From Transformers Wiki
- Mol is aMaximalfrom theBeast Eraportion of theGeneration 1continuity family.
Molis an ancient task drone, recently reformatted after being offline for eons, due to the machinations ofDecepticons.In the present day, he now uses his digging abilities towards finding organic life onCybertron,or sabotages theVehicons' effort to eradicate the Maximals by planting sophisticated silicon-encased explosives close to the enemy's emplacements. Although he is reliable, he possesses a negative-attitude, and is often depressed. Nonetheless, he possesses offensive capabilities, and can fire his metal tearing, serrated circular blade that slices through Vehicon circuits.
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3H comics

Having recently been discovered by Nightscream, Mol and his fellow DeployersRavandDillowere escorting the young Maximal andOptimus Primalback to their hidden base when they were stopped cold by a squad ofVehiconTank Drones.Things looked grim for the group untilRamulus,Primal PrimeandApelinqarrived and were all super-awesome and unstoppable. The whole group then journeyed underground, where theOraclegave the gathered Cybertronians their tasks. The shifty MaximalPackratconvinced the Deployers to join up with theWreckerscrew.
The Deployers took part in the later battle for the Autobot shuttle that would take the Wreckers off-planet, fighting through hundreds of Vehicon drones. However, once they were on board and off-planet, the Deployers,SpittorandSonarwere battered insensible by a stowaway, the bounty hunterDevcon.Departure
Things didn't get much better for Mol and crew, as an act of sabotage byCyclonussent explosions rocking through the ship. The section the Deployers, Spittor and Sonar were in was jettisoned by Packrat, leaving the five to die a fiery death in deep space.Betrayal
2005 IDW continuity
Mol was one ofOnyx Prime'sMaximals.After his master invadedCybertronand felledMetrotitan,Mol was sent out ofNemesisunderLiege Maximo's command to root out theTitan's companions.The Hallowing
Mol was one of the many warriors who wound up battlingArceeand fell to his death when Arcee disrupted thegravity generatorin Nemesis.Unforgivable
Beast Machines
- Mol(Basic, 2000)
- Accessories:Buzzsaw-missile
- Mol is a red and yellow mechanical mole, with a spinning drill-nose. He features a quick-change transformation into a battle emplacement, and is equipped with a spring-loaded launcher that fires a buzzsaw-shaped missile.
- Mol(Basic, 2000)
- Accessories:Buzzsaw-missile
- The "running change"redecoof Mol retains all his original features, but now in blue and green. The color changes were not reflected on the packaging, which still showed the original colors.
- The redeco of Mol was—according to store listings—originally supposed to be named "Burro",just as the other two redecoedDeployerswere to be renamed. Why this plan changed is unknown.