ロングスピアモードRongu Supia Mōdo)
- Arms Microns:Gora II, Gura, Hades, Ida, Igu, Noji, Zamu
- Featured in episode 28 ofTransformers Division,Megatron Darkness's "Long Spear Mode" has him wielding theLong Spearweapon formed by Gura andIda.He also wears Gora II on the right arm and Zamu on his left, and like previous two forms, is equipped with Hades with Igu and Noji attached over his shoulders.
- Ultimate Mode(アルティメットモードArutimetto Mōdo)
- Arms Microns:Gora II E, Guru B, Ida B, Noji B, Shadow Baru, Shadow Dai, Shadow Gabu, Zori CS
- BIG SWORD. This version uses Final Battle Megatron for its base. The Dark Energon Saber is augmented by adding Gora II E and Guru B to the end, as Megatron wears Ida B as an arm-guard on the Prime arm, while Noji B and Zori CS make a back-mounted cannon. Hoo boy.